John, second Earl of Morton, first appears on record on 30 June 1466, when he is designed son and apparent heir of James, Earl of Morton. The Scots Peerage VI: 356
Wikipedia reports that John Douglas, second Earl of Morton, was killed in action in 1513, at the Battle of Flodden. Wikipedia This quite wrong. The earl was alive on 19 July 1511, when his son James, Master of Morton, acted as procurator for him Scots Peerage VI: 358, but he died before 3 February 1512-13, when the Master had a prcept for infefting him as his deceased father's heir in various baronies and lands. NRS: GD150/273
John, Earl of Morton, here treated was contracted to marry Elizabeth Graham, daughter of David Graham of Fintry, but the contract was never fulfilled and the Earl married Janet Crichton, said to be the daughter of Patrick Crichton of Cranston-Riddell. Scots Peerage VI: 358 Janet and her husband purchased a tenement of land in Edinburgh's Blackfriars Wynd on 11 March 1501-02. NRS: GD150/773 and they had a charter under the Great Seal of Scotland on 22 February 1506-07 which confirmed their joint possession of the lands of Abirdour in Fife. RMS: 3066
31 October 1480: RMS, 1424-1513: 1455
21 February 1482: Witnesses: Sir John Douglas, Master of Mortoun: "Joh. Douglas, milite, Magistro (de) Mortoun" and others. RMS, 1424-1513: 1573
10 June 1493: Crown precept directed to Mr. George Crechtoun, James Giffert, Mr. William Giffert and David Broun, for the infeftment of John Douglas, son and heir apparent of James, earl of Mortone, in the barony of Dalkeith, the baronies of Caldorclere, Garmyltoun, Donnyng and Quhittinghame, the lands of Dechment and Holdene in the barony of Wester Caldar, the baronies of Kilbothok, Newlandis and Lyntoun, the said James's part of the barony of Kirkurde, Lochurde, Eschellis, Qwyht and Fithane, £6,13s.4d. sterling of annualrent from the lands of Horsbruke and the same from the lands of Ester Hopkelzath, lands of Eschellis, £4 sterling of annualrent from the lands of Newby in the Sheriffdom of Peblis, barony of Robertoun, barony of Abirdoure, lands of Wodfield, Tyrie and Seyfield, two Balbartanys, barony of Mortoun, barony of Mordingtoun, lands of Ganachy and Pettulane, fishing of Water of Tay, barony of Prestoun, lands of Borg, tenement of Hutoun, and lands of Moffetdale, resigned by said earl. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/234
10 September 1493: Instrument of sasine following on GD150/234 Done at the outer door of the castle of Dalkeith. Witnesses: James Douglas, brother german of John, earl of Morton, John Inglis of Langlanhill, Andrew Broune of Thripland, David Broune and Andrew Broune, brothers german, masters and sirs William Gifferd and William Colden, prebendaries of Spittalhaucht and Lochurd, John Wode, vicar of Dalkeith, John Chalmer, Walter Symsone, Alexander Cole and David Fethane, priests, Alexander Glendonwyn and Patrick Greif. Notary - William Henryson, priest, prebendary of Horsbruce in the collegiate church of Dalkeith. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/237
1 August 1498: Instrument of sasine narrating that John, earl of Mortoun, gave sasine to John Douglas, his carnal son, of the lands of Boydandleis in the barony of Robertoun and sheriffdom of Lanark. Witnesses: James Gyffwrd of Scherahall, William Edmastown, William Borthik, Thomas Dowgles, sir Edward Makdowell, sir John Auchinlek, priests, William Iglis, Costin Iglis, and Thomas Knokis. Notary - William Lyndsay, priest, Glasgow. [Seal.] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/256
11 March 1501-02: Charter by Jonet Bell, sister and heir of deceased Thomas Bell, to John, earl of Mortoun, and JONET CREICHTOUN, his spouse, of a tenement in Blackfriars' wynd in Edinburgh, lying between the abbot of Abirbrothok's land on the south, deceased Thomas Broune's land on the north, said wynd on the east and tenement of abbot of Melrose on the west. Sealed with the seal of John Bissait, bailie giving sasine. Witnesses: James Giffert of Sherefhall, John Todrik, Thomas Beynstoun, William Giffert, Thomas Almeross, James Monynet, notary, William Thomsoun and Andrew Grahame, serjeants. [Seal.] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/773
22 February 1503-04: Transumpt of letters under the great seal of Robert II. in favour of James of Douglas of Dalketh, dated 20 February 1387/8 (Reg. ii 160). Done in the town of Dalketh, in the chamber of sir John Scot, prebendary of Horsbruce. Witnesses: James Douglas, son and apparent heir of John, earl of Morton, John Douglas, prebendary of Ignaston, elder, and John Douglas of Bodeley, younger, brothers german, William Borthwik, sirs John Crechton and John Scot, chaplains, James Gifferd, son and apparent heir of James Gifferd of Shereffhall, and William Gifferd, brothers german, and James Hammylton. Notary - Alexander Kowe, priest, St. Andrews. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/268
4 December 1505: Obligation by James of Douglas, son and apparent heir of John, Earl of Mortoun, to William Cokburne of Scraling for implement of a decreet arbitral between deceased James, Earl of Mortoun, his grandfather, and deceased Mr. Adam Cokburne of Scraling relating to the marches between the lands of Edmonstoune and Scraling. National Records of Scotland, Papers of Lawson family of Cairnmuir, Peebles-shire, reference GD120/78
22 February 1506-07: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms that he has given the lands of Abirdour in the regality of Dalkeith and sheriffdom of Fife, to John, Earl of Mortoun, and his wife JONETE CREICHTOUN, to be held by them in conjunct fee and liferent, and by their male heirs, whom failing by the Earl's nearest heirs whatsover. The Earl of Mortoun had previously resigned this land into the king's hands in order to obtain a new grant in favour of himself and his wife. RMS, 1424-1513: 3066
13 December 1505: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms that he has given the barony of Prestoun in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright to James Douglas, son and heir of John Douglas, Earl of Morton, and his wife Katherine Stewart, the King's bastard daughter. RMS, 1424-1513: 3160
10 December 1507: Crown charter to James Douglas, son and heir of John, earl of Mortoun, and Katharine, his spouse, of the barony of Prestoun. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/1500
20 December 1509: Charter by John, earl of Mortoun, to John, his son, of the lands of Bodeleys, in the barony of Robertoun (annexed to the barony of Dalkeith). At the castle of Dalkeith. Witnesses: Mr. William Dowglas and Mr. John Dowglas, sons of the granter, parsons of Kilbotho and Newlands, Patrick Roul, provost of the collegiate church of Dalkeith, William Gifferd, James Kneland, William Borthuik, sirs John Crechtoun and John Scot, vicar and prebendary of the said church of Dalketh, and William Liddale, the granter's marshel. [Seal]. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/1586
May 1510: (a) Instrument of resignation and sasine narrating resignation by Mark Swyntoun, procurator of Alexander Schele of Westschele, in the hands of John, earl of Mortoun, of the lands of Westschele, and sasine to Mr. John Murray of Barony, attorney for George, son of said Alexander, reserving liferent to Alexander and terce to Margaret Wawan, his spouse. At the castle of Dalkeith. Mr. William Wawan, canon of Aberdeen and official of Lothian, asked the instrument. Witnesses: Sir James Douglas of Prestoun, son of said earl, Patrick Roul, John Crechtoun, provost and vicar of Dalketh, John Menzies of Castelhill, James Douglas of Hawthornden, Hugh Gifferd, John Gifferd and John Laverok. Notary - John Scot. (b) Charter on the foregoing William Liddale, our marshal, is added to the witnesses and John Gifford is designed opidano ville nostre de Dalketh. [Seal]. (c) Precept on the foregoing. [Seal] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/699
3 February 1512-13: Crown precept for infefting James, master of Mortoun, as son and heir of deceased John, earl of Mortoun in his father's baronies etc. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/273
John Douglas, 2nd Earl of Morton died 9 September 1513 at the Battle of Flodden.[2]
He was the son of James Douglas, 1st Earl of Morton and Princess Joan of Scotland, Countess of Morton, daughter of James I of Scotland by his wife Lady Joan Beaufort.[3] He became earl in 1493, upon his father's death. He was succeeded by his son James Douglas, 3rd Earl of Morton.
A very wealthy man, John, unlike many of his peers, did not become embroiled in the intrigues and politics of his day.[4] Instead, the shrewd Earl of Morton worked to improve his holdings and was quite the litigator in his time, successfully defending his interests in court.[5] It turned out later that John, as lord of Dalkeith was aware the land had great value both above and below the surface and in fact sat on what was later described as the Great Midlothian Coalfield.[4]
Marriage and Issue
He married Janet Crichton, daughter of Patrick Crichton of Cranston-Riddel[6] and had two sons and two daughters:
James Douglas, 3rd Earl of Morton - died 1553.[6]
Richard Douglas, referred to in an entail of the Morton estates, had two sons William and James.[6] Agnes Douglas, married Alexander Livingston, 5th Lord Livingston.[6] Elizabeth Douglas, married her second cousin Robert Keith, Master of Marischal.[6] Their son William became the 4th Earl Marischal.
John Douglas, 2nd Earl of Morton was born before 1466.1 He was the son of James Douglas, 1st Earl of Morton and Joan Stewart.1 He married Janet Crichton, daughter of Sir Patrick Crichton, before 1493.1,2 He died between 8 November 1511 and 26 November 1513.1,2 He was appointed Knight before 1474.2 He succeeded as the 2nd Earl of Morton [S., 1458] on 22 October 1492.1,2 He was Envoy to England in 1494.2 Children of John Douglas, 2nd Earl of Morton and Janet Crichton: 1. Lady Elizabeth Douglas+3 d. 2 May 1527 2. James Douglas, 3rd Earl of Morton+2 d. Dec 1548 3. Richard Douglas3 4 Lady Agnes Douglas+3 b. c 1505
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 231. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 2, page 2195. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
John Douglas was killed in Action during the War of the League of Cambrai at the Battle of Flodden Field.
John Douglas is a member of Clan Douglas.
John Douglas is Notable.
Sir John Douglas, 2nd Earl Morton, 4th Lord Dalkeith was the son of James Douglas, 1st Earl of Morton, and Joan (Stewart) Douglas born before 1466.[1][2]
He married Janet Crichton, daughter of Patrick Crichton;[3][1] They had 2 son s& 2 daughters:
James, 3rd Earl of Morton, d. Dec 1548
Richard Beatrice (Elizabeth), wife of Robert, Lord Keith, d. 2 May 1527
Agnes, wife of Alexander, 5th Lord Livingston, b. c 1505
He and Elizabeth Graham were engaged on 30 June 1466.
He married Janet Crichton, daughter of Sir Patrick Crichton, before 1493.1,2 He died between 8 November 1511 and 26 November 1513.1,2
He was appointed Knight before 1474. He succeeded as the 2nd Earl of Morton [S., 1458] on 22 October 1492.1,2 He was Envoy to England in 1494.
He is listed as perishing during the Battle of Flodden Field, on 9 Sep 1513.[4]
↑ 1.0 1.1 Richardson, Douglas, "Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families", Salt Lake City: the author, 2013 Vol. I, p. 659 ↑ Paul, James Balfour. "The Scots Peerage : founded on Wood's ed. of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland; containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom", Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1911, Vol. VIII, Archive.org, p. 356 ↑ Johnston, George Harvey, "The heraldry of the Douglases : with notes on all the males of the family, descriptions of the arms, plates and pedigrees", Edinburgh: W & A K Johnston, 1907, Archive.org, p. 65 ↑ Elliot, Fitzwilliam, "Battle of Flodden and the Raids of 1513", Edinburgh, Andrew Elliot, 1911, Archive.org, p. 204 See also:
Wikipedia: John_Douglas,_2nd_Earl_of_Morton John Douglas, 2nd Earl of Morton. Marlyn Lewis Wikidata: Item Q7617702 help.gif
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January 1, 1459
Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
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Morton, Dumfrieshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
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February 3, 1513
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