Mathilda Moses aka Matilda Gauthier, Magdalene Nachewishkah and Madeline Dodge

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Magdalene Dodge (aka Nachewishkah) (Gauthier née Moses) (1887 - 1979)

Also Known As: "Magadalene", "Magdalene Nacjewiske", "Magdalene Nachewiske", "Magdalene Nachewishkah", "Magdalene N Gauthier Dodge"
Birthplace: Keshena, Menominee County, WI, United States
Death: May 08, 1979 (92)
Two Rivers, Manitowoc County, WI, United States
Immediate Family:

Biological daughter of David Moses and She Pa Chi Won 'Mary' Moses
Adopted daughter of Joseph F Gauthier, Jr. and Julia Gauthier
Wife of Charles Nachewishkah and Louis Dodge, Jr.
Mother of Private; Private; Private; Private; Private and 1 other
Sister of Frank S Gauthier; Mary Ann Gauthier; John J Gauthier; Louis F Gauthier; Adell Gauthier and 5 others

Date admitted to Canton Asylum: after June 30, 1918
Date discharged from Canton...: April 7, 1919
Tribe: Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Mathilda Moses aka Matilda Gauthier, Magdalene Nachewishkah and Madeline Dodge
Magdelene was a member of the Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin
-The Menominee Indian Reservation contains a large forest that has been managed by the Menominee Tribe for over 150 years. About 15 million board feet are harvested from the forest every year. This forestry work has been recognized by the United Nations.
-In August 2015 the Menominee Indian Reservation held advisory referendums on proposed measures to legalize medical and recreational cannabis. Both passed. They are sovereign on their reservation. In October 2015, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents raided the reservation, taking or destroying 30,000 plants. The Menominee said these were industrial hemp plants, the cultivation of which was authorized by federal law. The DEA contends it was marijuana.

Termination, signed by President Dwight Eisenhower in June of 1954
The Menominee became one of the first tribes in the United States to undergo a new federal program called Termination, signed by President Dwight Eisenhower in June of 1954. This policy terminated the United States jurisdiction over the Menominee Tribe and ended their tribal sovereignty. The Menominee underwent Termination early because the federal government felt the tribe possessed the economic resources necessary to succeed without governmental supervision. On April 30, 1961, the reservation ceased to exist and became Menominee County. The reservation hospital at Keshena closed due to the lack of federal funds. Only one other tribe, the Klamath in Oregon, had been terminated by Congress, and the problems that they and the Menominee faced convinced other tribes to resist the government's policy. Termination of the Menominee Tribe led to a drastic decline in tribal employment, increased poverty, and brought about devastating reductions in basic services and health care. On December 22, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon signed the Menominee Restoration Bill into law. In April 1975, the lands of Menominee County reverted back to reservation status, and in 1976, the Menominee approved their new tribal constitution. The new tribal legislature took over governance of the tribe in 1979.
Source: “Menominee | Milwaukee Public Museum.”, 2019,

As can be seen in the map below, the Menominee tribe has given up much (most of) the original territory, in which they lived, and the reservation is now mostly mostly conterminous with Menominee County, Wisconsin, on 235,000 acres, of which 46,000 were later given up as a reservation for the Stockbridge-Munsee Indians.
Mamaceqtaw (Menominee) Treaty Lands by the Wisconsin Cartographers' Guild
Federal government school located on the Menominee Indian Reservation in Neopit
One assumes that Magdelene was a student in this school.
Located on the Menominee Reservation, the St. Joseph of the Lake Church has played an important role in the continuation of Menominee traditions and was the community center for the South Branch area of the Menominee Reservation for many years. By 1876, there was a Catholic mission with a farm church (demolished) and a five-acre cemetery on the shore of St. Joseph Lake which Father Masschelein directed by the mission. In 1880, the Franciscan Order took charge of the St. Joseph of the Lake mission...the church was dedicated on June 17, 1893 by the Rt. Rev. S.G. Messmer, Bishop of Green Bay, placed under the protection of St. Joseph and named St. Joseph of the Lake.
Source: Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. “MITW - Interactive History.”, 2025, Accessed 4 Mar. 2025.

