Matthew Marvin, Sr.

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Matthew Marvin, Sr.

Also Known As: "Mathew "Mavin""
Birthplace: Great Bentley, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
Death: December 20, 1678 (78)
Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony, Colonial America
Place of Burial: East Norwalk Historical Cemetery Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Edward Marvin and Margaret Marvin
Husband of Elizabeth Marvin; Alice Marvin and Mary Brush
Father of Elizabeth Marvin; Representative Matthew Marvin, II; Mary Adgate; Sarah Curtis; Hannah Seymour and 7 others
Brother of Edward Marvin; Thomas Marvin; Richard Marvin; Robert Marvin; Margaret Marvin and 4 others

Occupation: Husbandman, Immigrant, wheelwright
Immigration: 1635 on the “Increase”
Managed by: Erica
Last Updated:

About Matthew Marvin, Sr.

Matthew Marvin

  • BIRTH 26 Mar 1600 Great Bentley, Tendring District, Essex, England
  • OCCUPATION: Senior Warden Bef 1635 St. Mary's, Great Bentley, , Essex, England
  • EMIGRATION: Port of London, bound for New England 15 Apr 1635 London, , Greater London, England
  • IMMIGRATION: Aboard the ship, "Increase" (Robert Lea, Master) Aft 15 Apr 1635
  • OCCUPATION: One of Governor Winthrops outposts on the Connecticut River Bet 1636 and 1637
  • OCCUPATION: Surveyor of Highways Bet 1639 and 1647
  • DEATH 20 Dec 1678 (aged 78) Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA [1]
  • DEATH Jul. 13, 1680 Norwalk Fairfield County Connecticut, USA [2]
  • BURIAL East Norwalk Historical Cemetery, Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA Show Map
  • MEMORIAL ID 127000373 by Karat57 & Ronni Croft, Contributor: Steve Goodrich & Linda Mac


Matthew Marvin was christened 26 Mar 1600/01 in St. Mary's Church, Great Bentley, Essex, England. He inherited property in Great Bentley from his father Edward Marvin. It was described as “Edons” or “Dreybrockes and additional land (20 acres) called “Hartles” and “Brocken Heddes.” It was held conditionally that he paid to his mother during her life, the full sum of 6 pounds. The house called Edons or Dreybrockes is still standing. It is located at the location now known as Eden Farms, just east of the village of Great Bentloy.

The house was reportedly built in 1593 by a John Marvin of Ramsey and acquired by Edward Marvin who willed it to his son Matthew Marvin. Eden Farms is located on Weeley Road (North Side) in Great Bentley. The house is one of the oldest buildings in the area. It is constructed of lath and plaster on a framework of mighty beams, some of which were once ships’ timbers. The front part of the Eden farmhouse was rebuilt in 1717. A chimney at the back of the house is so large that a boy could climb inside and sweep away the soot.

Matthew was only age 15 when his father died and it is possible he stayed with one of his older brothers until he came of age to manage his estates. Matthew married, as his first wife, a woman named Elizabeth who was born in 1604. [See the Research Note above that shows her maiden name was not likely Gregory.] Elizabeth’s age is given as 31 in the record of the Augmentation Office in London when she embarked for America with her husband and 5 children in 1635. There is no record of his marriage in Great Bentley or any other nearby parish and the baptism of his first two children are likewise not recorded. It is not know if this was due to his residency elsewhere or a real disruption in parish record keeping.

Matthew Marvin was a wheelwright in Great Bentley (Bentley Magna), Essex, England. He was a member of St. Mary’s Church there and was a “sydeman” (or sideman--a church officer that was assistant to the Chief warden of a parish) there in 1621, overseer in 1627 and senior warden in 1628. He was still in Great Bentley in August of 1633, probably remaining there to care for his mother. At some point he adopted the principles of the Puritan Faith and decided to leave England for America. This move had to be for mostly religious reasons, since he seemed to be wealthier than the average commoner in England,

By 15 April 1635 he had taken the oaths of “Allegiance and Supremacy”. This assured that he was conformable to the Government and discipline of the Church of England. He brought testimony by certificate from the justices and ministers where he lately resided. This was a requirement to leave England for the colonies and was not always totally the truth for committed Puritans.

Matthew Marvin came to America on the “Increase”, Robert Lea, Master, in 1635, from London, aged 35. With him was his wife Elizabeth, aged 31 and their children: Elizabeth, age 11 (The record says age 31, but this is probably a recording error, though some claim this Elizabeth was Matthew’s sister.), Matthew, age 8, May, age 6, Sarah, age 3 and Hannah, age 6 months. Their names were the last on the list of passengers before it sailed in the latter part of April 1635, and it is likely they arrived in America by the first of June. Matthew was listed as a husbandman on this passenger record that is reported to come from a list at the Augmentation Office in England of persons permitted to embark from London after Christmas 1634.

We do not know where in Massachusetts Matthew Marvin resided for the first few months that he spent in New England. Soon after his arrival in America Matthew Marvin associated himself with a party of “adventurers” in Massachusetts that was planning to move out and settle on the Connecticut River. His name is on the monument in honor of the first settlers of Hartford, the first of whom arrived there about November of 1635. He was one of the original proprietors of Hartford, Connecticut in a list from 1638. His brother Reinold Marvin came to America in 1637 and joined Matthew in Hartford in 1638.

These first settlers had land in a 35-acre plot that was called “Venturers’ Field” in the Hartford records. The first settlers of Hartford prepared dugout shelters in the hillside to provide protection for themselves and their livestock. These were probably reasonably warm as wood was plentiful and these shelters had fire pits. Matthew Marvin initially chose a location on a lot at the northeastern end of Hartford at the intersection of the modern Front and Pleasant Streets. As in most early settlements, food and fodder was probably scarce during the winters. Fortunately for the settlers of Hartford, the Indians and the nearby Dutch settlers were not initially hostile.

His land was bounded north on the road from “Centinel Hill” to North Meadow Road. On the west was Wm. Kelsey’s lot and on the south the lot of Stephen Hart. On the east was the road from Windsor to Wethersfield, by North Meadow. He was definitely living here in 1639. Matthew’s initial home lot was, however, too close to the Connecticut River, and the spring floods probably inundated his house. This probably was the reason why Matthew Marvin acquired, at an early date, house lots on the “Road to the Neck”, now Windsor Street.

In an allotment to the proprietors of undivided lands in Hartford in which Matthew had rights, he received at one time, 30 acres, and at another 28 acres. This division was made according to the “proportions payed for the purchases of sayd lands.” In 1648-49, Matthew Marvin was given ten shillings “for killing a wolfe.” At a “Particular Court, 24 Apr 1649, he was the plaintiff in a case against Mathew Beckwith for defamation of character, and recovered damages to the amount of 50 pounds. The Court remitted this fine on Beckwith’s making a public retraction of the slander.

At Hartford Matthew and Elizabeth Marvin had the following children: Abigail (about 1636) and Rebecca (about 1639). Elizabeth Marvin died some time around 1640, though some lists her as the mother of Matthew’s son Samuel born 1647/48. . He married (second) about 1647, Mrs. Alice Bouton (Bowton). She was born about 1610 in England and died between 17 Dec 1680 (the date of her will) and 9 Jan 1680/81 (the date of her inventory) at Hartford, Connecticut, the widow of John Bouton of Hartford, Connecticut. She had come to America with her first husband in 1635 on the ship “Assurance. Her first husband’s name was previously reported as Kellogg, but that may be an error based on an assumption that Daniel Kellogg was her son rather than her son-in-law.

Matthew Marvin was chosen Surveyor of Highways in 1639 and 1647 in Hartford, Connecticut. On 9 Nov 1640, Matthew and another man were fined five shllings, “for putting ouer of their hoges ouer the great river” [The Connecticut River]. In March of 1641 there was an agreement about fencing land to the corner of John Clark’s lot, in the “Souldiers Field”. Matthew was to maintain a “common gate” to the North Meadow; and “if any children shal be taken swinging by the said Mathew Meruill, he shall complain to their parents or masters and if they doe not restraine them the second time it shall be lawfor him to [illegible] them, & if they brake the gate ther parents or masters shall make it good,” He signed this “Mathew Maruen.” Souldiers Field was west of North Meadow Creek and embraced an area of 60-80 acres.

Matthew Marvin may have thought about moving to Farmington where his brother Reinold had built a house, because he owned land and dwelling house in that town. If these plans existed they were changed by prospects of settling in the new town of Norwalk, Connecticut. He sold his land in Farmington to Nathaniel Kellogg.

He signed the agreement for the “planting” of Norwalk 19 Jun 1650. He was one of the original grantees of Norwalk, receiving a deed from Runckinheage for about 35 acres, 15 Feb 1651 and settled there in about 1653. He was considered an “adventurer” because he obtained title to land in Norwalk earlier than the town’s legal title. His home lot at Norwalk was next to the meetinghouse and contained four acres and was on the east side of the “Towns Highway.” Adjacent properties included the meetinghouse yard, and lands belonging to Daniel Kellogg, Thomas Fitch and his son Matthew Marvin Junior.

Matthew Marvin’s lot was considered one of the most desirable in the town. Hannah Marvin Seymour lived opposite and a little to the south of Matthew Marvin. Matthew Marvin Jr.’s lot of three acres and two rods was between that of Daniel Kellogg on the west and the “Meeting-house Greene” on the east, running back to his father’s estate, and fronting south on the road to Stamford. John Bouton, Matthew’s step-son, and later his son-in-law, lived on the south side of the road after it turned westward, and his house was opposite his sister Bridget’s house, who lived next west of Matthew Marvin Jr. In a real sense, Matthew Marvin Sr. was literally surrounded by his sons and daughters.

At Norwalk he was always addressed here as “Mr.,” a sign of his status in the town. The name of Matthew Marvin appears on almost every page of Norwalk’s early history. He was a Puritan by faith, devout, discreet, calm, sound in judgment and he gained and held the confidence of his fellow citizens. He also held a number of public offices. In 1654 he was representative to the General Court from Norwalk, and was assistant deputy at the General Court in 1569. His name appears in a table of “Estates of lands and accommodations” in 1655 (which contains the earliest list of inhabitants), where his estate is rated at 314 pounds, and is the largest of any of the proprietors. On 19 May 1659, he was freed from watching (probably sentry duty) and training.

When the Norwalk meeting house was enlarged in 1664 to nearly double its original size, the town appointed Thomas Fitch Sen. and Matthew Marvin Sen. to call out as many men as they think fit to fell and cut and draw the timber. When the enlargement was done, Matthew and his associates were instructed: “to provide a luncheon and a barrel of good beans for the help.” In 1678 there was a quarrel within the congregation about changing the location of the meetinghouse. A new and larger structure was erected on the opposite side of the street and some distance northward. Matthew did not live to see it occupied.

Records of grants at Norwalk and a list of 9 Feb 1671/72 shows his estate valued at 169 pounds, but also indicates that he had given liberal gifts of land to his children even before his will was written. Matthew Marvin also owned land in villages adjoining Norwalk. On 11 July 1672, he sold to Peter Clayton or Clapton of Fairfield, a farm at “Saukstock,” containing about 40 acres and various buildings. Due to his advanced age he signed the deed with his “mark.” It took two years for Matthew to be buried....maybe the body had to be recovered?

Last Will & Testement

Matthew's will is dated 26 Dec 1678 and the inventory, July 12, 1680 in Norwalk, Connecticut.
"To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come greeting --I Mathew Marvin Senr of Norwalk in the County of fairfield in the Colleney of Connecticot being aged fourscore years or ther aboute though weake and feeble in body yet through the mercy of God of perfect mind and Memory disallowing disowning cancelling and making void all formerwills and writings of this kind hitherto made by me doe make ordayne and appoint this present wrighting to be my last Will and Testament.

"First I doe bequeath and resigne up my soul unto God who gave it and doe commit my body to the duste from whence it came to be Interred by desent and comely buriall hoping and Trusting in the Lord of a happy Resurrection at the Last day: and as for the Temporal effects wherewiththe Lord hath blessed me I doe will and dispose thereof as followeth.Im pms I doe will and bequeath unto my dearly belove wife Alice Marvin the sum of Twenty pounds as her owne true and proper estate for her to will order and dispose as shee pleaseth and alsoe I doe give will and bequeath unto my sd dearly beloved wife the use of all other my estate whatsoever during her natural Life. "Item I doe give and bequeath unto my son Mathew Marvin of Norwock aforesaid all my right of the Devission of Lands on the east side of Sagatuck River to have hold possess and enjoy to him and his heirs forever.

"Item I doe will and bequeath unto my gran childe Mathew Marvin sonn to my sonn Mathew Marvin aforesaid my now dwelling house with half my orchyard and home Lot the same to Lye Lengthwise as it now Lyeth next to his fathers dwelling lot partly and partly to the Town Land to have hold possess and enjoy to him and his heirs forever after my decease and the decease of my beloved wife aforesaid provided always my will isthat my said Grand childe and his heirs Successively doe at all timesallowe and aknowledg free egress and regress unto my sonn Samuel Smith and his heirs to and from the barn (which is in the Lot aforesaid) with Carts or any other way without any hinderence Let or Molestation.

