Historical records matching Ives V de Beaumont sur Oise, II, comte de Beaumont
Immediate Family
half sister
About Ives V de Beaumont sur Oise, II, comte de Beaumont
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/PARIS%20REGION%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc4... (update 1 Oct 2022)
IVES [II] de Beaumont (-[22 May] [1083/91]). “Ivo...Belmontensis castri comes” donated property to la Trinité de Fécamp by charter dated to after 1027, subscribed by “Ivonis comitis, [J]osfredi filii eius, Ivonis clerici eius filii sui fratris, Alberici eius filii”[24]. "Comes Ivo cum filio meo simili nomine…clerico et canonico…cum mea propria conjuge Emma et ceteris omnibus meis liberis" donated "castrum Confluentie" to Saint-Wandrigisel by charter dated 1039, signed by "Ivo…comes…Ivo clericus…comes Goffredus, Albericus, Gelduini vicecomitis…Odonis filii supradicti comitis, Gosberti fratris eiusdem Odonis"[25]. Ives must have resigned his ecclesiastical appointments soon after the date of this charter, as the following sources do not mention his church positions and because the birth of his daughter can be estimated to [before 1045] (see below). "…Ivonis filii Ivonis comitis de Bello Monte…" witnessed a charter dated to [1042/44] under which "Guanilo thesaurarius Sancti Martini" donated property to Marmoutier[26]. "…Yvonis filii Yvonis comitis…" subscribed the charter dated to [1049/60] which records the agreement between the abbey of Monmajour and Chartres Notre-Dame[27]. Comte de Beaumont-sur-Oise. The identity of Ives [II] Comte de Beaumont as the son of Comte Ives [I] is confirmed by the undated charter under which “comes Matheus...laudantibus conjuge mea Aeles et liberis meis” [Mathieu [II] Comte de Beaumont] confirmed the exemption from navigation duties to the monks of Saint-Wandrille de Fontenelle granted by “Ivo comes cum filio suo simile nomine scilicet clerico et canonico, cui jure hereditario post discessus sui cursum castrum Confluencie tribuendo concessit, cum sua propria conjuge Emma...”[28]. "…Ivonis comitis Belli Montis…" subscribed the charter dated 1071 under which "Buccardus…Corbolensium comes" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Spire de Corbeil[29]. He founded Conflans Sainte-Honorine in 1080: “Ivo comes de Bellomonte et Adelhidis uxor eius” donated “ecclesia Sanctæ Honorinæ de Confluencio” to the monastery of Bec by charter dated 1080[30]. The Chronicon Beccensis Abbatiæ records that "Yvo de Bellomonte comes uper Isarum et Adelidis uxor eius" donated "ecclesia B. Honorinæ de Confluentium” to Bec in 1082[31]. "Mainerium, fratrem Symonis de Monte Forti" donated property, with the consent of "Simone fratre eius comiteque Belli Montis Ivonis", by charter dated to before 1091, which also names "domnus Simon, filio suo Amalrico"[32]. The necrology of Beaumont Saint-Léonor records the death “XI Kal Jun” of “Iuo comes qui adstruxit ecclesiam Sancti Leonorii”[33].
m firstly JUDITH, daughter of ---. She is named as wife of Ives and mother of Adelise by Orderic Vitalis[34].
m secondly ADELAIS, daughter of --- (-8 Apr 1099). “Ivo comes de Bellomonte et Adelhidis uxor eius” donated “ecclesia Sanctæ Honorinæ de Confluencio” to the monastery of Bec by charter dated 1080[35]. The Chronicon Beccensis Abbatiæ records that "Yvo de Bellomonte comes uper Isarum et Adelidis uxor eius" donated "ecclesia B. Honorinæ de Confluentium” to Bec in 1082[36]. [Depoin says that Adelais “devait appartenir à la maison de Gournay”, citing the necrology of Beaumont-Saint-Léonor which records the death of Hugues de Gournay (“X Kal Nov...Hugo de Gornayo”[37]%29 and suggesting that Hugues, younger brother of Mathieu [I] Comte de Beaumont, was named after him[38]. However, there is no indication to which Hugues de Gournay this necrology entry relates, nor of the time when he lived. The idea is interesting, but the data on which the hypothesis rests is too imprecise to suggest that it is probable.] The Necrologium Bellimontense records the death “VI Id Apr” of “Adeledis comitissa Bellimontis”[39]. The year of her death is ascertained as follows. Depoin records that “la plus ancienne vie de saint Gautier, premier abbé de Saint-Martin de Pontoise” (he provides no precise citation reference for this source) records his death “le vendredi saint, et le même jour fut le dernier de la comtesse”[40]. The necrology of Pontoise Saint-Martin records the death “VI Id Apr” of “apud castrum Pontisariense...Sancti Galteri abbatis”[41], which coincides with the date of death of Adelais reported in the Necrologium Bellimontense. According to the calculations of Cheney, the only years in the mid- to late 11th and early 12th centuries when Goof Friday fell on 8 April were 1037, 1099 and 1110[42]. Of these, the second appears to be the only year which is possible from a chronological point of view.
