Historical records matching Lt. Simon Tuttle
Immediate Family
About Lt. Simon Tuttle
- children of Simon Tuttle and Isable Wells:
- Richard TUTTLE born c1593 of/at Ringstead, Northampton, England. Married 19 Jun 1622; died 8 May 1640 at Boston, MA.
- Thomas TUTTLE born c1595.
- John TUTTLE born c1596 of Ringstead, Northampton, England. Married 1627 Joan Antrobus; he died 30 Dec 1656 Carrickfergus, Ireland.
- Simon TUTTLE bborn c1597 at Ringstead, Northampton, England; married 1616; died 17 Dec 1630 at Northampton, England.
- Thomas TUTTLE born c1600 of Ringstead, Northampton, England.
- William TUTTLE (Tuthill) born c 1609 at Ringstead, Northampton, England; married 1630 to Elizabeth Mathews; died 16 Jun 1673 at New Haven, New Haven, CT.
- source: www.angelfire.com/folk/morgan/fam/fam01697.html
- comment by Denise Unander, I don't know, but I click on the link and it goes nowhere. Can someone correct it?
- Children:
- John
- Henry
- Alice
- Elizabeth
- William
- source: Paul Herbig.
- email: prfssrpah@aol.com _______________________
- christened in 1560 in , Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England
- buried on 15 Jun 1630 in , Tharston, Norfolk, England
- Simon (Symon) Tuttle (Tuttell, Tootell) of Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England was born about 1560, the son of Richard Tootill of Woodford, Northamptonshire, and probably grandson of Thomas Totehyll also of Woodford. He married Isabel Wells, the daughter of John Wells, and he died was buried at Ringstead June 15, 1630. Simon was mentioned in his father's will in 1589 and in that of his father-in-law, John Wells in 1618. His own will, dated December 19, 1627 was proved at Northampton, and names five sons: Richard, John "my second sonne", Thomas (who was deceased when will was drawn), Simon and William. Simon's will reads:
In the Name of God Amen The nyneteeneth Day of December in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred twentie seaven I Symon Tuttell of Ringsted in the Countie of Northton yeoman strong in minde and of good and pfect memory thanks and praise be to allmighty god and weighing and considering the frailety of mans life and the uncertainty of this world doe make and ordayne this my psent Testamt contayning therein my last will in mann[er] and forme as followeth that ys to say ffirst I [c]om[m]end and com[m]itt my soule into the hands of Allmighty god Creator assuredly believing through the onely meritte of Jesus Christe my saviour to be made ptaker of Everlasting life And my body I comitt to the earth from whence it came to be buried [torn] Christon burialls at the discrecion of my Executrix hereafter named, hopeing assuredly to receive the same again at the gene[ral] resurreccion not a mortall but an immortall and glorious body.
And now as concerning those lands and goodes wch god of his goodness hath lent me I give and bequeath unto Isabell my wife All that moytie or prcell of land meadows and com[m]ons wth theire and each of theire appurtenances wch ys due to me out of the land formerly [?] conveyed to my Edlest sonne Richard and the house messuages or ten[emen]ts wherein I now dwell together with all the houses yards lands meadows pastures com[m]ons comodities and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appurteyning and also All those landes meadows and comons wth thappurtances wch I lately had an purchased of Thomas Holding Edward Asin [?] al[ia]s James, and of Will[ia]m Sillyman and of each of them To ahve and to hold the same for and during the terme of her naturall life and after the naturall death of decease of y saide wyfe I give and bequeath all and singular the said mentioned lands and premisses wth their and each of their appurtenances unto Will[ia]m Tuttell my youngest sonne to have and to holde the same unto the saide Will[ia]m Tuttell and to the heirs of his Body Lawfully to be begotten, and for want of such yssue to the second sonne of my sonne Richard and to his heirs for ever
Itm I give and bequeath unto John Tuttle my second sonne all that dwelling house wherein Mr Wrothfall now dwelleth wth all the houses thereunto belonging and the yarde and orchard thereunto adjoyning, and sometyme in the tenure or occupason of John White to have and to hold the same unto the saide John Tuttell and to his heirs and assignes for ever Itm I give and bequeath unto Isabel my said wyfe the one halfe [torn] that meadow wch I lately purchased of Joane Bateman wydow to have And to hold the same for and during her naturall life, And I give and bequeath the other Mytie or half of the same meadowe to my sonne Will[ia]m to enter [there] upon ymmediately after my decease, and I likewise give and bequeath unto my said sonne Will[ia]m the other Moytie of the same meadow to enter thereuppon after the naturall decease of my said wyfe to have and to hold the same unto him the said Will[ia]m and to the heires of his bodye lawfully to be begotten, so as he my said sonne [re]linquishes the twentie poundes given to him by his grandfather John Welles in and by his last will and testamet and the fyve pounds wch fell to him by the death of his brother Thomas Tuttell and for want of such issue of the body of the said Will[ia]m I give and bequeath the same meadowe unto the eldest sonne of my said sonne Richard and to his heirs for ever and I doe gie to my sonne Richard [illegible] halfe [illegible] the lord mordant [?] on both sides of it.
