Sarah and James married in Ireland went to Pittsburg then to Butler Co Pa, Franklin tsp then to Beaver Co and back to Butler Co Pa 1795-1796 Pitt township Butler Co tax list Thompson James (weaver) single male Thompson John 35 acres 1 cow Thompson William single male 1803 Connoquenessing township Butler Co Pa.Thompson James b Ireland naturalized with sponser Peter McLaughlin of Pittsburg. Was in America before Jan 29 1795...(Lists of Immigrants who applied for naturalization papers in district courts of Allegheney Co Pa 1798 1840 Vol 2/87)
History of Butler Co p 1076
"James Thompson was born in Ireland in 1778..there married Sarah Gilliland and immigrated to Pittsburg Pa and thence to Butler Co early in the present century. He purchased a farm in what is now Franklin township, subsequently removed to Beaver Co and then returned to Butler Co and bought a track of 600 acres of land in Cherry township. He cleared a farm made substanial improvements and resided upon it down to his death in 1861. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal church."
History of Butler Co p 1076
Children of Sarah2 Gilliland and James Thompson were as follows:
James Marion Thompson served war of 1812 in Captain John Gilliland PA infantry. His Widow Sarah received benefits.
1777 |
July 1, 1777
Ballymacdermont, Newry, County Down, Ireland
1802 |
October 9, 1802
Big Beaver, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States
1804 |
December 16, 1804
Butler, Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
1807 |
July 15, 1807
Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
1809 |
July 16, 1809
Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
1812 |
January 12, 1812
Pennsylvania, United States
1814 |
April 16, 1814
Butler, Butler County, Pennsylvania, United States
1816 |
February 22, 1816
Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
1818 |
May 3, 1818
Butler, Pennsylvania, United States