Immediate Family
About Lady Matilda of Buckby and Daventry de Senlis
The Foundation of Medieval Genealogy: B. Earls of Huntngdon (family of Simon de Senlis)
SIMON de Senlis [Saint Lis], son of RANOUL "le Riche" & his wife --- (-Priory of La Charité-sur-Loire [1111], bur Priory of La Charité-sur-Loire). A manuscript narrating the foundation of St Andrew’s Priory, Northampton records that “duo fratres…Garnerius dictus le Ryche et Simon de Seynlyz filii Raundoel le Ryche” accompanied William “the Conqueror” to England[704]. He was created Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton in [1087/90] after his marriage, presumably de iure uxoris, although his late father-in-law's earldom must have been forfeited in [1075] implying that a new grant would have been necessary. He witnessed a charter to Bath Abbey as "Earl Simon" in 1090[705]. He built the castle of Northampton. “Symon et uxor mea Matildis” founded the St Andrew’s, Northampton by undated charter, subscribed by “…Johannis nepotis comitis…Symonis nepotis comitis, Warneri nepotis comitis…Petri nepotis comitis…”[706]. "…Symonis comitis…" subscribed a charter dated 14 Sep 1101 under which Henry I King of England donated property to Bath St Peter[707]. A manuscript narrating the foundation of St Andrew’s Priory, Northampton records that Simon died “apud Caritatem” while returning from a journey to “terram sanctam” and was buried there[708].
m ([1087/90]%29 as her first husband, MATILDA [Matilda] of Huntingdon, daughter of WALTHEOF Earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland & his wife Judith de Lens [Boulogne] ([1071/76]-[23 Apr 1130/22 Apr 1131], bur Scone Abbey, Perthshire). Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland records the marriage of Matilda eldest daughter of Judith and "Earl Simon[709]. She married secondly (1113) David of Scotland Prince of Cumbria, who succeeded in 1124 as David I King of Scotland. Orderic Vitalis records that David King of Scotland married “filiam...Guallevi comitis et Judith consobrinæ regis” who brought him “binosque comitatus Northamtonæ et Huntendonæ” which “Simon Silvanectensis comes” had possessed with her[710]. Robert of Torigny records that the wife of "David [rex Scotiæ] frater [Alexandri]" was "filiam Gallevi comitis et Judith consobrini regis", naming "Symon Silvanectensis comes" as her first husband[711]. "Matilde comitisse, Henrico filio comitis…" witnessed the charter dated to [1120] under which "David comes filius Malcolmi Regis Scottorum" founded the abbey of Selkirk[712]. "Matildis comitissa…" witnessed inquisitions by "David…Cumbrensis regionis princeps", dated 1124, concerning land owned by the church of Glasgow[713].
Earl Simon & his wife had four children:
- SIMON de Senlis (-Aug 1153, bur St Andrew's Priory). Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland names "Simon, Waldev and Matilda" as the children of Simon Earl of Huntingdon and his wife Matilda, commenting that they "are still young and in their infancy"[714]. He was restored as Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton [before 1141]. - see below.
- WALTHEOF de Senlis (-3 Aug 1159[715]). Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland names "Simon, Waldev and Matilda" as the children of Simon Earl of Huntingdon and his wife Matilda, commenting that they "are still young and in their infancy"[716]. "…Waldef filio Reginæ…" witnessed a charter dated to [1128] by which "David…Rex Scottorum" made grants to the church of St John in the castle of Roxburgh[717]. Prior of Kirkham. A manuscript narrating the foundation of Thornton Abbey records that it was founded in 1139 by “Willielmus Grose comes Albermarliæ”, and that “cognati sui Wallevi, prioris de Kyrkham…fratris Simonis comitis Northamtoniæ” arranged the arrival of the first monks[718]. The relationship between the two was through Judith de Lens, maternal grandmother of Waltheof, who was uterine sister of Guillaume’s father. The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis names “Simonem, Waldevum et Matildam” as the children of “comes…Simon…ex Mathilda comitissa”, adding that Waltheof was "postea…abbas de Malros"[719]. The Chronicle of Melrose records that he was installed as second abbot of Melrose in 1148[720].
- MATILDA de Senlis (-[1157/63]). Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland names "Simon, Waldev and Matilda" as the children of Simon Earl of Huntingdon and his wife Matilda, commenting that they "are still young and in their infancy"[721]. A manuscript narrating the foundation of Daventre priory records that “Symonis de Seynliz” had two sisters “quarum una…Matildis Seynliz” married “Robertus filius Ricardi”[722]. A manuscript history of the foundation of Dunmow Priory records the marriage in 1112 of “Robertus filius Ricardi” and “Matildam de Sancto Lisio”, although the dating of events in this source appears shaky[723]. The Complete Peerage records her second marriage, citing Hatton’s Book of Seals for “proof of this marriage”, and in a later passage that “her charter of dower lands in Essex and London, bearing her seal, is witnessed by her sons Walter FitzRobert and Saher”[724]. The 1157/58 Pipe Roll records "Matildi de Seinliz" in Essex and Hertfordshire under "Nova Placita & Noue Conuentiones", suggesting that this related to her dower land soon after the death of her husband[725]. A manuscript history of the foundation of Dunmow Priory records the death in 1140 of “Matildis de Sancto Licio uxor Roberti filii Ricardi”, although the dating of events in this source appears shaky[726]. m firstly ([1112]%29 ROBERT FitzRichard de Clare Lord of Dunmow, son of RICHARD Lord of Clare and Tonbridge & his wife Rohese Giffard (-[1134], bur Priory of St Neot). m secondly (1136) SAHER [I] de Quincy, son of --- (-[1156/58]).
- daughter. A manuscript narrating the foundation of Daventre priory records that “Symonis de Seynliz” had two sisters “quarum una…Matildis Seynliz” married “Robertus filius Ricardi”, but does not name the second sister[727].
Baroness of Baynard by right of her husband Sir Richard de Clare
The Pedigree of Matilda of Northampton de SENLIS
aka Maud (de) ST. LIZ
Born: abt. 1094
Died: by 1163
Husbands/Partners: William Brito' de TOENI; Saher (Saire) de QUINCY; Robert FitzRICHARD de CLARE
- William Meschines
- Robert I de Quincy
- Maud FitzRorbert
- Walter FitzRorbert de Clare
/ -- Ranulph the Rich' de St. Liz of NORMANDY (1018? - ?)
/ -- Simon (de ST. LIZ) de SENLIS (1068? - 1112?)
- Matilda of Northampton de SENLIS
\ / -- Siward (DIGERA) BIORNSSON of NORTHUMBRIA + ====> [ 207 ,g,t,&]
| / | or: (NN) of Anglo-Saxon dynasty
| / -- Waltheof II of HUNTINGTON (1049? - 1076)
| / \ -- Aelflaed II of NORTHUMBERLAND + ====> [ 171 ,,x,&]
\ -- Matilda (Maud) of HUNTINGDON (1072? - 1131)
\ / -- Lambert II (Count) of LENS von BOULOGNE + ==&=> [ 213 ,GC,tm,&]
\ -- Judith of LENS (1054? - 1086+)
\ / -- Robert II (Duke) of NORMANDY + ==&=> [ 212 ,gC,tmBD,&]
\ -- Adelaide (Adeliza) of NORMANDY (1030? - 1082?)
\ -- Herleve (Salburpyr) de FALAISE + ====> [ 206 ,g,t,&]
Maud of Northumbria (1074–1130), countess for the Honour of Huntingdon, was the daughter of Waltheof II, Earl of Northumbria and Judith of Lens, the last of the major Anglo-Saxon earls to remain powerful after the Norman conquest of England in 1066. She inherited her father's earldom of Huntingdon and married twice.
Her mother, Judith, refused to marry Simon I of St Liz, 1st Earl of Northampton. This refusal angered her uncle, King William I of England, who confiscated Judith's estates after she fled the country. Instead her daughter Maud was married to Simon of St Liz in 1090. She had a number of children with St Liz including:
- Matilda of St Liz (Maud), married Robert FitzRichard and then Saer de Quincy, 1st Earl of Winchester..
- Simon II de St Liz, 4th Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton.
- Saint Walteof de St Liz (1100 – bt 1159–1160).
Her first husband died in 1109 and Maud next married King David I of Scotland in 1113. From this marriage she had:
- Malcolm of Scotland (born c. 1113, date of death unknown)
- Henry of Scotland, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon
- Claricia of Scotland (c. 1115 – c. 1130)
- Hodierna of Scotland (c. 1117 – c. 1140)
The Scottish House of Dunkeld produced the remaining Earls of Huntingdon of the first creation of the title. She was succeeded to the Earldom of Huntingdon by her son Henry.
According to John of Fordun, she died in 1130 and was buried at Scone, but she appears in a charter dated 1147.
The family of de Quincy had arrived in England after the Norman Conquest, and took their name from Cuinchy in the Arrondissement of Béthune; the personal name "Saer" was used by them over several generations. Both names are variously spelled in primary sources and older modern works, the first name being sometimes rendered Saher or Seer, and the surname as Quency or Quenci.
The first recorded Saer de Quincy (known to historians as "Saer I") was lord of the manor of Long Buckby in Northamptonshire in the earlier twelfth century, and second husband of Matilda of St Liz, stepdaughter of King David I of Scotland. This marriage produced two sons, Saer II and Robert de Quincy. It was Robert, the younger son, who was the father of the Saer de Quincy who eventually became Earl of Winchester. By her first husband Robert Fitz Richard, Matilda was also the paternal grandmother of Earl Saer's close ally, Robert Fitzwalter.
Robert Fitz Richard
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He married (c. 1114), Maud de St. Liz, daughter of Sir Simon de St Liz, Earl of Northampton, and Maud de Huntingdon.
Children were:
- Sir Walter Fitz Robert, (b. c. 1124).
- Maud Fitz Robert, (b. c. 1132), Essex, who married (c. 1146, William d'Aubigny, son of Sir William d'Aubigny, Lord of Belvoir, and Cecily Bigod.
Maud was also called Matilda de Senlis.
Maud married Robert fitz Richard, son of Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England and Rohesia Giffard, in 1112; later she married Saher I de Quency circa 1135.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p365.htm#i7018 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
HM George I's 16-Great Grandmother.
Lady Diana's 22-Great Grandmother.
PM Churchill's 23-Great Grandmother.
Geo Washington's 17-Great Grandmother.
Agnes Harris's 17-Great Aunt.
Lady Matilda of Buckby and Daventry de Senlis's Timeline
1101 |
Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
1122 |
Northhamptonshire, England
1124 |
Little Dunmow, Essex, England
1131 |
of Woodham Walter, Essex, England
1136 |
1138 |
Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England
1140 |
Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1145 |
Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, UK
1158 |
August 1158
Age 57
Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire, United Kingdom