Itm I give to my sone John and his heirs for ever one dole of meadow [of?] forty foote in same which I purchased of Eusache Morton Thomas Ekins [?]. Itm I give to my sunn John his Daugher Abigaill fiue pounds at the age of fifteene years: Itm I give and bequeath unto the poore of Ringsted aforesaid xxs. to be distributed amongst the poorest sorte at the discreson of the minister and churchwardens. Itm I give to my godchildren xxs. apeece. Itm I give to my sonne Will[ia]m my best bedsted wth the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging, or therewith usd, the table in the hall wth the frame, halfe a duzzen of framd stooles, the yron barres on the chimneys wth the hookes and hangings the bed whereon he lyeth my best brasse pan my best brasse pott, my mault mill as now yt standeth, my bolting [twine and yeelding?] fatt, the barr of yron and the package [?], and I will that all my sheepe be equally devided betweene my said wife and my said sonne Will[ia]m wth the increase thereof so long as he keepeth himselfe unmarried. Itm I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard and to his heirs for ever one acre of leyes wch I purchased of Mr Carier, and half a dusson sheep. Itm I forgive [missing] my said sonne John thirtie pounds. Itm I give more unto my said sonne Will[ia]m my great cubbord in the [missing] the greater chest, two of the biggest chaires, and the chest that standeth by the bedsted. Itm I give untomy grand [childre]n xxs. a peece Divided allwaies And I will that all the said Movable goods herein given to my sonne Will[ia]m carefully to apply and husband his mothers business to the best of his power in [missing] of the person herein bequeathed pformed and my funeral expenses discharged. I give & bequeath unto Isabel my said wife [missing] and to be executrix of this my psent testamt and for the better execuson thereof I order [missing] them supervisores thereof and [missing]s. apeece [missing] and seal the day and year above written.
Also an addition has been squeezed in the will in a finer penmanship, obviously made by a different scribe at a later date (Abigail was born about two years before Simon's will was proved in 1630) leaves "to my sunn John, his daughter Abigail, five pounds at the age of fifteene years."
The will was signed by Simon T...., the rest of the surname and the date of probation being too fragmentary to transcribe. "Hale, House" [Jacobus] states that Simon Tuttle was buried 15 Jun 1630 at Ringstead and that his will was probated in 1630.
His widow, Isabel accompanied her sons, William, John and Richard on the Planter in 1635, but no record of her has been seen in this country, and probably she did not long survive.
- http://www.deloriahurst.com/deloriahurst%20page/3535.html ________________________
- SYMON TOOTILL (Richard2, Thomas TOTEHYLL1). Born ca 1560 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England. Symon died in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England, in 1630; he was 70. Buried on 15 Jun 1630 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England. Ca 1592 when Symon was 32, he married Isabel WELLS, daughter of John WELLS, in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England. Born ca 1565 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England. Isabel died in MA. They had the following children:
- 5 i. Richard (ca1593-1640)
- ii. Thomas. Born ca 1594 in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England. Thomas died in England bef 19 Dec 1627; he was 33.
- 6 iii. John (ca1596-1656)
- iv. Simon. Born in 1596 in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England. Simon died in England in Dec 1630; he was 34. Buried on 14 Dec 1630 in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England. On 1 Mar 1616/1617 when Simon was 20, he first married Alice JAMES, in Peterborough, England. Born bef 30 Jan 1591/1592 in Burton Latimer, Northampton, England. At the age of <1, Alice was baptized in Burton Latimer, Northampton, England, on 30 Jan 1591/1592. Alice died in Burton Latimer, Northampton, England, ca Jan 1623/1624; she was 31. Buried in Jan 1623/1624 in Burton Latimer, Northampton, England. On 26 Jun 1624 when Simon was 28, he second married Katherine BRABROOKE, in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England.
- 7 v. WILLIAM (1607-1673) ____________________
- Simon Tuttle1
- M, b. 1560, d. 15 January 1630
- Father Richard B. Tuttle b. 1530
- Mother Elizabeth d. a 1589
- Simon Tuttle married Isabel Wells, daughter of John Wells. Simon Tuttle was born in 1560 at Ringstead, Northampton, England. He died on 15 January 1630 at Tharston, Norfolk, England.
