Historical records matching Jan Dircksen Hooglandt
Immediate Family
About Jan Dircksen Hooglandt
more on ancestors and descendants at
- Reference: Past Tracker
Different name variation/spelling?
The current Hoagland name has many spellings. The family that settled in New Amsterdam, later New York, and moved to New Jersey originated from the Netherlands. The last count I had was 16 different spelling. Here are some of the spellings: Hoagland; Hoogland; Hooglandt; Hoochlant; van Hoochlandt. These last two spellings are the earliest in New York and into the Netherlands. As is the tradition, the family came from an area in the Netherlands call Hoochlant (close by the coast).
He married Jacoba Ryerse before 1689? Their first born son Derrick Hooglandt circa 1689.
Information I have reason to believe is/may be accurate, but have no proof of, is preceded and/or followed by a question mark: thus "James Houghland. b. ?1781" means I'm making an informed guess at his birth date. If you take my information elsewhere, please, please, also take my doubt.
On May 10, 1692, Jan's brother Willem appears as a freeholder of that town, and he probably married somewhere near that time, but the maiden name of his Neeltie (Cornelia) is not given, although it is suspected that she was Neeltie Adrians, born December 7, 1675, the daughter of Adrian Reyerse of Flatlands, by his wife Annetie Martense Schenck. Adrian Hoghland, of Bloomingdale, N.Y., born 1699, who names his eldest daughter Neeltie, and his second son William, was the son of Willem and Neeltie, and name after Adrian Reyerse. And if this is correct, then Willem and Hendrick Hoogland married sisters. But all this needs confirmation.
- Reference: Find-A-Grave
The current Hoagland name has many spellings. The family that settled in New Amsterdam, later New York, and moved to New Jersey originated from the Netherlands. The last count I had was 16 different spelling. Here are some of the spellings: Hoagland; Hoogland; Hooglandt; Hoochlant; van Hoochlandt. These last two spellings are the earliest in New York and into the Netherlands. As is the tradition, the family came from an area in the Netherlands call Hoochlant (close by the coast).
He married Jacoba Ryerse before 1689? Their first born son Derrick Hooglandt circa 1689.
Om Jan Dircksen Hooglandt (svenska)
more on ancestors and descendants at http://pasttracker.com/gentree/surnames.php?tree=Burns-McKee.
Förnamn Jan Janse Mellannamn Dircksen Dirckson Efternamn Hoagland Hoogland Hoagland Efternamn vid födelse Houghland Houghland Födelseort Bedford, NY Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA Queens, Queens, NY, USA Dödsdatum ca 1741 1741 1741 Dödsort Hunterdon, New Jersey Hopewell, NJ, USA Hunterdon, NJ, USA
Jan Dircksen Hooglandt's Timeline
1666 |
Bedford, NY
1690 |
Flatbush, Kings, New York
1692 |
1702 |
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States
1741 |
Age 75
Hunterdon, New Jersey
???? |
Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, United States