Historical records matching Jacques Guyon
Immediate Family
About Jacques Guyon
Genealogie online
- Location info: for birth, baptism, marriage, death and burial, possibly Tourouvre (paroisse Saint-Aubin, Perche, France or Mortagne (parroise Saint-Jean), Perche, France
- Sources give either Tourouvre or Mortagne as places. If you have reliable sources, please post them here. As of March 7, 2015, we will apply the values provided by Linda Tinney:
- born: 2 jan 1562, Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
- married: bef 15 Apr 1593, Saint-Urbain, Tourouvre, Perche, France
- died: for date and place of death/burial, we will keep the value presently in the profile as they appear more precise: died = 25 Sep 1623, burried = 29 Sep 1623.
- If you have sources you believe are more reliable, please post here, explain why you believe they are more reliable, and update the profile accordingly.
- Sources give either Tourouvre or Mortagne as places. If you have reliable sources, please post them here. As of March 7, 2015, we will apply the values provided by Linda Tinney:
- Jacques does not use the nickname "dit Buisson". That nickname was chosen and started with this son, Jean.
- Sources: Perche-Québec, History of an American Family, RootsWeb
Demograpic Data
Married: Bef 15 APR 1583 in Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
Alterrnative birth date: 6 Jan 1561.
May have been baptised 1577 or 1578 at Montagne Au Perche, Orne, France and alternate death location found was St Jean, M, France. The two different death years uncovered are many years apart. Did he die as a very old man, or not ?
Did he die or was he buried at St Aubin 29 Sep 1623 or 1663 ?
another source says Jacques GUYON died 26 February 1626 in St-Jean/Mortagne, DIO / Chartres, Perche, France
I married Marie Huet on April 15, 1583 at Tourouvre and I was buried 3 years after my death in 1626
Possibly secondly ascribed dit Dutilly
Alors qu'Henri IV, de bataille en bataille, tente de conquérir son royaume, et que la sainte ligue sévit à Paris, le 18 septembre 1592, à la paroisse de Tourouvre dans le Perche, en France, le curé de cette paroisse rédige en latin la naissance d'un nouveau paroissien: " Johannes filius Jacobi Guyon et Maria, eus uxoris...". , ce qui voulait dire "Jehan, fils de Jacques Guyon et de Marie, son épouse". Son père Jacques était un notable, et sa mère se prénommait Marie Huet.
http://www.leveillee.net/ancestry/guyon/jguyon.htm ______________________ Sources Denis Beauregard, Dictionaire généalogique de nos origines, Tome 1 1608-1730, Ière Edition, Productions FrancoGène, 1998, p. 50.
Alt birth: January 2, 1562 Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
Alt death:
29 September 1623 at Mortagne-au-Perche, France 22 Sep 1623 in Mortagne (St-Jean), Perche, France
!NOTE: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM); ; June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998; ; , Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
This person's information was combined while in Ancestral File. The following submitters of the information may or may not agree with the combining of the information: KEVIN & GINNY/OWEN/ (2213508) EARL J./RICHARDS (2333609) JUDGE ADRIAN/GRAVELLE/ (2677469)
UPDATE: 1995-04-04 !BIRTH-MARRIAGE: Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, L'Abbe Cyprien Tanguay; by Province of Quebec 1924; Volume 1 Page 294. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec; by Universite de Montreal & Rene Jette;Page 548. Jacques died in St. Jean de Mortagne.