- Family Isabel Wells b. c 1565, d. c 1635
- Children
- Thomas Tuttle d. bt 20 Jan 1618 - 19 Dec 1627
- William Tuttle+ d. Jun 1673
- Simon Tuttle
- Henry Tuttle+ b. c 1583
- Dorothy Tuttle+ b. c 1592, d. c 1638
- Richard Tuttle+ b. c 1593, d. 8 May 1640
- Citations
- 1.[S137] Unknown author, The American Genealogist, p. 173.
- From: http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p89.ht... _________________________
- (At least one problem with this tree is Elizabeth Mason is only five years older then her son Richard Tuttle. Cp)
- http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Soc/soc.genealogy.medieval/...
- Pedigree summary
- >>>>>F.>GEN.6/Humphrey TOTEHYLL b: 1482
- >>>>E.>GEN.5/Thomas TOTEHYLL b: 1506 d: AFT 1544
- >>>>>F.>GEN.6| \ Maud b: 1485
- >>>D.>GEN.4/Richard TUTTLE Toothill Totehyll b: 15 Jun 1530 d: 11 Mar 1588/1589
- >>>>E.>GEN.5| \Elizabeth MASON b: 1526
- >>C.>GEN.3/Symon 'Simon Thomas' Toothill TUTHILL b: 1560 d: 15 Jun 1630
- >>>>>O.>GEN.6| | /John SOUTHCOTT b: 1477
- >>>>M.>GEN.5| | /Thomas 'Lyncoln' SOUTHCOTT b: 1507
- >>>>>O.>GEN.6| | | \Johanna HANKEFORD b: 1485
- >>>D.>GEN.4| \Elizabeth Lyncoln SOUTHCUTT b: BET 1534 AND 1537 d: 1589
- >>>>>N.>GEN.6| | /John BARNHOUSE b: 1485
- >>>>M.>GEN.5| \Grace BARNHOUSE b: 1515
- >>>>>N.>GEN.6| \Margaret KIRKHAM b: ABT 1500
- >B.>GEN.2/William TUTTLE b: 4 Dec 1607 d: 16 Jun 1673
- >>>>H.>GEN.5| | /John WELLS b: ABT 1500
- >>>G.>GEN.4| | /John WELLS b: 1537
- >>C.>GEN.3| \Isabel WELLS b: 1565 d: 1635
- >>>G.>GEN.4| \Jennet LAWTIE b: BET 1540 AND 1550
- >GEN.1Hannah (aka Anna) TUTHILL
- >>J.>GEN.3| /Edward MATTHEWS b: 1592
- >B.>GEN.2\Elizabeth MATTHEWS b: ABT Feb 1611/1612 d: 30 Dec 1684
- >>>>L.>GEN.5| /Robert NASHE b: ABT 1550
- >>>K.>GEN.4| /Robert NASHE b: ABT 1572
- >>J.>GEN.3\Elizabeth NASHE
- This above extensive pedigree is from Dan Stonecypher
- I saw one claim more than 10 years ago that Elizabeth Matthews was of nobility/royalty descent. I wrote to that man who was living on island west of Seattle, Washington for proof of it and got instead, request that I pay him for research.
- W. David Samuelsen ____________________
- http://www.oocities.com/tiggernut24/Readyhough/tuttle.html
- The Tuttle story is one of my qualifying stories for Rootsweb's International Black Sheep Society
- After checking out the citations that people sent me, as much as I could get ahold of them, mostly TAG, and a couple of citations, I never did get ahold of the Prindle book, I found that documents such as wills establish that the Tuttles were of Northampton. My sources, as well as a summary of the disproven roots cited in older Tuttle genealogies in the United States, are below.
- Ringstead Tuttles
- This is the true Tuttle lineage. The material is a little confusing.
- Here is the version I put together;
- First Generation
- Thomas Totehyll, Of Woodford, co Northampton, Engl b 1506. assessed for subsidy there, 1544. Karen Price has him marrying Elizabeth Mason, source? He witnessed wills of Robert Crosse, 1524, Robert Pashles, 1538, Sir Silliam Longe, 1541, Elizabeth Whitbread, 1552, Richard Lyncoln, 1545. It seems to me that he must have had sufficient status to witness Sir William Longe's will; he is likely to have had some relationship by blood or marriage to all of these people. Probably father of:
- Second Generation
- Richard Tootill, of Woodford, co Northampton, born abat 1530, m Elizabeth _____. Wayne Barnes identifies her as Elizabeth Lyncoln. Source? Price has he d 1587/88 Woodford. Sam has he d 1589/90 in Peterborough. Jacobus cited his will for March 1589 as the date of his death. I infer there might have been more than one Richard Tootill. Jacobus has him supervised will of Richard Beare of Woodford, 3 Nov 1579, witness will of Elizabeth Lyncoln, 1556. Atleast we know there were Lyncolns around, and again, they were probably closely related to the Tuttle family.
- Children: (from his will)
- Symon, about 1560 Ringstead d 1630.
- Anthony d Petersborough age 23.
- Elizabeth d in her 30's, apptly unm.
- Ellen d in her 30's, apptly unm. (no marriage mentioned, only date death.)
- Mary d unm in Peterborough, age 27.
- Frances d age 21.
- Thomas ~1564 - bef 1640.
- In view of the dysfunctional family dynamics and serious mental illness of later family members, I question why so many daughters of this family failed to marry? This was very unusual in that time. Remember, Charlemagne refused to allow his daughters to marry because he was very possessive of them! This is also consistent with my own father's behavior. Such behavior real consistent with that of William of Connecticut. The shyness and poor self-esteem of even a mild mood disorder could also explain it, though in that time, problems of temperament did not often interfere with women marrying.
- Third Generation
- SIMON TOTILL or Towtills of Ringstead, co Northampton, b abt 1560, buried Ringstead, 6/15/1630, married abt 1592, ISABEL WELLS, b abt 1565, dau of John Wells of Ringstead, who mentioned her in his will, 1618. SYMON mentioned in both his father's will and his father in law's', whose will also named all four Tuttle grandsons (or rather, four of five of them, he left out John). SIMON TUTTLE supervised will of Mathew Harris of Woodford in 1600. His widow accompanied her sons on the Planter in 1635, but probably didn't live long. See SIMON TUTTLE's will at Sam Casey's web site. SIMON TUTTLE was a very well -off man (though not on the same level of well off as my Noyes ancestors, who had advanced into the gentry), with much property and possibly a fair number of sheep. Gene Curtin mentions that the College of Arms was cited as the source for SIMON's children by a family historian ordinarily skeptical of noble ancestry claims, from which he infers that SIMON TOTILL had the right to bear a coat of arms. (A well off yeoman could qualify for a coat of arms.) The catalogue of his property from his will reads:
- land he gave his son Richard, with land, meadows, and commons, and the house and other buildings, where he and his wife live. land, meadows and commons which he bought from Thomas Holding and Edward Asin alias James and of William Sillyman. the dwelling house where Mr. Wrothfall now lives with all the houses that belong to it, and adjoining yard and orchard. John White lived there or held it too, at some point. the meadow which he purchased from Joane Bateman widow, apparently a large meadow, since he divied it up among his family. (William had inherited 20 pounds from his grandfather, John Welles.) a meadow he bought from Eusache Morton and Thomas Ekins. a bedstead adn furniture, a table in the hall with a frame, "framed stools", more than one chimney in his house, good brass pans, a great cubboard, more than two chairs some of them large, a chest by the bed. a malt mill
- sheep. Half a dozen of them to a specific family member, the others to be divided.
- one acre of "leyres" which he purchased from Mr. Carier. Could be something to do with the sheep.
- Atleast thirty-five pounds. Plus 2(xxs) to be given to the church, the poor, etc.
- John Wells' will indicates that he was atleast as well of, perhaps a bit wealthier, than Simon Tuttle. subsidy rolls indicate that John Wells or Weales, and Simon Totehill or Symon Tootwell, of Rinsteed, were assessed for pieces of armor or equipment and amounts of money, I forget what if anything that is supposed to signify.
- Children:
- Richard (see below) William (see below) John (named in SIMON's will, possibly the individual below) Thomas (the Thomas I couldn't identify with William b abt 1609 who I didn't know where he went yesterday were Thomas teh son of SIMON, and William Tuttle the emigrant - from Jacobus's version. William was not known to be born in 1607, not 1609, until his baptismal record was found at Ringstead. Simon of Burton Latimer, co Northampton, buried 14 Dec 1630 at Burton Latimer, m by license (why, significance?) Peterborough, dated, Mar 1616/17 Alice Jamse who was bapt at Burton Latimer 30 Jan 1591/2 and bur there Jan 1623/4, dau of Wm James. Simon m (2) Burton Latimer 26 Jun 1624, Katherine Brabooke, dau of Richard and Joan Brabooke of Burton Latimer. ___________________________
- Third Generation
Symon was born about 1560 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire. He was mentioned in his father's will in 1589 and in that of his father-in-law, John Wells in 1618. Symon was supervisor of the will of Matthew Harris of Woodford November 5, 1600. Symon was buried at Ringstead on June 15, 1630 and his will dated December 19, 1627 was proved at Northampton in 1630.
His will has lost sections of the bottom and portions of words at the left of the top half, where it has been torn and mended. Also an addition has been squeezed in the will in a finer penmanship, obviously made by a different scribe at a later date (Abigail was born about two years before Symon's will was proved in 1630) leaves "to my sunn John, his daughter Abigail, five pounds at the age of fifteene years."
Source: http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~sam/tuttle/symon.html
Symon Tootill, the son of Richard or Woodford and probably grandson of Thomas Totehyll of Woodford was born in 1560. In 1588 (the year of the Spanish Armada) he was a soldier under Captain Nicoles. He married Isabel Wells, daughter of John Wells about 1592. They had six children: Richard, Thomas, John, Simon, Dorothy and William who was born on December 24, 1607. In 1604 and 1605 Symon is listed as a freeholder of land at Ringstead. In 1608 he was charged 4 shillings for expenses of musters. He was a yeoman, but one of wealth and property, as proved by his will (http://mysite.verizon.net/marcinia/id8.html), which was written in 1627.
Symon died in 1630 and around that same time his youngest son William married a woman named Elizabeth (last name uncertain).
Source: http://mysite.verizon.net/marcinia/id7.html
Simon (Symon) TUTTLE (Richard TUTTLE (TOOTHILL)3, Thomas TOTAHYLL (TUTHILL, TUTTLE)2, Richard TOTTLE1) was born in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 1560 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom, and died 15 JUN 1630 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 15 JUN 1630 in Tharston, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. He married Isabel WELLS 25 JUN 1580 in Tharston, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom, daughter of Johannis WELLS and Jennet LAWTIE. She was born in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 21 MAR 1565 in Howden, Cotnesse, York, England, United Kingdom, and died 1606 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.
Children of Simon (Symon) TUTTLE and Isabel WELLS are: + 11 i. William TUTHILL was born 26 DEC 1607 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 6 NOV 1607 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, and died 16 JUN 1673 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. + 12 ii. Richard TUTTLE was born 1593 in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 1593 in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom, and died 8 MAY 1640 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
13 iii. Thomas TOOTILL was born 1600 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, and died BEF 1630.
14 iv. Henry TUTTLE was born 1605 in St Albans, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom, and died 30 DEC 1656 in Carrickfergus, Antrim, Ireland, United Kingdom.
15 v. John TUTTLE(TUTHILL) was born 4 JUN 1596 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 4 JUN 1596 in Tharston, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom, and died 30 DEC 1656 in Carrickfergus, Antrim, Ireland, United Kingdom.
16 vi. Simon TOOTILL was born in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 4 JUN 1596 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, and died 14 DEC 1630 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom.
17 vii. Dorothy (Dorothie) TUTTLE was born 1592 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom, and died ABT DEC 1638.
18 viii. Abigail TUTTLE was born 1600 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom. + 19 ix. Henry TUTHILL was born 1580 in Tharston, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom, was christened 1582 in Salixham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom, and died 26 MAR 1618 in Tharston, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.
20 x. John TUTTLE was born in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened 4 JUN 1596 in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom.
21 xi. Simon TUTTLE was born ABT 1613 in Ringsted, Northamtonshire, England, United Kingdom.
Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=REG&db=bevangene... ________________________
Symon Tuttle, father of the 1635 immigrant brothers Richard, John and William Tuttle to Massachusetts, d. testate and was bur. June 15, 1630 at Ringstead, Northampton, England.
According to a parish burial record provided by a descendant, "Simon Tootell" is interred at the churchyard of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Ringstead. Unfortunately, after posting a photo request a volunteer at Ringstead reported:
• I searched the entire cemetery and could not find the grave. There are quite a lot of worn and illegible markers, although in total there are not that many markers, which was surprising. The area to the South of the church is very, very overgrown but I do not think the grave you seek would be there. I looked for a guide book in the church but found nothing. It could be that somebody with historical knowledge of the church knows where this grave is...
More later...
The present focus of this memorial is Simon's three sons who emigrated together with their families as passengers of the "Planter" to New England in April 1635:
• i. Richard Tuttle, b. circa 1582, d. May 8, 1640 at Boston, Mass.; m. June 19, 1622 at Barnwell St. Andrew, Northampton, Eng., Ann Taylor; four children of the marriage; emigrated to New England with their three surviving children (Hannah, John and Rebecca) along with Richard's widowed mother Isabel also listed with the family.
• ii. John Tuttle, b. circa 1596, d. Dec. 30, 1656 at Carrickfergus, 11 miles north of Belfast, county Antrim, Northern Ireland; m. by early 1628 the widow Joan (Antrobus) Lawrence; five children of the marriage; emigrated to New England with their four eldest children (Abigail, Simon, Sarah and John) along with Joan's five surviving children by her first husband (Jane and her husband George Giddings,[*1] John, Thomas,[*1] William and Marie Lawrence) along with Joan's widowed mother Joan (Arnold) Antrobus also listed with this family.
