Jean ‘Jan’ de Lannoy

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Jean ‘Jan’ de Lannoy

Also Known As: "Jan de Lannoy", "de Lannieu"
Birthplace: Tourcoing, Flandres francaise, Spanish Netherlands
Death: before February 28, 1605
Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
Immediate Family:

Son of Guilbert ‘Gysbert’ de Lannoy and Jeanne du Bos
Husband of Marie Mahieu
Father of Jeanne Le Maistre and Philippe Delano
Brother of Marguerite de Lannoy

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Jean ‘Jan’ de Lannoy

Not the son of Gysbert "The Huguenot" de Lannoy & Martine de Ligne, dame de Barbançon; disproved,

Jean de Lanoy, son of Guilbert de Lanoy and his wife Jeanne du Bos, was baptized on 9 May 1575 at the church of St. Christophe in Tourcoing, Spanish Netherlands.

"The records containing this entry start with the year 1573. Most of the pages for 1573 and some for 1574 are so severely damaged that names cannot be read... That the records are preserved is purely due to good fortune. The volume was discovered stuffed into a wall in the tower...[in] 1897 when the tower was being partly taken down to be replaced by the present neo-gothic tower."[1]

Thus far, incontrovertible documentation substantiates that Philippe de Lanoy was the son of Jan de Lanoy (from Tourcoing) and Marie le Mahieu (from Lille) who moved from Flanders, in the Spanish Netherlands, to England and then to Leyden, Holland.

Despite his Catholic baptism, Jean / Jan's family were French-speaking Walloon Protestant Christians. Therefore, when he was a small child, Jean's family fled ant-Huguenot religious persecution to Canterbury in England, where many other Walloon Huguenot Protestant refugies had settled. The family of his future wife, Marie Mahieu, also lived in Canterbury, before moving to London and then to Leiden, Holland, Dutch Republic, in 1590. Jean was 16 years old when his own family left Canterbury for Leiden the following year, in 1591.[2]

NOTE (added Nov 14, 2011) - The marriage record (Nov 13, 1596) for "Jan Lano" and "Mary Mahieu" states "Gysbert Lano" as his father, and "Jane Mahieu" as her mother. The place of birth of Jan Lano is spelled "Torckangie" (it is safe to assume that this a phonetic transcription).


Jean de Lannoy became a member of the Walloon church through a confession of faith on 14 Oct. 1595, the same day that Marie Mahieu also joined the church. Marriage banns for the couple were published three months later, on January 13, 1596. (English, p. 82)

Jean deLannoy married in the Walloon Church, Tournai, 13th January 1596, the Protestant Heiress, Marie le Mahieu, b. 1578. d. 1650 of a distinguished Brabant family.

Married: Marie Mahieu on 13 Jan 1596 at Leiden to Jean de Lannoy, b. Prob 25 May 1575, Tourcoing, Flanders d. Bef 28 Feb 1605, Leiden, Holland

  • Marriage Jan de Lanoij (Lano) and Mary (Marie) Mahieu: Date: 13 Jan, 1596 Place: Leyden, Holland[3]Marriage: Place-Plaats: Leiden Date of int. marr-Datum ondertrouw: 13-01-1596
  • Groom-Bruidegom: Jan Lano Place of Birth-Plaats geboorte: Torckangie
  • Bride- Bruid: Mary Mahieu
  • Remarks-Opmerkingen: Witn. Groom-Getuigen bruidegom: Piere du Bu - Gysbert Lano father- vader
  • Witn. Bride- Getuigen bruid: Jane Mahieu mother-moeder - Anthonetta Morth bekende - Waalse Kerk[4]

George English notes:

'The primary source (Leiden Judicial Archives nr. 89 vol.C., folio 142) actually reads January 13. 1596: "Jan Lano, (missed out from letter 'bachelor of Torckangie (Tourcoing), accompanied by Piere de Bu and Gijsbert de Lano, bridegroom's father with Mary Mahieu') unmarried, from Lille (N. France) accompanied by Jane (Jeanne) Mahieu, her mother and Anthonette Morth, her acquaintance".' [9]

[S631] Philip Delano of the "Fortune" 1621, Muriel Curtis Cushing, Margaret Harris Stover, Ann S. Lainhart, (Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants 1999), Foreward.

On 13 Jan. 1596 Peter du Bu and Gysbert Lano, the groom's father, were witnesses at the betrothal of Jan de Lano and Mary Mahieu.2 Only two children are recorded to this couple as the baptismal registers of the Walloon Church begin in the year 1599 and there may have been older siblings of Jenne, bpt. 6 Nov. 1601 and Philippe, bpt. 6 Nov. 1603.

