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About Linn Ullmann
Linn Ullmann, originally Karin Beate Ullmann, (born 9 August 1966 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian author and journalist.
Ullmann is the daughter of actress, author and director Liv Ullmann and director and screenwriter Ingmar Bergman. She is Liv Ullmann's only child and Bergman's youngest daughter, one of nine children Bergman fathered with five different women.[1]
She studied literature for six years in New York, graduating from New York University in 1988.
In 1992 she permanently moved back to her native Norway and began to work for the tabloid newspaper Dagbladet, one of Norway's leading newspapers. Eventually she became a newspaper journalist in Norway, and subsequently a successful author. She also is a well-known commentator in Norway's leading Conservative newspaper, Aftenposten, where she writes on political and cultural issues.[2]
As of 2005, she has written four novels, some of them translated into more than 30 languages, which have received critical acclaim also far outside Norway. Her debut novel, Before You Sleep was sold to 14 countries (including the United States, Britain, France and Germany) before it was even published in Norway, a flying start rarely bestowed upon Norwegian authors.
In 2009, her novel A Blessed Child was nominated to the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize.[3][4]
Personal life
Ullmann is married to Niels Fredrik Dahl, an award-winning Norwegian poet, novelist and playwright. They have one child. Ullmann also has a son from a previous marriage to a Norwegian lawyer, as well as two stepchildren. She lives in a big flat on the West side of Oslo.
Før du sovner (Before You Sleep, translated by Tiina Nunnally) (1998)
Når jeg er hos deg (Stella Descending) (2001)
Nåde (Grace) (2002)
Et Velsignet Barn (A Blessed Child) (2005)
( Linn Ullmann, født 9. august 1966, norsk forfatter og spaltist, datter av Liv Ullmann og Ingmar Bergman; gift med Niels Fredrik Dahl. Hun debuterte med romanen Før du sovner (1998) – en burlesk og fantasifull familieroman med historien om en ung kvinnes forsøk på å vinne fotfeste i livet som hovedtråd. Romanen ble solgt til over tjue land allerede før den forelå. I hennes andre roman, Når jeg er hos deg (2001) står en ung kvinnes oppsiktsvekkende og mystiske dødsfall i sentrum. Med romanen Nåde (2002) tar hun opp det vanskelige spørsmålet om selv å velge døden når sykdom gjør livet meningsløst. I Et velsignet barn (2005) handler det om tre unge kvinners forhold til en vanskelig far som bor langt borte på en øy, selv om barndomsopplevelser og -minner utgjør hovedsaken. Her berøres temaer som har vært sentrale i forfatterskapet – fortielse, lengsel, svik.
Linn Ullmann's Timeline
1966 |
August 9, 1966
Oslo, Oslo, Norway