Jacque Delporte reached the Cape in 1699 with his wife, Sara Vitout, whom he married, presumably at Veere, in October 1698 shortly before embarking on the Cattendijk. Their eldest child Marie must be the child baptized at Drakenstein on October 4, 1699… Jacques Delporte was not, as in Botha, from Lille itself, but from a nearby locality. The name, in the form La Porte, was not uncommon in the Lille region. * Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA. CHAPTER NINE Cape settlers V: from Flanders to Alsace on the turbulent frontier p262
Jacques de la PORTE (vandag bekend as DELPORT) van Ryssel (Lille), was 'n Franse Hugenoot wat in 13 April 1699 aangekom het op die Cattendyk met sy vrou Sara VITOUT met wie hy in Oktober 1698 getrou het. Hulle het Nederland op 10 Des 1698 verlaat. Hy was 'n landbouer in Drakenstein, hy besit ook van 1721 tot 1733 die plaas Ontdekkers- vlei naby St. Omar, Daljosafat. Hy is op 9 Desember 1739 oorlede. Hy het 3 seuns en 3 dogters gehad.
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
Shared Note:
From Ryssel, French Flandre. Arrived 1699 with his wife on th ship "Cattendyk" and established himself in Drakenstein as farmer.
Sy van word ook soms de La Porte gespel. Hy was van Ryssel (Lille, Frankryk). Hy is in Oktober 1698 met Sara Vitout getroud en drie maande later (10 Desember 1798) verlaat hulle Nederland op die skip "Cattendyk" (as Franse Hugenote). Hulle arriveer op 13 April 1699 in die Kaap.
Hy word 'n landbouer in Drakenstein, hy besit ook van 1721 tot 1733 die plaas Ontdekkers-vlei, naby St. Omar, Daljosafat. Hy is op 9 Desember 1739 oorlede. Hy het 3 seuns en 3 dogters gehad.
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
Jacques de la Porte ook genoem: Jacque Delporte gebore Lille, Frans-Vlaandere, verw: a, beroe p: Boer, (96) trou ?? Okt 1698, in Veere, Sara Vitu, sterf 1724. Jacques sterf 9 Des 1739. Ar riveer op 13 Apr 1699 met die "Cattendijk" aan die Kaap met sy vrou. (Die skip het Nederland op 10 Des 1698 verlaat). Hy boer in Drakenstein. Hy besit ook van 1721 tot 1733die plaas On tdekkers- vlei naby St. Omar, Daljosafat. Die van verander mettertyd na Delporte en later n a Delport.Jacques de la PORTE (vandag bekend as DELPORT) van Ryssel (Lille), was 'n Franse Hugenoot wat in 13 April 1699 aangekom het op die Cattendyk met sy vrou Sara VITOUT met wie hy in Oktober 1698 getrou het. Hulle het Nederland op 10 Des 1698 verlaat. Hy was 'n landbouer in Drakenstein, hy besit ook van 1721 tot 1733 die plaas Ontdekkers- vlei naby St. Omar, Daljosafat. Hy is op 9 Desember 1739 oorlede. Hy het 3 seuns en 3 dogters gehad.
1. Maria ~ Paarl 4 Okt 1699 x Andries Thibaut
2. Izaak ~ 30 Nov 17023. Pieter ~ 4 Okt 1704 burger Drakenstein x 21 Des 1727 Anna Elisabeth Maree xx 21 Maart 1756 Margaretha Schreuder weduwee van Willem Beyers
4. Susanna ~ 20 Maart 1707 x 25 Feb 1725 Pieter Jordaan
5. Sara ~ 8 Nov 1711 x Johannes Maree
6. Jacobus x 13 Jun 1734 Susanna Maree
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
Kennethl@xtra.co.nz <mailto:Kenneth@xtra.co.nz>
Among the agriculturists and vinedressers are to be found
the names of Josue Cellier of Orleans, who was also a car-
penter, Jean du Buis of Calais, Jean and Jacques Nourtier,
Jacques of Ryssel (now Lille), arrived in 1699 in
the Cattendyk with his wife Sara Vitu or Vitout,
q.v. He was an agriculturist at Drakenstein,
and died on the 9th December, 1739, his wife
having predeceased him in 1724. In the
Drakenstein (Paarl) church register the follow-
ing appears : " Jacque de porte et Sara Vitout
il on presante eux meme un petit enfant que
dieu Leur a donne, au saint bapteme le 4
Octobre, 1699." For reference to the Vitu
family see under that name. Several descen-
dants living.
and Jacques de la Porte of Lille.
