Kung i Danpsted Rig Drott of Danpsted

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Kung i Danpsted Rig Drott of Danpsted

Norwegian: Kong Rig av Danpsted
Death: Denmark
Immediate Family:

Husband of N.N.
Father of King in Denmark Danp Rigsson and Queen Rigsdotter of Denmark

Occupation: Drott King in Danpsted, Denmark
Managed by: Harald Sævold
Last Updated:

About Kung i Danpsted Rig Drott of Danpsted

Legendary king of Denmark.

Ynglingesoga (Snorre) mentions him in passing:

"Dygvi's mother was Drótt, a daughter of King Danp, the son of Ríg, who was first called konungr in the Danish tongue. His descendants always afterwards considered the title of konungr the title of highest dignity. Dygvi was the first of his family to be called konungr, for his predecessors had been called dróttinn ['chieftain'], and their wives dróttning, and their court drótt (war band). Each of their race was called Yngvi, or Ynguni, and the whole race together Ynglingar. Queen Drótt was a sister of King Dan Mikillati, from whom Denmark took its name."

There are other poems and legends mentioning the name "Rig", sometimes using the term as a multigenerational title:

Heimdall, Heimdal [hame-dall] - ("Heaven's Mount") He is also called "the Son of the Waves" because he was born from the Nine Waves (Aegir's daughters) by Odin's enchantment. On the first day a boat drifted towards the shores of mankind, Aurvanga-land. In the boat was a little boy, Heimdall, sent by the Gods. He slept on a sheaf of corn, surrounded by all manner of treasures and tools. The humans accepted him gladly, and raised him calling him Rig. He taught them to kindle the holy fire, instructed them in runic wisdom, taught them workmanship and handicraft, organized their society, and originated and stabilized the three classes of men as spoken of in the Song of Rig. Heimdall lived long as a man among men, and the age of his rulership was a golden age of peace and prosperity. Heimdall bedded three different females who all bore children, ancestors to three different classes; earls, farmers and serfs. When he died, his boat returned to take him back. The sorrowing humans laid his corpse in the boat, and surrounded it with his treasures and weapons. The boat then sailed back to Vanaheimr, where Heimdall was stripped of his aged human shape, regained his eternal youth and was taken into Asgard. Asa-God of Light and the rainbow; "The White God"; he is the Guardian of Bifrost bridge. He stands at the gate and is brilliant in white armor. His teeth are gold. He has a great sword. He is a fierce warrior and very handsome. He has super-sight and super-hearing. He sleeps less than a bird. He can hear the grass grow and see hundreds of miles away. Heimdall carries a sword and the Gjallar horn. When a God comes to the gate, he blows the horn softly. At Ragnarok, he will blow the Gjall horn in warning and it will be heard throughout the nine worlds. His horse's name is Golden Forelock.


Rig wandered through the world and brought into being (apparently by fathering them) the progenitors of the three classes of human beings as conceived by the poet. The youngest of these sons inherited the name "Ríg" and in turn his youngest son, Kon the Young or Kon ung (konung meaning 'king' in Old Norse) also inherited the name or title "Ríg". This third Ríg was the first true king and the ultimate founder of the state of royalty as appears in the Rígsþula and in two other works in connection. In all three sources he is connected with two primordial Danish rulers named Dan and Danþír.


Rig var navnet på en mann som hadde anseelse blant sin tids stormenn. Navnet er norrønt, på gammelnorsk ríkr = 'mektig, fornem, rik' Han bodde i Danpsted, det må ha vært i Danmark. For han fikk kongemakt i sin provins og er nevnt som drott som var en høytstående person, adelsmann eller statsoverhode i førkristen tid. Han etterlot kongemakten til sin sønn Dana, Dan eller Danus og alle hans undersåtter ble kalla daner, Danpsted må ha ligget på (Jutland) Jylland som på den tiden ble kalla Reidgotaland. (Ynglingesaga Heimskringla)

I henhold til Arngrímur Jónssons latinsk oversettelse fra 1597 av den tapte (unntatt fragmenter) Skjöldunga saga heter det: «Rig (Rigus) var en mann som ikke var blant de siste blant de største på hans tid. Han giftet seg med datteren til en Danp, herre av Danpsted, viss navn var Dana, og senere, hadde vunnet den kongelige tittel for sitt område, etterlot som sin arving hans sønn med Dana, kalt Dan eller Danum, alle hans undersåtter ble kalt daner.» Den tradisjonen er nært hva som blir beskrevet i Rigstula.

Denne Dan giftet seg med ’Olof’, datteren til Wermund, og ble således svoger til den Offa som er nevnt i Beowulf. Dan styrte først i Jylland, men erobret så Sjælland fra kong Aleif og således oppsto kongedømmet Danmark.

About Kung i Danpsted Rig Drott of Danpsted (suomi)

Legendary king of Denmark.

Ynglingesoga (Snorre) mentions him in passing:

"Dygvi's mother was Drótt, a daughter of King Danp, the son of Ríg, who was first called konungr in the Danish tongue. His descendants always afterwards considered the title of konungr the title of highest dignity. Dygvi was the first of his family to be called konungr, for his predecessors had been called dróttinn ['chieftain'], and their wives dróttning, and their court drótt (war band). Each of their race was called Yngvi, or Ynguni, and the whole race together Ynglingar. Queen Drótt was a sister of King Dan Mikillati, from whom Denmark took its name."

There are other poems and legends mentioning the name "Rig", sometimes using the term as a multigenerational title:

Heimdall, Heimdal [hame-dall] - ("Heaven's Mount") He is also called "the Son of the Waves" because he was born from the Nine Waves (Aegir's daughters) by Odin's enchantment. On the first day a boat drifted towards the shores of mankind, Aurvanga-land. In the boat was a little boy, Heimdall, sent by the Gods. He slept on a sheaf of corn, surrounded by all manner of treasures and tools. The humans accepted him gladly, and raised him calling him Rig. He taught them to kindle the holy fire, instructed them in runic wisdom, taught them workmanship and handicraft, organized their society, and originated and stabilized the three classes of men as spoken of in the Song of Rig. Heimdall lived long as a man among men, and the age of his rulership was a golden age of peace and prosperity. Heimdall bedded three different females who all bore children, ancestors to three different classes; earls, farmers and serfs. When he died, his boat returned to take him back. The sorrowing humans laid his corpse in the boat, and surrounded it with his treasures and weapons. The boat then sailed back to Vanaheimr, where Heimdall was stripped of his aged human shape, regained his eternal youth and was taken into Asgard. Asa-God of Light and the rainbow; "The White God"; he is the Guardian of Bifrost bridge. He stands at the gate and is brilliant in white armor. His teeth are gold. He has a great sword. He is a fierce warrior and very handsome. He has super-sight and super-hearing. He sleeps less than a bird. He can hear the grass grow and see hundreds of miles away. Heimdall carries a sword and the Gjallar horn. When a God comes to the gate, he blows the horn softly. At Ragnarok, he will blow the Gjall horn in warning and it will be heard throughout the nine worlds. His horse's name is Golden Forelock.


Rig wandered through the world and brought into being (apparently by fathering them) the progenitors of the three classes of human beings as conceived by the poet. The youngest of these sons inherited the name "Ríg" and in turn his youngest son, Kon the Young or Kon ung (konung meaning 'king' in Old Norse) also inherited the name or title "Ríg". This third Ríg was the first true king and the ultimate founder of the state of royalty as appears in the Rígsþula and in two other works in connection. In all three sources he is connected with two primordial Danish rulers named Dan and Danþír.


Rig var navnet på en mann som hadde anseelse blant sin tids stormenn. Navnet er norrønt, på gammelnorsk ríkr = 'mektig, fornem, rik' Han bodde i Danpsted, det må ha vært i Danmark. For han fikk kongemakt i sin provins og er nevnt som drott som var en høytstående person, adelsmann eller statsoverhode i førkristen tid. Han etterlot kongemakten til sin sønn Dana, Dan eller Danus og alle hans undersåtter ble kalla daner, Danpsted må ha ligget på (Jutland) Jylland som på den tiden ble kalla Reidgotaland. (Ynglingesaga Heimskringla)

I henhold til Arngrímur Jónssons latinsk oversettelse fra 1597 av den tapte (unntatt fragmenter) Skjöldunga saga heter det: «Rig (Rigus) var en mann som ikke var blant de siste blant de største på hans tid. Han giftet seg med datteren til en Danp, herre av Danpsted, viss navn var Dana, og senere, hadde vunnet den kongelige tittel for sitt område, etterlot som sin arving hans sønn med Dana, kalt Dan eller Danum, alle hans undersåtter ble kalt daner.» Den tradisjonen er nært hva som blir beskrevet i Rigstula.

Denne Dan giftet seg med ’Olof’, datteren til Wermund, og ble således svoger til den Offa som er nevnt i Beowulf. Dan styrte først i Jylland, men erobret så Sjælland fra kong Aleif og således oppsto kongedømmet Danmark.

Om Kong Rig av Danpsted (Norsk)

Rig var navnet på en mann som hadde anseelse blant sin tids stormenn. Navnet er norrønt, på gammelnorsk ríkr = 'mektig, fornem, rik'

Eddadiktet Rigstula forteller hvordan guden Rig, som kanskje er Heimdall under et annet navn, blir far til en menneskesønn ved navn Jarl, senere kjent som Rig-jarl. Denne fikk 11 sønner, den yngste fikk navnet Kon Ung (norrønt Konr Ungr), altså opprinnelsen til navnet «konge», skjønt etymologisk er det ikke korrekt. En dag da Kon Ung var på jakt og satte snarer for fugler i skogen talte en kråke til ham. Kråken foreslo at han ville vinne mer om han jaktet på menn, og priser deretter rikdommen til «Dan og Damp».

Skjöldunga saga I henhold til Arngrímur Jónssons latinsk oversettelse fra 1597 av den tapte (unntatt fragmenter) Skjöldunga saga heter det:

«Rig (Rigus) var en mann som ikke var blant de siste blant de største på hans tid. Han giftet seg med datteren til en Danp, herre av Danpsted, viss navn var Dana, og senere, hadde vunnet den kongelige tittel for sitt område, etterlot som sin arving hans sønn med Dana, kalt Dan eller Danum, alle hans undersåtter ble kalt daner.»
