John Warren of Corlie

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John I Warren

Birthplace: Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
Death: April 23, 1576 (50)
Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, Enland
Place of Burial: Nayland, Suffolk, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Robert Warren of Wissington and Margaret Warren
Husband of 1st wife of John Warren; Agnes Howlett; Margaret Cole / Warren and Christian Hinson
Father of John "The Elder" Warren; John "the Middle" Warren; Richard Warren; Agnes Warren; Samuel Warren and 5 others
Brother of William Warren, of Bures St. Mary; William Warren; Thomas Warren of Wissington; James Warren, of Nayland and Anne Larkin

Occupation: husbandman
Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha
Last Updated:

About John Warren of Corlie

Curator note (dvb): Corlie was actually the name of the Warren estate in Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (later called Nayland-with-Wissington after the uniting of these two separate parishes into a single civil parish in 1884). The name “Winston” is what the place name is referred to TODAY, and was not used in John Warrens day. The name John Warren of Corlie may have been local as many CoA references refer to him as such, but note that his will refers to him as John Warren of Nayland.

John, born about 1525, was of "Corlie" in Nayland, Suffolk, England. He was buried at Nayland on April 23, 1576. The name of his first wife is unknown, but he married secondly at Nayland on September 5, 1563, Agnes (or Anne) Howlet. She was buried on November 25, 1567. John married thirdly at Great Horkesely, January 30, 1568/9, Margaret Firmety. Margaret was buried April 19, 1576.

While it was not uncommon for people to name their children after their deceased siblings, John Warren's two sons, both named John, were alive at the same time. To distinguish between them, the eldest John was called "the elder" while the second John, the middle child, was called John "the middle." Perhaps John the Elder was a sickly child and wasn't expected to live at the time of John the Middle's birth five years later. John Warren and his wife may have wanted to ensure that at least one of their sons survived with the name.

The Will of John Warren of Nayland nexte Stoke in the County of Suffolk, husbandman, 21 April 1576. To John Warren my eldest son and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten my house that I now dwell in with the lands, woods, and pastures thereunto belonging with the appurtenances lying in the parish of Nayland, known by the name Curlie, held by copy of court of Sir Thomas Danby, knight, Lord of the Manor, which I now deliver by surrender to John Prentise and Robert Patton to the use of my eldest son John, on condition that he pay £20 out of the said lease and lands to my second son John Warren. If he die without living issue then to my second son John and the heirs of his body, and if the said John my "myddle" son die without living issue then to son Richarde Warren and to his heires lawfully begotten. For lack of such heirs to daughter Anne Warren and her heirs. To son John the elder my farm implements, and to him and his brothers John the middle and Richard and his sister Anne the household goods, pewter, brass, and livestock. To Agnes Coole, my wife's daughter, all the appurtenances that did belong to my wife that last was. To John Cole, my wife's son, a chafing dish and a candlestick. To twelve of the poorest people of Naylond 12d. to be divided among them. All residue of my goods and chattels, debts paid and my expenses discharged, to be equally divided among my four children and my two brothers James and William Warren whom I make executors, and I give them five loads of wood lying felled on my ground for their pains. I make John Prentise supervisor and I give to him 12d. Witnesses : John Prentise, Roberte Patten, Anthonye Speed, and James Warren. Proved 5 June 1576 by the executors named, William Warren in his own person and James Warren in the person of said William.


  • 1. Robert WARREN was born about 1485 in Wissington, Sufolk, England.1 He died about 1545 in Wissington, Suffolk, England.2 Source: Fifty Great Migration Colonists, John Brooks Threlfall, pub.Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1992, p. 491-492 Robert Warren was born perhaps about 1485 and had a wife, Margaret. His will was dated 29 October 1544. Strangely, in his will he did not metion his son, John, unless the copy at Bury Saint Edmunds is imperfect. This son John, however, is mentioned in the will of his brother Thomas in 1559.
  • In the Subsidy return for Suffolk in 1327, there is listed Walter Waryn of Nayland, taxed for 3 shillings, which represented one twentieth of the value of his moveables. There were several others named Warren in other towns of Suffolk. Walter, however, being the only one in Nayland, was presumably the ancestor of Robert.
  • In the Subsidyof 1524, Robert Waryn of Wyston was down for a tax of four pence on 1 pound of wages. Also on the Wyston list was a John Waryn taxed 3s on goods valued at 6 pounds. John was the second wealthiest man on the Wyston list, was probably the father of Robert.
  • Probably Thomas Warren, also of Wiston, who left a will dated 1558, was Robert's brother.
  • Robert WARREN and Margaret _____ had the following children:
    • 2 i. Lawrence WARREN.
    • 3 ii. James WARREN was born about 1515. He died in 1594 in Wissington, Suffolk, England.3
    • +4 iii. Thomas WARREN.
    • +5 iv. John WARREN.
    • +6 v. Ann WARREN.
    • 7 vi. William WARREN.
  • 4. Thomas WARREN was born about 1520 in Wissington, Suffolk, England.4 He died in Mar 1559/60 in Stoke Nayland, Suffolk, England.5
  • 5. John WARREN was born about 1525 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.6 He died in 1576 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.7 Source: Fifty Great Migration Colonists, John B. Threlfall, Heritage Books, 1992, p. 485
  • John Warren was born about 1525, and lived in Nayland, Suffolk, England. His estate in Nayland was called Corlie of Curlie. His first wife was unknown but he married secondly, 5 September 1563, Agnes (or Anne) Howlet who was buried 25 November 1567. He probably married thirdly, at Great Horkesley on 30 January 1568/9, Margaret Firmety, previously the wife of one Cole. She was buried 19 April 1576. John Warren made his will 21 April 1576 and it was proved 5 June following. He made his brothers, James and William, executors. He was buried on 23 April 1576.
  • John WARREN had the following children:
    • 8 i. John WARREN was born about 1550 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.8 He died on 22 May 1583 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.9
    • +9 ii. John WARREN.
    • 10 iii. Richard WARREN died on 30 Sep 1612 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.10
  • He was married to Agnes (or Anne) HOWLET on 5 Sep 1563 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.11 Agnes (or Anne) HOWLET died on 25 Nov 1567 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.12 John WARREN and Agnes (or Anne) HOWLET had the following children:
    • 11 i. Agnes (or Anne) WARREN was born in 1564 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.13
  • He was married to Margaret FIRMETY on 30 Jan 1568/69 in Great Horkesley, Essex, England.14 Margaret FIRMETY died on 19 Apr 1576 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.15 John WARREN and Margaret FIRMETY had the following children:
    • 12 i. Margaret WARREN was born about 1570 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.16 She died on 15 Apr 1571 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.17
  • From: ________________________


Biography =="John Warren, son of Robert Warren, was born about 1525, and was of "Corlio," in Nayland. His will was made April 21, 1576, and provedJune 5, 1576, his brothers, James and William, being executors. He was buried April 23, 1576. The name of his first wife is not known. He married (second) September 5, 1563, Agnes (or Anne) Howlett. She was buried November 25, 1567, and he probably married (third) January 30, 1568-69, Margaret Firmety Coles, at Great Horkesley. She was widow of --Cole, and was buried April 19, 1576. Children by first wife: John, "the elder," of "Corlio," born about 1550; John, "the middle," mentionedbelow; Richard. Child by second wife: Agnes, baptized October 8, 1564. Child by third wife: Margaret, buried April 15, 1571."<ref>Cutter, William Richard New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial Lewis Historical Pub. Co. New York, 1914. Vol. IV, Page 1975-76. Accessed18 Oct 3016 at Internet Archive. Internet Archive</ref>

: JOHN WARREN (Robert1). Born ca 1525 in Corlie, Nayland, Suffolk, England. John died in Nayland, Suffolk, England, in Apr 1576; he was 51. Buried on 23 Apr 1576 in Nayland, Suffolk, England. John first married? ? They had the following children: : : i. John. Born ca 1550 in Nayland, Suffolk, England. John died in Nayland, Suffolk, England, in 1583; he was 33. Buried on 22 May 1583 in Nayland, Suffolk, England. : 7 ii. JOHN (ca 1555-1613): iii. Richard. Born ca 1557 in Nayland, Suffolk, England. Richard died in England in 1612; he was 55. Buried on 30 Sep 1612 in Nayland, Suffolk, England.

: : On 5 Sep 1563 when John was 38, he second married Agnes (Or Anne) HOWLET, in Nayland, Suffolk, England. Born in England. Agnes (Or Anne) died in Nov 1567 in England. Buried on 25 Nov 1567 in England. They hadone child: : : i. Agnes. Born bef 8 Oct 1564 in England. At the age of <1, Agnes was baptized in England on 8 Oct 1564. Agnes died in England.

: : John third married Margaret FIRMETY. Born in England. Margaret died in Apr 1576 in England. Buried on 19 Apr 1576 in England. They had onechild: : : i. Margaret. Born in England. Margaret died in Apr 1571 in England.Buried on 15 Apr 1571 in England.


: Burial: :: Date: 23 Apr 1576 :: Place: Nayland, Suffolk, England

Will ===John's Will was written on 21 April 1576 and proved on 5 June 1576. You can read an abstract of his Will here and a transcript of the Will here.


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John Warren of Corlie's Timeline

August 1, 1525
Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
England (United Kingdom)
Naylan, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
August 1, 1555
Nayland, Suffolk, England
of Corlio, Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
October 8, 1564
Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
April 21, 1576
Age 50
Mayland Nexte Stoke, County Of Suffolk, England