!(AFN:94V8-HX). !(AFN:8KB3-S1). !MARRIAGE,DEATH:research by Keith Lachance;Dictionnaire genealogique des familles du Quebec,Rene Jette,page 548.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.ou 1577 ou 1578!DEATH-MARRIAGE: Renee Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Famillesdu Quebec" 1983, University of Montreal, Page 548.!COMMENT: See "French Canadian and Acadian..." source notes on sonJean. He was witness at the sale of lands in Autheuil, and it is said thathe was unable to sign his name. This was in Tourouvre Monday, January 6, 1578. He acts again a a witness Sunday, August 13, 1581 and FridayApril 15, 1583, and he and his wife Marie Huet arrange a donation for theone who will survive the other. This document, discreetly concealed amongall the others, is the only one which gives us the family name of JeanGuyon's mother.1 _UID D17AA1A5B6B68749BBC6CCC056080698D674Jacques died before 29 September 1623Jacques married Marie before 15 April 1583Note: Jean was the son of Jacques Guyon and Marie Huet. Jean sailedfromFrance on 14 March 1634 and arrived in New France 4 June 1634.Hiswife and most of his children did not arrive in New France untilaboutl year later. His oldest Daughter,Barbe now married to PierreParadisdid not arrive in New France until 1652. Jean Guyon andMathurinerobin had at least 10 children. they were: Marie(1),Marie(2),Noel, Claude, Barbe, Denis, Francois, Jean, Michel and Simon.Jacques Guyon & spouse Marie Huet had 9 childrenRenee Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec" 1983,University of Montreal, Page 548. See "French Canadian and Acadian..."source notes on son Jean. He was witness at the sale of lands inAutheuil, and it is said that he wasunable to sign his name. This was inTourouvre Monday, January 6, 1578. He acts again as a witness Sunday,August 13, 1581 and Friday April 15, 1583, and he and his wife Marie Huetarrange a donation for the one who will survive the other.From Perche, more precisely at Tourouvre, head town of the canton in thearrondissment of Mortagne-au-Perche, in the department of Orne. Anotherspelling of the name could be Guion.!Name, Marriage Date, Spouse from Dictionnaire genealogique des familles du Quebec des origines a 173011th Great Grandfather of Alan LamoureuxSources: Other : BBS Mssg: 20 Apr 94 12:29:13, Duane Bishop Other: JETTE: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: p. 548Name, Birth, Death & Marriage source FamilySearch.org Christopher FOISY380 Ave Paquin Lasalle, Quebec, H8R2V8 CanadaREFN: 10716REFN: 2835REFN: 2835Person SourceName: Goyon - Du Buisson From: St-Jean de Mortagne, Perche, FranceBaptism date 16 years later than endowment. Need to check.3348334833483348334833483348From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, L'Abbe Cyprien Tanguay; byProvince of Quebec 1924; Volume 1 Page 294. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec; by Universite de Montreal & Rene Jette; Page 548. Jacques died in St. Jean de Mortagne. Relationship: *My 12th Great-Grand Father*From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.1 _UID D17AA1A5B6B68749BBC6CCC056080698D674Jacques died before 29 September 1623Jacques married Marie before 15 April 1583Note: Jean was the son of Jacques Guyon and Marie Huet. Jean sailedfromFrance on 14 March 1634 and arrived in New France 4 June 1634.Hiswife and most of his children did not arrive in NewFrance untilaboutl year later. His oldest Daughter,Barbe now married to PierreParadisdid not arrive in New France until 1652. Jean Guyon andMathurinerobin had at least 10 children. they were: Marie(1),Marie(2),Noel, Claude, Barbe, Denis, Francois,Jean, Michel and Simon.Jacques Guyon & spouse Marie Huet had 9 childrenRenee Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec" 1983,University of Montreal, Page 548. See "French Canadian and Acadian..."source notes on son Jean. He was witness at the sale of lands inAutheuil, and it is said that he wasunable to sign his name. This was inTourouvre Monday, January 6, 1578. He acts again as a witness Sunday,August 13, 1581 and Friday April 15, 1583, and he and his wife Marie Huetarrangea donation for the one who will survive the other.From Perche, more precisely at Tourouvre, head town of the canton in thearrondissment of Mortagne-au-Perche, in the department of Orne. Anotherspelling of the name could be Guion.!Name, Marriage Date, Spouse from Dictionnaire genealogique des familles du Quebec des origines a 173011th Great Grandfather of Alan LamoureuxSources: Other : BBS Mssg: 20 Apr 94 12:29:13, Duane Bishop Other : JETTE: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: p. 548Name,Birth, Death & Marriage source FamilySearch.org Christopher FOISY 380 Ave Paquin Lasalle, Quebec, H8R2V8 CanadaREFN: 10716REFN: 2835REFN: 2835Person SourceName: Goyon - Du Buisson From: St-Jean de Mortagne, Perche, FranceBaptism date 16 years later than endowment. Need to check.3348334833483348334833483348From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.This work is on going and all should be doubled checked for errors.Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, L'Abbe Cyprien Tanguay; byProvince of Quebec 1924; Volume 1 Page 294. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec; by Universite de Montreal & Rene Jette; Page 548.Jacques died in St. Jean de Mortagne.Relationship: *My 12th Great-Grand Father*Religion Roman CatholicDictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, L'Abbe Cyprien Tanguay; by Province of Quebec 1924; Volume 1 Page 294. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec; by Universite de Montreal & Rene Jette; Page 548.Jacques died in St. Jean de Mortagne.
MP: Jacques Guyon
Jacques Guyon's Timeline
1562 |
January 2, 1562
Mortagne-au-Perche, Orne, Normandie, France
Paroisse Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
1583 |
January 14, 1583
Orne, Lower Normandy, France
January 14, 1583
Perche, Orne, Basse-Normandie, France
1584 |
December 23, 1584
December 23, 1584
Mortagne-du-Nord, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1585 |
1586 |
1588 |
September 21, 1588
France, Perche, Tourouve