Children Jan de Lannoij and Marie le Mahieu:

  1. Plaats: Leiden Datum: 18-03-1601 Child-Kind: Jenne de Lanno Father-Vader : Jan de Lanno Mother-Moeder: Marie le Mahieu _Getuigen: Piere du Bu, Ollie le Pla , Jenne le Mahieu, Jenne de Lanno [5]
  2. Plaats Leiden Datum: 06-11-1603 Child-Kind: Philippe de Lannoij Father- Vader: Jan de Lannoj Mother-Moeder: Marie Witn.-Getuigen: François Cock, Philippe Marines, Tonnette de Lannoij, Mergueritte de Lannoij[6]

Supporting data

  • The genealogy, history, and alliances of the American house of Delano, 1621 to 1899. Compiled by Major Joel Andrew Delano, with the history and heraldry of the maison de Franchimont and de Lannoy to Delano, 1096 to 1621, and the royal ancestry of Lannoy from Guelph, prince of the Scyrri, to Phillippe de Lannoy, 476 A. D. to 1621, including other royal lines and a list of the Lannoy chevaliers de la toison d'or [golden fleece] by Delano, Joel Andrew
  • Pg.47
    • [The supposed disinherited son of Jean]
  • 12-A GYSBERT de LANNOY [Gilbert] [La Noye or Lannoi]. He was born at Tourcoing in 1545 of the Roman Catholic faith, but became a Protestant, probably just after the time of the siege of Tourcoing 1556 by the Protestants [commonly & at first, 1560, called in derision "Huguenots" — confederates]. To become such was quite sufficient to cause his being disinherited at the time of Jean's death in 1560 — He may have resided at Tournay in Hainaut for his son Jean was there 1599. [This city was captured in 1581 by the duke of Parma.] It is certain that he must have been Philippe's (10-A) grandson. (Gysbert or Gyselbert is the Dutch or Nederlandisch for Gilbert— a fam. name.) Gysbert's sons were: Jean de Lannoy born about 1570 — & Jacques de Lannoy who married a young girl of Courtrai, May 1601. Recorded in the Walloon Church. Armes of Gysbert: A curious discovery was made when a coat-of-arms used by Dr Barna Delano was sent me — proving to be those of Barbancon — this and Gysberts birth at Tourcoing placed the line without question in that house. Dr Barna Delano while in Paris, early in 1870, applied to the "College Heraldique" college of Heraldry then in official existence under the 2d empire — Napoleon III: the armes given him as his by right of inheritance were BARBANCON: Argent, 3 lions gules— Crest: the unicorn used by the TOURCOING house of Lannoy. On his return to America he had a die made and used on note-paper, a sheet of which is water-marked 1873. Why the college should have granted to him this coat instead of Lannoy plain is a mystery! unless the reason was that "Gysbert the disinherited son had these by right from his mother? Jeanne de Ligne, dame de Barbancon. Note: Philippe d. 1543 & 2d wife Franchise de Barbenqon left B -armes to their son Baudouin d. 1559 see Tourcoing branch armes. In this case there would have been no reason for separating the Lannoy & Barbencon armes for Gysbert. He could have used them or the mothers armes of Hornes. But not Barbencon alone, except that were his mothers name. Had he used Lannoy & Barbencon then the Tourcoing house would have been meant, or his father's ? coat-armor of Lannoy Manuel & Burgundy: then he would have been the heir — Could this have been known in 1870? The armes are therefore Barbancon borne through Gysbert's supposed mother Jeanne de Ligne. Who used the same coat as Francoise de Barbancon, [their fathers were doubtless kinsmen]. From "Heraldry: Woodward & Burnett" Vol 2, 492. "The princes of Arenberg . . . bear en surtout the arms of Ligne: Or, a bend gules, quartered with those of Barbancon Arg. 3 lions rampant gules, crowned or. . . . for Margaret, sis & heir, of the last count of Arenberg married Jean baron of Ligne & Barbancon . . . Prince H.R.E. 1506." Also Barbancon
  • Pg.48
  • (dues & princes) of Brabant, now extinct, bear: Arg., 3 lions gules, armed, lampasse & crowned or. Cry: Barbancon! The house Ligne seigneurs de Barbancon used the Barbancon armes. It was with considerable hesitation and doubt that I placed "Gysbert" as son of Jean — for more than a year I sifted and criticised the data, let others judge, while: For general proof we have — 1st The change of religious faith — often causing disinheritance & the removal of the name from all records, that future heirs might not herit (as Louis XIV did 1685). 2d The Barbancon armes & Lannoy crest given to Dr Delano 1870 by the College of Heraldry at Paris. 3d Gysbert names his son Jean & who names his Philippe 1621, Gysbert's supposed father being Jean & grandfather Philippe. 4th Marie de Lannoy not being designated "heiress." 5th The birthplace of Gysbert being Tourcoing (1545) . The births registered there do not begin until 1594 — 6th That there is certainly strong proof of Gysbert being a grand-son of 10-A Philippe de Lannoy. Finally : Gysbert was of the Tourcoing house and a descendant is given the armes of Barbancon, which would in Heraldic law place him as above.
  • 13-A JEAN de LANNOY or Lanoy was born about 1570 & died in Leiden 1604 he married at the Walloon church. (Tournai) January 13, 1596: Marie le MAHIEU of a Brabant family. Armes: Gules, a chevron or, accompanied in chief of 2 besants argent, & in pointe of a quintefeuille (cinquefoil) or. — they had 1st Esaie (Isaiah) de Lanoy baptised in the church of Tournai Hanan [Belgium] "le fils de Jean et MARIE le 26 March 1599 [M. le Maire de Tournai failled to find this in the Registres de l'Etat-Civil-Jan 30 1896]. They were living in Leiden Holland September 26 1602.
  • 14-A 2d PHILIPPE de Lannoy (La Noye). He was baptised, in the Walloon church December 6th 1603, b. 1602. Those present were, his parents & Tonnette de Lannoy (Antoinette) & Marguerite de Lannoy [Marie de Lanoy married in 1605 her 2d husband Jean Pesyn or Pesin (Tournaisis). Armes: Arg. 2 palmes sinople pose? in saltire: & a cerf natural over all (sur le tout). She had no children by this m. One reads in — "de Beschryoing der Stad Leiden 1762 1-st deel bl. 323 " — [Description of the town of Leiden 1762 part I page 323] — by Frans van Mieris, of a home for the congregation of the French Church having been built on the Pieters Kernhof by Jan Pesyn and Maria de Lanoy who died 1650 — Above the entrance, which seems to have been added later on bearing the date 1633 or 1655, are inscribed in stone the following verses —
    • ....etc.
  • Pg.49
  • Also in a museum here in Leiden called the Leidsche Lakenhal are still to be seen in oils two portraits of Jan Pesyn, two of Maria de Lanoy and one of her daughter by Jean de Lannoy. Photographs of these may be procured one of which is reproduced in this history. [On one of the Hospice buildings, where Robinson lived; a copper commemoration plate was placed by the pilgrim descendants in 1891 ?] Marie de Lannoy was apparently of some service to the Pilgrims at Leiden as she established there before 1609 twelve houses or a hospice for those who were driven from their native land [per inscription]. Pastor John Robinson 1575-1625 there took refuge and doubtless with him others of his congregation. This acquaintance with the pilgrims undoubtedly led the youth only 18 years old to join them later on. " In 1611 John Robinson & others bought a house in the Kloksteeg where the "Pesyn's Hof now stands (near St. Peters church) Leyden Holland." As there is no record of a building for Pilgrim worship it follows that they probably used the Pesyn-Lannoy hospice, they were also restricted to worship in private houses. "The will of Marie de la Noye concerning this foundation is now in Leiden— 1893." Dr W N du Rien— Sec. & Lib. of the Unity. Notice here that Philippe (1621) writes his surname both de Lanoy de Lanoie & de La Noye; also that Peter (1689) of New Amsterdam writes his surname both d'Lanoy, de Lannoy & de La Noy: & Jean of Eng. is de la Noy. This is sufficient evidence to definitely place the surname and the common origin of the emigres. The Lannoy's were never a French family, being of pure Norman & Flemish blood, much superior to the English, French German etc. in civilisation during the later middle ages (900 A.D. to 1453).
  • Philippe died in Bridgewater Mass. 1681. He was married first in 1634 & 2d 1657 & had five sons & four daughters. He used the names peculiar to this line; Thus Philippe — Jean — ? Gysbert — Jean — Philippe — (1621) — Philip Jr. & John (Jean). He appears on Hotten's List of Emigres to America as: "Philip De La Noye." He left Leiden to join the ship "Fortune " the first vessel to follow the "Mayflower." It came from London England bringing the Patent of Government, John Pierce & 35 colonists. They landed at Plymouth Massachusetts on November the eleventh 1621. It was at this time that the Narragansets sent the famous bundle of arrows tied with a snake skin to Gov. Bradford, who returned it stuffed with powder and bullets.
  • .... etc. ___________
  • The royal descent and colonial ancestry of Mrs. Harley Calvin Gage (c1910)
  • JEAN DE LANNOY, LORD OF MOLEMBAIS, OF SOLRE-LE CHATEAU AND OF COLROY, born 1511, died 25th May, 1560. He was created Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1546, No. CCVIII., Lord High Chamberlain to Charles V., Emperor of Germany, and of the Holy Roman Empire, 1519-1556, Governor of Hainault and Captain-General of Flanders in 1559. Jean married in 1534, Jeanne de Ligne, Lady of Barbancon, daughter of Louis de Ligne, Lord of Barbancon, by his wife, Marie de Berghes, Heiress. Their only son ;
    • GYSBERT THE HUGUENOT, born 1535, at Tourcoing in Flanders, was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church, but became a Protestant after the Siege of Tourcoing by the Huguenots, commonly so-called in derision after 1560, the word Huguenot signifying Confederate. Gysbert married, in 1558, the Protestant Heiress, Lady Marguerite de Ligne, and removed to Tournai in Hainault, where the public records show that he and his son Jean were residing in 1599. Gysbert's sister, Marie, married Jean de Glymes, Marquis de Berghes, Count of Valhain and Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, a nobleman of Brabant. He was created Marquis de Berghes, 23d May, 1533, by Charles V., German-Roman Emperor (H.R.E.) - Gysbert's marriage with the Protestant Heiress and subsequent complete alliance with the Huguenots caused a serious family feud, he being the first Protestant in any branch of his family, and he was disinherited by his father. The estates passed at the death of the latter, to his sister Marie, in 1560, and upon her death, 22d May, 1567, without issue, to her aunt Marie, who, in turn, left them to another niece. Gysbert used the coat-armor of Barbancon, inherited from his mother, and the Lannoy armes of his paternal ancestors. His son ;
      • JEAN DE LANNOY, was born 1570 at Tourcoing in Flanders, and died in Leiden 1604. He married in the Walloon Church, Tournai, 13th January, 1596, the Protestant Heiress, Marie le Mahieu, born 1578, died 1650, of a distinguished Brabant family. After the death of her first husband, Jean de Lannoy in 1604, by whom she had three children, two sons and a daughter, Marie married in 1605, her second husband, Jean Pesyn of Tournai. There were no children by this second marriage. In the History of the Town of Leiden, by Frans van Mieris, in Part I., page 323, is a most interesting account, illustrated by a map of the locality, of a home for the Congregation of the French Church, erected on the Pieters Kernhoff, by Jean Pesyn and his wife Marie de Lannoy who died 1650. Also in the Leidsche Lakenhall, a museum in Leiden, are still preserved two oil portraits of Jean Pesyn, two of his wife, Marie de Lannoy and one of her daughter by Jean de Lannoy. Marie established before 1609 a hospice, composed of twelve houses, for the persecuted Huguenots. John Robinson, the famous pastor, there took refuge with his flock in 1611, remaining until his death in 1625. The will of Marie de Lannoy concerning this foundation is now preserved in the public archives of Leiden. Arms; Gules, a chevron or, accompanied in chief of two besants, argent and in pointe of a quintefenille or. Their children were two sons, (1), Isaie de Lannoy, baptized in the Protestant Church of Tournai, Hanau (Belgium) , 26th March, 1599, who removed to Leiden, Holland, and was, as shown by the ancient town records still in existence, residing there 26th September, 1602; (2nd), a younger son, destined to found in America a branch of the noble House of Lannoy ;
        • PHILIPPE DE LANNOY, born in Leiden 1602, and baptized 6th December, 1603, in the famous Walloon Church. Those present at the ceremony were his parents, Jean and Marie de Lannoy, Antoinette de Lannoy and Marguerite de Lannoy. Philippe de Lannoy left Leiden to join the ship Fortune, the first vessel to follow the Mayflower. It sailed from London, bringing the patent of government from the King, James I., of England.
        • Among the passengers were the youth of nineteen years, Philippe de Lannoy, John Pierce and his thirty-five colonists, including John Winslow, Robert Cushman, Thomas Prince (afterwards Governor), Jonathan Brewster and John Adams. They landed at Plymouth, Mass., 11th November, 1621. Philippe married 19th December, 1634, at Duxborough (now called Duxbury), Mass., Hester Duxborough (also spelled Dewsbury), whose family gave name to the town. His estate (See Winsor's History of Duxbury) was a little north or northwest of that of John Alden, on the north side of Mill Brook, consisting of forty acres, and extending to the sea on the east. Winsor says he was "a man of much nobilitie' ' and that he often served on the "Grand Inquest". ( See Records Plymouth Colony, Vol I, p. 32 et seq.). He served on jury 2d May, 1637; he volunteered for the Pequot War, 7th June 1637, and fitted out fifty-six men at his own expense for service in that war; was granted forty acres in Duxbury, 2d October, 1637. He was one of the original proprietors of Middleborough, Mass. (See History of Middleborough, Mass. , in Vol, 3, New England Historical and General Register). In 1645, he was one of the original grantees of Bridgewater, Mass. On 7th March, 1652, he purchased 800 acres in Dartmouth, which were formally transferred to him 29th November, 1652. He died in Bridgewater, 1681, leaving a valuable estate and a large collection of books. For full account, see "The Genealogical History and Alliances of the American House of Delano 1621-1899". Compiled by Major Joel Andrew Delano. Royal Octavo, 561 pp. His second son ; ________________
  • Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of ... By Ellery Bicknell Crane
  • Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of ... By Ellery Bicknell Crane
  • Pg. 30
  • DELANO FAMILY. The descendants of the Pilgram ancestor, Philip Delano, of Plymouth, have the satisfaction of tracing their ancestry in the old country for a dozen centuries. They have established the full right to bear the arms of the Delano family, which could be of no better stock and which embraces a host of distinguished men in its numbers.
  • The name is drived from the town of Lannoy, a few miles from Isla, now Lille, France. Away back in A. D., 863, this town was called Alnetum, later L'Annois and Lannoy. The meaning of the word is unknown. It has been spelled L'Annois, L'Annoe, L'Aulmais, L'Aulnoy, but more often Alnetum. Today Lannoy is a small manugacturing town, seven miles from Lille, with a population at the last census 1,904. The first Lord of Lannoy, progenitor of the family, was Hugues de Lannoy, mentioned as a knight of Tournai d'Auclin in 1096. On the same list was Simon do Alneto. A charte des Chanoines (cannons) de St. Pierre a Lille mentions Gilbert de Lannoy in 1171 and Hugues de Lannoy is mentioned in 1186. It is impossible to present in this place an extended history of the family in its early days in France. That has been done with remarkable care and apparent accuracy in the genealogy, which is authority for all said here about the origin and early history of the family. There seems to be no flaw in the following pedigree in the direct male line of the American emigrant, Philip Delano or Delanoy.
  • 1. Arnulphe de Franchmont. 2. Conrad de Franchmont. 3. Hellin, Marquis de Franchmont, married Agnes, daughter of Othon, Duke of Bavaria. 4. Hellin II de Franchmont, married Agnis de Duras. 5. Jean de Franchmont, married Mahienne de Lannoy. 6. Hugues de Lannoy. 7. Hugues de Lannoy. 8. Guillebert de Lannoy. 9. Baudoin "Le Gegue." 10. Baudouin. 11. Philipe. 12. Jean, born about 1511, died May 25, 1560; was made chevalier de la Toison d'or in 1546; chamberlain to the emperor Charles V from 1519 to 1556; gouvenor de Haymont and captain general of same province of Flanders in 1559; married Jeanne de Ligne de Barbancon, daughter of Louis de Ligne, seigneur de Barbancon and his wife, Marie de Berghes. 13. Gysbert de Lannoy, born at Tourcoing, 1545, of Roman Catholic parents, but became a Protestant and was disinherited by his father. 14. Jean of Leyden, was born 1570, died at Leyden, 1604. He married at the Walloon Church (Tornai), January 13, 1596, Marie le Mahieu, of a Brabant family. 15. Philip, the American emigrant, see forward. _______________
  • Genealogical and family history of southern New York and the ..., Volume 3 By Cuyler Reynolds
  • Genealogical and family history of southern New York and the ..., Volume 3 By Cuyler Reynolds
  • Pg. 1058
  • SAME AS Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of ... By Ellery Bicknell Crane __________
  • Delano family
  • .... etc.
  • De Lannoy family in Europe
  • Philippe de Lannoy was born in Leiden on December 7, 1602, of religious refugee parents Jan Lano, born Jean de Lannoy in 1575 at Tourcoing, and Marie Mahieu of Lille, Spanish Netherlands, both now in northern France. [2] His parents were betrothed in the Leiden Walloon Church on January 13, 1596. His father died in 1604 at Leiden. Philippe's grandfather, Guilbert de Lannoy of Tourcoing, was born Roman Catholic but apparently became an early Protestant. He left the mainland with his family for England probably in the late 1570s and then, in 1591, moved to Leiden, a safe harbor for religious dissidents. The Mahieu family arrived in Leiden around the same time, having earlier been at Armentières, near Lille. The family name de Lannoy probably derives from the town of Lannoy (a name derived from the Latin alnetum and French “l’aulnaie” meaning “alder plantation”), also near Lille. .... etc. From: __________________________
  • The Peshine family in Europe and in America; notes and suggestions for a genealogical tree, from the beginning of the fourteenth century to the present day, with some biographical sketches and much data relating to the Ball, Mulford, and Pye families; comprising all information at hand, whether based on tradition or on existing records by Peshine, John Henry Hobart
  • Pg.94
  • In the search for ancestors, attention might be given to changes in the spelling of the name back in the Middle Ages, when reading and writing were confined to a handful of the population. For example, in Holland, shortly after 1604, Marie le Mahieu, of a Brabant family, widow of Jean de Lannoy, married a Jean Pesyn.1 As s, in the south of France, has an sh sound, this Pesyn may be found to belong to the branch of the Pechin family, which is known to have settled in Holland. A portrait (No. 1218) of Marie le Mahieu is in the Leidsche Lakenhal in Leiden, Holland. _____________
  • The Hamlin family; a genealogy of James Hamlin of Barnstable, Massachusetts By Henry Franklin Andrews
  • Pg.248
  • JEAN d' LANNOY, 32d of Guelph line, b. about 1570, was of pure Norman and Flemish blood. m. in the Wallons church, Tournai Hanau, Belguim. Jan. 13, 1596 Marie le Mahieu, of a Brabant family. They were Huguenots, and to escape persecutions from the Catholics, then in power in France, fled to Leiden, Holland: and were living there Sept. 26, 1602. Arms: Gules, a chevron, or. accompanied in chief of 2 bezants argent, or. He d. Leiden, 1604; she m. 2d 1605, Jean Pesyn. No issue by last marriage. Pesyn and his wife built in Leiden a place of worship for the Protestant refugees; above the entrance was this inscription in Dutch: (Translation) "Here you see of the ruins of a dilapidated but by a childless couple a fine structure built -- for poor stranger who were cast out from their fatherland, and peaceably here lived." Portraits of Madam de Lannoy-Pesyn have been found at Leyden, and a copy of one is given in the Delano Genealogy. She is believed to have befriended the Pilgrims in Leyden, which perhaps led to the settlement of her son Philip in Plymouth, Mass.
    • Ch. baptized in the church at Tournai:
    • ESEIE (Isaiah), March 26, 1599.
    • PHILIPPE, Dec. 6, 1603.
    • It appears they had a daughter, also.
  • PHILIPPE DE LA NOYE.1 b. Leiden, Holland, 1602. baptized in the Wallons church, Tournai Hanau, Belguim, Dec. 6, 1603; the witnesses were his parents, Tonette and Margurite de Lannoy. He was reared under the influence of the Pilgrims in Leyden, and is presumed to have been a passenger on the Speedwell, 1620; but one of those left in England. He left Leyden to join the ship Fortune, in which he arrived at Plymoutn, Nov. 11, 1621. .... He removed to Bridgewater; m. 1st Duxbury, Mass., Dec. 19, 1634, Hester Dewsbury (Desborough), of Duxbury, m. 2d, there, 1657, Mary, widow of James Glass, and dau. of William Pontus.
  • Arms: Aragent, 2 palmes sinople posed in saltier, and a cerf natural over all (Sur le tout). He d. Bridgeewater, intestate, about 1681.
  • Pg.249
  • Ch. b. Duxbury:
    • .... etc. ________________
  • Jean pesyn
  • Pesyn and his wife (Marie le Mahieu 1578-1650) built a place of worship. The inscription reads "Here you can see the ruins of a cabin in ruins by a childless couple, well built structure for poor foreigners who were expelled from their homeland and lived in peace here." The couple was married in 1605. Marie was the widow of Jean de Lannoy - a distinguished family of Flemish Brabant Tourcoing 1570-1604 - of whom he had two sons and a daughter, Jean Pesyn of Tournai and had no children. The house corresponds to the Congregation of the Church of France - and it is located in the Kernhoff Pieters area. They were the founders of a hospice, which they opened in 1609, and its aim was to house persecuted Huguenots in its grounds consisting of twelve houses. In America, their younger son was the founder of the noble house of the Lannoys.
  • From: ________________________
  • Old Scituate
  • Pg.131
  • The name Delano is a French one, for the ancient town of Lannoye, a few miles from Lille, where the family lived, hence "de Lannoy." The family was of such importance in France, in 1310, that when a daughter, Mahienne de Lannoye, was married, her children took her name instead of their father's. One of her descendants, Badouin de Lannoye, was one of those who founded the "Order of the Golden Fleece," in 1429. Gilbert de Lannoye, of the fourth generation from Badouin, became a Huguenot and was disinherited by his father.
  • His son Jean lived in Leyden, where he married Marie le Mahiew. After his death she married, for a second husband, Jan Pesyn. This worthy couple gave
  • Pg.132
  • great aid to the Plymouth Pilgrims during their stay in Leyden. (Oil portraits of them may be seen in Leyden.)
  • Marie's son Philip, by her first husband, born in Leyden, in 1602, was one of the passengers of the
  • Pg.133
  • Speedwell when she had to put back to Plymouth as unseaworthy. He came to Plymouth, however, the next year in the Fortune, the next vessel to arrive. .... etc. _______________________
  • Maire Le Mahieu DeLannoy
  • Birth: 1580 Canterbury, Kent, England
  • Death: 1650 Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
  • Marie Le Mahieu, married, Jean de Lannoy 1570 England - 1604 Leyden, South Holland, Netherlands
  • Parents of Philippe De Lannoy-Philip Delano Born: 1602 Zuid-Holland Province, Netherlands, Died: 1681 Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA his findagrave #34799083
  • Gysbert de Lannoy 1545 France-1599 France and Jenne Mahiemo Born: 1549 France Lot-et-Goerone Aquitaine, France, Died: 1586 Tourcoing Nord, Nord-Pas-do-Calais, France. These are the parents of Jean de Lannoy. When Philippe came to America the name changed to Philip Delano.
  • Burial: Unknown
  • Find A Grave Memorial# 61306863
  • From: ____________

Philippe De La Noye (1602 - 1681), son of Jean de Lannoy and Marie le Mahieu, arrives at Plymouth aboard the Fortune. The Fortune was the second pilgrim ship to sail to America. There he lives with his uncle, Francis Cooke, and his cousin, John Cooke, who had arrived in America a year earlier aboard the Mayflower.

Jean de Lanoy, son of Guilbert de Lanoy, was baptized on 9 May 1575 at the church of St. Christophe in Tourcoing, Spanish Netherlands. "The records containing this entry start with the year 1573. Most of the pages for 1573 and some for 1574 are so severely damaged that names cannot be read... That the records are preserved is purely due to good fortune. The volume was discovered stuffed into a wall in the tower...[in] 1897 when the tower was being partly taken down to be replaced by the present neo-gothic tower."[1]

When he was a small child, Jean's family fled religious persecution to Canterbury in England, where many other Walloon refugies had settled. The family of his future wife Marie Mahieu also lived in Canterbury, before moving to London and then Leiden, Holland in 1590. Jean was 16 years old when his own family left Canterbury for Leiden the following year, in 1591.[2]

Jean de Lannoy became a member of the Walloon church through a confession of faith on 14 Oct. 1595, the same day that Marie Mahieu also joined the church. Marriage banns for the couple were published three months later, on January 13, 1596. (English, p. 82)

Mariage & Children Wife: Marie Le Mahieu Husband: Jean (Jan) de Lannoij Marriage Jan de Lanoij (Lano) and Mary (Marie) Mahieu: Date: 13 Jan, 1596 Place: Leyden, Holland[3]Marriage: Place-Plaats: Leiden Date of int. marr-Datum ondertrouw: 13-01-1596 Groom-Bruidegom: Jan Lano Place of Birth-Plaats geboorte: Torckangie Bride- Bruid: Mary Mahieu Remarks-Opmerkingen: Witn. Groom-Getuigen bruidegom: Piere du Bu - Gysbert Lano father- vader Witn. Bride- Getuigen bruid: Jane Mahieu mother-moeder - Anthonetta Morth bekende - Waalse Kerk[4] Children Jan de Lannoij and Marie le Mahieu: Plaats: Leiden Datum: 18-03-1601 Child-Kind: Jenne de Lanno Father-Vader : Jan de Lanno Mother-Moeder: Marie le Mahieu Witn_Getuigen: Piere du Bu, Ollie le Pla , Jenne le Mahieu, Jenne de Lanno [5] Plaats Leiden Datum: 06-11-1603 Child-Kind: Philippe de Lannoij Father- Vader: Jan de Lannoj Mother-Moeder: Marie Witn.-Getuigen: François Cock, Philippe Marines, Tonnette de Lannoij, Mergueritte de Lannoij[6


  1. George English, “Ancestry and History of Philip Delano, Born Philippe de Lannoy”, Mayflower Descendant, Vol. 56 No. 2, pp 173-184. Mayflower Descendant: A Journal of Pilgrim Genealogy and History. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1899- . (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010)
  2. The Delano and Cooke Ancestors: The INTREPID de LANNOYS and MAHIEUS from FLANDERS. George Philip English., Aug 11, 2022 - 84 pages. < GoogleBooks >
  3. “DELANO-COOKE ANCESTORS 11-04-2022.mp4” From “The Delano Kindred.” < link > This is the extraordinary story of our Delano and Cooke Ancestors, the intrepid de Lannoys and Mahieus from Flanders, presented by genealogist George Philip English and hosted by Col. William English, CBE. Also discussed is the European History Tour planned for September, 2023.
    1. "The Genealogy, History and Alliances of the American House of Delano, 1621-1899," by Mortimer Delano and Joel Andrew Delano (1899), p. 47.
    2. "The Genealogy, History and Alliances of the American House of Delano, 1621-1899," by Mortimer Delano and Joel Andrew Delano (1899), p. 47.
    3. Kerry William Bate, "Some Delano Answers," in The American Genealogist, vol. 53, #3 (July 1977), pp. 172-73.
    4. George English, "Ancestry and History of Philip Delano," in "The Mayflower Descendant", vol. 56 (2007), p. 183.
    5. George English, "Ancestry and History of Philip Delano," in "The Mayflower Descendant", vol. 56 (2007), p. 177.
    6. Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, "De Lannoy -- Le Mahieu Research," in The Mayflower Descendant, vol. 56 (2007), p. 153.
    7. Histoire Généalogique Et Chronologique De La Maison Royale De France, Des Pairs, Grands Officiers de la Couronne & de la Maison du Roy: & des anciens Barons du Royaume (1773)
    8. Alexandre Pruvost, [ Histoire des Seigneurs de Tourcoing (1863; Google eBook), starting on p. 169 for Baudouin de Lannoy.
    9. Histoire de Tourcoing (1986), has a section on the Protestant (Calvinist) unrest in the area in the 1560s and 1570s.
    10. Wikipedia (French) list of Lannoy lords of Tourcoing.
    11. Wikipedia (French) The House of Lannoy (Maison de Lannoy).
  5. For information on Baudouin's son Philippe of Beauvoir, see Alexandre Pruvost, Histoire de Wattrelos (1865; Google eBook), pp. 245-46
  7. (dead link)
  8. cites
    1. Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, "De Lannoy -- Le Mahieu Research," in The Mayflower Descendant, vol. 56 (2007), p. 153.
    2. George English, "Ancestry and History of Philip Delano," in "The Mayflower Descendant", vol. 56 (2007), p. 82.
    3. Source: #S33 Page: 57
    4. Source-Bron : Erfgoed- Leiden Archiefnr: 1004 Archiefnaam: Nederlands Hervormd Ondertrouw (1575-1795) Inventarisnummer: 3 Folio C - 142 Bron: Marriage Leiden 13 Jan 1596 Nederlands Hervormd Ondertrouw (1575-1795)
    5. Bron : Erfgoed Leiden: Archiefnr: 1004 Archiefnaam Dopen Waalse Kerk Inventarisnummer 270 Opmerkingen: Later toegevoegd bij naam vader: C 142.Baptism 1601 Jenne de Lanno (de Lannoij)
    6. Bron: Archiefnr: 1004 Archiefnaam: Dopen Waalse Kerk Inventarisnummer: 270 Baptism Philippe de Lannoij 1603 Leiden
    7. "Some Delano Answers" by Kerry William Bate in The American Genealogist, vol. 53, #3 (July 1977), p. 172.
    8. M. deLannoy c. 1910. "In the History of the Town of Leiden. by Frans van Mieris, in part 1., page 323.
  9. An extraordinary tome documenting the DELANO family in America entitled "The Genealogy, History and Alliances of the American House of Delano, 1621-1899" was published in 1899. It is arranged in two "books" and is commonly known as the "GHAAHD". Both "books" are available to members for viewing and/or downloading in PDF form. Please make sure you read the GHAAHD NOTES later on this page for important corrections to some of the information presented in the GHAAHD.
  10. cites
    1. [S640] Leiden Records Vol. 143, Dr. Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, pp. 197-199.
    2. [S641] MD12 - Francis Cooke of the Mayflower, Ralph V. Wood, Jr., (Picton Press 1996).
    3. [SAuth] John Spencer Howell, Jr., John Spencer Howell, Jr., (
    4. [S888] Sharon Molesworth, Sharon Molesworth, (,
    5. [S1281] George English, George English, (, email to JSH 27 Jan 2006 "Guilbert's son Jean (and sister Marguerite) was born in Tourcoing. The reference to Lille is a typing error in the Schelhaas letter you mention".
    6. [S1281] George English, George English, (, "Jean DE LANNOY (b.c1570-Tourcoing,FLANDERS;d.c1604-Leiden,HOLLAND" email 20 Feb 2006.
    7. [S1508] Mayflower Descendant V 56, No. 2 - Summer 2007, Ancestry and History of Philip Delano, Born Philippe De Lannoy by George English.
    8. [S1313] Jeremy Bangs, Jeremy D. Bangs, (, "Philippe's father, Jan Lano, must have died in 1604 when Philippe was less than a year old."
    9. [S631] Philip Delano of the "Fortune" 1621, Muriel Curtis Cushing, Margaret Harris Stover, Ann S. Lainhart, (Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants 1999), Foreward. On 13 Jan. 1596 Peter du Bu and Gysbert Lano, the groom's father, were witnesses at the betrothal of Jan de Lano and Mary Mahieu.2 Only two children are recorded to this couple as the baptismal registers of the Walloon Church begin in the year 1599 and there may have been older siblings of Jenne, bpt. 6 Nov. 1601 and Philippe, bpt. 6 Nov. 1603.
    10. [S665] Leiden City Records, T.N. Schelhaas, Keeper of the records of the City of Leiden, (Letter dated 19 Mar 1990 to Mr. George B. Delano).
    11. [S659] Bradfield, John R. Bradfield, (May 1979 --
    12. [S1281] George English, George English, (, " Marie MAHIEU (b.1580-Lille,FLANDERS;m.13 Jan 1596;d.1650" - email 20 Feb 2006.
    13. [S1281] George English, George English, (, email 20 Feb 2006.
    14. [S1281] George English, George English, (, email 24 Feb 2006.
    15. [S1281] George English, George English, (, email 29 Jan 2008
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Jean ‘Jan’ de Lannoy's Timeline

May 9, 1575
Tourcoing, Flandres francaise, Spanish Netherlands
January 18, 1601
Leiden, Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Leiden, Rhynland (present Zuid-Holland), Holland, Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden
February 28, 1605
Age 29
Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)