Ives [II] & his first wife had one child:
i) ADELISE de Beaumont ([before 1045]-Rouen 11 Jul 1091, bur Saint-Evroul). Orderic Vitalis records that “Hugo de Grentemaisnilio” married “Adelidem filiam Ivonis comitis de Bellomonte”[43]. Her birth date is estimated based on the estimated birth date of her oldest known son. She owned Peatling Magna, in the possession of Leofric in 1086 in Domesday Book[44]. Orderic Vitalis records the death “Rotomagi V Id Jul” of “Adeliza...Ivonis de Bellomonte comitis, de Judæa genetrice, filia”, wife of Hugues de Grantmesnil, seven years before her husband died and her burial at Ouche, adding that she and her husband has six sons and six daughters[45]. m ([before 1060][46]) HUGUES de Grantmesnil, son of ROBERT de Grantmesnil & his wife Hawise --- (-in England 22 Feb 1098, bur Saint-Evroul).
Ives [II] & his second wife had [one] child:
ii) [ADELA de Beaumont . A fragmentary chronicle of the dukes of Aquitaine names "Adellia…Yvonis filia comitis Bellimontis atque Adeliæ Comitissæ" as wife of “Willelmus…domini Philippi Franciæ Regis Camerarius” and mother of “Hugonem, Willelmum et Mahaudam”[47]. However, as further discussed in the document AQUITAINE DUKES, this source is spurious and is reliable. Until another source emerges which corroborates Adela’s origin and marriage, the information should be treated with caution. m GUILLAUME du Puy-du-Fou, son of RENAUD du Puy-du-Fou & his wife Helvise . It should be noted that, according to Europäische Stammtafeln[48], the parents of Guillaume were Galéran "Blanchard" de Senlis & his second wife Héloise de Pithiviers.]
iii) MATHIEU [I] de Beaumont ([1070/73]-1 Jan 1155). According to Père Anselme, Mathieu [I] Comte de Beaumont was the son of Ives [II] Comte de Beaumont and his second wife Adela[49]. Douet d’Arcq repeats the information, citing no other source[50]. No primary source has been identified which confirms that the affiliation is correct. However, the mention of Comte Mathieu [I] for the first time in [1090/91] suggests that it might be, assuming that he and his full siblings were born much later than their older half-sister. Comte de Beaumont. Orderic Vitalis records that "Matthæus comes de Bellomonte et Guillelmus de Guarenna" fought against Robert de Montgommery “de Bellême” who had attacked neighbouring lands, dated to [1090/91][51].
- see below.
iv) HUGUES de Beaumont (-15 Jul
). The necrology of the priory of Beaumont-sur-Oise records the death "Id Jul" of "Hugo frater Methei comitis, Agnes soror eius"[52]. m AGNES de Croisilles, daughter of ALARD Seigneur de Croisilles & his wife Havide ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.
v) AGNES de Beaumont (-before 1105). The necrology of the priory of Beaumont-sur-Oise records the death "Id Jul" of "Hugo frater Methei comitis, Agnes soror eius"[53]. same person as…? AGNES (-before 1105). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Duchesne cites no primary source which confirms the parentage of Bouchard [III]’s first wife but he highlights that Ivo [III] Comte de Beaumont-sur-Oise founded the priory of Sainte-Honorine at Conflans, near Pontoise and that this property was later held by Bouchard [III] Seigneur de Montmorency[54]. m as his first wife, BOUCHARD [III] Seigneur de Montmorency, son of HERVE Seigneur de Montmorency & his wife Agnes --- (-Jerusalem [2 Jan], after 1124).
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 4 2016, 9:13:14 UTC
Ives V de Beaumont sur Oise, II, comte de Beaumont's Timeline
1040 |
Beaumont-Sur-Oise, France
1073 |
Beaumont-sur-Oise, Val d'Oise, , Ile-de-France, France
1080 |
1083 |
Age 43
La Risle, Beaumont-le-Roger, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
???? |