Immediate Family
About Lt. Andrew (Andrew) Biddle
A Patriot of the American Revolution for MARYLAND with the rank of LIEUTENANT. DAR Ancestor # A009912
Jana Stokes,"The Andrew Biddle (aka Andreas Büttel or Andrew Bittle) and Christina Cover Family", Bidde or Bittle or Büttel Family Website, formerly hosted on, now,
Andreas Büttel was bapt 28 Jan 1746 in what is now Urphar, Mosbach, Baden, Germany. Historically this area is often referred to as the County of Wertheim.
In 1752, at abt the age of 6 years, he immigrated with his father, Johann Georg Büttel; his mother, Anna Barbara Sell-Büttel; his two little sisters Marie Salome Büttel and Eva Barbara Büttel; his Uncle George Sell and his grandmother Anna Dorothea Rüdiger-Sell-Flegler.
Abt 1769 Andrew Bittle married Mary Christina Cover or Köber, daughter of Johann Daniel Cover and Maria Eva Eberhardt.
1790 Census- 2 males age 16 or older including heads of household, 3 mal es under 16 yrs of age, 6 females including heads of household.
binder/compendium of American Geneology by Frederick Virkus, 1930, Vol 4 p 518. From Germany , settled in Maryland, 1760. 1st lt. Fred Co., MD; lat er trainmaster of supplies. M 1766 o r 67 Christena Cover. Mrs. Vashti Seaman/ we find that an ANDREAS and HANS GEORG Buttel, both be ing of 16 yrs or ov er arrived 2 Nov 1752 in the ship Phoenix from Rotterd am. (see p292-294 of indes Vol. 1965 ed ition of I. Daniel Rupp's "Nam es of 30,000 Immigrants to penns. Anna's email/Kreider's Church near Westminister shows him as the fath er of Eva Barbara BINDER/lists names of children (not Sophia) 1790 CENSUS Fred. Co., MD/ Also a GEORG Biddle (believe they are brothers) 1810 CENSUS Pa/res of Woodberry twp in Upper Bedford Co., PA. At the ti me of 1810 Pa. Census , Woodberry twp. was then in Huntingdon Co., PA. Ju st when Woodberry Twp. was taken from Hunt ingdon Co., and put back in Bed ford Co., DIED 1812/Mrs. Vashti Seaman letter in binder DIED 1812/came from paper in binder. searched out by DAR. DIED/family Bible in possession of Stillman Biddle 1910 Soldier of the Revolution/family Bible in Possesion of Stillmon Biddle 191 0 Anna)National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol 6 2, P293 He was com missioned lieutenant by the Maryland council and lat er appointed trainmaster of supplies in t he Pennsylvania Line of troop s. he was born in Germany. Died in Bedford Co., PA. Als o sa ys he was born in Germany SPELLING....Bittle/Biddle/Buttel/Bittel
Sources for this family are: Anna Biddle Ruppert DAR# 125432, Mrs. Cora Bi ddle Hatt DAR# 141571, Mrs. Nelle Biddle Hatt DAR# 136975, Mrs. Ruth Ell en Crim Pray DAR# 141275, DAR# 130207, DAR# 91144, Mrs. Dorothy Waldron DA R# 414919, Mrs. Mary Kimmerer Croninger DAR# 508273, Mrs. Chloe Ruppert Ed gar DAR# 148590, History of Fulton Co., By Mikesell and By Rheighard, Hist ory of Morrow Co., By Baskin & Co., Vashti Seaman, The Valentine & Hay Fam ily & Hay's family documents by Michael Caldwell, Gee Family by Mrs. D. Oh ler; John C. Reid; Garn Family By John Linhart; Purdy Family By Bev Crai g, Ohio; Johnson Family by Marjorie Kientz, Nashville, TN; Jeron Biddle; C ynthia ggrandaughter of Clara Alise Biddle; Marceille Engberg; Glenn Biddl e, (my brother) Ft. Wayne, IN; Daniel Cover/Kober ancesters- Jennifer Str ickland, Baltimore, MD; Shona Kasper, Victor, Idaho; Anna McLean, Roanok e, VA; Robert Cover, Dundee, MI; The Warner Family from the "Biographic al & Historical Record of Adams & Wells Counties," 1887, Neil Stowe; The W arfield Family by Richard Warfield Faber, Jr. - San Juan Capistrano, CA .; The Spencer Family by Cathy Spencer and Mechelle Barnett, Barley Fami ly by Paul E. Barley Jr, Todd, Sills & Blair families by Linda K. Redwood.
Andrew is said to arrived in Philadelphia, PA on November 2, 1752, wh en he was 4 yrs old with his family, on the ship Phoenix, and settled in F redrick County Maryland, where he served in the American Revolutionary W ar as a Lieutenant in charge of transporting supplies.
(Maryland Archives: Vol 21 pg 144) was 1st Lietenant june 22, 1778, in t he Maryland Troops by the Council of Maryland later appointed Train Mast er of supplies
Moved from Frederick MD, 1796, then moved to the farm he purchased on Clov er, Creek, then in Huntington Co. Following the death of his wife he liv ed with his son Jacob at Roaring Springs, now Blair Co., PA
Ancestor #: A009912 Service: MARYLAND Rank: FIRST LIEUTENANT Birth: 1-6-1748 CECIL CO MARYLAND Death: (ANTE) 5-24-1812 HUNTINGDON CO PENNSYLVANIA Service Source: MD ARCH, VOL XXI, P 144,145 Service Description: 1) CAPT WINCHESTER
____________________ ANDREW2 Biddle (William1) was born in Hessecassel, Germany, and died 1814 in ,Woodberry Twp., Bedford County, Pennsylvania. He married CHRISTINA Cover Abt. 1766 in Frederick Co., Maryland, daughter of Daniel Cover/Kober and Maria Everhardt. She was born Abt. 1748 in Lehugh, Maryland, and died Aft. November 14, 1800 in Blair Co., Pennsylvania. Notes for ANDREW Biddle: Accounts Admin: Frederick County Maryland, Probate Administration Accounts Liber GM #1 1777- 1799 (Part Two) Jacob KEMP, deceased -- Peter KEMP & Andrew BIDDLE executors. 29 Feb 1792 . Arrived Philadelphia on "Phoenix" Nov. 2, 1752 The info can be found in records of a little Reformed Church (Krieders) near Westminster, MD , where the Biddle and Daniel Kober families were amoang the charter members. Andrew was a Lieutenant in charge of transporting supplies, a wagon master. He moved aboout 1 795-96 to Woodberry Twp., Bedford-Huntington Co., PA border, where he died. This info from "Pioneers around Delta, Ohio" by Vashti Seaman. This family has not been prov ed. All of above can be found in records of a little Reformed Church (Kreiders) near Westmin ster. Maryland, where the Biddle (Buttel) and Daniel (Kober) Cover families were among the ch arter members. Buttel, Bittle. Biddle, by 1796 Andrew was spelling his name Biddle. DAR Patriot Index shows an Andrew Bittle-Biddle b.1740 d.1812, m. Christina Cover, First Lt . from Maryland.
_______________ The Andrew Biddle (aka Andreas Büttel or Andrew Bittle) and Christina Cover Family
I began my research in 1989 with a review of the work that had previously been done by John Reid, Mary Inglis, Vashti Seaman, Louise Heterick, Jacob Sidney Biddle, Anne Elizabeth Anderson, Stillman C. Biddle, David Biddle, George Liebegott and others. For a few years I attempted to verify the work of the previous researchers by looking up original source documents. During this time I also helped John Reid with some early Ancestral File submissions.
Then I took a rest until abt 1999, at that time I began a focus on the Huntingdon and Blair County, Pennsylvania Biddles. During this time I linked up with Ramona Househoulder who was actively working on the Biddle family in this area. Ramona was also in the process of restoring the Bittle Cemetery on Clover Creek in Blair County. Unforgetable were the trips to Blair County and the personal cemetery tours courtesy of Ramona!
Research eventually led me to Frederick County, Maryland records, then Adams, York, Northampton, and Berks County, Pennsylvania records. In 2003 I finally connected the Biddle's to Urphar, Mosbach, Baden, Germany. In 2004 I was incorrectly listing Andreas Büttel's mother as Anna Barbara Klein, but in 2005 I corrected myself upon realizing his mother's maiden name was Sell.
Andreas Büttel was bapt 28 Jan 1746 in what is now Urphar, Mosbach, Baden, Germany. Historically this area is often referred to as the County of Wertheim.
Andrew's birth place as possibly being Ufar (Urphar) was initially brought to my attention by a cousin who descends from Andrew's brother, George Micheal Bittle. This cousin had used Otto Languath's work on the immigrants out of Wertheim County. Mr. Languath had compared the 1752 ship Phoenix passenger Hans Georg Büttel, and the Han Joerg Buettel of Urfar "who wanted to go to New England with his wife and 3 children", with the George Bittle in the 1781 Germany Twp, Adams County, Pennsylvania tax list. It was quickly realized that it was not the 1781 tax list George Bittle that should be compared, but the George Bittle of the 1779 York Co, PA will.
We took the data on the family developed on the American side of the ocean and compared it with the Büttel records found in the Urphar Evangelical Church books. From the American records we had Andrew's approx birth date, his siblings names and approx birth dates, the name of his father as Georg Bittle or Büttel, and the name of his mother as Ana Barbara. The records in Urphar matched up perfectly and the matching family in Urphar disappeared from the Urphar records after 1752!
In 1752, at abt the age of 6 years, he immigrated with his father, Johann Georg Büttel; his mother, Anna Barbara Sell-Büttel; his two little sisters Marie Salome Büttel and Eva Barbara Büttel; his Uncle George Sell and his grandmother Anna Dorothea Rüdiger-Sell-Flegler. On several occasions as I reviewed what had been previously been written about the Biddle family I would run across the statement that he immigrated as "a small boy" or "about 4 years of age".
He crossed the ocean in the 1752 ship Phoenix that departed from Rotterdam. His fathers signature is on the passenger list. There is also an Andreas Büttel on the passenger list who may have been an Uncle. If this is true then Uncle Andreas would have been bapt in 1724 in Lindelbach. It may be that the Richard Bittle found in the 1786 Germany Twp, York County, Pennsylvania tax list may be Uncle Andreas' son. The project has a nice map of the river routes taken of the German immigrants. I have not checked the Evangelical Parish records for cities along the river route to see if more siblings for Andrew could be found.
Johann Phillipp Buch of Wertheim was listed as the Emigration Agent in the passenger list per This Johann Phillipp Buch was just a few signatures away from Andrew's father, Georg. Also, we may eventually find Hans Tomas Seger, Hans Gerbrich, Joseph Bennscherz, Loreritz Heffner, and Johann Heffner of significance.
In my review of the writings of Louise Heterick, Vashti Seaman, Jacob Sidney Biddle, Stillman C. Biddle and others; I discovered a variety of statements pertaining to Andrew's immigration and birth place. One of the statements I would like to comment on was that Andrew Biddle "landed in Baltimore abt 1760". I searched many Baltimore area records, but the closest I got to the Baltimore idea was that when he reached adulthood he purchased some land near Westminster, Maryland which was partially in Frederick County and partially in Baltimore County. This land purchase was about the time he settled into adulthood. And while the land was also relatively near the MD-PA border, his father appears to have been near the MD-PA border in York County, PA at that time. Another statement I found during the review of family history write-ups was that the Biddle's were from Hesse-Kassel, Germany. This came from Andrew's great-grandson Stillman Biddle. I have reason to suppose that the County of Wertheim was an enclave to Hesse-Kassel in 1789, which is roughly the time Andrew would have been telling his posterity abt where he was from.
I have not been able to establish where Andrew spent his childhood, but I believe it was in Pennsylvania somewhere. His father could write, and Andrew was taught to write German. This is evidenced by his being a scribe for the church he attended in Westminster, MD where some of his children were born. So either Andrew's parents taught him or he was in a place well enough established to have access to a teacher. His father knew the shoemaking trade. So it appears that he aquired an education and learned the shoemaking trade as a child. And during this time, siblings Susannah (b. by 1754) and John Thomas (b. abt 1755) were added to the family.
In 1761, when Andrew was about 16 I found his father, George Biddle, in the Lynn Twp, Northampton County, Pennsylvania tax lists. This is what is known as the Allemangel area and is in what in now Lehigh and Berks County, PA. During this time his brother George Micheal Bittle was bap in Dec of 1760. His sister Anna Margartha was bap Oct 1764 in Albany Twp, Berks County, PA. But by 1767 his father disappears from the tax lists. Just to put things in historical perspective, 1765 was when the British passed the Stamp Act and "this action led to the Repudiation of The Stamp Act on November 23, 1765, by the 12 justices of The Frederick County Court" (Source: John Ashbury).
Abt 1769 Andrew Bittle married Mary Christina Cover or Köber, daughter of Johann Daniel Cover and Maria Eva Eberhardt. I do not know where they were married but assume it to be Germany Twp, York County, Pennsyvania or Westminster, Frederick County, Maryland.
In 1770/1771 son John Jacob Biddle was born in Maryland per the 1850 Census. Also about this time Andrew's sister Salome (aka Sophia) married Jacob Kemp, son of Nicholas Kemp or Kämp. I would suppose that Jacob Kemp was the sponser of John Jacob Biddle's bap with John Jacob Biddle being named after his grandfather Johann George Bittle and his Uncle Jacob Kemp. Unfortuneately I haven't been able to find the records to prove this.
On the 6 Mar 1773 dau Eva Barbara Biddle is bapt in at Evangelical Lutheran Krider's Church, Westminster, Frederick (now Carroll) County Maryland. She was named after her two grandmothers. Her grandmother Eva Maria Eberhardt-Köber, widow, sponsered her baptism.
On 13 Nov 1773 - Andrew Biddle rents Lot No. 7 in the town of New London (now Westminster) on the south west side of Main Street, Frederick County, MD from Samuel Cookson and wife Mary. No occupation is given for Andrew, but he is of Frederick Co, MD and the land is 1/4 acre that was originally called Timber Ridge. (Source: FHL Film 13,957 Frederick County, MD Deeds Liber U Folio 280-283)
On 23 Oct 1774 son John Biddle was born. John Biddle's children refer to him in the 1880 census as being born in Pennsylvania, but I believe the family was still living in the Westminster area.
1776: "Prior to his enlistment in the Colonial Army, he was appointed to a committee of defence for Frederick Co, Md. on behalf of the Colonies against the Tories as thre were quite a number of them in that section of the country. This Committee was named "The Committee of Observation of Frederick Co. Md." On this Committee with him was Joshua (someone changed to Jost) Cover and Valatine Schriner. This is found in 1916 bound volumne of the Maryland Historical Magazine, pages 164, 165, and 173 under the above title for year 1776." (Source: Mary Inglis. A zerox of "Early Biddle History", Preface, by Jacob Sidney Biddle. Sent to Mary by David Biddle 3-23-1979. David received it from Louise Heterick. ----to Jana Stokes, Feb 2002).
Abt 1776 another dau, Sarah Biddle, was born. I saw somewhere that, at least in one case, Sarah was interchangeable with the name Salome. Unfortunately her bap record has eluded us.
1778: "Andrew was 1st Lt of Md Troops - Comm June 22, 1778 by the Council of Md later appt trainmaster of supplies. (Md Archives, Vol 21, p. 144) b. 1740 d. 1812" (Source: Letter dated 26 Jul 1977 from Louise Heterick to Mary Inglis. Orig letter is possession of Jana Stokes, May 2001.) More on this: Rev Patriots of Frederick Co, MD by Henry Peden. Frederick County, MD: Biddle, Andrew. 1st Lieutenant in the Linganore Battalion of militia on June 22, 1778 (ref: H-17, B-53, Z-144). H-17 (H - Hodges, Margaret. Unpublished Revolutionary Records of Maryland Vol 1 (Baltimore: Privately compiled by the Author, circa 1941). B-53 (B - Clements, S. Eugene and Wright, F. Edward. The Maryland Militia in the Revolutionary War (Silver Spring, Maryland: Family Line Publ, 1987) Z-144 (Z - Archives of Maryland, Vol 91. "Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 - Oct 26, 1779" (Baltimore: The Maryland Historical Society, 1901).(Source: Craig Anderson, Oct 2002. Sites CDs as his source.)
In Feb 1778 dau Maria Catherine Biddle was born and bapt in Kreider's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Westminster, Maryland.
1779. Between Jan and March father George Biddle died leaving Andrew 20 shillings in his will. Aug 1779 Andrew is an Innholder and buys 14 acres of land called Friendship Completed which was partly in Frederick County and partly in Baltimore County. He also starts renting lot #42 in Westminster from Wm Winchester. Lot #42 bordered land Andrew already occupied. Land originally was part of WhiteSoool.
In 1779 a son, Anthony Andrew Biddle, was born in Maryland. I have never been able to find a source for the "Anthony" part of Andrew's name. I received the name as "Anthony Andrew" from Mary Inglis who corresponded with Louise Heterick.
Sometime between 1780/1784, a dau, Margaret Biddle, was born.
On October 19, 1781, Lord Charles Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to General George Washington, ending The Revolutionary War. Many of the soldiers captured there were later housed at The Hessian Barracks in Frederick. (Source: John Ashbury, Rootsweb Frederick County mailing list history moment, Oct 2001.)
With the close of the Revolutionary War, Andrew sells his lot #42 in Westminster. Also in Nov of 1782 Andrew and Christina sell their land called Friendship Completed that was half in Baltimore County and half in Frederick County to James Wells. Andrew is now referred to as a farmer. After selling his land, he apparently looked south to farmland near where new towns were being developed. 1782 saw Libertytown laid out on the 600 acres that had formerly been called Duke's Wood and in 1786 Joseph Wood started to lay out the town of Woodsboro. (Source: John Ashbury)
In the deeds of the land Andrew purchased is the term "Glade". "The English and Germans who came to this area (Woodsboro) called the gently rolling and grassy land bordered by forests the "Glade". That term endures in many places in the area." (Source: (Frederick County, MD
Apr 1785 finds Andrew Biddle buying 100 acres of land called Hammond Stife from Yost Cover (Christina Cover-Biddle's brother). The witnesses were Joseph Wood and Jno Gwinn, Jr. (Joseph Wood probably being the same who laid out Woodsboro.) Andrew's occupation listed as a farmer. Same day, Andrew's brother George Micheal Biddle buys Trura.
On the 7 Jun 1785 Andrew buys some land from Yost Cover and on the same day, Peter Kemp, miller, buys part of MacDonald's Chance on Linganore near John's Delight. Yost Cover's wife Anna Maria Kemp-Cover was Peter's sister. Also of note is that Jacob Kemp, the husband of Andrew's sister Salome/Sophia, was a sibling of Peter Kemp and Anna Maria Kemp-Cover.
In Jan of 1786 Andrew's brother-in-law Jacob Kemp writes his will. Jacob Kemp names his brother-in-law Ander Biddel and brother Peter Kemp executors. He also mentions his wife (Andrew's sister Salome/Sophia) and 4 boys all under the age of 16 yrs.
On 8 Nov 1786 Joshua Hobbs sold 13 1/4 acres of called Hazard and Never Fear (Bush Creek) to Andrew Biddle. (Source: FHL Film 13,957 Frederick County, Maryland Land Deed, Liber 15, Folio 511) I have done a little research on the Hobbs family but have found no connection.
Abt 1786 daughter Andrea Maria Christina Biddle is born.
In 1787 dau Sophia Biddle is born in Maryland. Sophia was probably named after her Aunt Salome (Sophia)Büttel-Kemp. Her Aunt was a recent widow at abt the age of 38. Her Aunt didn't have any surviving daughters. Sophia may have gone to PA in 1797 with her family, but if so, must have returned to Frederick County, MD after her father died in 1810 because on 11 Nov 1813 she married Walter Beaven in Frederick County. Interestly her first(?) child Sarah Rebecca Bivens or Bevan was born 24 Jan 1814. (That is not a 9 months difference in dates!) Could Sophia be a Sophia Elizabeth Bittle???? There is an Elizabeth Bittle of Huntingdon County, PA in court in 1808 on a fornication charge. Elizabeth was age 22 at the time, hence b abt 1786. Elizabeth also moved out of the county per court records. In 1816 Walter and Sophia were of Juniata. Walter and his family owned slaves in MD and land all over the PA area. Unfortunately Sophia's bapt record have eluded us.
In 1788 the sale of lots begins in New Market which was laid out by Nicholas Hall, and Maryland becomes the 7th state to ratify the US Constitution.
On 19 May 1789 Andrew's dau Eva Barbara Biddle married Peter Shriner or Schreyner (born 1759 in Germany) in the First German Reformed Church, Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland. Witnesses were Peter Kempf and John Miller. They had a daughter, Sarah Maria born in 1790. In 1819 Peter and Eva Barbara had a mill about 5 miles from Libertytown and 1 mile from Linganore. Their daughters husband, John S. Lawrence also owned a factory near there. Peter died 5 Jan 1821 and Eva Barbara died 25 Aug 1823 age 51 both are buried in the Fred Cath Cemetery, Frederick County, Maryland.
In 1990 son George Biddle was born in Maryland. George went with his father to PA, and after his father's death George married Nancy Snowberger (b. 1797)in 1815. They moved down to Plum Creek, East Sharpsburg, Blair County, PA. The old Hoover-Biddle Cemetery on Plum Creek still exists though it is in horrible shape. I would like to thank descendant, Steve Shiffler, for all his help! We would be pleased to hear from more descendants.
On the 24 Jun 1791 Andrew's son, Jacob Biddle, married Rachel Todd, dau of Alexander Todd and Rachel, in the Evangelical Reformed Church, Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland. Jacob and Rachel followed Andrew to Woodberry Twp, Huntingdon County (now Blair), Pennsylvania. After a few years Jacob and Rachel moved down to Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Later they went on to Beaver County, Pennsylvania. And after that to Ohio. Descendants include Glenn M. Biddle, Mary Inglis, Jana Stokes, and more.
In 1791 Andrew's dau, Rachel Bittle, was born. She was bapt 27 Feb 1795. (Recorded in Frederick City Sept 5, 1795) She moved with her siblings and parents in 1797 to Woodberry Twp, but married Christian Yerty of the Plum Creek, East Sharpsburg, Blair County, PA area. Eventually Christian and Rachel moved to Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. I believe Rachel died before 1840 in Sugar Creek Twp, Armstrong County, PA. I think she had at least 3 children (Elizabeth and twins David and Samuel) and may have had others including: Susanna, Catherine and Mary Ellen Yorty. I believe her husband, Christian Yertey remarried before his death on 17 May 1863 in Armstrong County, PA. We would be pleased to hear from some descendants.
Abt 1792/1793 Andrew's son Peter Biddle was born. Peter's bapt record was recorded in Sept 5, 1795 in the Frederick City Reformed Church Records. It stated his birth as 1792, father as Andrew Bittle and mother as Christina. Peter went to Clover Creek, Williamsburg, Huntingdon County, PA as a young boy and later married Juliana Snowberger. Peter died in 1881 and is buried in Snively Cemetery on Clover Creek. Peter was the only child mentioned in his father's estate inventory. We would be pleased to hear from additional descendants.
On 24 Oct of 1793 Andrew Biddle went into Frederick City to record the selling of his land. (On 23 Oct 1793 Andrew Biddle and Yost Cover sold Hammonds Strife (100 acres) to John Baker.) He must have stayed a few days for on the 29 Oct 1793 his daughter Sarah, married Zephaniah Harrison (of Virgina in 1776). It doesn't appear that their were any descendants by the time of her husband, Zephaniah Harrison's, death bef 16 Aug 1819.
On 10 May 1795 Andreas Bittel shows up on a list of communicants of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church. On the list Andrew was next to Michael Sadler and his wife, and Margreth Kuckerle. This congregation later became the Grace Lutheran Church. It was near Woodsboro. The pastor at the time was Johann Andreas Krug. Originally a Peter Beard had deeded land for a church that was to house several congregations including the Church of England, the Lutherans and the Reformed. (Source: FHL US/CAN Book 975.287 K29we Maryland German Church Records Vol 16 by Frederick S. Weiser and John P. Dern.) I suspect the Harrisons, Beavins, Todds, Shriners and Kemps may have attended the Church of England congregation. Rocky Hill/St. Peter's Lutheran Church is east/northeast of Woodsboro on Coppermine Rd.
1 Nov 1796 William Hobbs sells 590 acres land to Andrew Biddle. The land was part of three tracts: Bush Creek Hills, The Resurvey on Hobbes purchase, and Hazzard and Neverfear.
July 1797 Andrew Biddle sells 13 1/4 acres of Hazard and Never Fear land to William Hobbs.
And on 21 Jul 1797 his son John married Elizabeth Mullinux, dau of Thomas Mullinex and Elizabeth, in Frederick County, Maryland. The Mullinex family owned slaves including: Henry, Pol, Nick and Frederick; and they had a 200 acre farm about 2 miles from Edward Kennedy's tavern. Thomas Mullinex wrote his will in 1810. Part of Thomas Mullinx land called Pretty Sally was to be inherited by his daughter Elizabeth when her mother died. In 1798 John Biddle shows up in the Woodberry Twp, Huntingdon (now Blair County), Pennsylvania tax list. John and Elizabeth had 12 children. John and Elizabeth are buried in the Biddle Farm Cemetery on Clover Creek, Woodberry Twp, Blair County, Pennsylvania. Descendants include Ramona Householder and more.
In 1797 Andrew Biddle starts to show up in the Woodbury Twp, Huntingdon County (now Blair County), Pennsylvania tax lists. His son John is with him and many of his other children also move, excepting for a few of his daughters who remain in Frederick County, Maryland.
Abt 1799 or 1800 Andrew's dau Catherine married Adam Smith who was born 7 Dec 1776 in Frederick County, Maryland. Adam was bap in 1777 in Apple's Church near Thurmont, Frederick County, Maryland. Adam was the son George Jacob Schmidt and Hanna. Adam and Catherine had 5 children: Christina, Andrew, Sarah, Eve and George. George Jacob Schmidt also moved his family from Frederick, Maryland to Woodberry Twp, Huntingdon (now Blair) County, Pennsylvania like Andrew Biddle did. The Smith or Schmidt land is between Williamsburg and the Biddle Farm Cemetery. Looking for descendants.
Abt 1799 Andrew's daughter, Margaret married Zachariah Spencer who was b. 1773/1774. In 1800 Zachariah and Margaret were living in Woodberry Twp, Huntingdon County (now Blair), Pennsylvania with what looks like from census records a baby boy. In 1812 Zachariah Spencer is an administer of Andrew Biddle's estate. In May of 1815 the Huntingdon Gazette Newspaper runs adds for land for sale in Mahoning Twp, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. That year Zachariah sell his Woodbury Twp, Huntingdon County, PA land. By 1820 the Spencers are listed in the Mahoning Twp, Indiana County, Pennsylvania census. Descendants include: Annamae Paul.
On 30 Nov 1799 (not recorded until 1801) Andrew Biddle bought abt 407 acres and 13x perches of land called Green Field (beg at a Spanish Oak thence by Spurs of Tusseys Mtn.) from William & Elizabeth Phillips. Land situate in Woodberry twp abt 2 miles fr the Mouth of Clover Creek lying on the Both sides of said Creek.
In 1801 dau Christina Bittle married Denton Mobley. I believe they were married in Woodberry Twp, Huntingdon County (now Blair), Pennsylvania; but it is possible they traveled somewhere else to find a preacher. There is conflicting information among other posted research on Denton Mobley, but I believe that he was born abt 1774 in Baree Twp, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of the Ezekial Mobley who died Dec 1781 in Hopewell Twp, Bedford County, PA. Denton and Christina (Bittle) Mobley eventually ended up in Clappertown, Blair County, Pa where Christina died in 1847 after serving a family of at least 11 children. Denton Mobley went on to Green Township, Indiana County, PA where he died in 1851/1856. Looking for descendants.
Son Anthony Andrew married Margaret Shoenfelt abt 1806. Descendants include Paul Barley, Tom Kennedy.
The Biddle or Bittle Family Farm Cemetery is still found along Clover Creek. Andrew's son John is buried their and his son Peter is buried across the street in Snively Cemetery. Tradition has it that Andrew's wife Christina is also buried their. As for Andrew, he was visiting his son Jacob who had moved down to the Bedford County, PA area when he died. Andrew died 9 Oct 1810 and is buried in Lower Cemetery, Roaring Springs, Blair County, Pennsylvania. Andrew's widow, Christina remained on the tax lists for Clover Creek, Woodbury Twp, Huntingdon County, PA until 1816.
The inventory for his estate was taken 7 Nov 1811 and filed 11 Jun 1812 having been invetoried by Edward Cowan and J. Shoenfelt. (Edward Cowan is also buried in Lower Cemetery.) In it are shoemaking items that he probably inherited from his father, and it also identifies Peter as his son. Andrew's estate is adm 24 May 1812 by his son Jacob Biddle and son-in-law Zacheriah Spencer.
Lt. Andrew (Andrew) Biddle's Timeline
1748 |
January 6, 1748
Cecil County, Maryland, United States
1771 |
March 1771
Frederick, Maryland, USA
1772 |
November 11, 1772
Westminster, Frederick, Maryland, USA
1773 |
March 6, 1773
Frederick, Maryland, USA
1775 |
July 1775
Frederick, Maryland, USA
1777 |
Fredereick, MD, United States
1778 |
February 5, 1778
Frederick, Maryland, USA
February 5, 1778
Frederick, MD, United States
1784 |
October 23, 1784
Frederick, Maryland, USA