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Joakim Frederik Skovgaard (1856 - 1933)

Also Known As: "Joachim"
Birthplace: København, Københavns Amt, Sjælland, Danmark (Denmark)
Death: March 09, 1933 (76)
København, Københavns Amt, Sjælland, Danmark (Denmark)
Immediate Family:

Son of Peter Christian Thamsen Skovgaard and Georgia Maria Louise Schouw
Husband of Agnete Lange
Father of Peter Skovgaard; Johan Thomas Skovgaard; Georgia Jensen; Ingrid Marie Cathrine Skovgaard; Private and 4 others
Brother of Niels Skovgaard and Suzette Holten

Occupation: Figurmaler, Professor & Direktør ved Kunstakademiet
Managed by: Ruth Juul Høegen
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Joakim Skovgaard

He is primarily known for his landscape paintings, and for the special role he played in portraying Denmark’s nature; not the spectacular but the ordinary and typical. He helped develop a unique Danish art form and sensibility. He had a deep sympathy for the Danish landscape and its uniqueness, especially Denmark’s beloved beech forests. Animal life and locals that belonged to the land populated these landscapes. He studied nature diligently, and tried to portray it faithfully, yet ideally, and with a love of his country. He was a master of composition, and in his later works he developed an increasing interest in portraying atmosphere and light. The scale of his paintings was a breakthrough in Danish art. He is considered one of the leasing landscape painters of the 1800’s. His art production and academic career had a large influence on landscape painting’s future in Denmark. He occasionally painted portraits. These skillful works include paintings of his family and children, of fellow artists such as Lundbye (1841), of friends such as Amelie Elisabeth Freunds (1860), H. E. Freunds’ wife, and of society’s important people such as N.F.S. Grundtvig (1847), of whom he was a big admirer. His work has been shown both in Denmark and internationally in numerous exhibitions of Danish art, and especially art representative of the Golden Age of Danish Painting. These include exhibitions in London (1907, 1948), Paris (1928, 1984-1985), New York City (1960-1961, 1964), and Rome (1974). His works are in the collection of many Danish museums including the Danish National Gallery (Statens Museum for Kunst), the Hirschsprung Collection, the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen’s City Museum, Thorvaldsens Museum, Ordrupgaard, and local art museums in Aarhus, Horsens, and Ribe. Another Danish national romantic landscape painters of his generation, in addition to lifelong friend J.T. Lundbye, was Vilhelm Kyhn. The Skovgaard Museum in Viborg is dedicated to the artistic production of the entire Skovgaard family. A number of paintings by P.C. Skovgaard are in the museum’s collection.

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Joakim Skovgaard's Timeline

November 18, 1856
København, Københavns Amt, Sjælland, Danmark (Denmark)
July 27, 1887
Vartov, København, Danmark (Denmark)
August 28, 1888
Köpenhamn, Denmark
January 11, 1893
København, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt
April 2, 1903
Sankt Johannes, København
March 9, 1933
Age 76
København, Københavns Amt, Sjælland, Danmark (Denmark)