Historical records matching Major Robert Wynne
Immediate Family
About Major Robert Wynne
Additional Curator's Notes:
DO NOT CONFUSE this Robert Wynne with the Robert Wynne who was christened 22 December 1622 (60 years before the birth of this Robert Wynne). There are many similar names and locations for the two families. Maria Edmonds-Zediker, Volunteer Curator, 8/22/2011
Robert Wynne was born c. June 1685 and died July 23, 1754 in Albemarle Parish, Sussex Co., Virginia. He was the son of Capt. Thomas Wynne and wife Agnes Jane Stith. He was mentioned in his father's will, named as executor.
Thomas and Robert Wynne appear in the Surry County Deed Book, p. 609, when Robert transfers 100 acres of land along Stoney Creek to Thomas.
Robert and wife Martha appear in Prince George County Wills & Deeds, 1713-28, pp 222, 224, selling two tracts of land in Prince George County.
Robert is found in MARRIAGE RECORDS OF BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1730-1852, when he married the widow Mary Phillipson on Aug. 9, 1753. Mary is again mentioned in his will, dated 1754, listing what she will inherit if she has cleared other debts before the estate is settled.
From http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~cmddlton/famdox16.html
Will of Robert Wynne
Will Book A, page 14, Sussex County, Virginia
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Wynne of the parish of Albemarle in the County of Sussex being Sick & weak of Body but of perfect Sense Sound Memory & Disposing Judgment do make & Ordain this my Last Will and Testament Believing as becomes a Christian Bequeath my Soul unto God my Body I Desire may be Buried in a Decent & Christian like manner According to the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Mentioned Whatever Goods it has pleased God to bestow upon Me, after my Debts & Funeral Charges are paid I Dispose of in Manner and form:
Following: Imprimis
Vizt. I give & Bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary upon Condition that she pay Discharge all the Debts & Incumbrances She was under before our Intermarriage. the ___ of my Negro man called Billey & my Girl call'd Sarah (During her natural Life or____ the use of my Negro Boy call'd Billey untill my Grandson Robert Wynne Raines shall attain the age of Twenty one years I also give unto my wife my Bay horse Branded with an Heart & Ten pounds Cash Mony & my two wheel* chairs.
Item I Devise to my GrandDaughter Mary Butler & to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten forever the Land Plantation whereon I now live with all the ap_____ thereunto belonging and in Default of such Issue then I Devise the same Land* & Plantation to my Grandson Joel Tucker & to his Heirs forever also it is my Will & Desire that my said Plantation & receive the profits thereof to his Own Use untill my Sd Grand Daughter Shall marry or attain the Age of Twenty one years.
Item I give to my Son in law Joseph Tucker & Lewcretia his Wife my Negro Man Bristol also one Negro woman now in their possession call'd Dinah.
Item I give unto my son in law Mathew Parham & his Wife Martha one ____ now in their Possession Called Anneca also my Negro man call'd Peter.
Item I give unto my Grandson Joel Tucker My Negro woman call'd Dilsey.
Item I give unto my Son in Law William Raines & Angilica his Wife my Negro woman now in their possession call'd Belinda also the Labour of my Negro Man call'd Prince during the Life of my sd. Daughter Angelica & from & after her deceased I give the said negro Prince to my grandson Jefferson Raines.
Item I give unto my Grand Daughter Mary Butler when she shall attain the age of twenty one years or marriage which ever shall first happen my negro Slaves following to wit Lucy Nan Bette and Sussex the children of the said Lucy and untill my said Grand Daughter shall marry or attain to the age of twenty one years I give the Use & Labour of the said Slaves to my Grandson Joel Tucker.
Item I give unto my Grandson Robert Parham & to his heirs forever all that part of my Tract of Land on the south side of Nottoway which is Situate & Lying Between Poythress's Old Road & a swamp call'd and known by the name of the flat swamp Containing two hundred acrs. be the same more or less & situate lying & being in the Parish of Albemarle & in the County of Sussex I also give my said Granson Robert Parham my young Black mare.
Item I Devise unto my Granddaughter Eliza. Parham & her heirs Lawfully begotten of her Body forever all the remainder part of my Tract of Land on the South side of Nottoway River containing about one hundred & five Acrs. also my Negro Woman call'd Amy.
