Josefa Faustina Fernández Monterroso

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Josefa Faustina Fernández Monterroso's Geni Profile

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Josefa Faustina Fernández Monterroso

Birthplace: Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala
Death: June 14, 1930 (67)
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Martín Fernández and Teresa Monterroso
Sister of María Asención Fernández Monterroso; Juana Dolores Hernández Monterroso; Lorenzo Fernández Monterroso; David Fernández Monterroso; José María Fernández Monterroso and 5 others

Managed by: Private User
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Josefa Faustina Fernández Monterroso's Timeline

December 14, 1862
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala
June 14, 1930
Age 67
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala