Matching family tree profiles for Jane Blatchley
Immediate Family
About Jane Blatchley
Note that it is a confusing common practice in New York to label any village or town on Long Island (often proposed as a separate state) by the overall name "Long Island", although there are 2 counties in New York City, Kings and Queens, and 2 other counties, Nassau and Suffolk, with many properly named cities and villages. Thus, Long Island does not mean Long Island City, a "city" in Queens County of Long Island, but the geographical entity Long Island, an artifact of glacial retreat. Both Huntington, a town and a village, and Long Island City are mentioned as birth and death places for Jane Ingersoll, but the latter place is a likely erroneous for someone not from Long Island.
Further note: Suffolk, Queens, and Kings counties were formed when the Province of New York re-organized and divided itself into 12 counties on Nov. 1, 1683. Prior to that, there were no counties in New York, and any documentation identifying an event as having happened in any county prior to that date (1) is a secondary source (not a primary source), and (2) the location described is most likely a guess based on someone's interpretation of the modern place name and has a higher probability of being inaccurate than something backed by an actual contemporary document. Additionally, Nassau County, the fourth Long Island county, was not formed until much later by the New York State Legislature, coming into existence in 1899 - the same two points apply. (In short, Long Island is a more accurate location description for events that took place prior to 1683.)
Long Island City, an agglomeration of the Village of Astoria and the hamlets of Ravenswood, Hunters Point, Blissville, Sunnyside, Dutch Kills, Steinway, Bowery Bay and Middleton in Newtown Township, existed from 1870 to 1898, after which it became part of the newly formed Borough of Queens in New York City (about the same time as when Nassau County came into existence). If the date in question exists outside of this range, Long Island City should not be used.
Jane Blatchley's Timeline
1676 |
June 9, 1676
Huntington, Long Island, Province of New York
1708 |
March 8, 1708
Huntington, Suffolk County, Province of New York
1709 |
October 9, 1709
Hunterdon County, Province of West Jersey
1713 |
Guilford, New Haven, CT, United States
1718 |
August 6, 1718
Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, United States
1720 |
August 6, 1720
Dix Hills, Suffolk, New York, United States
1723 |
Age 46
Dix Hills, Suffolk County, Province of New York