Reference no.: MOOC8/4.50
Jacque Delporte * naby Rijswijck (Lille) a. 1699 met vrou aan boord Cattendyk, wat Nederland op 10 Des. 1698 verlaat het † 9.12.1739 x Veere, Okt. 1698 Sara VITOUT † c. 1724
1. Voorvader van Roberto Marcelo Levingston Laborda, Presidente de Argentina b. January 19, 1920, San Luis, Argentina; d. June 17, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina-
2. PORTE (JACQUES DE LA), squire, lord of Saint-Genis in part, Mirambeau [ 8 ] and Courpignac, served in the armies of King Louis XIII and received from this monarch, on 6 November 1635, a commission for To raise a company of one hundred men of war in the regiment of Saintonge.
He married on May 6, 1613 Catherine DE MOREL [ 9 ] , lady Chadurie, eldest daughter of Raymond, Esquire, Lord of Thiac and Nanteuil, in Périgord, and Vigier rooms and Jacquette Raimond Relite said fire Lord of Thiac, and who was then wife of the lord of Chatillon since May 6th, 1613; She had as elder brother Jean de Morel, squire, lord of Thiac and the Vigier de Salles, aged 25, living in the noble house of Salles, barony of Villebois (now Valletta), where the contract was concluded before Joyeulx In the presence of Isaac de Morel, squire, Sieur de Loches, and Pierre de Morel, squire, sieur de Saint-Martin, also his younger brothers; Of Jean de Morel, squire, sieur de La Chabaudie, and Elias de Morel, squire, sieur de Puyrousseau, His first cousins; Of Francis de la Place, squire, sieur de la Prade; And others, his relatives and friends.
On the 22nd of November, 1631, before Jolly, a royal notary at Angouleme, he passed an agreement on the succession of the late Madeleine de Cruc, dame de Rioux and Beaumont, whose Louise de Pons, his mother, he represented, Legatee, with high and mighty Henri du Lau, squire, lord of Chambon, Champniers and Cellettes, husband of Henriette de Pons, daughter of James II, Baron de Mirambeau, and Marie de La Porte de Champniers, Of Saint-Aulaire; And high and powerful Gideon de Pressac de Lioncel, Baron de Lisle, in Perigord, and La Chieze, husband of Marie de Pons. By means of this arrangement, it remained possessor of the entire land and manor Beaumont [ 10
Meer Inligting:
- 20 -http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5407540c.texte
Faye de la Toucherolle, and was the father of Henri de Livenne, a knight, sgr de Laumont, Clainville, the Rivers, the Brousses, the Breuil-Bastard, Beaupreau, etc., married to Marie du Fossé. This family, about to be extinguished, is no longer represented except by the Baronne de la Porte aux Loups, who lives in Angouleme. Livenne: silver, with the fess of sand, fretted gold of six pieces, accompanied by 3 stars of sand, 2 in chief and one in point.
Should be of the family of Livenne who at that time possessed the seigniory of the Mothe-Saint-Genis?
YZAAC DE LA PORTE, squire, sgr de Sainct-Genis, Chastillon and the Vallade. (DEF)
Isaac de la Porte, son of Pierre de la Porte, sgr de Châtillon, gentilh. In 1603, Louise de Pons, daughter of Jacques, Baron de Mirambeau, and Marie de la Porte, of whom he had, among other children, Isaac remarried with Jacquette de Raimond, the widow of Raimond de Morel de Thiac, and had no children. He was married to Catherine de Morel. The Porte aux Loups: Azure, with the fess featuring gold and gules, accompanied by two wolves passing gold, one in chief and the other in point. The Aguesseau retainer gives: Azure fasced of gold and Gules with 6 piles, with 2 gold foxes passing, one on the other, in point. Family represented in Angoumois and Poitou. Saint-Genis, commune of the canton of Hiersac.
PIERRE RÉGNAUD, squire, sr de Seix and Louis Regnaud, sr des Pallus, his brother, for ayde. (OB).
Probably Pierre Régnaud, squire, sgr du Maslandry, des Arcailz, etc., married to Marie de la Borderie,
]= Ingestuur Ds. MG Muller
Landbouer in Drakenstein, hy het besit ook van 1721-1733 die plass Ontdekkers-vlei, naby St. Omar, Daljosafat.
Jacques was one of the early french Huguenots to arrive in the Cape on the "Kattendijk", which departed on 10 December 1698 and arrived in 5 April 1699.
1678 |
Lille, Flandre, France (Франция)
1699 |
4 октября 1699
1702 |
30 ноября 1702
Drakenstein, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
1704 |
4 октября 1704
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa (ЮАР)
1707 |
1711 |
11 августа 1711
Drakenstein, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
1739 |
9 декабря 1739
Возраст 61
Dal Josafat, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
???? |