But yf my said Grand child or his heairs at any time shall refuse or deny the aforesaid liberty unto Samll Smith or his heirs then my Will is that the said Samll Smith shall have the whole barn yard to him and his heirs forever. More over I doe Will and bequeath unto my said Grand child Mathew Marvin one peace of Meadowe Lying and being between hisfathers Meadowe and the Meadowe of Samll Campfield at a place or neara place comonly called fruitful Spring; and further I doe give will and bequeath unto my said Grand child Mathew Marvin my Stony Hill Lot of upland as it now Lyeth and is bounded all which the premises to the said mathew Marvin my Grand son my will is it shall be to him and his heirs forever.

"Item I doe give will and bequeath unto my sonn John Bowton and to my daughter Abigal his wife one parcel of Meadowe of mine which is adjoyning to the meadowe of the said John Bowton Lying at Sagatuck brooke. Item I do give and bequeath unto my Grand childe Richard Bushnell the sum of Ten pounds. "Item I doe give and bequeath unto Francis Bushnell of Norwalk aforesaid four Acres of Land which is granted me for a house Lot near Standford path together with Ten pounds Comonage to him and his heirs forever. Item I doe give and bequeath unto the Reverent Mr Thomas Handford Pastor of the Church of Norwock the sum of five pounds. Moreover my will is that after my due debts and Legasies together together with funeral rights be discharged what estate Lands Chattels goods whatsoever shallremaine after mine and my wives deceas (to whom as aforesaid I give and bequeath the use of my whole estate during her Natural Life)

I say it is my will that all such estate (which is not disposed off by will or deed of gift under my hand and seal:) shall be equally devided amongst my four daughters (viz) Mary Adgate of Norwich Hanna Semer (abating her Twelve pound for a pair of oxen already payd) Abigal Bowton of Norwocke and Rebecca Clarke of farmington this distrebution my will is shall be made by the discreation of my Executors and Overseers: By whom my Will and desire is all Controversies amongst my Children (yf any shall arise) about this my Will shall be decided. And farther it is myWill and desire that my Children rest satisfyed in their decssion. Furthermore my Will and desire is and I doe hereby make appoint and ordayne after mine and my wives deceas my sonn John Bowton and John Platt the executors of this my Last Will and Testament.

I also doe request and desire the Reverend Mr Thos Handford and Lieut Richard Olmsteed to be overseers of this my said Last Will and Tetstament; And my will anddesire is that the said executors of this my Last Will and Testament be payd out of my estate to each man Three pounds (that is to say) thesum of Twelve pounds in all for their care and pains they shall be atin ye behalf of the servises. And that this is my true intent and meaning in my last Will and Testament: for the True and full Confirmationof this my Last Will and Testament as my own Act and deed I have hereunto set my hand and seale this six and Twentyeth day of decembr Anno Domenii 1678.

:Signed and sealed in the presence of us— ::::::::MATHEW (X) MARVIN Senior :The Marks of ::Thomas Handford. ::James Cornish ::Christo: Cumstocke" His estate was inventoried on 13 July 1680: "Wearing clothes, In housing and Land £212, Neat Cattle Sheep and Lambs, 1 Carpit and 1 Curtain, Linsie Woolsy 28 pound of yearn, 17 Napkins 4 Towels and three Tablecloths, 6 pillow beers 9 pr of Sheets 1 Single Sheet, one bed and Silk rug, one bolster and 5 pillowes, one bed and Curtains vallens, one boulster and Ruggs 2 blankets, one bed and 1 rugg 2 bed steeds, Pewter and Tin vessels, brass Kettles and one Lanthorn, Iron pot and Pothookes and Iron Kettles, frying pan Tonges fire shovel and Cob Iron, oldAnd iron and Spit and grid Iron, old Iron armes and Ammunition, Axes wedg-tings hooks and other things, peass hook one fan 1 forke Corn Sacks, wheat peass and Indian Corn, wool and flax Nayles and stocklock, Porke and bacon Malt and brann, wool Card Measures Skales wayets, Candle Mould other necessaries to make candles, Tallow and Candles and hogsfat, a pair of bellowes, book Spice and endecoe, Alkemy Spoons and earthen ware, one Smoathing iron and Sheep sheers money, Cheast Boxes Chayer and Cushings, Trayes and bowles, a Table forme Trenchers and brush, Payles and musterd bowl sives and Meat Troff, Spinning wheels one Trammer, Cask and other things wheat upon the ground, Cheespress and other things, Sawes and other things horses, debts due to the estate £71.10.00."<ref name=Marvin/> The total value of the estate was £398.12.08; subtracting the value of the debts due from the estate -- £42.10.00 -- a net total of £356.02.08. The widow Alice died within a year after Matthew Marvin's death, inventory of her estate being taken the last day of January 1680/1. Her will, which was dated the first of December 1680, dealt with her family by her first husband and with her daughter Rachel Marvin, wife of Samuel Smith.


  • 26 Mar 1600 he was born in Great Bentley, Tendring District, Essex, England
  • 26 Mar 1600/01 he was christened in St. Mary’s Great Bentley, Essex, England
  • 13 November 1615 he was mentioned as son in the will of Edward Mervyn of Great Bentley, receiving his father's mansion house called "Edons alias Dreybrockes", and croftes of land called "Hartles and Brocken Heddes," on the condition that he paid his mother L6 yearly during her life. He probably lived with his mother until her death in May 1633.
  • 1621 he worked as a "Sydeman" of the Parish of Great Bentley, Essex, England
  • 1 March 1622/1623 brother Matthew was mentioned in the will of Edward Marvin of Thorington.
  • 1627 he worked as an Overseer in the Parish of Great Bentley, Essex, England
  • 1628 he worked as Senior Warden in the Parish of Great Bentley, Essex, England
  • 22 August 1633 William Littleburye, servant of Matthew Mervin, was buried at Great Bentley. This is the last mention of Matthew at Great Bentley.
  • 15 Apr 1635 he emigrate from Port of London, bound for New England
  • Aft 15 Apr 1635 he immigrated aboard the ship, "Increase" (Robert Lea, Master)
  • Bet 1636 and 1637 he was one of Governor Winthrops outposts on the Connecticut River
  • 6 Feb.1639 the estate of Mr. Oldams owed Mathew Marvine L1 6s 8d. [5]
  • 12 Sep.1644 Matthew Marvin entered a plea against Peter Bassaker. [5]
  • Bet 1639 and 1647 he worked as Surveyor of Highways
  • 24 Apr.1649 Marvin entered a plea for defamation against Mathew Beckwith and won damages of L50.[5]
  • Bef. 1653, Matthew Marvin sold to Nathaniel Kellogg his dwelling house and land in Farmington.
  • 7 Nov 1666 Matthew Marvin was appointed guardian of Ruth Bouton, to care for her until she turned 18.
  • 11 Oct1669, and to be presented unto the Honored Court assembled ... Mathw Marvin senr". "A true and perfect List of all the Freemen appertaininge unto the plantation of Norwake.
  • 23 Dec 1674 Matthew Marvin deeded to daughter Rachel, wife of Samuel Smith, "50 pounds worth of commonage lot, halfe my home-lot, etc." [6]
  • DEATH 20 Dec 1678 (aged 78) Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA [1]
  • DEATH Jul. 13, 1680 Norwalk Fairfield County Connecticut, USA [2]
  • Aft East Norwalk Historical Cemetery, Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA Show Map

Parents m. Abt 1580 Ramsey, Essex, England
Edward Marvin 1546, Ramsey, Essex, England, d.15 Nov 1615, Great Bentley, Essex, England
Margaret Gillyat Marvin. b. 1559, Ramsey, Essex, England, d. 28 May 1633, Ramsey, Essex, England

Elizabeth Marvin 1604–1640 (m. 1621)
Alice Bouton Marvin 1610–1680 (m. 1647)

Edward Marvin 1581–1621
John Marvin 1593–1593
Reinold Marvin 1594–1662

Descendants Summary

Children with Elizabeth*, Alice**

  • Elizabeth Marvin Olmstead 1622–1689 or 1708
  • Matthew Marvin 1627–1712
  • Marie "Mary" Marvin Adgate 1628–1713
  • Sarah Marvin Goodrich-Curtis 1631–1701/2
  • Hannah Marvin 1634 – 1712
  • Abigail Marvin Bouton 1636–1681
  • Rebecca Marvin Clarke 1639–1712
  • Lydia Marvin 1640 – 1641
    • Samuel Marvin: b. 2/6/1646/47, died young.
    • Lydia Marvin: b. abt. 1647 probably died young.
    • Rachel Marvin Smith baptized 12/30/1649 d. abt 1687.

Descendants Details

Children of Matthew and Elizabeth:
1. Elizabeth Marvin: christened 15 Sep 1622 in Great Bentley, Essex, England. She died about 1689 (or 1708) in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. She possibly married (first), before 1643, Thomas Gregory. She married (second), before 1650, John Olmstead. He was born 16 Feb 1616 in Fairfield, Essex, England and died before 2 Aug 1686 in Norwich, Fairfield, Connecticut. She left no issue.

2. Matthew Marvin: christened 8 Nov 1626 in Great Bentley, