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Baroness, Karen Christenze von Blixen-Finecke (Dinesen) (1885 - 1962)

Also Known As: "Tanne", "Tania", "Isak Dinesen", "Osceola", "Pierre Andrézel", "Karen Blixen"
Birthplace: Rungstedlund, Hørsholm, Lynge - Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Danmark (Denmark)
Death: September 07, 1962 (77)
Rungstedlund, Hørsholm, Lynge - Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Danmark (Denmark)
Place of Burial: Hørsholm, Lynge - Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Danmark
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Wilhelm Dinesen and Ingeborg Westenholz Dinesen
Ex-wife of Bror von Blixen-Finecke
Ex-partner of Denys George Finch-Hatton
Mother of Stillborn Blixen-Finecke
Sister of Inger Benedicte de Neergaard; Ellen Alvilde Dahl; Thomas Fasti Dinesen and Anders Runsti Dinesen
Half sister of Else Ulla Elida Jensen /Spange and Emma Monsfeldt

Occupation: Forfatter, Forfatterinde, Plantagedirektør i Karen Coffee Company Ltd. A/S, Forfatter ( Shareholder: Karen Coffee Company Ltd. A/S ), Author
Managed by: Jørn Christiansen
Last Updated:

About Karen Blixen

1885-1962, forfatter. Skrev under flere pseudonymer: Isak Dinesen, Osceola, Pierre Andrézel, Tania Blixen, Peter Lawless.

  • 17.4.1885 i Rungsted, Hørsholm sg., †7.9.1962 smst.

Forældre: forfatter, godsejer ◊Wilhelm Dinesen (1845-95) og Ingeborg Westenholz (1856-1939).

~14.1.1914 med plantagedirektør, baron Bror Frederik Blixen-Finecke, *25.7.1886 på Näsbyholm, Sverige, †4.3.1946 i Lund, Sverige, s. af baron Frederik Theodor Hans Anna Christian Wolfgang B.-F. og Clara Alvilde Benedicte Krag-Juel-Vind-Frijs. Ægteskabet opløst 1925.

Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke (17 April 1885 – 7 September 1962), née Karen Dinesen, was a Danish author also known under her pen name Isak Dinesen. Blixen wrote works both in Danish and in English. She is best known, at least in English, for Out of Africa, her account of living in Kenya, and one of her stories, Babette's Feast, both of which have been adapted into highly acclaimed motion pictures. In Denmark she is best known for her works Out of Africa (Danish: Den afrikanske Farm) and Seven Gothic Tales (Danish: Syv fantastiske Fortællinger).

Vi tager det lige på Dansk :

Baronesse Karen von Blixen-Finecke (17 April 1885 - 7. september 1962), født Karen Dinesen, var en dansk forfatter også er kendt under hendes pseudonymet Isak Dinesen. Blixen skrev virker både på dansk og engelsk. Hun er bedst kendt i det mindste på engelsk, for Out of Africa, hendes grund til at leve i Kenya, og en af ​​hendes historier, Babettes Gæstebud, som begge er blevet tilpasset til meget roste film. I Danmark er hun bedst kendt for hendes værker Out of Africa (dansk: Den afrikanske Farm) og Seven Gothic Tales (dansk: Syv fantastiske Fortællinger).


************************ ( Wikipedia - Karen Blixen])

When Blixen originally was diagnosed with syphilis, she was treated with mercury tablets. Some reports indicate that she took approximately 1 gram of mercury per day for almost a year, while others show the time was only for a few months. She then spent time in Denmark for treatment and was given arsenic, which she continued to take in drop form as a treatment for the syphilis that she thought was the cause of her continued pain. Blixen had reported severe bouts of abdominal pain as early as 1921, while she was still in Kenya. Several well-known physicians and specialists of both internal medicine and neurology diagnosed her with third stage chronic syphilis. Mogens Fog, who was Blixen's neurologist thought her gastric problems were attributable to syphilis, in spite of the fact that blood and spinal fluid tests were negative. By the time she left Africa, Blixen was suffering from anemia, had jaundice and had overused arsenic. As clumps of her hair had begun to fall out, she took to wearing hats and turbans.

Although it was widely believed that syphilis continued to plague Blixen throughout her lifetime, extensive tests were unable to reveal evidence of syphilis in her system after 1925. Her writing prowess suggests that she did not suffer from the mental degeneration of late stages of syphilis. She did suffer a mild permanent loss of sensation in her legs that could be attributed to use of the arsenic-based anti-syphilis drug salvarsan. Her gastric pain was often called "tropic dysentery", though no stool analyses were reported in her medical records. Concerned about gaining weight, Blixen took strong laxatives "during her whole adult life", which after years of misuse impacted her digestive system. She also was a heavy smoker, which when combined with her minimal food intake led to her developing a peptic ulcer.


rofile photo of Karen and Denys Finch-Hatton


Karen Blixen paa Rungstedlund - 1957

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Karen Blixen's Timeline

April 17, 1885
Rungstedlund, Hørsholm, Lynge - Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Danmark (Denmark)
May 17, 1885
Hørsholm Kirke, Hørsholm, Frederiksborg
September 7, 1962
Age 77
Rungstedlund, Hørsholm, Lynge - Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Danmark (Denmark)

Detailoplysninger om afdøde
Kar C Blixen Finecke
Pigenavn: DINESEN
Køn: Kvinde
Fødselsdato: 17. apr 1885
Sidste bopæl: Kronborg lægekreds
Dødsdato: 7. sep 1962
Dødssted: Kronborg lægekreds
Død i en alder af: 77 år
Civilstand: Uoplyst
Dødsattest: Ikke oplyst (75 års restriktion)
Dødsårsag: Ikke oplyst (75 års restriktion)

Kilde: Rigsarkivet & Slægtsforskere

September 11, 1962
Age 77
Rungstedlund, Hørsholm, Lynge - Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Danmark (Denmark)