Item I give unto my Grand Daughter Marth Bell my Negro call'd Little Phillis.
Item I give unto my Grandson Robert Wynne Raines after he shall attain the age of Twenty one Years my Negro Boy call'd Billey & my Negro Girl call'd Daphney, and until my Granson shall attain the age of aforesaid I Give the use & labour of the said Negro Billey & Daphney unto my Grandson Joel Tucker.
Item I give unto my Grandson Jefferson Raines after the Death of my wife my Negro Girl call'ed Sarah.
Item I give unto my Grandson Robert Parham my Negro Girl call'd Celia.
Item I give unto my son in Law Joseph Tucker after the Death of my Wife my Negro Man call'd Billey as also my Largest Copper Kittle.
Item I give unto my Brother Thomas Wynne, my Negro Man call'd Will.
Item I give unto my Grandson Matthew Parham my Negro Boy call'd Simon.
Item I give unto my Grand Daughter Lewcretia Tucker my Negro Girl Call'd Patty.
Item I give unto my Granson Joel Tucker my Walnut Desk & my Troopers Arms.
Item I give unto my son in Law Matthew Parham my smalls Copper Kittle.
Item I give unto my Daughter Angelica Rains my Largest Iron Pott Ten pounds in cash and Six head of neat (meat?) cattle.
Item I give unto my Grandson Robert Wynne Rains the Fether (sic) Bed & furniture commonly call'd his also my Small Gray Mare.
Item all the Remainder of my Estate of what Kind soever I give to my two Daughters Lewcretia Tucker & Martha Parham to be Equally Divided between them in size & Quality
Lastly it is my Will & Desire that my Estate be not appraised and Exors. hereafter mentioned be obliged to give Security for the Execution hereof I do hereby constitute & appoint my sons in Law Matthew Parham & Joseph Tucker Executors of this my Last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I hereunto set my Hand and Affixed my seal this Day of Anno Domi 1754.
Signed by Robert Wynne.
At a Court held for Sussex County the 12th day of August 1754. The aforewritten Last Will and Testament of Robert Wynne Gent. decd. was presented in Court by Jos. Tucker one of the Exors therein named who made Oath thereto according to law And there being no su[bscribing] witnesses as to the same Will this Court proceeded to take depositions in support of the same thereupon ____ Jones Junr. William Gilliam & William Gilliam junr. being first sworn they severally depose and say they were well
acquainted with the testator in his lifetime & have often seen him write &
that the said Will all in his handwriting of the said testator And the Court also being well acquainted with the ______ of the said testator & verily believing the whole to be of his own proper hand writing do therefore now Order to be recorded as the last Will & Testmt. of the sd.
Robt. Wynne.
And on the Motion of the sd. Tucker Certificate is granted him for obtainng a Probate thereof in due form and Liberty to Matthew Parham the other ____ to join him therein when he shall se fit.
Links to additional material:
- http://www.thefourwinns.net/winn.html#THOMAS WYNNE
- http://listsearches.rootsweb.com/th/read/JEFFERSON/1998-06/0899221138
- http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ttg13&id=...
- http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ttg13&id=...
- http://www.crossedbrushstudio.com/windowsintoourpast//Vol6/wynne.htm cites
- [i] VA Historical Genealogies, Boddie, p. 117
- [ii] VA Historical Genealogies, Boddie, p. 117
- [iii] Sussex Co., VA Book A, p. 14
- [iv] Sussex Co., VA Book A, p. 14
- [v] Surry Deeds 1741/1746 1, p. 373
- [vi] Sussex Co., VA Book A, p. 14
- Genealogies of Virginia Families: From Tyler's Quarterly ..., Volume 1 By Tylers Quarterly Historical and Geneological Magazine Page 532 GoogleBooks
Major Robert Wynne's Timeline
1685 |
June 1, 1685
Charles City County, Virginia, Colonial America
1711 |
1712 |
June 1, 1712
Sussex, Sussex County, VA, BCA
1715 |
Surry, Surry County, Virginia, United States
1719 |
Sussex, Virginia, USA
1754 |
July 23, 1754
Age 69
Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, Virginia, Colonial America