• iii. William Tuttle, bapt. Dec. 26, 1607, d. suddenly in June 1673 at New Haven, Conn.; m. by early 1631 Elizabeth, who with their three eldest children (John, Ann and Thomas) emigrated to New England. Twelve children of the family, the nine youngest b. in New England.
[*1] George Giddings and his wife Jane Lawrence are on the same list but in a different location; Joan's son Thomas, then 15 years of age, is not listed but assumed to be an error by the port scribe.
Birth unknown England Death 15 Jun 1630 Ringstead, East Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England Burial Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Churchyard Ringstead, East Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England Memorial ID 112990701 · View Source
Symon Tuttle, father of the 1635 immigrant brothers Richard, John and William Tuttle to Massachusetts, d. testate and was bur. June 15, 1630 at Ringstead, part of the modern East Northamptonshire Borough, in Northamptonshire, England.
According to a parish burial record provided by a descendant, "Simon Tootell" is interred at the churchyard of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Ringstead. Unfortunately, after posting a photo request a volunteer at Ringstead reported:
• I searched the entire cemetery and could not find the grave. There are quite a lot of worn and illegible markers, although in total there are not that many markers, which was surprising. The area to the South of the church is very, very overgrown but I do not think the grave you seek would be there. I looked for a guide book in the church but found nothing. It could be that somebody with historical knowledge of the church knows where this grave is...
More later...
The present focus of this memorial is Simon's three sons who emigrated together with their families as passengers of the "Planter" to New England in April 1635:
• i. Richard Tuttle, b. circa 1582, d. May 8, 1640 at Boston, Mass.; m. June 19, 1622 at Barnwell St. Andrew, Northampton, Eng., Ann Taylor; four children of the marriage; emigrated to New England with their three surviving children (Hannah, John and Rebecca) along with Richard's widowed mother Isabel also listed with the family.
• ii. John Tuttle, b. circa 1596, d. Dec. 30, 1656 at Carrickfergus, 11 miles north of Belfast, county Antrim, Northern Ireland; m. by early 1628 the widow Joan (Antrobus) Lawrence; five children of the marriage; emigrated to New England with their four eldest children (Abigail, Simon, Sarah and John) along with Joan's five surviving children by her first husband (Jane and her husband George Giddings,[*1] John, Thomas,[*1] William and Marie Lawrence) along with Joan's widowed mother Joan (Arnold) Antrobus also listed with this family.
• iii. William Tuttle, bapt. Dec. 26, 1607, d. suddenly in June 1673 at New Haven, Conn.; m. by early 1631 Elizabeth, who with their three eldest children (John, Ann and Thomas) emigrated to New England. Twelve children of the family, the nine youngest b. in New England.
[*1] George Giddings and his wife Jane Lawrence are on the same list but in a different location; Joan's son Thomas, then 15 years of age, is not listed but assumed to be an error by the port scribe.
<p>Symon Tuttle, father of the 1635 immigrant brothers Richard, John and William Tuttle to Massachusetts, d. testate and was bur. June 15, 1630 at Ringstead, part of the modern East Northamptonshire Borough, in Northamptonshire, England.</p>Virgin Mary at Ringstead. Unfortunately, after posting a photo request a volunteer at Ringstead reported:</p>re are quite a lot of worn and illegible markers, although in total there are not that many markers, which was surprising. The area to the South of the church is very, very overgrown but I do not think the grave you seek would be there. I looked for a guide book in the church but found nothing. It could be that somebody with historical knowledge of the church knows where this grave is...</p>nbsp;</p>April 1635:</p>e marriage; emigrated to New England with their three surviving children (Hannah, John and Rebecca) along with Richard's widowed mother Isabel also listed with the family.</p>; ii. John Tuttle, b. circa 1596, d. Dec. 30, 1656 at Carrickfergus, 11 miles north of Belfast, county Antrim, Northern Ireland; m. by early 1628 the widow Joan (Antrobus) Lawrence; five children of the marriage; emigrated to New England with their four eldest children (Abigail, Simon, Sarah and John) along with Joan's five surviving children by her first husband (Jane and her husband George Giddings,[*1] John, Thomas,[*1] William and Marie Lawrence) along with Joan's widowed mother Joan (Arnold) Antrobus also listed with this family.</p>c. 26, 1607, d. suddenly in June 1673 at New Haven, Conn.; m. by early 1631 Elizabeth, who with their three eldest children (John, Ann and Thomas) emigrated to New England. Twelve children of the family, the nine youngest b. in New England.</p>e, is not listed but assumed to be an error by the port scribe.</p> <p>Ill. SYMON TOOTILL o r TOWTILLS of Ringstead, co Northampton, born say 1560, b u r i e d a t Ringstead, 15 June 1630;
married ISABEL WELLS, born about 1565, daughter o f John Wells o f Ringstead, who mentioned her i n h i s w i l l i n
1618. Symon was mentioned in h i s fatherfs w i l l i n 1589 and i n that o f h i s father-in-law i n 1618. The w i l l o f
John Wells also named a l l four o f h i s T u t t e l l grandsons. Symon wes supervisor o f the w i l l o f Matthew H a r r i s o f
Uoodford, 5 Nov 1600. His own w i l l was proved 1630 at Northampton. His widow accompanied her sons on the
"Planter'c in 1635, but no record of her has been seen i n t h i s country, and probably she did not long survive.
Children: i. Richard, b abt 1593; d at Boston, Mass, 8 May 1640; m a t Branwell St. Andrew, co Northampton,
I9 June 1622, Anne Taylor, b abt 1594. He was churchwarden o f Ringstead, 1626 and 1629; came
w i t h hi' s wi fe, t h r e e chi ldren, and mother, on t h e ttPlanter", 1635. She m (2) before 1648, Edward Holyoke (~ol~okFeam ily, No. 1) Chi ldren:
1. Anna, b abt 1623
2. John, b abt 1625; d i n 1687; w i l l dated 8 Nov 1686, proved 31 Mar 1687; m 10 Feb 164617, '
Mar Holyoke (~ol~okFeam ily No. 1, v i ) , b (say 1624), dau o f Edward and Prudence (stocktony
Holyoke. . .
3. Rebecca, b abt 1629
. .I i. . Thomas
1, t. Simon, o f Burton Latimer, co Northampton, where he was buried 14 Dec 1630; m (1) by licence
(peterborough) dated 1 Mar 1616117, A l i c e James, bapt at Burton Latimer, 30 Jan 159112, bur
there 1 Jan 162314, dau o f William James; m (2) at Burton Latimer, 26 June 1624, Katherine Brabrooke,
dau of Richard and Joan Brabrooke o f Burton Latimer. Children by both wives.
iv. William, b abt 1609, d i n 1673.
I I I. THOMAS TOOTILL, brother of Symon, and uncle o f William T u t t l e o f New Haven, l i v e d in Holcot and a f t e r -
wards in Woodford, both i n co Northampton; m ANNE . His w i l l , dated 14 June 1639, proved 12 Oec 1640 at
Northampton, named h i s three sons, and made h i s wife and son Robert co-executors. Children:
i. John, bapt a t Holcot, 4 June 1596. His age agrees w i t h t h a t o f the John T u t t e l l who came on the "Plantert!,
1635, aged 39, with Richard and William, and since they had no brother John, t h i s i d e n t i f i c a t i o n would make him</p>
MH:S47 UK and Ireland, Find A Grave Index, 1300s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
Age: 0
MH:S137 Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. GenealogieOnline
Age: 69-70
MH:S750 Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=156543180&pi...
Category:US President Direct Ancestor
Simon Tuttle of Ringstead, the son of Richard Tootill of Woodford and probably grandson of Thomas Totehyll of Woodford, was born say 1560 and was buried at Ringstead 15 June 1630. He married Isabel Wells, the daughter of John Wells of Ringstead, who was born about 1565. Together they had five sons:<ref>David L. Greene, Origin of John Tuttle of Ipswich, Massachusetts, The American Genealogist, 1978, Vol 54, pages 173-174.</ref>
- Richard Tuttle (ca.1593-1640)
- John Tuttle (ca. 1596 - 1656)
- Thomas Tuttle, died between 20 Jan 1617/8 and 19 Dec 1627
- Simon Tuttle, ( - 1630)
- William Tuttle (ca. 1609 - 1673) Among the “Soldyers under the Leadinge of Captaine Niccolles” 30 July 1588, during the invasion of the Spanish Armada, was Symond Tootyll. <ref>Tuttles Revisited- Douglas Richardson, TAG- Vol. 59, p. 215 quoting Northamptonshire Lieutenancy Papers- Joan Wake, Northamptonshire Record Society, 1975- p. 65</ref> Symon Tootwell was included in the list of Freeholders for Ringsteed in 1604-5.<ref>A Copy of Papers Relating to Musters, Beacons, Subsidies, Etc. in the County of Northampton- Joan Wake, Northamptonshire Record Society, 1926- p. 116</ref> In Sept. 1605 Simon Totehill is in the list of “Persons charged with Arms and Horse” as having one corslet.<ref>Tuttles Revisited- p. 215 quoting The Montagu Musters Book: 1602-1623- Northamptonshire Record Society- Vol. VII</ref> Simon was mentioned in his father’s will and also in that of his father-in-law, John Wells, in 1618. John also named four of Simon’s sons. Simon was the supervisor of the will of Matthew Harris of Woodford on 5 Nov. 1600. "The nyneteeneth Day of December… one thousand six hundred twentie seaven I Symon Tuttell of Ringsted… doe make this… my last will… I give and bequeath unto Isabell my wife All that moytie or prcell of land meadows and commons wth theire and each of theire appurtenanceswch ys due to me out of the land formerly conveyed to my Eldest sonne Richard and the house messuages or tenements wherein I now dwell together with all the houses yards lands meadows pastures commons comedies and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appurteyning and also All those landes meadows and commons wth thappurtances wch I lately had and purchased of Thomas Holding Edward Aspin alias James, and of Willm Sillyman and of each of them to have and to hold the same for and during the terme of her natural life and after the natural death or decease of my saide wyfe I give and bequeath all and singular the said mentioned lands and premises wth their and each of their appurtenances unto Willm Tuttell my youngest sonne to have and to holde the same unto the saide Willm Tuttell… and for want of such yssue to the second sonne of my sonne Richard and to his heirs for ever Itm I give and bequeath unto John Tuttle my second sonne all that dwelling house wherein Mr Wrothfall now dwelleth wth all the houses thereunto belonging and the yarde and orchard thereunto adjoining, and sometime in the tenure or occupason of John White to have and to hold the same unto the saide John Tuttell and to his heirs… for ever. Itm I give and bequeath unto Isabel my said wyfe the one halfe [ ] that meadow wch I lately purchased of Joane Bateman widow to have and to hold the same for and during her natural life, And I give and bequeath the other Mytie or half of the same meadowe to my sonne Willm to enter thereupon ymmediately after my decease, and I likewise give and bequeath unto my said sonne Willm the other Moytie of the same meadowe to enter thereupon after the natural decease of my said wyfe to have and to hold the same unto him the said Willm… so as he my said Sonne relinquishes the twentie poundes given to him by his grandfather John Welles in and by his last will and testamt and the fyve pounds wch fell to him by the death of his brother Thomas Tuttell and for want ofsuch issue of the body of the said Willm I give and bequeath the samemeadowe unto the eldest sonne of my said sonne Richard and to his heirs for ever and I doe give to my sonne Richard [ ] halfe [ ]the lord mordant on both side of it. Itm I give to my sone John and his heirs for ever one dole of meadow of forty foote in same which I purchased of Eusache Morton Thomas Ekins. Itm I give to my sunn John his Daughter Abigaill five pounds at the age of fifteene years: Itm I give and bequeath unto the poore of Ringsted aforesaid xx s to be distributed amongst the poorest sorte at the discreson of the minister and churchwardens.
Itm I give to my godchildren xx s apiece. Itm I give to my sonne Willm my best bedsted wth the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging, or therewith usd, the table in the hal wth the frame, halfe a dussen of framd stooles, the yron barres on the chimneys wth the hookes and hangings thebed whereon he lyeth my best brasse pan my best brasse pott, my mault mill as now yt standeth, my bolting twine and yielding? Fatt, the barr of yron and the package? And I will that all my sheepe be equally devided betweene my said wife and mysaid sonne Willm wth the increase thereof so long as he keepeth himselfe unmarried. Itm I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard and to his heirs for ever one acre of leyes wch I purchased of Mr Carier, and half a dusson sheep.
Itm I forgive [ ] my said sonne John thirtie pounds. Itm I give more unto my said sonne Willm my great cubbord in the [ ] the greater chest, two of the biggest chaires, and the chest thatstandeth by the bedsted. Itm I give unto my grand children xx s a peece Divided allwaies And Iwill that all the said Movable goods herein given to my sonne Willm [] stand and remaine as standerds in the house during the naturallife of my saide wyfe, And I will and doe [ ] and advise my saidsonn Willm carefully to apply and husband his mothers business to thebest of his power in [ ] of the person herein bequeathed unto him All the residue of my goodes not given nor bequeathed [ ] legacies pformed and my funeral expenses discharged I give & bequeath unto Isabel my said wife [ ] and sole executrixof this my psent testamt and for the better execuson thereof I order [ ] supervisors thereof and for their paines I give them [ ] s apiece [ ] and seal the day and year above written.
Simon T[ ] <ref>Origin of John Tuttle of Ipswich- David Greene, TAG- Vol. 54, pp. 167-75 (1978)</ref> Symon/Simon died 15 Jun 1630 at Ringstead, East Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England and is buried at Nativity of the BlessedVirgin Mary Churchyard at Ringstead, East Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England
<references/>* Mildred Bradford, Moses S. Curtis Descendants and Ancestors, Baltimore, 2000.
@R250813647@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=46142935&pid...
Lt. Simon Tuttle's Timeline
1560 |
Woodford, Northampshire, England (United Kingdom)
Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England
Ringstead, Northampton, ENG
Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England
Ringstead, Northamptonshire England
Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England
Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England
Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England
1568 |
Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1573 |
Holcot, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)