John Findley Caldwell, II

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John Findley Caldwell, II

Also Known As: "John F Caldwell"
Birthplace: Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, Dublin, Ireland
Death: October 30, 1795 (80)
Halifax County, Virginia, USA
Place of Burial: Cub Creek Cemetery, Charlotte County, Virginia, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of John Caldwell, of Cub Creek and Margaret Caldwell
Husband of Margaret Eleanor Caldwell; Jane Caldwell and Martha Caldwell
Father of Eleanor Rutledge; Sarah Caldwell; John H. Caldwell; Allen Caldwell; Robert Hamilton Caldwell and 9 others
Brother of Major William Findley Caldwell; Thomas Caldwell; Rev. David Caldwell; Margaret Ann Mitchell; Robert Caldwell, Sr. and 1 other

Managed by: Scott Lancaster
Last Updated:

About John Findley Caldwell, II

Children of Margaret Phillips & John Caldwell:

5 John Caldwell b 1715 d 1795 Tennessee Inherited 500 acres known as Flag Spring from his father married Jane Kennedy abt 1735

Married Margaret Eleanor Ewing on Jun 11, 1737 in Lunenburg, Va.

Married Jane Kennedy on Jun 16, 1746 in Luenburg, Va

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John Findley Caldwell, II's Timeline

March 20, 1715
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, Dublin, Ireland
May 3, 1732
County Cavan, Ireland
March 28, 1740
Virginia, United States
Halifax, Halifax County, Virginia, United States
Lunenburg County, Virginia, USA
Lunenburg County, Virginia, USA
November 13, 1748
Hanover County, Virginia, United States of America (United States)