Maria Helena Isaksdotter Pohjanen

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Maria Helena Isaksdotter Pohjanen

Birthplace: Nuoksujärvi, Övertorneå fs, Norrbotten County, Sverige (Sweden)
Death: October 03, 1893 (50)
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Norrbotten County, Sverige (Sweden)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Isak Gretasson Pohjanen; Isak Gretasson Pohjanen (född Jatko); Helena Stina Johansdotter Pohjanen and Helena Christina Johansdotter Pohjanen
Wife of Lars Nilsson Taavola
Mother of Maria Karolina Larsdotter Taavola; Lars Oskar Larsson Taavola; Matilda Gustava Nordmark; Hilma Johanna Larsdotter Taavola; Albertina and 4 others
Sister of Isak Vilhelm Isaksson Pohjanen; Sofia Johanna Isaksdotter Pohjanen and Sofia Johanna Isaksdotter Pohjanen

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Maria Helena Isaksdotter Pohjanen's Timeline

September 29, 1843
Nuoksujärvi, Övertorneå fs, Norrbotten County, Sverige (Sweden)
December 11, 1869
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
January 30, 1871
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
January 1, 1872
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
October 28, 1873
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
March 28, 1876
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
March 28, 1876
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
August 12, 1877
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
February 3, 1880
Korpilombolo, Pajala, Norrbotten, Sweden
October 26, 1882
Narken, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)