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Immediate Family
About Isabel de Dover, of Chilham
Alexander Baliol married Isabel de Chilham, de Dover, or De Warrenne, da. of Richard de Fitzroy or De Chilham, natural son of King John of England. She was relict of David, Earl of Athol, and resided at Chilham Castle, Kent, where she died in 1292, and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral, where her tomb exists.
From http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/pp/plantagenet1.php#link5
CP (Balliol of Cavers) points out that the common notion that this Alexander was a younger brother of King John Baliol is erroneous.
Alexander de Baliol of Cavers m. (c1270) Isabel de Chilham (b after 1245, d by 01.05.1292, dau of Richard de Dover of Chilham)
- (A) Sir Thomas de Baliol of Cavers possibly father or grandfather of ... (i) Sir Thomas de Baliol of Cave (ii) Isabel de Baliol m. Ranald More
- (B) Sir Henry Baliol, 1st of Hoprig
- (C) William Baillie, 2nd of Hoprig
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Mar 4 2017, 5:31:41 UTC
- https://archive.org/stream/memorialsoffamil00scot#page/89/mode/1up
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Mar 4 2017, 8:22:43 UTC
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Isabel de Dover, of Chilham's Timeline
1245 |
Chilham, Kent, England
1267 |
Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
1270 |
Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
1271 |
Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
1273 |
Cavers, Teviotdale, Roxburghshire, Scotland
1292 |
March 18, 1292
Age 47
Canterbury, Kent, , England
Age 47
Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom