Matching family tree profiles for Marie Grandin (Grondin)
Immediate Family
About Marie Grandin (Grondin)
Mariage de Michel Morel 39 ans & Marie 21 ans 1669 Trois-Rivières / Mariage de Marie 24 ans & Claude Robillard 22 ans 1672 av 31-12-1673
Should not be confused with Marie Grandin, wife of Jean Baudet, and daughter of Michel Grandin and Marie Lejeune.
The names Grondin and Grandin both appear in the PRDH for Marie. A note on Genealogy of Canada states:
Note that this is Grondin, not Grandin, which are the sources of the seventeenth century: Census 1681 Record of Three Rivers, January 18, 1671, Adhemar, January 20, 1709, etc..
PRDH does not mention parents. Family Claude Robillard and Marie Grandin Grondin complete (9 children) checked with PRDH
According to "The Historical Society of the Daughters of the King (SHFR)" She was the daughter of Roy. She arrived in 1668 (Diane Montpetit)
- Updated from FamilySearch Family Tree by SmartCopy: Sep 5 2015, 15:07:25 UTC
Marie Grandin (Grondin)'s Timeline
1649 |
April 6, 1649
St-Aubert, Orléans, Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France
1671 |
January 18, 1671
Trois-Riviéres, Nouvelle FR (QC CA)
1673 |
April 12, 1673
Québec, Québec, Canada
1677 |
Champlain, Francheville Regional County Municipality, Quebec, Canada
1679 |
October 9, 1679
Champlain, Francheville Regional County Municipality, Québec, Canada
1682 |
May 15, 1682
Champlain, Quebec, Canada
1684 |
August 2, 1684
Champlain, , Québec, Canada
1686 |
September 5, 1686
Ville Marie, Nouvelle France
1689 |
April 13, 1689
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada