Judith Mistress of Alain II duke of Burgundy
JUDITH, daughter of --- (-after 952). The Chronicle of Nantes names "Alani Barbætortæ filios…Hoel et Guerech…progeniti ex nobili matre…Judith" when recording that they were installed as counts of Nantes[101]. It is assumed that Judith married after the death of Duke Alain, as the Chronicle of Nantes names "le Vicomte Hamon", stating that he mourned the loss of "ses frères Hoel et Guerech" and sought the support of Foulques "Nerra" Comte d'Anjou to avenge their deaths, then being "jouvenceau de l'aage de vingt ans"[102]. As he was so much younger than his brothers, it is assumed that Duke Alain could not have been his father. Hamon was killed 27 Jun 992 at the battle of Conquereuil[103], dated "992 V Kal Jul" in the Chronicon britannicum[104].
Duke Alain II had two illegitimate sons by Mistress (1):
2. HOËL (-killed [981]). The Chronicle of Nantes names "Alani Barbætortæ filios…Hoel et Guerech…progeniti ex nobili matre…Judith" when recording that they were installed as counts of Nantes[108]. "…Houuel comes, Vuerec…" subscribed an undated charter of "Alanus dux Britonum"[109]. Comte de Nantes. The Chronicle of Nantes records that Hoël was killed by "Conano filio Judicael Berengarii Redonensi comite"[110]. The Annals of St Salvator Redon record that "Hoel, Namnetensis comes, Conani dolo interemptus" was buried at the abbey of Redon[111]. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Hoël's mistress is not known. Comte Hoël had two illegitimate children by Mistress (1):
a) JUDICAËL ([978/80]-1005). The Chronicle of Nantes names "Judicael et Hoel" as the sons of Hoël "d'une concubine" stating that they were brought up by their paternal grandmother[112]. Comte de Nantes.
b) HOËL . The Chronicle of Nantes names "Judicael et Hoel" as the sons of Hoël "d'une concubine" stating that they were brought up by their paternal grandmother[113].
3. GUEREC [Vuerech] (-[990], bur Redon). The Chronicle of Nantes names "Alani Barbætortæ filios…Hoel et Guerech…progeniti ex nobili matre…Judith" when recording that they were installed as counts of Nantes[114]. "…Houuel comes, Vuerec…" subscribed an undated charter of "Alanus dux Britonum"[115]. He refused to be consecrated Bishop of Nantes in 981. The Chronicle of Nantes records that Guerec was captured by Conan comte de Rennes and poisoned[116]. m (after 981) AREMBURGIS, daughter of ---. The Chronicle of Nantes names "Aremburgis" as wife of Guerec and "Alanum filium suum", stating that she built "castrum Anvenisii"[117]. Guerec & his wife had one child:
a) ALAIN (-[990]). The Chronicle of Nantes names "Aremburgis" as wife of Guerec and "Alanum filium suum"[118]. The Chronicle of Nantes records that Alain died soon after his father from illness[119].
910 |
933 |
Brittany, France
936 |
Duchy d'Anjou (now Pays de la Loire, France)
952 |
Age 42
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