Immediate Family
About Mattfried I, count of Orléans
Matfrid I (Manfred V)
“Ipotesi sull’origine ei filii Manfredingi”
Parentage Unknown- Maybe...
Suggested parents: Guagenfred, comte de Verdun and Theudelinda of Kent.
Two possible brothers, or brother and sister, parents not known:
1. MATFRIED [I] (-836 after Sep 1). Emperor Louis I confirmed the donation by "Madephrido fideli nostro" of property of "Theodemarus…in pago Scarponensi", except that held by "Hartmannus comes", to the monastery of Gorze by charter dated 815[250]. Comte d'Orléans before [827]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Hugonem et Mathfridum comites" as missi of Pepin King of Aquitaine [in 827] but failed in their mission in Barcelona and Girona[251]. The Miracula Sancti Bernardi records that "Matfrido, comite quondam Aurelianensi" was deprived of his honours "culpam inertiæ" and "Odo" appointed in his place[252], presumably dated to [828]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Aurelianensem urbem" was taken from "Hodone" and restored to "Mathfrido" [in 830][253]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Emperor Louis was met at "Compendium" by "Pippinus filius eius cum magnatis primis patris sui…Hug et Matfrido…Gotefrido"[254]. The Annales Bertiniani record that "Mathfridus" took part in the rebellion in 832[255]. Nithard specifies that "Mathfrid" was one of the supporters of the rebellion of co-Emperor Lothaire I in 833/34, but was expelled from the Breton march by "Wido" and other supporters of Emperor Louis I[256]. The Annales Xantenses record that "Mahtfridum atque Landbertum, principes Lotharii consules" were captured and killed in 834[257]. The Annales Fuldenses record the rebellion of "Mahtfredo et Lantberto" in 834 and the battle in which "Udo comes Aurelianensium et Theodo abbas sancti Martini Turonensis" were killed[258]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death in 836 of "Matfridus…qui erat maximus incentor"[259]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Wala Corbeiensis abbas, Matfridus, Hugo, Lantbertus, Godefridus, itemque filius eius Godefridus, Agimbertus comes Pertensis…sed et Richardus" died between "Kal Sep usque ad missam sancti Martini" [in 836][260].
m ---. The name of Matfried's wife is not known. Matfried [I] & his wife had one child:
Matfrid I (Manfred V)
“Ipotesi sull’origine ei filii Manfredingi”
Garibald I: duke of Lower Bavaria (584-92). Born ca: 540, and died 592. married to the Princess Waldrade of Waccho I , king of Lombardy (ca:510-540)
She was married twice before, her first husband was King Theudebald I, of Austrasia, and King Clothair I of all Frank, who devorced her soon after their marriage, when she married Gariblad, as her third husband, by whom she had her only children.
We are told by 'Paulus the deacon', the historian of the Lombardians, who was born in 725, tht Waldrade was 'uni ex suis qui dicebatur Garibald', which goes to descibe Garibald I , as being the kinsmen of her two previous husbands. Also the Merovingian Kings Clothair II, and Clovis II, were being described Queen Gundeberga, Garibald's granddaughter as being their Kinswomen. They had a son, Gundwald and two daughters. Teudelinda, married King Authari of the Lombards and on his death in 591, married his successor King Agilulf (591-616), the other daughter married Euin, Duke of Trient.
Gundwald I: Duke of Lower Bavaria (592)
Shortly after succeeding as the Duke of Lower Bavaria, his cousin Tassilo I, duke of Upper Bavaria, attacked him and forced Gundwald to flee to Italy. He went to his sister Teudelinda, who was Queen of King Aripert, was elected King of Lombardy in Italy, on death of his cousin's husband.
Aripert I: King of Lombardy in Italy (r 656-61).
He was elected KING OF THE LOMBARDS,in 656, when his cousin Gundeberba's husband , King Rodoald was assassinated. King Aripert was a Christian of the Catholic faith, he built a Church dedicated to our Saviour, at Pavia. An unnamed daughter, married Grimwald, Duke of Benevento, he also had two sons. Perctarit and Godebert. The brothers ruled as joint Kings, but they soon quarrelled and Godebert called in his brother in law, Duke Grimwald to help hil, Grimwald had him killed.
Godebert I: joint King of Lombards in Italy (r 661-62). He reign jointly with his brother Perctarit., Being assassinated by his brother in law Grimwald, the Duke of Benevento, whom he called for help against his brother Perctarit from Italy, when they had quarrelled in 662 Grimwald then chased Perctarit from Italy and usurped the throne from 662 to 673, when Perctarit returned to the throne and ruled until his death in 689. Godebert had a son named Reginbert.
Reginbert 1: King of the Lombards in Italy (r 700).
He was Duke of Turin before succeeding as King. On the death of his cousin, King Cunnincpert I in 700, he rose in rebellion and marched eastward with a strong army and meet Ansprnad, the guardian of the Boy King Luitpert on the plain of Novara and defeated Ansprand and his allies and won the crown. Howver he dies three months later, he had two sons- Aripert and Gumbert.
Gumbert, Prince of the Lombards
Born ca: 665, and died in France in Exile in 700, at an unknow date. On the death of their father in 700, Gumbert's elder brother Aripert II succeeded to the throne, but he had to fight Anspand and his allies for the throne and Aripert being Victoriious, Ansprnd fled, leaving his family behind. King Aripert II in revenge , mutilated Ansprand's wife and one of their Daughters.
Ansprand returned with an army in 712, and was Victorious, and Aripert II was adviced by his supporters to flee to France and raise an army to fight for his throne, howver he was drowned crossing the river tecino.
Gumbert made it successfully to France with his three sons, he fled to France with his children as he feared that Ansparna would take revenge on his sons, in revenge for what his brother Aripert had done to his wife and daughter.
It was his great grandson Manfred III, Comte de Orleans, who in 834 returned to Italy on the request of his nephew, King Lothaire I, King of Italy (Future Emperor).
We learn from historians of the Lombards, Paulus the deacon, that one of Gumberts sons, Reginbert, became Comte de Orleansin France, the second Manfred became the ancestor of the Manfredingi, Counts of Toule, Metz, Orleans, and Verdun in France, and Manfredingi of Italy , whose descendants finally finished in Sicly and in Malta.
Manfredingi Blood Royal
MANFRED I. Who became the eponym of the MANFREDINGI.
Manfred I: Prince of the Lombards
Born in Italy about 690, and dying in Mainz, a city in West Germany, on the river Rhine in 756. He went to live in the diocese of Magonza and died there.
Married in 713 to the daughter of Pepn II de heristal, Duke of the Franks, and Mayor of the palace of Anastrasia, to the Merovingian Kings. She is given as having been a Carolingian, but that name did not come into being until PepinII, assumed the throne from the Franks, she should really be a 'Pepian'
Manfred II, Prince of Lombards.
Born in Germant about 715, we also are ignorant of what title he held, except that he was a prince of Blood royal. He is given by the Chroniclers of that time as having been of Blood Royal, this blood royal , referred to his descent of the Lombards.
Guagenfred I, Comte de Verdun.
Born in Germany/France about 740, still living about 795. It is not know weather he was created Count of Verdun, or whether he had succeeded to Verdun on the death of his father. As we do know if his father had been Count of Verdun himself, married in 765, Princess Theudelinda, a daughter of Ethelbert II, King of Kent, In 795. he made two donations to the abbey of Gorze.
Manfred III, Comte de Orleans (c 800-34)
Born in Verdun, France ca:770, dying in Italy in 836, succeeded to Orleans on the extinction of the line of Reginbert, the elder brother of Manfred I.
Married about 815 to Princess Theodrada or Hiltrude, one of the young daughters of the Emperor Charlemagne, by his third wife Fastrada, an East Frank. Thus husband and wife were both the great grand childreb of Duke Pepin II.
When the sons of the Emperor Louis I, fought their father, Manfred was a partisian of Louis I, fought their father, Louis was also the King of Italy and took Manfred III with him to Italy, where he was granted large territories in 834. Their sons Alberico, Ethelbert,
When in 834, Manfred III, went to Italy, with his nephew King, and gave up Orleans, and king Louis I, made him Duke of Neustria d'Italia, Duke of Tusia, and Marquis di Valtellina, and Count di Lucca.
Alberic I , Conte di Milan and Seprio (c 845-80)
Born in Orleans and was created Count of Milian and Seprio
Manfredo IV, Conte di Lodi (c 879-96)
Count of the Sacred Palace of Italy (888-96), Marquis of Lombardy and of Biella and Novarese in 878.
Born in Piedmont, Italy and was beheaded for rebellion in 896 by the orders of Emperor Lambert I.
Manfred V, Conte di Lodi
Born in Italy, dying in Piedmont about 975
At the time his father was being beheaded for rebellion, Manfred was blinded, on the orders of the same Emperor Lambert.
Aimone I, Conte di Vercelli (c 950)
He had also received from the Emperor Otto II in 976, Montiglio, Moncucco, Vestigne, Verrua, and part of Moncestrino.
Married and had at least two sons, Uberto and Ariberto. This Ariberto the ancestor of the family Guasco, the Radicata, and others.
Aimone, born in 905, dying after 976.
Uberto I, Conte di Vercelli, Vestigne….
Very little is know about Uberto, apart from his succession.
Obizzo I,. Conte di Vercelli.
Born about 955. As the other territories are not mentioned as forming part of his territories, Obizzo I, must have had other brothers, who received the territories of Vestigne, Verrua, and Moncestino.
Guala I,Conte di Vercelli (c 1055-60)
Born about 990, and died 1060.
His elder brother Uberto II, succeeded their father , as Count of Vercelli and on his death he was succeeded by his son Uberto III, who died without issue. When he was succeeded by his younger Brother Adalberto I, who too died without issue about 1055.
On the death of Adalberto I, his uncle Guala, then succeeded to Vercelli.
Bongiovanni I, Conte di Vercelli (c 1060-95).
Born in Vercelli, Italy about 1025, he succeeded to Vercelli on the death of his father Guala I.
By his unnamed wife, he had a son Guala, who died before him, leaving a two small sons.
On the death of his son , Bongiovanni, dismembered the lands of Lavino, Riseria, and Cassina della Valo from his demesne, to create a separate Lordship for his younger grandson, which were to be inherited on his death. These lands were adjoining of Vercelli, where the River Vassalla, crosses.
Auberto I, 1st Signor di Lavino, Riseria and Cassina della Valo, on the outshirts of Vercelli itself.. He succeeded to the lordship , on the death of his grandfather, Count Bongiovanni I about 1090. His elder brother succeeded to the Countship of Vercelli, and its lands. In 1127, Bongivanni II, exchanged the rule of count for the Adovacy of the Church of Vercelli, by agreement he had made with the Bishop Ardizzone of Vercelli, and adopted the family name of Avogadro.
Auberto I'detto Vassallo' he had been given the nickname of Vassallo, and Vassallo came into being as the family name of the Lords of Lavino, Riseria and Cassino della Valo.
Vassallo de Vassallo, 2nd Signor…..
Succeeded as Signor on the death of his father, not much else is know
Auberto II de Vassallo, 3rd Signor
Born in Vercelli, about 1145, and married and had issue, Rejnerius, Filippo , Antonio, and Vassallo.
The eldest son was Vassallo.
Vassallo de Vassallo, 4th signor
Born in Vercelli about 1175, and succeeded to the lorship on the death of his father , had several sons, Antonio, Giacomo and Vassallo.
Giacomo de Vassallo,
Born about 1210 in Vercelli, his elder brother succeeded as the 5th Signor , his great great great great Grandson, Lord Girolamo Vassallo, sold most of the Lordship to purchase the lordship of Favris and its castle in the early part of 1577, and in the month of December 1577, the Emperor created HIM Count of Favria. However , on the death of his grandson COUNT Carlo Girolamo, the Countship of Favria passed to his daughter Francesc Faustina, who married Francesco Birago, Marchese di Roccaglione, on 12 June 1666, and the Countship passed out of the Vassallo family
Giacomo had two sons, Roberto and Giacomo, who were born in Sicily, Giacomo settled in the island of Sicily about 1235.
