Alternate Data, omitted during merge of 12/15/09:
Birth Date(s): 1627
Alternate date of death - 6/2/1676
Lieut. Robert Webster settled in Middletown, Connecticut, and upon the organization of the town in September, 1651, was chosen Recorder. Coincident with this was his marriage in 1652 and his settlement in Middletown Upper Houses where four of his children were born. He represented Middletown in the General Court from September 1653 to May 1655; from May to October, 1656; in October 1657, and October 1658, at which time he returned to Hartford. Some of his activities will be seen in the following excerpts from various public records.
1654: "At a General Court of Elections held 18th May, 1654, Robert Webster was confirmed as a Lieutenant in Middletown for the ensuing year, according to the motion of the Town."
1654: "At a session of the General Court held in Hartford, Oct. 3, 1654, appeared among the Deputies, Robert Webster, who was appointed as one of the Committee for Middletown to press men and necessaries for the Narragansett expedition."
1656: "At a General Court called by the Governor and Magistraty, February 26, 1656, Robert Webster was present as a Deputy, and was appointed on a committee to give advice to the Indians, and was confirmed as Recorder of the Towne of Middletown, according to their desire."
During his Hartford residence his name appears in the following important relations.
1662-3: January 25, Robert Webster was one of a jury who tried and convicted Nathaniel and Rebecca Greensmith, and they were executed.
1669: February 12, the Second Church of Hartford was set off as a distinct organization from the original First Church, and in a list of fifteen brethren in full communion appears the name of Robert Webster.
1669: In a list of freemen "on ye South side of Hartford," dated October, 1669, appears the name of Mr. Robert Webster.
1672: May 9. The Court of Elections of Hartford granted to "Leiftenant" Robert Webster 300 acres of land, provided he took it up where it would not prejudice any former grant.
1673: In October the General Court sitting in Hartford ordered a survey of lands at Mattatock on the Mallatock (Naugatuck) River, and appointed as a committee, Lieut. Thomas Bull, Lieut. Robert Webster and Daniel Pratt.
1674: April 6, 7, 8, 9 was the date of a report from the above Committee on the result of their survey, and among other things stated that the place "may accommodate thirty families." The court afterwards appointed Maj. John Talcott, Lieut. Robert Webster, Lieut. Nicholas Olmstead, Ensign Samuel Steel, Ensign John Wadsworth, a Committee to regulate and order setting off a plantation at Mattatuck. "This Committee," says a local historian (Waterbury, by Bronson, 1858) "was composed of men of note, who bore honorable names well known in the history of the Colony." Of Lieut. Webster he says, "He was a respectable man though not distinguished like his father. His son Jonathan m. a sister of John Hopkins, an early settler of Mattatuck." (Waterbury.)
1675: October 11, at a meeting of the Council "Leiftenant" Robert Webster was appointed on a Committee to arrange certain defenses of the towne.
The last-named date suggests King Philip's war. June 20 of that year the Indians had attacked Swanzy; Aug. 2, Brookfield; Aug. 25, Hatfield; Sep. 1, Deerfield and Hadley; Sep. 2, Northfield; Sep. 4, Capt. Beers at Bloody Brook; Oct. 5, Springfield. Clearly the savages were drawing near to Hartford, and Oct. 11, as shown in the above paragraph, Lieut. Robert Webster and others were appointed a Committee of Safety.
How far he was drawn into the conflict is not easily determined now, but Savage says he was "on service in the war of 1675." This, is further shown by the fact that on the 22d of May, 1712, at a meeting of the Governor and Council at Hartford, the payment of certain sums to soldiers whose accounts had not previously been settled on account of uncertainty as to length of service, was ordered, and among them, "To Robert Webster of Hartford, 2 pounds, 13 shillings, and 6 pence."
