The children of Leonard Berkheimer and wife Maria Catherine Kerger were:
5. John Henry Berkheimer, b. Phila. Co
Source: 8 - Mifflinburg Telegraph, February 23, 2012. The Berkheimer Family - Part Two.
For early book with ancestrial line and family tree, go to Hans Pirckheimer 1300-1375 and Anna Gundelfinger (died 1386),
"Affidavit in Harrison County shows Berkhammer enlisted as regular soldier in Philadelphia under Captain Church, and served upwards of for years. He was in battles of Germantown, Wood Bridge, Strawberry Hill, Trenton, Fox Chase, and was discharged at the "Trab" or "Trap" near Philadelphia. He fought under General Muhlenberg, under command of Captain John Smith. (name is signed in German.)" See page 16, “West Virginians in the Revolution” complied by Ross B. Johnston, Clearfield publishing.
Papers from National Archives, Washington, D.C. File R21768 for Henry Berkhammer, for pension for services i n the Revolutionary War, as follows: "At a court held for the County of Harrison, Stateof Virginia, on the 22d day of Cecember, 1818 and 43rd year of the ommonwealth..Before the Court aforesaid, personally appeared Henry Berkhammer who, being duly sworn according t o Law, doth on his oath make thefollowing declaration in order to obtainthe provision made by thelate Act ofCongress, entitled An Act toprovidefor certainpersonsengagedin thelandandnavalservicesoftheU.S.intheRev- olutionaryWar.Thatheenlistedintheyear17 ,asaregularsoldierin the city of Philadelphia in Capt. Church's Comp. and served for the space offouryearsandupwardsin theserviceoftheU.S.againstthecommonenemy and was engaged in the Battle of Germantown, Woodbridge, Stanburyhill, Trenton, andFoxChase andattheclose ofthewarwas dischargedata place called the Trap, about 75 miles this side of Philadelphia and that he has no other evidence of his said service and needs the assistance of his country for his support. He fought under George Washin gbon, does not recollect the name of the Col.he was under thecommand of Capt. John Smith." He made another claim in 1832, and said he served in a German Regt. commanded by General Washington. He moved from Philadelphia to Frederick Co., Va. about 27 years ago, and then to Harrison Co. 22 years ago where he now lives. He made a third reauest March 19, 1833, at which time he was 82 years. He stated he was born in Philadelphia Co., Pa.and lived there untilthe close of theRevolutionary War, except when he served his country.He was drafted inAug. of1775or1776inthemilitia under thecommand ofCapt. JohnPorten, andmarchedfromPhiladelphiatoTrenton,thentoAmboy, and was later discharged.He believes that in Dec. following he was called again into the service under the same officers and marched to LewtownC?) and then to White Marsh and after two months was discharged.He was called out the following spring under Capt. Porten, and marched to Chestnut Hill, and was in a battle there, and from there went to Hickorytown and thendischarged. Again he was called under thesame officers andmarched toFoxChaseand was in a battle there, and then discharged after two months. After this enlistment he enlisted under Capt. Smith and served to theclose of thewar as stated before. He states his age is in the Family Bible and that he i s in need of money. In March 5, 1836, George S„ Rinehart swears that he knew Henry Birk- hamer and that he served as a private i n the said Regt. in Co. 8 of which Adam Smith was Lieut, and later a Captain. Service Records from "Pa. Archives" 5th Series, Vol. and page given:
5. Johann Henrich Berkheimer, b. Philadelphia Co., Pa. 4/3/1751, died after 1836 in Harrison Co., Va. (Now W» Va.). He was married probably three times. First to Anna Rosina Ochs, widow of Matthias Ochs» She was d/o Johann Martin Schwenk of TJper Milford Twp0, Bucks Co., Pa. She was b, 6/25/1751 and died age 37 years, buried on 5/31/1788. (Records of Goshenhoppen Reformed Church).
9. Henry & Rosina were sponsors at baptism of Daniel Dubbs son Johan Daniel in1786c Intherecordsof St.Peter'sChurch,Northwales,isCatharina Berckheimer,daughterofHenry,age15,confirmedin1794» Henrymarried 2nd. Juliana and she had "Bernhard" b= 2/27/1790 baptized 4/5/1790 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Center Square, Pa. with her grandparents Bernhard and Catherine Berkheimer as sponsors. A second child born to Juliana was Magdalena, 1/27/1791, baptized at St. John's. 4/1/1792. The Harrison Co., Virginia tax lists and Census indicate that Henry had other children, sons and daughters. In 1816 Henry or a Henry married Hannah Alder. So the children of Henry Burkhammer and wife Juliana were: Leonard, Magdalena, Joseph, Isaac, and Jacob and also Hannah through a marriage record. There may have been others, too. Henry's Revolutionary War Records are found in this book. At Clarksburg, Va. are found tax records 1806 until 1824 for Henry who followed hisbrother Philip to Frederick Co., Va. but later moved on to Harrison Co., Va. now part of W0 Va. Henry's son Leonard, is also taxed in 1813. Henry was in the Revolutionary War and his pension papers from the National Archives, are found in this book.
1751 |
April 3, 1751
Philadelphia Country , Pennsylvania, British Colonial America
1790 |
February 27, 1790
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States
1798 |
Harrison Co., Virginia Territory (WV after 1863), United States
1805 |
1836 |
Age 84
Harrison County, Virginia, United States
???? |
Oak Grove Cemetery, Marshall County, West Virginia, United States