Recommended Reading:
1) “The Menominee Clans Story - College of Menominee Nation - Why Wait?”,

Born Matilda Moses on May 1, 1887, her father was David Moses (1857-1898) who married She Pa Chi Won aka Mary (1849-1898). Nothing is known as to why David and his wife disappear from the census in 1897, but Matilda appears to have been adopted by Joseph F and Julia Gauthier when she was 12-13 years old, and is listed in the census as Matilda Gauthier. Matilda married Menominee Indian Charles Nachewishkah c. 1902 at age 14, began using the name Magdalene Nachewishkah and with him had two (2) daughters and three (3) sons, four of whom appear to have died young.

Some sources identify Matilda as Matilda Moses (7), as a step-daughter. Matilda and a brothers John (9) and Peter (9), were children of David Moses and his wife She Pa Chi Won (aka Mary). The 1891 and 1893 censuses suggests this, which would have made Matilda b=1885 consistent with birth dates shown after adoption, as suggested elsewhere. If so, then she had 10 half siblings. These same sources suggest that she was NOT the daughter of Julia. (Curator Note: because of this I am showing her as an adopted daughter of Joseph and Julia, adopted in 1898 at age 12-13. There is no explanation as to what happened to her parents or her brothers.)

According to the book Vanished in Hiawatha, author Carla Joinson states only that she was discharged on April 7, 1919, corroborated by a letter from Dr. Harry Hummer to the BIA. Her stay at the Canton Asylum was short, she was NOT identified as being there in the 1917 Canton School attendance report, and she was not a patient/inmate in the June 30, 1919 census. Two of her sons, George and Thomas appears to have died within 2 months of each other, and this event could have caused a short term break in Magdalene's sanity, further seemingly corroborated by the appearance that she was separated from her husband Charles by 1918 and remarried circa 9 months following those deaths.

(Curator Note: in the book Ms. Joinson suggests her surname is either Nacjewiske or Nachewiske. It is important to note that Dr, Harry Hummer in his letter of discharge refers to her as Magdalene Nachewiske, but census reports never use that name, they consistently use Nachewishkah.)

By June 30, 1920 Magdalene had remarried to Louis Dodge, Jr., began using the name Madeline Dodge, and with him had one son, and later adopted her remaining and youngest son from her previous marriage when the father Charles died on September 21, 1925. The remaining child Frank from her marriage to Charles are seen living with Charles until his death. When she remarried she completely did away with her earlier married name (Magdalene Nachewishkah by which she was known at the Canton Asylum), and became known as Madeline Dodge. She is referred to by all of these names in various documents which are chronologically related.

It is not known when Madeline died or where she was buried. She is in the June 30, 1940 census and is resident in Neopit, Menominee Indian Reservation, Shawano, Wisconsin, USA, with the note that this is the same house as she was in for the 1935 Wisconsin state census.

Her profile is part of the

Research Notes:
-Name changes over the years:

  • Mathilda is in early censuses to 1897 as Mathilda Moses, daughter of David and She Pa Chi Won (aka Mary)
  • She appears in the 1898 census as having been adopted by the name Matilda Gauthier.
  • She then marries in 1902 Charles Nachewishkah and adopts the married name Magdalene Nachewishkah.
  • She is referred to in the Canton Asylum in 1919 as Magdelene Nachewiske.
  • She marries secondly Louis Dodge, Jr. in 1920 and adopts the name Madeline Dodge

-Magdalene was NOT in the 1917 Canton School Attendance list
-Magdalene was NOT in the 1919 census
-Husband Charles is crossed off in the 1917 census suggesting he died, but is included in following censuses 1918 and 1919? He died in 1925!
-In the 1916 census Charles is listed as a husband but one line separated from Magdalene who is listed as mother (not wife)
-Charles and Magdalene listed as husband and wife in 1915 census
-After 1902 she is clearly in the Menominee censuses as Magdalene Nachewishkah and Madeline Dodge. Before 1902 she MAY BE the same person listed as Matilda Moses and Matilda Gauthier. Matilda Moses, Matilda Gauthier, Magdalene Nachewishkah and Madeline Dodge, in that chronological order, IS LIKELY the same person.

1895 Feb 9 - "Wisconsin, United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Mar 3, 2025), image 503 of 774; United States. Bureau of Land Management, allotment of 80 acres in Section 25 Township 39N Range 8W
(Curator Note: Someone purchased 80 acres for her when she was 7 years old)

1891 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch ( : Sun Mar 10 11:25:29 UTC 2024), Entry for Matilda Moses, 1891, pg. 221/622, line 738 (age 7), census of census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1893 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 404/620, line 46 (age 7 as Matilda Moses), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1894 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 525/620, line 627 (age 8 as matilda Moses), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1895 Jul 26 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 85/597, line 624 (age 9 as Matilda Moses), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1896 Aug 20 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 219/597, line 636 (age 10 as Matilda Moses), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1897 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 319/597, line 644 (age 11 as Matilda Moses), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1898 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 364/597, line 201 (age 13 as Matilda Gauthier), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
(Curator Note: David Moses and wife She Pa Chi Won (aka Mary) have disappeared from the census!)

1899 Jul 26 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 562/597, line 94 (age 14), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1900 Jun 3 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 12/769, line 198 (age 15 as Matilda Gauthier), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1901 Jun 3 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 73/769, line 191 (age 16 as Matilda Gauthier), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1902 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 146/769, line 688 (age 15 as Magdaline Nachewishkah), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1903 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 230/769, line 688 (age 16, had daughter Eliza 11/12 mo.), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1904 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 341/769, line 688 (age 17, had daughter Eliza 1 11/12), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1905 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 404/769, line 725 (age 18, had daughter Margaret A 6 mo.), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1906 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 509/769, line 713 (age 19), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1907 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 611/769, line 721 (age 20, son George is 3 mo.), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin

1909 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 53/589, line 805 (age 22), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin

1910 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 174/589, line 804 (age 23), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin

1911 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 271/589, line 886 (age 24), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School Agency, Wisconsin

1912 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 347/589, line 904 (age 25), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Keshena, Wis.

1913 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 441/589, line 902 (age 26), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Keshena, Wis.

1914 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 539/589, line 914 (age 27), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.

1915 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 62/619, line 921 (b=1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.

1916 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 182/619, line 921 (b=1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1917 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 346/619, line 931 (b=1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1918 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 456/619, line 951 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1918 Jun 30 - Camp Verde School: 1910-27; Canton Insane Asylum: 1910-22, Series: Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408 @, line 21, female census of the Canton Asylum

1919 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 563/619, line 935 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1920 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 22/810, line 283 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1921 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 135/810, line 289 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1922 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 328/810, line 292 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1923 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 518/810, line 290 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1924 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 669/810, line 296 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin

1925 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 15/866, line 302 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency

1926 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 166/866, line 319 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency

1927 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 327/866, line 317 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.

1928 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 578/866, line 322 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis

1929 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 644/866, line 322 (b=5.1.1887), census of the Menominee Tribe, Keshena Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1930 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 27/633, line 364 (age 42), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1931 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 325/633, line 366 (age 43), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1932 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 37/542, line 382 (age 44 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1933 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 38/441, line 384 (age 45 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1934 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 40/671, line 394 (age 46 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1934 Jun 15 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 510/671, line 388 (age 47 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wis

1936 Jan 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 39/395, line 395 (age 48 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wisconsin

1937 Jan 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 230/395, line 395 (age 49 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wisconsin

1940 Jan 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 71/264, line 447 (age 52 as Gauthier, Magdalene ), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wisconsin

1940 Apr 5 - 1940 United States Federal Census - Louie Dodge
State: Wisconsin County: Shawano Township: Menominee Indian Reservation Enum. District: 58-43 Page: 5A Family: 62 Line: 2 (age 52), census of Neopit, Menominee Reservation, Shawano, Wisconsin @

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Mathilda Moses aka Matilda Gauthier, Magdalene Nachewishkah and Madeline Dodge's Timeline

May 1, 1887
Keshena, Menominee County, WI, United States
May 8, 1979
Age 92
Two Rivers, Manitowoc County, WI, United States