Immediate Family
About Jeanne de Lusignan
JEANNE de la Marche
- Daughter of Hugues de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche and Jeanne de Fougères, Heiress de Fougères
- Birth: 1260 in Lusignan, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
- Death: April 18, 1323 (63) in Ludlow, Shropshire, UK
- Place of Burial: Abbey of Saint-Ruf Valencia, Valence, Drome, France
- JEANNE de la Marche ([1260/65]-before 18 Apr 1323, bur Abbaye de Valence). The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified, although she is named “dominam Johannam de la Marcha matrem meam” in the testament of her daughter Isabelle.
- Her birth date is estimated in light of the birth dates of her older siblings shown above and because she was recorded in her first husband’s testament in Dec 1280 as having two children.
- She and her sister Isabelle, as joint heiresses of the counties of la Marche and Angoulême, agreed in May 1309 their transfer to Philippe IV "le Bel" King of France, when their territories were united into the royal domain.
- Philippe IV King of France granted "castra…de Choec et de Payrac" to "Johanne de Marchia, sorori germane Guidonis quondam comitis Marchie et Engolisme", by reason of the rights she had “in successione dicti Guidonis necnon Guidonis de Marchia patrui ipsius Johanne”, by charter dated Aug 1310[842].
- Married: firstly BERNARD AIZ [IV] Seigneur d'Albret, son of AMANIEU [VI] Seigneur d'Albret & his second wife Mathe de Bordeaux (-24 Dec 1280).
- Married secondly PIERRE de Joinville [Genville], of Ludlow Shropshire and Walterstone co Hereford, son of GEOFFROY de Joinville Seigneur de Vaucouleurs & his wife Matilda de Lacy (-before 8 Jun 1292).
Married: firstly BERNARD AIZ [IV] Seigneur
- BERNARD AIZ [IV] d'Albret (-24 Dec 1280). The testament of "el noble bar n’Amaniu de Labrit, filh de n’Amaniu de Labrid et de n’Assaride de Tartas" is dated 25 Jul 1262, appoints "Bernadeids mon filh" as his heir, and names "Assaride ma filhe…de la avantdite na Matha ma moilher"[59]. Seigneur d'Albret. The testament of “Bernardet d’Albret”, dated “du lundy avant Noel” 1280, appointed “Malthe sa première fille” as his heir if he had no male heirs[60]. Père Anselme provides more details of the testament, stating that Bernard Aiz appointed his older daughter Mathe as his heir with his (unnamed) younger daughter as substitute, leaving the two under the guardianship of his mother Mathe[61]. m as her first husband, JEANNE de Lusignan, daughter of HUGUES [XIII] Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême, Seigneur de Lusignan & his wife Jeanne de Fougères ([1260/65]-before 18 Apr 1323, bur Abbaye de Valence). Her birth date is estimated in light of the birth dates of her older siblings shown above and because she was recorded in her first husband’s testament in Dec 1280 as having two children. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified, although she is named “dominam Johannam de la Marcha matrem meam” in the testament of her daughter Isabelle (see below)[62]. She married secondly Pierre de Joinville [Genville], of Ludlow Shropshire and Walterstone co Hereford. The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "Petro de Genyvile" married "Johannam filiam --- comitis Marchiæ"[63]. She and her sister Isabelle, as joint heiresses of the county of la Marche, agreed May 1309 to transfer the county to Philippe IV "le Bel" King of France, when it was united with the royal domains. Philippe IV King of France granted "castra…de Choec et de Payrac" to "Johanne de Marchia, sorori germane Guidonis quondam comitis Marchie et Engolisme", by reason of the rights she had “in successione dicti Guidonis necnon Guidonis de Marchia patrui ipsius Johanne”, by charter dated Aug 1310[64].
Bernard Aiz [IV] & his wife JEANNE de Lusignan had Two Children
- a) MATHE d'Albret [1275/79]-[24 Dec 1280/1283], bur Auch Cathedral). The testament of “Bernardet d’Albret”, dated “du lundy avant Noel” 1280, appointed “Malthe sa première fille” as his heir if he had no male heirs[65]. Dame d'Albret.
- b) ISABELLE d'Albret [1276/80]-1 Dec 1294, bur Auch Cathedral). Dame d'Albret. The testament of “Isabellis domina de Lebreto comitissa Armaniaci et Fesenciaci” is dated 1 Oct 1294, names “dominam Johannam de la Marcha matrem meam” as her heir “in castro meo de Alhais diocesis Vasatensis”, chooses her burial “in ecclesia cathedrali B. Mariæ Auxis in sepultura sororis meæ quondam”, appoints “Rotgerium de Armaniaco sororium meum” as her heir “in castris de Casa-nova, de Lebreto” and names “domino Bernardo comiti Armaniaci et Fesenciaci marito meo...Gastoni vicecomiti Fesensaquelli...sororiis meis”[66]. m as his first wife, BERNARD [VI] Comte d'Armagnac, son of GERAUD [VI] Comte d'Armagnac & his wife Mathe de Béarn (-1319, bur Auch Sainte-Marie).
Married secondly PIERRE de Joinville [Genville], of Ludlow Shropshire and Walterstone co Hereford
- Of Ludlow Shropshire and Walterstone co Hereford. Lord of Stanton Lacy. m (after 1280) as her second husband, JEANNE de Lusignan, widow of BERNARD AIZ [IV] Seigneur d'Albret, daughter of HUGUES [XIII] Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême, Seigneur de Lusignan & his wife Jeanne de Fougères (-before 18 Apr 1323, bur Abbaye de Valence). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "Petro de Genyvile" married "Johannam filiam --- comitis Marchiæ"[527]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. She and her sister Isabelle, as joint heiresses of the county of la Marche, agreed in May 1309 to transfer the county to Philippe IV "le Bel" King of France, when it was united with the royal domains. Philippe IV King of France granted "castra…de Choec et de Payrac" to "Johanne de Marchia, sorori germane Guidonis quondam comitis Marchie et Engolisme", by charter dated Aug 1310, which names "Guidonis de Marchia, patrui ipsius Johanne"[528]. The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "Petro de Genyvile" married "Johannam filiam --- comitis Marchiæ"[529].
Pierre & his wife JEANNE de Lusignan had Three Children
- a) JOAN de Genevile (2 Feb 1286-19 Oct 1356). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Joannam, Matildam et Beatricem" as the children of "Petro de Genyvile" and his wife, adding that Jeanne married "Rogero de Mortuomari primo comiti Marchiæ"[530]. A manuscript narrating the foundation of Wigmore Abbey records that “Rogerum primum comitem” married “dominæ Johannæ filiæ domini Petri de Genyville, filii domini Galfridi de Genyville, domini de Trym”[531]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Johannæ, Matildi et Beatrici” as the children of “Petro Genevyle”, adding that “Johanna” married “domino Rogero de Mortuomari”[532]. m (before 6 Oct 1306) ROGER [V] de Mortimer Lord Mortimer, son of EDMUND [I] de Mortimer Lord Mortimer & his wife Margaret de Fiennes (25 Apr or 3 May 1287-executed Tyburn, London 29 Nov 1330, bur Shrewsbury, Church of the Grey Friars). He was created Earl of March in 1328.
- b) MATILDA de Genevile The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Joannam, Matildam et Beatricem" as the children of "Petro de Genyvile" and his wife, adding that the two younger daughters became nuns "apud Acornbury"[533]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Johannæ, Matildi et Beatrici” as the children of “Petro Genevyle”[534].
- c) BEATRIX de Genevile The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Joannam, Matildam et Beatricem" as the children of "Petro de Genyvile" and his wife, adding that the two younger daughters became nuns "apud Acornbury"[535]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Johannæ, Matildi et Beatrici” as the children of “Petro Genevyle”[536].
- Projects MedLands Chamdampjo - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chamdampjo.htm#PierreJoinvilledied1292
- Projects MedLands Gascatlan - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/gascatlan.htm#BernardAizIVAlbretdie...
- Projects MedLands ANGOULEME - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#JeanneLusignandied1323
The Complete Peerage, 1936 , Doubleday, H.A. & Lord Howard de Walden. V 632
April 18, 1323
Jeanne de Lusignan died at the Abbey de Valence. Jeanne de Lusignan was born about 1260, the daughter of Hugues XII de Lusignan, comte de La Marche et d'Angoulême, and Jehanne de Fougères, dame de Fougères. In 1314 she succeeded her elder sister Yolande as Dame de Lusignan, de Couhe et de Peyrat, but not as Comtesse de La Marche; after her sister's death La Marche was annexed by Philippe IV, king of France, and given as an appanage to his son Charles 'le Bel'. In 1308, following the death of their brother Guy I de Lusignan, Jeanne and her sister Isabelle, as co-heiresses, had sold the county of Angoulême to the king.
With her first husband Bernard Aiz IV, sire d'Albret, son of Amanieu VI, sire d'Albret, and Mathe de Bordeaux, Jeanne had two daughters, Mathe and Isabelle, who did not have progeny.
After the death of her first husband in 1280, in 1283 Jeanne married Piers de Geneville, 2nd Lord Geneville, son of Geoffroy de Joinville, 1st baron de Geneville, sire de Vaucouleurs, and Mahaut de Lacy, heiress of Meath. Of their three daughters, two became nuns, and Joane would have progeny, marrying Roger Mortimer, 1st earl of March.
She was a descendant of three successive generations of de Lusignan Crusaders. Her husband was a descendant of two more Crusaders and a Magna Carta Baron, Hugh Bigod.
- The Complete Peerage, 1936 , Doubleday, H.A. & Lord Howard de Walden. V 632
- Joan of Lusignan - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Lusignan
- Projects MedLands Chamdampjo - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chamdampjo.htm#PierreJoinvilledied1292
- Projects MedLands Gascatlan - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/gascatlan.htm#BernardAizIVAlbretdie...
- Projects MedLands ANGOULEME - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#JeanneLusignandied1323
- Eoropaseische Stammtafeln "Lusignan"
- Medieval Lands "Angoulême"
- Paul Theroff Medieval Lands "Angoulême"
- Paul Theroff Europaseische Stammtafeln "Lusignan".www.findagrave.com
Jeanne De Lusignan Geneville
BIRTH unknown
DEATH Apr 1323
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Valence
Couhe, Departement de la Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
MEMORIAL ID 133049183
Family Members
Hugues XII de Lusignan
Jehanne de Fougères
Peter De Geneville
Joan Geneville
Jeanne de Lusignan's Timeline
1260 |
Lusignan, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
1278 |
1280 |
1283 |
1285 |
February 2, 1285
Ludlow, Shropshire, England
1287 |
Ludlow, Shropshire, England
1291 |
June 4, 1291
Ludlow, Shropshire, England
1323 |
April 18, 1323
Age 63
Ludlow, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom
Age 63
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Valence, Couhe, Poitou-Charentes, France