From “Two Generations of the Marshe Family” by Jared L. Olar (February 2019) https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~fesschequy/genealogy/Marshe.html
1. JOHN MARSHE, parentage and ancestry unknown, a yeoman and brewer of Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshire, England, died between 2 Dec. 1558 and 15 Feb. 1559 at Chipping Barnet. It was probably circa 1530-35 in Chipping Barnet that John married his wife JOAN (NN), who appears to have been the mother of the son and four daughters of John who are listed in John's will. On 13 June 1553, "John Marshe senior and Joan his wife and John Marshe junior" of Chipping Barnet bought two messuages there with garden and orchard. John Marshe made his will on 2 Dec. 1558, and the will was proved 15 Feb. 1559 on the oath of "Johanne Rel[i]c[t]e et executrics" (Joan, widow and executrix).
Eugene C. Zubrinsky's above cited 2011 paper, pages 13-15, summarises John Marshe's will as follows (my bold emphasis added):
The will first states his surname as Marche and is therefore catalogued under that spelling; Marshe, however, predominates in the document thereafter. It mentions wife Jone (executrix), children John Marche (under 24), Rose Marshe, Margarett Marshe, Elizabeth [surname omitted], and Jone Marshe (all unmarried); brothers William Marshe, Richard Marshe/Marche (overseer), and Allyn [surname omitted]; "ev[er]y one of my servannts dwellinge w[i]t[h] me at the date of my deathe"; brother Richard's children John, Robert, Margarett, and Jane; Agnes Norrys, daughter to Valentyne Norrys; Christopher Browke; John Shadle; witnesses were Valentyne Norrys, Richard Marche, William Rolfe, Christopher Browke, and others unnamed.
While Marshe's will fails to state his occupation or social position, his bequests (and multiple servants) indicate a man of substance. He bestowed houses and lands in the parish of Hendon (nearby, in Middlesex); the house in which his brother William then dwelt' "pett feldes" [i.e., peat fields]; a parcel of land and appurtenances called Myllys Crofte; and "my house that I dwell in w[i]t[h] the lands belonginge and all my Freholde lands and houses w[ith]in the lordship of Barnett." Specified monetary legacies totaled over 90 pounds, and bequests of other personal estate included ten cows (total); a "salte and silver and gilte w[i]t[h] the cov[er]inge belonging to ytt"; a "greate brasse panne whiche my father gave me"; twelve silver spoons, of which "six of my beste . . . [have] maydes heads gilted in the endes"; a silver goblet; a mazer; two coats (with the implications of others); a jacket "bounde about" with lace; two gowns; a camlet [goat's hair and silk] jacket; and a satin doublet. From the will's reference to "all maner of Brwenge vessels withall the kilderkyns [i.e., casks] and all other ymplements belonging to the brewhouse," it is apparent that Marshe was a brewer.
After John's death, on 3 Nov. 1561 in Chipping Barnet, Joan Marshe married ROGER MARSHE, presumably a kinsman of her late husband John. Zubrinsky notes that Roger and Joan's grantor deed of lands at East Barnet on 28 Feb. 1562 describes Joan as the wife of Roger Marshe and executrix of the will of John Marshe of Chipping Barnet.
The known children of John and Joan Marshe were:
1505 |
1534 |
Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshire, England
1538 |
Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshire, England
1558 |
December 2, 1558
Age 53
Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshire, England
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