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John Amyas

Death: 1552 (46-47)
Immediate Family:

Son of Richard Amyas and Barbara Amyas
Husband of Elizabeth Amyas
Father of Thomas Amyas

Managed by: Gwen Robinson
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Immediate Family

About John Amyas

  • AMYAS, George (by 1513-53), of Lynn, Norf.
  • b. by 1513, yr. s. of Richard Amyas of Godmersham, Kent by Barbara, da. of Roger Barber of Bury St. Edmunds, Suff. educ. ?Oxf. BA 1525, determined 1526. m. Margaret.
  • On 20 Apr. 1552, five days after the dissolution, Amyas made his will. After asking to be buried in St. Margaret’s church in Lynn or wherever he died, he left money for alms to be distributed annually for his soul and those of his father and two others. He provided for his wife and remembered several kinsmen and friends. He left all his books to William Hardy except the two medical books already mentioned and his Chronica Chronicorum which he bequeathed to Thomas Amyas. As executors he appointed his wife and Thomas Young (and if they renounced the task Thomas Amyas and William Palmer) and as supervisor his brother John living in Kent. Amyas attended meetings of the governing body at Lynn regularly until September 1553 when his name disappears from the list of aldermen; his will was proved at Norwich on the following 16 Nov. and again at the prerogative court of Canterbury four years later
  • From:
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  • GEORGE AMYAS, Will 20 April 1552
  • GEORGE AMYAS of Kyngs Lynne, Marchaunt, 20 April 1552 (6 Edward VI). To be buried in Saincte Margarets churche or in that other churche or Chappell wheare that it shall please God that I shall departe this worlde.
  • To the high aulter of Sainct Margaretes Churche 6s. 8d. To reparacons of the saide churche 20s.
  • To John Aulsey in Kent if he be alive 20s. To Margaret my wif all my goodes, howses and lands within Lynne or wt out that is to say the house that I dwell in wt thehowses and lands and Saincte Johnes, for terme of her lif and with the houses I bought of Bridges wedowe and Harryson in Dangate and the house in Mercer rowe I bought of Grome of Laneham. After her decease I give to Thomas Amyas and Richard Amyas his brother all those my houses and landes at Saint Jones and that I bought of Brigges wedowe and Harrison and the house in Mercer rowe and they to geve their awne susters out of their awne lands £5 a pece of them.
  • I will my wif and Grace Yong shalhave the house I dwell in terme of their lives and to remayn to Thomas and Richard Amyas.
  • To Thomas Yong my gelding, half a dosenne siluer spones and the Nutt and a gowne.
  • To Robert Hardye my seconde gowne faced with black conney and my damaske jackett and the staff called ye partisaunt and one of my swordes. To Thomas Yong a harnes wt a bill and my redde horse and my satten jackett, whome I make one of my executours and Margarete my wife thother.
  • To my brother John Amyas my best gowne furred with foynes one of my bolles poiz 15 ouncs and a gold ring wt a stone called a Cropolte therin whom I make myn supervisour.
  • To my suster at Wymondham my great pott covered wt siluer and my name written on it.
  • To my mother my golde ring with a stone called a saphier whiche my name is graven in. To my suster Marye one other golde ring and my hoope of golde wherein is written ‘Remembr to dye’.
  • To the reparacions of the churche of Saincte Lauraunce at Godmersham where my father lieth 20s. *To my wif all my specialties and debtes to pay all my debts and to geve in almes and other deades of charite for my soule and my father Richard Amyas soule William Youngs soule and John Hardyes soule and all christen soules 20s. yerely whiles she lyve in monney or elles cooles. At my burying day five marks and other five marks at my thirty day and twelvemoneth day.
  • If my wif and Thomas Younge will not prove and fulfil all thinges thenne I will my cousen ----------- and Mr. Palmer the alderman shalbe my executours and to geve my wif £100 in monney in ware plate and housholde stuff. If she claim dower she to have but the Dowrye and they to entre in all my landes and goods and so to lett Saincte Johnes, the house that I dwell in lett Briges called the Broade arrowe in Daymyat and the house I bought of Grome of Lavenham and after to descende to Thomas Amyas and Richard his brother by even porcions and so their heires foreuer, geving in Lynne yerele 20s. in deades of charitie about Christmas or Candlemas in money or cooles foreuer.
  • I geve William Hardye all my bookes saving my blacke booke of phisicke and a booke of practise and the Cronica Cronic- orum and I geve to Thomas Amyas them.
  • To my cousen Richard Amyas my siluer dagger. I will Mr. Gilletts house be sold to the perfourmaunce of my will.
  • I will thies ymplementes shall remayn with the house of my wif, Grace, wt other other suerties to be bounde for them to Thomas Amyas. First a presse on the chambr that I lye in, a cubbourde with the Kinges armes in the hedde, a cubbourde in the buttrye, a chest in the parlor wt an yron bonde, twoo harthe yrons in the parlor, a standing bedstedde in the fourth chambre, the greate chest in shoppe and all the shelves in bothe shoppes.
  • By me George Amyas the 23 Januarye 1557.
  • Proved 23 November 1557 by Robert Plate proctor of Thomas Yonge and Margarete relict. (P.C.C. 50 Wrastley)
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John AMYAS (-1552) [Pedigree] Son of Richard AMYAS (-1552) and Barbara BARBER

   d. 1552
   r. Wymondham Married Elizabeth FLOWERDEW  Children:  Isode AMYAS  Thomas AMYAS Gent m. Frances FLOWERDEW  Frances AMYAS  Joan AMYAS  Richard AMYAS  Katherine AMYAS  Elizabeth AMYAS  Anne AMYAS

father: Richard AMYAS mother: Barbara BARBER John AMYAS Elizabeth FLOWERDEW children: Thomas AMYAS Gent

John Amyas Born in West Yorkshire, England on 1510 to Robert Amyas and Agnes. John married Elizabeth Flowerdew and had a child. John married Margaret Medley. John married Anne Stace and had 2 children. He passed away on May 1587 in England.

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John Amyas's Timeline

Deopham, Norfolk, Eng
Age 47