Johanna Vilhelmine Irmgard Pihlak

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Johanna Vilhelmine Irmgard Pihlak (Treufeld / Truupõld)

Birthplace: Tallinn, Harjumaa
Death: November 26, 1980 (77)
Tallinn, Harjumaa
Place of Burial: Metsakalmistu, vana osa, kv8, 2885, kirstuplats, Tallinn, Harjumaa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Juhan Treufeldt and Miina Treufeld
Wife of Oskar Pihlak
Mother of Õie Pihlak; Ilmar Pihlak and Ülo Pihlak
Sister of Lydia Truupõld; August Treufeldt; Helene Treufeldt; Elvine Kersic and Hildegard Leontine Kaal

Occupation: Koduperenaine, kirjanik
Managed by: Martti Aru
Last Updated:
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Johanna Vilhelmine Irmgard Pihlak's Timeline

July 29, 1903
Tallinn, Harjumaa
April 25, 1933
February 15, 1936
August 20, 1940
Türi, Türi vald, Järva County, Estonia
November 26, 1980
Age 77
Tallinn, Harjumaa
November 30, 1980
Age 77
Metsakalmistu, vana osa, kv8, 2885, kirstuplats, Tallinn, Harjumaa