Historical records matching François Broussard
Immediate Family
About François Broussard
Jean Francois Broussard traveled to the port city of La Rochelle, France from his home in Poiters, France at the age of 17 in 1671. He boarded the vessel L'Oranger bound for Port Royal, Nova Scotia where he resided for many years. Jean Francois Broussard is listed in the census of Port Royal in the years 1678, 1686, & 1714.
Source: http://sevanbroussard.com/indexsbnewsii.html
Jean Francois Broussard traveled to the port city of La Rochelle, France from his home in Poiters, France at the age of 17 in 1671. He boarded the vessel L'Oranger bound for Port Royal, Nova Scotia where he resided for many years. Jean Francois Broussard is listed in the census of Port Royal in the years 1678, 1686, & 1714. Jean Francois Broussard married Catherine (Richard) Broussard and together they became the primary ancestors of the Broussard family line of Louisiana and Texas. The son of Jean Francois and Catherine Broussard, Joseph Beausoleli Broussard, helped lead the Acadians from Canada to Poste des Attakapas (St. Martinville Louisiana). Valcin Broussard donated the land for Broussard, Louisiana in 1870.
Jean Francois Broussard: born in France, circa-1654. He came from France to Port Royal, Acadia (Nova Scotia) in 1671. He was one of fifty colonists who arrived on the Ship "L" Oranger" from La Rochelle, France. He was married to Catherine Richard in Port Royal in 1680. They had six sons and four daughters. Their oldest son was Pierre Broussard.
"It would ... appear that Francois Broussard's mother could have been a sister of either Francoise Gaudet or Daniel Le Blanc, more likely of the former, because it is already known that there were other members of the Gaudet family in Acadia." S.A.White
According to the 1666 census of Quebec, Urbain Brossard is not the father of Jean Francois. The following was recorded for the Montreal area of the Quebec (New France) colony.
Urbain brossard .............................32 maçon habitant Urbaine hodiau ..............................20 sa femme Jeanne brossard ..............................3 fille et Jean brossard .......................13 mois fils
3 Feb 1672: Francois Broussard purchased clothing belonging to the late René Bonnin.
1678: At the time of the census of Port-Royal, he was already married, but still without children. Later on, he collaborated with Pierre Thibodeau in the colonization of Chipoudy (Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick), but he did not go to settle there himself.
Aug 1695 (old style): Francois Broussard took the oath of allegiance to the King of England at Port-Royal; he made his mark on the document.
He arrived in Acadia from France in 1671, aboard L'Oranger which sailed from La Rochelle. He was among fifty colonists recruited by Louis XIV's Finance Minister, Jean Baptiste Colbert, to help populate Acadia.
Written on July 1 2003 by Famille Beausoleil Association:
Francois Broussard was born in 1653 in Port Royal, Acadia. He died on December 31, 1716 in Port Royal, Acadia. Francois's parents are an enigma; however, research over the past few years has produced a likely prospect on the identity of his mother; at the marriage of Charles Broussard to Madelaine LeBlanc, Consanguinity was required due to relationship between the two. Consanguinity was granted for the marriage of these two "Third Cousins". In the study of the ways that a third cousin relationship could have existed between Charles and Madelaine, Stephen White arrived at two probable ways: 1.) Francois's mother was an unaccounted for daughter of a Doucet; although all known Doucet daughters can be accounted for, or 2) that Francois's mother was a daugher of Guillaume Trahan and his first wife. In this intance, Guillaume Trahan did have daughter that is unlisted on the census, and it is presumed that she died at an early age. Jeanne Trahan, the older daughter of Guillaume Trahan and his first wife had married to Jacques Bourgeois, and they raised a large family. Mr. Stephan White, the noted lawyer and Genealogist at the University of Moncton, has expressed these possibilities, and at one time was leaning heavily toward the Trahan connection; however, at this time he continues his search for other alternatives in search of a correct solution. On the speculation that Francois Broussard had arrived in Acadia aboard a ship from France, a ship named "L"Oranger", Mr. Stephan White completely discredits this theory of old wives tale, and has the Canadian Archives to support his argument. The Canadian Archives contain a record of Francois Broussard purchasing clothing from the widow of a fur trapper who had drowned while retrieving his catch from his traps; this event occurred prior to the time the "L' Oranger was supposed to have sailed from France. While it is known that the "L'Organger did sail a year later, it sailed not to Acadia, but to Santo Domingo, and the list of crew and passengers contained no one named Broussard.