History of the Langobards- by Paul, the Deacon, ca. 720-799?; Foulke, William Dudley, 1848-1935
MATFRIED [I] (-836 after Sep 1). Emperor Louis I confirmed the donation by "Madephrido fideli nostro" of property of "Theodemarus…in pago Scarponensi", except that held by "Hartmannus comes", to the monastery of Gorze by charter dated 815[250]. Comte d'Orléans before [827]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Hugonem et Mathfridum comites" as missi of Pepin King of Aquitaine [in 827] but failed in their mission in Barcelona and Girona[251]. The Miracula Sancti Bernardi records that "Matfrido, comite quondam Aurelianensi" was deprived of his honours "culpam inertiæ" and "Odo" appointed in his place[252], presumably dated to [828]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Aurelianensem urbem" was taken from "Hodone" and restored to "Mathfrido" [in 830][253]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Emperor Louis was met at "Compendium" by "Pippinus filius eius cum magnatis primis patris sui…Hug et Matfrido…Gotefrido"[254]. The Annales Bertiniani record that "Mathfridus" took part in the rebellion in 832[255]. Nithard specifies that "Mathfrid" was one of the supporters of the rebellion of co-Emperor Lothaire I in 833/34, but was expelled from the Breton march by "Wido" and other supporters of Emperor Louis I[256]. The Annales Xantenses record that "Mahtfridum atque Landbertum, principes Lotharii consules" were captured and killed in 834[257]. The Annales Fuldenses record the rebellion of "Mahtfredo et Lantberto" in 834 and the battle in which "Udo comes Aurelianensium et Theodo abbas sancti Martini Turonensis" were killed[258]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death in 836 of "Matfridus…qui erat maximus incentor"[259]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Wala Corbeiensis abbas, Matfridus, Hugo, Lantbertus, Godefridus, itemque filius eius Godefridus, Agimbertus comes Pertensis…sed et Richardus" died between "Kal Sep usque ad missam sancti Martini" [in 836][260]. m ---. The name of Matfried's wife is not known. Matfried [I] & his wife had one child:
- ENGELTRUDIS ([825/30]-). The Annales Fuldenses record that "Engildrudam filiam quondam Matifredi comite" left "Busone proprio viro" and wandered for seven years[261]. Regino names "Engildrudam quoque uxorem quondam Bosonis comitis" when recording her excommunication in 866 after deserting her husband and fleeing to France with "Wangerum suum vassallum"[262]. m [firstly] ([845/50], deserted [856/57]%29 BOSO, son of --- (-[874/78]). [m] secondly WANGAR, son of ---.
Matfrid I (Manfred V)
“Ipotesi sull’origine ei filii Manfredingi”
It took a while and many hours of frustration, prayer and persistence. Many times you want to throw your hands up in the air and just quit but that is when 'Passion' takes over. Genealogy, is mainly a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by logical and deductive reasoning.
After spending two weeks and sixteen hour days, getting little to no sleep, cross referencing every suggested, possible and/or logical relation, sifting historical data and crunching all the numbers... It finally became apparent, Mattfrid II, Graf von Eifelgau-Orleans was the only logical person to be the father of Mattfrid I, von Wied (Same person as Matfrid III, Graf von Eifelgau).
But first let us jump back to a later descendant.
Matfried III, von Wied (Engersgau, 1093-1123/1129), had, yet another road block, in this line. He (Matfrid III) had, from multiple sources, three fathers to chose from: [A] Ruckerus von Wied; [B] Wigger III von Engersgau (Beilstein);
[C] Richwin IV, Graf von Wied.
Having dealt with 'Ruckerus' and deduced that, while he could be Matfrid III's father, it was more likely, Richwin IV, Graf von Wied, was his father. Then in the 'Medieval Germany: An Encyclopedia' (ref. 2b), it made the claim Mattfried III ( von Wied, also Engersgau ) was the son of Wigger III von Engersgau- to justify the 'Engersgau' surname. It further stated (Pg. 824) that 'He' (Mattfried III) was related to the Matfrid's (d'Orleans) but 'suggested' through a matrilineal line.
This is ruled out, with all the evidence compiled, that it's not only likely but logical that Mattfried III (von Wied-Engersgau) was related to the Matfrid I, d'Orleans (Manfred V) but instead through the patrilineal line.
Matfrid I, von Wied and Matfrid III, Graf von Eifelgau (d'Orleans) dates are very similar.
Wikapedia states: "The third Matfrid, presumed son of the second, was active in the period 867 to 878" (ref. 1b)
In the, 'Medieval Germany: An Encyclopedia', it states: "Matfrid III, the son of Matfrid II, flourished 867-878 as a count in Lotharingia and also in Eifelgau. He appears to have property in the part of Lothar II's realm that went to Charles the Bald in 870, probably in the Waberngau and in the Verduner Gau. In 877, with other magnates he was appointed at Queirzy as counselor to Charle's son, as often as he should be in the Meuse region. Matfrid III followed his father as lay abbot St. Vaast, and died about 883." (ref. 2b)
Matfrid I, von Wied is cited to have been born between 850-860 and that he died around 886 that is only a three year difference between both Matfrid's date of death. Neither Matrfrid (Matfrid I, von Wied or Matfrid III, von Eifelgau (d'Orleans) have a specific or set date for their death. Due to the lack of information and/or evidence, there's really not a good reason, to believe they are or were different people.
(Well, unless your a descendant of the Hapsburg's :P)
As if we weren't deep enough into bizarre common attributes and seemingly coincidental mirrored numerical values we stumble upon, yet another 'Manfredingi', grand son of 'Manfred V'... Manfredo VII conte di Lodi e Milano, Conte del Sacro Palazzo d'Italia- Count of the 'Sacred Place' in Italy. Who was born around 850 (same as Matfried I, Graf von Wied) and died when? You guessed it, in 886!
Manfredo VII conte di Lodi e Milano AKA: Manfredo, Marquis di Lombardia; AKA: Matfried I, Graf von Wied (AKA: Matfrède III, Graf von Eifelgau). Born about 85O in Italy, is presumed to have been at least 15 years of age by the time his son Manfredo was born. Married before 866. He died in 886 in Italy, rather he was beheaded in the year 886 by Lambert.
Matfrid I (Manfred V), von Eifelgau Compte d´Orléans
“Ipotesi sull’origine ei filii Manfredingi”
See: Descendants of Matfried comte d'Orleans at MedLands.
Parentage Unknown- Maybe...
Suggested parents: Guagenfred, comte de Verdun and Theudelinda of Kent.
Well it's known, you just have to keep sifting and cross referencing until you find the common denominators. In many substantiated, unsubstantiated online sources it is said that Adrien, Comte d'Orléans (Udalriching), Count of Orléans and Waldrada von Hornbach was Matfrid I (Manfred V), d'Orlean's parents. This was not a 'made-up' theory, instigated by ignorant people, it was actually suggested by 'Academia', to be the most plausible father based on the limited information available.
So, I accepted this possibility with some reservation. Throughout this research, the evidence of multiple instances of confusing and obscuring the lineage, were encountered. If it happened once or even twice you could assume it to be human error but more than three times... I don't think so. It is more than obvious that this is a deliberate attempt to eliminate competition at the time this line and other parallel lines are competing for familial elevation and tenure.
The question then is, 'why... Why this line in particular?'
That is the pestering question that haunts my ongoing research. Again, as before, amid frustration with prayer and quiet meditation God has pointed the way- God being Love, then Love has pointed the way... A love of my familial heritage and ancestors.
'Manfred III (Manfred V)' and Matfried I d'Orleans Connection and Parentage
Manfred V, Comte d'Orleans, Duca di Neustria d’Italia, Duca di Tuscia was born in 770, while Matfrid I Graf von Eifelgau, Comte d'Orleans has conflicting dates of 795 or 800. This is easy to understand when you cross reference and compare each 'Manfredingi'.
First, the 795 date is simply misunderstood information, 795 was symbolic of birth, or rebirth for Manfred V, Comte d'Orleans because this is the date his father 'Guagenfred I, Comte de Verdum' died; and being Catholic, probably went through a public, ceremonial baptismal inauguration (symbolic of birth or re-birth), shortly after his father's death in 795. The 800 date is also, easily understood, because this is the date Manfred V, d'Orleans officially assumed the title 'Comte d'Orleans'.
Matfrid I, Graf von Eifelgau (d'Orleans), in some sources, is said to have been denied his hold on the title 'Comte d'Orleans', while, Manfred V, Comte d'Orleans is said to have resigned the post and title. Both 'Matfrid I' and 'Manfred V' not only held the Matfrid (Manfred) name but also the title 'Comte d'Orleans' simultaneously. Which is uncanny, to say the least, not to mention, 'Matfrid I' and 'Manfred V' both died in Italy in 836, even more uncanny...
Aripert II di Lombardia, King of the Lombards
Aripert II (also spelled Aribert) was the king of the Lombards from 701 to 712. Duke of Turin and son of King Raginpert, and thus a scion of the Bavarian Dynasty, he was associated with the throne as early as 700. He was removed by Liutpert, who reigned from 700 to 702, with the exception of the year 701, when Raginpert seized the throne. After his father's death, he tried to take the throne, too. He defeated Liutpert and the regent Ansprand's men at Pavia and captured the king, whom he later had strangled in his bath. He seized the capital and forced Ansprand over the Alps. He was firmly in power by 703.
He thence reigned uninterrupted until his death. His reign was a troubled one. In 703, Faroald, duke of Spoleto, attacked the Exarchate of Ravenna, but Aripert refused to assist him, for he wanted good relations with papacy and empire. He tried nevertheless to assert his authority over Spoleto and Benevento in the Mezzogiorno. He nursed friendship with Pope John VI by donating vast tracts of land in the Cottian Alps to the Holy See. This friendship helped him little, for he had many rebellions to deal with and many Slovene raids into Venetia.
In 711, Ansprand, whom he had exiled, returned with a large army from the duke of Bavaria, Theudebert. Many Austrians (the men of Venetia and the east) joined the returning regent and battle was joined by Pavia. Aripert fled to his capital when the tide went against him, but he horded the treasures and tried to cross over into Gaul by night. He drowned in the River Ticino and Ansprand was acclaimed sovereign. He was the last Bavarian to wear the Iron Crown.
Alternate Story
Reginbert 1: King of the Lombards in Italy (r 700).
He was Duke of Turin before succeeding as King. On the death of his cousin, King Cunnincpert I in 700, he rose in rebellion and marched eastward with a strong army and met Ansprand, the guardian of the Boy King Luitpert on the plain of Novara. He defeated Ansprand and his allies and won the crown. However he died three months later, he had two sons- Aripert and Gumbert.
Gumbert, Prince of the Lombard's
Born ca: 665, and died in France in Exile in 700, at an unknown date. On the death of their father in 700, Gumbert's elder brother Aripert II succeeded to the throne, but he had to fight Ansprand and his allies for the throne and Aripert being Victorious, Ansprand fled, leaving his family behind. King Aripert II in revenge , mutilated Ansprand's wife and one of their daughters.
Ansprand returned with an army in 712, and was Victorious, and Aripert II was advised by his supporters to flee to France and raise an army to fight for his throne, however he was drowned crossing the river Tecino.
Gumbert made it successfully to France with his three sons, fearing that Ansparnd would take revenge on his sons, for what his brother Aripert had done to his wife and daughter.
It was his great grandson Manfred V (Matfrid I, von Eifelgau), Comte de Orleans, who in 834 returned to Italy on the request of his nephew, King Lothaire I, King of Italy (Future Emperor).
Basic Facts:
- Were a line of Nobles of subalpine Italy stemming from Manfred V (or Matfrid I Comte von Eifelgau), Comte de Orleans (765–836)
- Manfred V inherited the title Comte de Orleans in 800 from a separate (extinguished) line of the family founder
- Branches of the family included the Guasco, the Boidi and the Trotti
- In 712 AD Aripert II, Prince of the Lombard's, was forced to flee his holdings in Northern Italy, along with his family count forbears.
Historical Timeline
We are told by 'Paulus the deacon', the historian of the Lombardians, who was born in 725, tht Waldrade was 'uni ex suis qui dicebatur Garibald', which goes to descibe Garibald I , as being the kinsmen of her two previous husbands. Also the Merovingian Kings Clothair II, and Clovis II, were being described Queen Gundeberga, Garibald's granddaughter as being their Kinswomen. They had a son, Gundwald and two daughters. Teudelinda, married King Authari of the Lombards and on his death in 591, married his successor King Agilulf (591-616), the other daughter married Euin, Duke of Trient.
Gundwald I: Duke of Lower Bavaria (592)
Shortly after succeeding as the Duke of Lower Bavaria, his cousin Tassilo I, duke of Upper Bavaria, attacked him and forced Gundwald to flee to Italy. He went to his sister Teudelinda, who was Queen of King Aripert, was elected King of Lombardy in Italy, on death of his cousin's husband.
Aripert I: King of Lombardy in Italy (r 656-61).
He was elected KING OF THE LOMBARDS,in 656, when his cousin Gundeberba's husband , King Rodoald was assassinated. King Aripert was a Christian of the Catholic faith, he built a Church dedicated to our Saviour, at Pavia. An unnamed daughter, married Grimwald, Duke of Benevento, he also had two sons. Perctarit and Godebert. The brothers ruled as joint Kings, but they soon quarrelled and Godebert called in his brother in law, Duke Grimwald to help hil, Grimwald had him killed.
