public profile
son of HUGUES Comte [de Tours] [Etichonen] & his wife Ava --- (-[864/66]).
An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[172]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Liutfrido avunculo suo et Waltario" recording their support for "Hlotharius [rex]" when he purported to marry "Waldradam concubinam" in 862 and crown her[173]. The testament of "Gerardus [comes]" names "consanguinitate, affinitate et propinquitate etiam nobis junctis, id est Leufredi et Adalardi Comitum"[174]. Signor di Monza. Lay abbot of Moutier-Grandval. The Annales Alamannicorum record the deaths of "Ebarhart, Liutolf, Erchanker, Liutfrid, Rudolf regni principes" in 864[175]. The Annales Weingartenses record the death in 864 of “Eberht, Liutolf, Erchanger, Liutfrid, Ruadolf, Purghart et alii quam plurimi istius regni Principes”[176]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Liudolfus comes"[177].
m ---. The name of Liutfried´s wife is not known.
Liutfried [II] & his wife had [three] children:
1. HUGUES (-before 20 Sep 884, maybe before 6 Mar 870).
2. LIUTFRIED [III] (-after 5 Mar 912, maybe killed 916).
m ---. The name of Liutfried´s wife is not known. Liutfried [III] & his wife had four children:a) HUNFRIED (-after 21 Feb 903).
c) HUGO .
d) ADELAIS3. [AVA . According to Europäische Stammtafeln[205], the wife of Unruoch was the possible daughter of Liutfried [I]. This affiliation is suggested presumably only for onomastic reasons, her name being the same as that of her supposed paternal grandmother. The primary source which corroborates the name of Unruoch's wife has not been identified. m UNRUOCH, son of EBERHARD Marchese of Friulia & his wife Gisela [Carolingian] ([840]-874 after 1 Jul).]
830 |
Bourgogne, France
834 |
840 |
864 |
Elsaß (Alsace), Niederrhein (Nord-Rhin), Ostenfrankreich (France)
1992 |
December 10, 1992
1993 |
January 27, 1993
January 27, 1993
???? |
Tours, Centre, Austrasie, Francie occidentale
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