1) Madeleine BROUSSARD, née/born vers 1681 (rec. 1686) (rec. 1699)/about 1681 (census 1686) (census 1699), marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1704-01-07 Pierre LANDRY
2) Pierre BROUSSARD, né/born vers 1683 (rec. 1686) (rec. 1699) (rec. 1701)/about 1683 (census 1686) (census 1699) (census 1701), marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1709-01-14 Marguerite BOURG
3) Marie Anne, née/born vers 1686 (rec. 1686) ou 1685 (rec. 1699) ou 1691 (rec. 1701)/about 1686 (census 1686) or 1685 (census 1699) or 1691 (census 1701)
4) Marie BROUSSARD, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1702/about 1702 René DOUCET
5) Catherine BROUSSARD, née/born vers 1689 (rec. 1699) ou 1691 (rec. 1701)/about 1689 (census 1699) or 1691 (census 1701), marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1708-10-29 Charles LANDRY, marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1729-02-21 Charles PRÉGENT dit LEBRETON
6) François, né/born vers 1693 (rec. 1699) (rec. 1701)/about 1693 (census 1699) (census 1701), inhumé/buried 1717-11-09 Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia)
7) Claude BROUSSARD, né/born vers 1694 (rec. 1699) ou 1691 1698 (rec. 1701)/about 1694 (census 1699) or 1691 1698 (census 1701), marié/married Grand-Pré (Acadie/Acadia) 1718-10-24 Anne BABIN, marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1754-11-18 Marie2 DUGAS
8) Élisabeth BROUSSARD, née/born vers 1695 (rec. 1699) ou 1691 1694 (rec. 1701)/about 1695 (census 1699) or 1691 1694 (census 1701), inhumée/buried 1718-12-08 Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia), marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1714-01-22 Pierre BOURG
9) Françoise, née/born vers 1696 (rec. 1699)/about 1696 (census 1699)
10) Alexandre BROUSSARD dit BEAUSOLEIL, né/born vers 1698 (rec. 1699) ou 1691 1699 (rec. 1701)/about 1698 (census 1699) or 1691 1699 (census 1701), marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1724-02-07 Marguerite THIBODEAU
11) Joseph BROUSSARD dit BEAUSOLEIL, né/born vers 1702 (m 1725)/about 1702 (m 1725), marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1725-09-11 Agnès THIBODEAU
12) Jean Baptiste BROUSSARD, né/born 1705-03-23, baptisé/baptized 1705-04-10 Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia), inhumé/buried 1770-07-05 Mascouche, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1728/about 1728 Anne Cécile BABIN
@R-2138817487@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv 1,7836::0
Source number: 656.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JTW. http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=worldmarr_ga&h=157049&ti=0&in... Birth date: 1654 Birth place: Marriage date: 1681 Marriage place: CA 1,7836::157049
@R-2138817487@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R-2138817487@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R-2138817487@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 1 Sect. 1 : A-Hel; Page: 91 1,2177::212271
@R-2138817487@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv 1,7836::0
Source number: 656.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JTW. http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=worldmarr_ga&h=157049&ti=0&in... Birth date: 1654 Birth place: Marriage date: 1681 Marriage place: CA 1,7836::157049
@R-2138817487@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv 1,7836::0
Source number: 656.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JTW. http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=worldmarr_ga&h=157049&ti=0&in... Birth date: 1654 Birth place: Marriage date: 1681 Marriage place: CA 1,7836::157049
@R-2138817487@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 1 Sect. 1 : A-Hel; Page: 91 1,2177::212271
@R-2138817487@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R-2138817487@ Public Member Trees Ancestry.com Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Ancestry Family Trees http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=983211&pid=541
@R-2138817487@ Public Member Trees Ancestry.com Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Ancestry Family Trees http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=983211&pid=636
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jean François Broussard, person ID LH7N-QQP. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Marie Brasseaux, person ID LZB2-159.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jean François Broussard, person ID LH7N-QQP. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jean François Broussard, person ID LH7N-QQP. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jean François Broussard, person ID LH7N-QQP. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jean François Broussard, person ID LH7N-QQP. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Marie Brasseaux, person ID LZB2-159.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jean François Broussard, person ID LH7N-QQP. 3
@R703410431@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R703410431@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R703410431@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,7836::0
Source number: 656.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JTW 1,7836::157049
@R703410431@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R703410431@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R703410431@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R703410431@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R703410431@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,7836::0
Source number: 656.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JTW 1,7836::157049
Jean Francois Broussard is Jeanette's seven times great grandfather
Jean sailed from FRance to Acadia in the early part of 1671 aboard the ship, L'Oranger; about 1681 Francois married Catherine Richard; they had ten children; The census of 1698 states they have 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 14 hogs and 16 arpents with 2 fruit trees, 2 guns and 1 servant
he married in 1678 aged about 25 in Port Royal, Acadia, New France to Catherine Richard aged about 15
Jean and Catherine had thirteen children
1. Marie Madeleine Broussard b. 1681
2. Pierre Broussard b. 1683 3. Marie Anne Broussard b. about 1686 4. Catherine Josephe Broussard b. about 1686 5. Francois Broussard b. 1692 6. Elisabeth Broussard b. about 1693 7. Francois Broussard (another son with the same name) b. about 1695 8. Claude Broussard b. 1697 9. Fancoise Broussard b. about 1698 10. Alexandre "dit Beausoleil" Broussard b. 1699 11. Jean Gregoire Broussard b. 1705 12. Jean Baptiste Broussard b. 1705 twin? 13. Joseph Broussard dit Beausoleil b. 1705
Jean Francois arrived in Port Royal, Acadie in 1671. Jean Francois and his wife, Catherin Richard, helped found the Acadian settlement at Chipoudy.