Godebert I: joint King of Lombards in Italy (r 661-62). He reign jointly with his brother Perctarit., Being assassinated by his brother in law Grimwald, the Duke of Benevento, whom he called for help against his brother Perctarit from Italy, when they had quarrelled in 662 Grimwald then chased Perctarit from Italy and usurped the throne from 662 to 673, when Perctarit returned to the throne and ruled until his death in 689. Godebert had a son named Reginbert.
Reginbert 1: King of the Lombards in Italy (r 700).
He was Duke of Turin before succeeding as King. On the death of his cousin, King Cunnincpert I in 700, he rose in rebellion and marched eastward with a strong army and meet Ansprnad, the guardian of the Boy King Luitpert on the plain of Novara and defeated Ansprand and his allies and won the crown. Howver he dies three months later, he had two sons- Aripert and Gumbert.
Gumbert, Prince of the Lombards
Born ca: 665, and died in France in Exile in 700, at an unknow date. On the death of their father in 700, Gumbert's elder brother Aripert II succeeded to the throne, but he had to fight Anspand and his allies for the throne and Aripert being Victoriious, Ansprnd fled, leaving his family behind. King Aripert II in revenge , mutilated Ansprand's wife and one of their Daughters.
Ansprand returned with an army in 712, and was Victorious, and Aripert II was adviced by his supporters to flee to France and raise an army to fight for his throne, howver he was drowned crossing the river tecino.
Gumbert made it successfully to France with his three sons, he fled to France with his children as he feared that Ansparna would take revenge on his sons, in revenge for what his brother Aripert had done to his wife and daughter.
It was his great grandson Manfred III, Comte de Orleans, who in 834 returned to Italy on the request of his nephew, King Lothaire I, King of Italy (Future Emperor).
We learn from historians of the Lombards, Paulus the deacon, that one of Gumberts sons, Reginbert, became Comte de Orleansin France, the second Manfred became the ancestor of the Manfredingi, Counts of Toule, Metz, Orleans, and Verdun in France, and Manfreingi of Italy , whose descendants finally finished in Sicly and in Malta.
Matfrid I, Matfrid II d'Orleans and Matfrid von Eifelgau (Wied) Descendant Chart
1) Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIe-Xe siecle): Essai d'anthropologie sociale (Histoire ancienne et medievale) (French Edition)
By Regine Le Jan
While, Matfrid died during the plague, it does not mean, he died of the plague. This is highly unlikely, due to the the fact that RHneg factoring in the blood-type, renders this almost impossible. Many of the bloodlines involved in hybridization, often referred to as 'Noble' or 'Royal', have RHneg embedded into their mito-chondrial DNA and RNA. Which results in a heightened and over-active immune system, which has it's good and bad side effects. Besides the fact that there is a great chance, this bloodline is, in fact, a branch off the original twelve tribes of Israel. So, when the plague entered Egypt, supposedly by the hand of Jehovah via his agent, Moses, the Israelite's developed an immunity to the plague. This is evident in light of history, during the plague many of the Royal a Noble families survived with minimal casualties, while those outside the bloodline, whole families were decimated and rendered extinct.
Reference Sources
1) Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/3M72-3F3 : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Matfrid I Orleans /Eifelgau/
2) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVN-NGC : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Manfrid I /Von Eifelgau/.
3) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/393M-GJW : accessed 2013-05-25), entry for Matfried I /de Orleans/ * Comte de Orleans.
4) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/949V-CF1 : accessed 2013-05-25), entry for Matfrid d' Orleans Comte.
5) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/949V-CD3 : accessed 2013-05-28), entry for Daughter de Paris.
Supplemental Resources
1) http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKISH%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc169575361
2) http://thierryhelene.bianco.free.fr/drupal/?q=node/135
3) http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/bec_0373-623...
4) http://web.archive.org/web/20040906152823/http://www.mittelalter-ge...
5) http://web.archive.org/web/20050323013410/http://www.genealogie-mit...
6) http://www.dr-bernhard-peter.de/Heraldik/seiten/wied.htm
Complementary Sources
1) Street Family Tree
2) (Our Family Tree) Ray's Extended Family Tree
3) GenealogyOnline: Stamboom I.D.M. de Vried: Hadrianus (Adrian) van Orleans (Graf van Orleans)
Mattfried I, count of Orléans's Timeline
795 |
Eifel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
820 |
Eifel, Gerolstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
827 |
836 |
Age 41
Eifel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany