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Jacobus Steyn

Also Known As: "Jacob", "Steijn", "Stein", "Stijn"
Birthplace: Caap de Goede Hoop, South Africa
Death: 1752 (64-73)
Cape Town, Caap de Goede Hoop, South Africa
Place of Burial: South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of Douwe Gerbrandt (FKA Gerbens) Steyn, SV/PROG 1; Douwe Gerbrandt Steyn; Maria Lozee, SM and Maria Steyn
Husband of Maria Steyn
Father of Maria Steyn, b1c1 SM; Douwe Steyn; Hermanus d'Oude Steyn; Sibella Steyn, b1c4; Emerentia Schephausen / Malan and 7 others
Brother of Anna Prins
Half brother of Aege Douwes and Gerben Douwes

Occupation: Farmer/Butcher
DvN: b1
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Jacobus Steyn

Jacobus Steyn b1 About version 20140708

Brief summary:

Parents: Unknown father X Maria Losëe. Two theories about his father. First: Probably Douwe Gerbrandt Steyn SV. Second and possible: Some other person.

Birth: Cabo (dist of Cape Town), South Africa before 29 August 1683. He was born before his mother married Douwe Gerbrandt Steyn in 1685.

Baptism: NG Kerk Cape Town, South Africa 29 August 1683.

X Stellenbosch 24 October 1706 Maria Potgieter *bef.31 August 1687 ≈31 August 1687

They had 11 children:

c1 Maria ≈14 August 1707

c2 Douwe ≈27 January 1709

c3 Hermanus ≈12 July 1711

c4 Sibella ≈7 October 1714; died young

c5 Emerentia ≈21 March 1717

c6 Jacobus ≈15 October 1719; twins with c7; died young

c7 Sibella ≈15 October 1719; twins with c6

c8 Jacobus ≈25 April 1723

c9 Paulus ≈1 October 1724

c10 Maria ≈21 September 1727

c11 Anna ≈21 August 1729

The two main Steyn branches come from c3 Hermanus and c8 Jacobus

Jacobus Steijn involved in buying and selling slaves:

1712.02.12 Lijsbeth f U SELLER: Beeletje Fredericks BUYER:Jacob Steijn

1715.03.25 Scipio m Malaba AGE: 22 SELLER:Willem Helot BUYER:Jacob Steijn

1715.03.27 Anthonij m Cochin AGE:18 SELLER:Willem Helot BUYER:Jacob Steijn

1721.11.29 Cupido m Bengal SELLER: Cornelis Valk BUYER:Jacob Steijn

1724.04.27 Carel m Batavi SELLER: Jacob Steijn BUYER: Anthonij Lombard

1724.08.21 Truij f Creole SELLER: Jacob Steijn BUYER: Hans Jurgen Potgieter

1724.08.21 Jager m Bogies SELLER:Jacob Steijn BUYER: Hans Potgieter

Jacobus in the Cape Muster Roll:

1703 page 35: Jacobus Steijn

1712 page 257: Jacobus Steijn & Maria Harmense

1713 page 280: Jacobus Steijn & Maria Potgieter

Source: communications from Marie Vermeulen-Boshoff


Reliable dates of birth of his children are found in recent publications only. Older publications about the Steyn family tree have big mix-ups.

Other information

Jacobus was still alive in 1733 as he and his wife were listed in the Monsterrol 1733: 't Caabse District 'Jacobus Stijn & Maria Potgieter'


Genealogical DNA Test will resolve the questions about the biological father of Jacobus Steyn

Jacobus is the biological progenitor (stamvader) of the largest Steyn family in South Africa. He officially became part of the family of Douwe Gerbrandt Steyn in 1685 age 2 when Douwe married his mother. No-one is exactly sure who his father was. Throughout his lifetime he used the surname Steijn and is mentioned in the will of Douwe Gerbrandt Steyn as the ‘voorzoon’ (son born before marriage) of Maria Losëe but treated as the son of Douwe.

There has also been some speculation that his father might have been the father of Alexandrina (Sandrina) Maxwell, whose husband is thought to have bought Maria as slave.

If enough STEYN descendants have their genealogical DNA tested with or a similar company, we will not only be able to trace our common ancestry, but we might also be able to discover who the biological father of Jacobus was. Until now that has been a mystery, but with genealogical DNA testing, we might be able to solve the puzzle since the number of males in the Cape at the time were very limited.

So: if at all possible, please do the test with familytreedna


Owned the property 'Welgemeend' which is where Kamp Street is in Cape Town now.

Was a butcher and brewer of brandy.

He was a free burgher.

De la Fontaine describes him as a poor man.


@R-1093571923@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree

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Jacobus Steyn's Timeline

August 29, 1683
Caap de Goede Hoop, South Africa

Note by LC 'Chris' Steyn: I dated his birth at 'about 29 August 1683' simply to show in Geni that he was born before he was baptized.

August 29, 1683
Dutch Reformed Church, Cape Town, South Africa

From the transcription of the Cape Town Baptisms 1683:

Den 29 dito (August)
de moeder Maria Lossee
juffrou Koon (getuige)

Source: Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696.

VC 603 is a photocopy made during the 1980s of the original, made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town repository and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series).

The original register is now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1.

The transcription was originally made in 2006 by Richard Ball. Corrections were received from Delia Robertson and Alwyn Smit and Corney Keller had now completely revised and amended the original transcript (February 2012).

Taken from

8, 1685
Age 1
Manumitted/Adopted Father unknown
Age 1
Manumitted/Adopted Father unknown