The census of Acadie in 1686 Francois was 33 his wife, Catherine Richard, was 22. They had 3 children: Magdelaine 5, Pierre 3 and an unnamed daughter 11 days old (Catherine Josephe). They had 7 cattle, 6 sheep, 5 hogs and one gun.
1693 census Francois was shown as age 39. His wife, Catherine Richard, was age 29. They had 4 children: Marie age 11, Pierre 9, Marie 7, Catherine Josephe 3. They had 7 arpents of land, 15 cattl, 20 sheep, 16 hogs and 1 gun.
1698 census-Francois was shown as age 45, Catherine age 35. They had 7 children: Magdelaine age 18, Pierre 16, Marie 13, Catherine 7, Elisabeth 6, Francois 3 and Claude 6 months. They had 16 arpents of land, 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 14 hogs, 2 fruit trees, 1 servant and 2 guns.
1700 census-They had 9 children: Pierre 16, Francois 5, Claude 5, Alexander 1. Marie 18, Marie-Anne 14, Cahterine 10, Isabelle 4 and Francoise 3. they had 15 arpents, 24 cattle, 26 sheep and one gun.
1701 Census of Port Royal Francois Brossart was 53 and his wife, Catherine Richard, was 38. They had 8 children: Pierre 18, Franoics 5, Claude 3, Alexandre 2, Magdeleine 20, Maroon 16, Catherine 19 and Isaablle 7. They hd 10 arpents, 17 hogs, 18 sheep, 10 cattle and 5 gums/
Many, if not most, of the Louisiana Broussards are descendants of Joseph and Alexander Broussard, sons of Jean Francois. Joseph led the Acadian guerilla resistance to the English deportation and Alexander was one of his trusted lieutenats. The Broussard brothers were known ascfierce warriors who, along with their militia, harassed the British against overwhelming odds for four years. The Broussard brothers along with a regular French unit harassed a detachment of English troops sufficiently to give a large number of Acadian women and children an opportunity to escape. In Nova Scotia, the body of water known as Bloody Creek to this day got its name as a result of the English blood that flowed down it following an attach by the Broussard brothers and their men. The militia was forced to surrender due to lack of food and working arms, and the Broussard brothers were held prisoner until 1762 in Halifax.
After their release, the Broussard brothers were able to engage a ship to bring their family along with their troops to Louisiana. They arrived in New Orleans in 1776 after a brief stay in St. Dominque (Haiti). They were sent by the Spanish authorities to the Teche county.
The census of Acadie in 1686 Francois was 33 his wife, Catherine Richard, was 22. They had 3 children: Magdelaine 5, Pierre 3 and an unnamed daughter 11 days old (Catherine Josephe). They had 7 cattle, 6 sheep, 5 hogs and one gun.
1693 census Francois was shown as age 39. His wife, Catherine Richard, was age 29. They had 4 children: Marie age 11, Pierre 9, Marie 7, Catherine Josephe 3. They had 7 arpents of land, 15 cattl, 20 sheep, 16 hogs and 1 gun.
1698 census-Francois was shown as age 45, Catherine age 35. They had 7 children: Magdelaine age 18, Pierre 16, Marie 13, Catherine 7, Elisabeth 6, Francois 3 and Claude 6 months. They had 16 arpents of land, 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 14 hogs, 2 fruit trees, 1 servant and 2 guns.
1700 census-They had 9 children: Pierre 16, Francois 5, Claude 5, Alexander 1. Marie 18, Marie-Anne 14, Cahterine 10, Isabelle 4 and Francoise 3. they had 15 arpents, 24 cattle, 26 sheep and one gun.
1701 Census of Port Royal Francois Brossart was 53 and his wife, Catherine Richard, was 38. They had 8 children: Pierre 18, Franoics 5, Claude 3, Alexandre 2, Magdeleine 20, Maroon 16, Catherine 19 and Isaablle 7. They hd 10 arpents, 17 hogs, 18 sheep, 10 cattle and 5 gums/
François Broussard's Timeline
1665 |
December 25, 1665
[uncertain], France
1670 |
November 20, 1670
Age 4
1681 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1683 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America
1686 |
January 1686
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1690 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1692 |
Nova Scotia, Canada
1693 |
Annapolis, New Brunswick, Canada
1697 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France