Lieut. Robert Webster died about May 31, 1676. He was buried June 2, 1676. His Will, dated May 20, 1676, was made about 10 days before his death. His estate was valued at 670 pounds. The Will is as follows:
Whereas, I, Robert Webster of Hartford, am at present under the holy hand of God and brought very weake by sickness, yet not, through mercy, destitute of my understanding, doe see cause to sett my house in order, and doe declare this to be my will and testament as followeth -- first I commend my soule to God in Jesus Christ, hoping for the pardon of all my sins through the meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour, and my Body to the earth, hoping for a glorious resurrection. And for that estate which God hath blessed me with all I give and bequeath it as followeth; after my just debts are honestly pay'd out of my estate. The remainder of my estate I give unto my dear and well beloved wife, Susannah Webster during her widowhood, not doubting but she will have a tender care of our children and will help them as she is able. But if my wife change her name then I give her but one third part of my aforesay'd estate. The remainder being to bee equally divided amongst my children excepting my eldest a double portion and if any of my children dye before they come at age, that is to say my sonns at the age of twenty-one years and my daughters eighteen years of age, my will is that it be equally divided amongst those that shall survive, also I desire my wife to be careful in bringing up our children in the knowledge and feare of the Lord and I do heare charge and command my children that they carry it dutiful to their mother, and that they labour to know and feare the God of their fathers, and that they serve him with willing heart and minde, that hemay bee with them and bless them, when I am gathered to my fathers. I do also appoynt my loving wife to be sole executrix to this my last will and that she may have some refuge to repayre unto for councill as any occasion may call for either about my estate or dispose of my children; I doe desire my loving Friend John Coale Sr. and Andrew Benton Sr. and John Blackleach of Hartford to be overseers of this my will and testament and for confirmation of the same I hereunto set my hand and Seale.
Robert Webster and a Seal
'This 20th day of May 1676
Testes Thomas Steadman, Phineas Wilson
Lieut. Robert Webster, bapt. Nov. 17, 1619 at Cossington, Leicestershire, England, the 5th child and 4th son of Gov. John Webster and Agnes Smith. He d. testate at Hartford, Conn. betw. May 20, 1676, the date of his will, and June 29, 1676 when his estate inventory was taken.
[see f/g # 48836185 for extended bio]
Family links:
John Webster (1590 - 1661)
Agnes Smith Webster (____ - 1667)
Susanna Treat Webster (1629 - 1705)
Jonathan Webster (1656 - 1735)*
William Webster (1671 - 1722)*
Elizabeth Webster Seymour (1678 - 1754)
Inscription: At the time of Robert's death the only cemetery in existence at Hartford was the Ancient Cemetery, formerly called the Center Church Cemetery of Hartford's First Congregational Church. But, by the mid 1800s Robert had no extant gravestone, if he had one to begin with. Burial: Ancient Burying Ground Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA Created by: Don Blauvelt Record added: Feb 26, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 48836185 -tcd
Lieut. Robert Webster, bapt. Nov. 17, 1619 at Cossington, Leicestershire, England, the 5th child and 4th son of Gov. John Webster and Agnes Smith. He d. testate at Hartford, Conn. betw. May 20, 1676, the date of his will, and June 29, 1676 when his estate inventory was taken.
On Nov. 10, 1653 probably at Wethersfield, Conn., Robert m. Susanna Treat, bapt. Oct. 8, 1629 at St. Andrew & St. Mary Chh. at Pitminster, Somersetshire, England, dau. of Ens. Richard Treat and Alice Gaylord. Susanna d. testate (will dated Jan. 20, 1698/9) prior to Nov. 7, 1705 when her will was proved. The inventory of her estate was made Nov. 19, 1705.
"At a General Court of Elections held 18th May, 1654, Robert Webster was confirmed as a Leiftenant [at] Middletown for the ensuing year, according to the motyon of the Towne." [Middletown TR]
Notwithstanding the record of his eldest four children either being b. or at least recorded as b. at Middletown, Conn., Robert was a member of the Hartford 1st Chh. and separated from that Chh. as the fourth man to sign the 1669 Chh. covenant in full communion upon the founding of the Hartford 2nd Chh. Yet, none of his children appear in the baptism records of either the Hartford 1st or 2nd Church.
Robert and Susanna had eleven children; only the four oldest appear in the Middletown vital records:
• i. John Webster, b. Nov. 10, 1653 at Middletown, Conn., d. testate Dec. 6, 1694 at Hartford, Conn.; m. by 1678, Sarah Mygatt, dau. of Jacob Mygatt and Sarah Whiting. Seven children of the family. The widow Sarah m. 2) Nov. 20, 1698 at Hartford as his 2nd wife, Lieut. Benjamin Graham, by whom she had two more children and survived him. Lieut. Graham m. 1) Abigail Humphrey, dau. of Michael Humphrey and Priscilla Grant, by whom he had five children. Abigail (Humphrey) Graham d. June 27, 1697 at Hartford. Lieut. Graham d. testate at Hartford betw. Feb. 4 (date of his will) and Feb. 15, 1724/5 when his estate inventory was taken.
• ii. Sarah Webster, b. June 30, 1655 at Middletown; m. Nov. 15, 1677 at the Hartford 1st Church, Joseph Mygatt, brother of Sarah's brother John's wife. They had nine children of whom seven survived beyond infancy. Joseph d. testate in 1698 at Hartford. The widow Sarah m. 2) Dec. 13, 1722 at Hartford, Bevel Waters, who died testate at Hartford before Mar. 13, 1729/30, the date his inventory was taken. The widow Sarah (Webster)(Mygatt) Waters died testate before Mar. 6, 1743/4 when the inventory of her estate was made.
• iii. Dea. Jonathan Webster, b. Jan. 9, 1656/7 at Middletown, d. testate at Hartford before July 23, 1735 when his estate inventory was made; m. 1) May 11, 1681 at Hartford, Dorcas Hopkins, dau. of Stephen Hopkins and Dorcas Bronson. She d. circa 1695 at Hartford. Six children of the marriage. He m. 2) Jan 2, 1695/6 at Hartford, Mary Judd of Farmington, CT by whom he had one child, s. Benjamin in 1698.
• iv. Susannah Webster, b. Feb. 26, 1657/8 at Middletown, d. in 1688; m. May 11, 1681 at Hartford as his 1st wife, John Graves, by whom she had two children, daus. Elizabeth and Mehitable.
• v. Lieut. Samuel Webster, b. circa 1660, d. testate Feb. 1, 1743/4 at Hartford; m. at an unknown date, Elizabeth Reeve (q.v. Reave), dau. of Robert Reeve and Elizabeth Nott, b. in Dec. 1666 at Hartford. She d. testate before Dec. 3, 1745, the date her estate inventory was made. There are no known children of the marriage.
• vi. Robert Webster, Jr., Esq., b. circa 1662, d. testate at Hartford before Oct. 8, 1744, the date his estate inventory was made. He m. 1) Sept. 10, 1689 at Hartford, Hannah Beckley, dau. of John Beckley and Hannah Deming of the Beckley Quarter at Wethersfield, b. circa 1670 at Wethersfield, Conn. She d. circa 1715. Eight children of the marriage. Robert m. 2) circa 1718, Sarah Edwards, dau. of Joseph Edwards of Wethersfield, and widow of Sgt. Jonathan Colfax (q.v. Colefax). She had five children by her 1st husband, and d. Feb. 15, 1724/5 at Hartford. There were no children of her marriage to Robert Webster. He m. 3) July 30, 1731 at Hartford, Susanna Baker, dau. of John Baker and Lydia Baysey, who d. before Jan. 6, 1746/7 when letters of admin. were granted to her bro. William Baker.
• vii. Joseph Webster, b. circa 1664, d. testate betw. Mar. 3 and May 2, 1750 at Hartford; m. 1) Jan. 23, 1695/6, Mary Judd, by whom he had two children; m. 2) May 11, 1726 at Hartford, Hannah Willet, dau. of Nathaniel Willet and Hannah Adams, and wid. of Bayse Baker. She was b. circa 1672. She had eleven children by her 1st husb. and none by Joseph Webster.
• viii. Benjamin Webster, b. May 1, 1670, who perhaps d. young.
• ix. Ens. William Webster, b. July 2, 1671 at Hartford, d. intestate in June 1722 at Hartford, Conn.; m. Nov. 28, 1700 at Hartford, Sarah Nichols, b. circa 1678 at Hartford, dau. of Capt. Cyprian Nichols and his wife Mary. Nine children of the family. The widow Sarah m. 2) May 13, 1725 at Hartford as his 2nd wife, Samuel Catlin, by whom she had no children, and d. Dec. 12, 1762 at Wintonbury Parish at Hartford County (now Bloomfield, Conn.)
• x. Elizabeth Webster, b. Feb. 8, 1672/3 at Hartford, d. May 15, 1754 at Hartford; m. Dec. 19, 1693 at Hartford, John Seymour, Jr., s. of John Seymour and Mary Watson, b. June 12, 1666 at Hartford. He d. testate May 16, 1748 at Hartford. Eleven children of the family.
• xi. Mary Webster, b. circa 1676, d. Sept. 27, 1706 at Hartford; m. Nov. 7, 1690 as his 2nd wife, Thomas King, s. of John King and Sarah Holton, b. July 14, 1662 at Northampton, Mass. He d. Dec. 12, 1711 and his estate was distributed in 1714. It is unclear which of the four children included in the estate were by Mary Webster versus by King's 1st wife, Abigail Strong.
Family links:
John Webster (1590 - 1661)
Agnes Smith Webster (____ - 1667)
Susanna Treat Webster (1629 - 1705)*
Jonathan Webster (1656 - 1735)*
William Webster (1671 - 1722)*
Elizabeth Webster Seymour (1678 - 1754)*
William Webster (1614 - 1688)*
Thomas Webster (1616 - 1686)*
Robert Webster (1619 - 1676)
Anne Webster Marsh (1621 - 1662)*
*Calculated relationship
Inscription: At the time of Robert's death the only cemetery in existence at Hartford was the Ancient Cemetery, formerly called the Center Church Cemetery of Hartford's First Congregational Church. But, by the mid 1800s Robert had no extant gravestone, if he had one to begin with.
Burial: Ancient Burying Ground Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA
1654: "At a General Court of Elections held 18th May, 1654, Robert Webster was confirmed as a Lieutenant in Middletown for the ensuing year, according to the motion of the Town."
1654: "At a session of the General Court held in Hartford, Oct. 3, 1654, appeared among the Deputies, Robert Webster, who was appointed as one of the Committee for Middletown to press men and necessaries for the Narragansett expedition."
1656: "At a General Court called by the Governor and Magistraty, February 26, 1656, Robert Webster was present as a Deputy, and was appointed on a committee to give advice to the Indians, and was confirmed as Recorder of the Towne of Middletown, according to their desire."
During his Hartford residence his name appears in the following important relations.
1662-3: January 25, Robert Webster was one of a jury who tried and convicted Nathaniel and Rebecca Greensmith, and they were executed.
1669: February 12, the Second Church of Hartford was set off as a distinct organization from the original First Church, and in a list of fifteen brethren in full communion appears the name of Robert Webster.
1669: In a list of freemen "on ye South side of Hartford," dated October, 1669, appears the name of Mr. Robert Webster.
1672: May 9. The Court of Elections of Hartford granted to "Leiftenant" Robert Webster 300 acres of land, provided he took it up where it would not prejudice any former grant.
1673: In October the General Court sitting in Hartford ordered a survey of lands at Mattatock on the Mallatock (Naugatuck) River, and appointed as a committee, Lieut. Thomas Bull, Lieut. Robert Webster and Daniel Pratt.
1674: April 6, 7, 8, 9 was the date of a report from the above Committee on the result of their survey, and among other things stated that the place "may accommodate thirty families." The court afterwards appointed Maj. John Talcott, Lieut. Robert Webster, Lieut. Nicholas Olmstead, Ensign Samuel Steel, Ensign John Wadsworth, a Committee to regulate and order setting off a plantation at Mattatuck. "This Committee," says a local historian (Waterbury, by Bronson, 1858) "was composed of men of note, who bore honorable names well known in the history of the Colony." Of Lieut. Webster he says, "He was a respectable man though not distinguished like his father. His son Jonathan m. a sister of John Hopkins, an early settler of Mattatuck." (Waterbury.)
1675: October 11, at a meeting of the Council "Leiftenant" Robert Webster was appointed on a Committee to arrange certain defenses of the towne.
The last-named date suggests King Philip's war. June 20 of that year the Indians had attacked Swanzy; Aug. 2, Brookfield; Aug. 25, Hatfield; Sep. 1, Deerfield and Hadley; Sep. 2, Northfield; Sep. 4, Capt. Beers at Bloody Brook; Oct. 5, Springfield. Clearly the savages were drawing near to Hartford, and Oct. 11, as shown in the above paragraph, Lieut. Robert Webster and others were appointed a Committee of Safety.
How far he was drawn into the conflict is not easily determined now, but Savage says he was "on service in the war of 1675." This, is further shown by the fact that on the 22d of May, 1712, at a meeting of the Governor and Council at Hartford, the payment of certain sums to soldiers whose accounts had not previously been settled on account of uncertainty as to length of service, was ordered, and among them, "To Robert Webster of Hartford, 2 pounds, 13 shillings, and 6 pence."
Lieut. Robert Webster died about May 31, 1676. He was buried June 2, 1676. His Will, dated May 20, 1676, was made about 10 days before his death. His estate was valued at 670 pounds. The Will is as follows:
Whereas, I, Robert Webster of Hartford, am at present under the holy hand of God and brought very weake by sickness, yet not, through mercy, destitute of my understanding, doe see cause to sett my house in order, and doe declare this to be my will and testament as followeth -- first I commend my soule to God in Jesus Christ, hoping for the pardon of all my sins through the meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour, and my Body to the earth, hoping for a glorious resurrection. And for that estate which God hath blessed me with all I give and bequeath it as followeth; after my just debts are honestly pay'd out of my estate. The remainder of my estate I give unto my dear and well beloved wife, Susannah Webster during her widowhood, not doubting but she will have a tender care of our children and will help them as she is able. But if my wife change her name then I give her but one third part of my aforesay'd estate. The remainder being to bee equally divided amongst my children excepting my eldest a double portion and if any of my children dye before they come at age, that is to say my sonns at the age of twenty-one years and my daughters eighteen years of age, my will is that it be equally divided amongst those that shall survive, also I desire my wife to be careful in bringing up our children in the knowledge and feare of the Lord and I do heare charge and command my children that they carry it dutiful to their mother, and that they labour to know and feare the God of their fathers, and that they serve him with willing heart and minde, that hemay bee with them and bless them, when I am gathered to my fathers. I do also appoynt my loving wife to be sole executrix to this my last will and that she may have some refuge to repayre unto for councill as any occasion may call for either about my estate or dispose of my children; I doe desire my loving Friend John Coale Sr. and Andrew Benton Sr. and John Blackleach of Hartford to be overseers of this my will and testament and for confirmation of the same I hereunto set my hand and Seale.
Robert Webster and a Seal
'This 20th day of May 1676
Testes Thomas Steadman, Phineas Wilson
(f/g) Lieut Robert Webster, Sr Birth: Nov. 17, 1619 Cossington Leicestershire, England Death: 1676 Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA Lieut. Robert Webster, bapt. Nov. 17, 1619 at Cossington, Leicestershire, England, the 5th child and 4th son of Gov. John Webster and Agnes Smith. He d. testate at Hartford, Conn. betw. May 20, 1676, the date of his will, and June 29, 1676 when his estate inventory was taken.
[see f/g # 48836185 for extended bio] Family links:
Parents: John Webster (1590 - 1661) Agnes Smith Webster (____ - 1667) Spouse: Susanna Treat Webster (1629 - 1705) Children: Jonathan Webster (1656 - 1735)* William Webster (1671 - 1722)* Elizabeth Webster Seymour (1678 - 1754) Inscription: At the time of Robert's death the only cemetery in existence at Hartford was the Ancient Cemetery, formerly called the Center Church Cemetery of Hartford's First Congregational Church. But, by the mid 1800s Robert had no extant gravestone, if he had one to begin with. Burial: Ancient Burying Ground Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA Created by: Don Blauvelt Record added: Feb 26, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 48836185 -tcd
Birth: Nov. 17, 1619 Cossington Leicestershire, England Death: 1676 Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA Lieut. Robert Webster, bapt. Nov. 17, 1619 at Cossington, Leicestershire, England, the 5th child and 4th son of Gov. John Webster and Agnes Smith. He d. testate at Hartford, Conn. betw. May 20, 1676, the date of his will, and June 29, 1676 when his estate inventory was taken.
On Nov. 10, 1653 probably at Wethersfield, Conn., Robert m. Susanna Treat, bapt. Oct. 8, 1629 at St. Andrew & St. Mary Chh. at Pitminster, Somersetshire, England, dau. of Ens. Richard Treat and Alice Gaylord. Susanna d. testate (will dated Jan. 20, 1698/9) prior to Nov. 7, 1705 when her will was proved. The inventory of her estate was made Nov. 19, 1705.
"At a General Court of Elections held 18th May, 1654, Robert Webster was confirmed as a Leiftenant [at] Middletown for the ensuing year, according to the motyon of the Towne." [Middletown TR]
Notwithstanding the record of his eldest four children either being b. or at least recorded as b. at Middletown, Conn., Robert was a member of the Hartford 1st Chh. and separated from that Chh. as the fourth man to sign the 1669 Chh. covenant in full communion upon the founding of the Hartford 2nd Chh. Yet, none of his children appear in the baptism records of either the Hartford 1st or 2nd Church.
Robert and Susanna had eleven children; only the four oldest appear in the Middletown vital records:
• i. John Webster, b. Nov. 10, 1653 at Middletown, Conn., d. testate Dec. 6, 1694 at Hartford, Conn.; m. by 1678, Sarah Mygatt, dau. of Jacob Mygatt and Sarah Whiting. Seven children of the family. The widow Sarah m. 2) Nov. 20, 1698 at Hartford as his 2nd wife, Lieut. Benjamin Graham, by whom she had two more children and survived him. Lieut. Graham m. 1) Abigail Humphrey, dau. of Michael Humphrey and Priscilla Grant, by whom he had five children. Abigail (Humphrey) Graham d. June 27, 1697 at Hartford. Lieut. Graham d. testate at Hartford betw. Feb. 4 (date of his will) and Feb. 15, 1724/5 when his estate inventory was taken.
• ii. Sarah Webster, b. June 30, 1655 at Middletown; m. Nov. 15, 1677 at the Hartford 1st Church, Joseph Mygatt, brother of Sarah's brother John's wife. They had nine children of whom seven survived beyond infancy. Joseph d. testate in 1698 at Hartford. The widow Sarah m. 2) Dec. 13, 1722 at Hartford, Bevel Waters, who died testate at Hartford before Mar. 13, 1729/30, the date his inventory was taken. The widow Sarah (Webster)(Mygatt) Waters died testate before Mar. 6, 1743/4 when the inventory of her estate was made.
• iii. Dea. Jonathan Webster, b. Jan. 9, 1656/7 at Middletown, d. testate at Hartford before July 23, 1735 when his estate inventory was made; m. 1) May 11, 1681 at Hartford, Dorcas Hopkins, dau. of Stephen Hopkins and Dorcas Bronson. She d. circa 1695 at Hartford. Six children of the marriage. He m. 2) Jan 2, 1695/6 at Hartford, Mary Judd of Farmington, CT by whom he had one child, s. Benjamin in 1698.
• iv. Susannah Webster, b. Feb. 26, 1657/8 at Middletown, d. in 1688; m. May 11, 1681 at Hartford as his 1st wife, John Graves, by whom she had two children, daus. Elizabeth and Mehitable.
• v. Lieut. Samuel Webster, b. circa 1660, d. testate Feb. 1, 1743/4 at Hartford; m. at an unknown date, Elizabeth Reeve (q.v. Reave), dau. of Robert Reeve and Elizabeth Nott, b. in Dec. 1666 at Hartford. She d. testate before Dec. 3, 1745, the date her estate inventory was made. There are no known children of the marriage.
• vi. Robert Webster, Jr., Esq., b. circa 1662, d. testate at Hartford before Oct. 8, 1744, the date his estate inventory was made. He m. 1) Sept. 10, 1689 at Hartford, Hannah Beckley, dau. of John Beckley and Hannah Deming of the Beckley Quarter at Wethersfield, b. circa 1670 at Wethersfield, Conn. She d. circa 1715. Eight children of the marriage. Robert m. 2) circa 1718, Sarah Edwards, dau. of Joseph Edwards of Wethersfield, and widow of Sgt. Jonathan Colfax (q.v. Colefax). She had five children by her 1st husband, and d. Feb. 15, 1724/5 at Hartford. There were no children of her marriage to Robert Webster. He m. 3) July 30, 1731 at Hartford, Susanna Baker, dau. of John Baker and Lydia Baysey, who d. before Jan. 6, 1746/7 when letters of admin. were granted to her bro. William Baker.
• vii. Joseph Webster, b. circa 1664, d. testate betw. Mar. 3 and May 2, 1750 at Hartford; m. 1) Jan. 23, 1695/6, Mary Judd, by whom he had two children; m. 2) May 11, 1726 at Hartford, Hannah Willet, dau. of Nathaniel Willet and Hannah Adams, and wid. of Bayse Baker. She was b. circa 1672. She had eleven children by her 1st husb. and none by Joseph Webster.
• viii. Benjamin Webster, b. May 1, 1670, who perhaps d. young.
• ix. Ens. William Webster, b. July 2, 1671 at Hartford, d. intestate in June 1722 at Hartford, Conn.; m. Nov. 28, 1700 at Hartford, Sarah Nichols, b. circa 1678 at Hartford, dau. of Capt. Cyprian Nichols and his wife Mary. Nine children of the family. The widow Sarah m. 2) May 13, 1725 at Hartford as his 2nd wife, Samuel Catlin, by whom she had no children, and d. Dec. 12, 1762 at Wintonbury Parish at Hartford County (now Bloomfield, Conn.)
• x. Elizabeth Webster, b. Feb. 8, 1672/3 at Hartford, d. May 15, 1754 at Hartford; m. Dec. 19, 1693 at Hartford, John Seymour, Jr., s. of John Seymour and Mary Watson, b. June 12, 1666 at Hartford. He d. testate May 16, 1748 at Hartford. Eleven children of the family.
• xi. Mary Webster, b. circa 1676, d. Sept. 27, 1706 at Hartford; m. Nov. 7, 1690 as his 2nd wife, Thomas King, s. of John King and Sarah Holton, b. July 14, 1662 at Northampton, Mass. He d. Dec. 12, 1711 and his estate was distributed in 1714. It is unclear which of the four children included in the estate were by Mary Webster versus by King's 1st wife, Abigail Strong.
Family links:
Parents: John Webster (1590 - 1661) Agnes Smith Webster (____ - 1667) Spouse: Susanna Treat Webster (1629 - 1705)* Children: Jonathan Webster (1656 - 1735)* William Webster (1671 - 1722)* Elizabeth Webster Seymour (1678 - 1754)* Siblings: William Webster (1614 - 1688)* Thomas Webster (1616 - 1686)* Robert Webster (1619 - 1676) Anne Webster Marsh (1621 - 1662)* Calculated relationship Inscription: At the time of Robert's death the only cemetery in existence at Hartford was the Ancient Cemetery, formerly called the Center Church Cemetery of Hartford's First Congregational Church. But, by the mid 1800s Robert had no extant gravestone, if he had one to begin with.
Burial: Ancient Burying Ground Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA
The nine children of John Webster (d. 1661) and Agnes Smith were baptized at Cossington, Leicestershire, England, before their emigration to New England:
1619 |
November 17, 1619
Cossington, Leicestershire, England
November 20, 1619
Cossington, Leicestershire, England
December 8, 1619
., Cossington, Leicestershire, England
December 8, 1619
., Cossington, Leicestershire, England
December 8, 1619
Cossington, Leicester, England, England
December 8, 1619
., Cossington, Leicestershire, England
December 8, 1619
Cossington, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom
1653 |
November 10, 1653
Middletown, Middlesex, ConnecticutColonial America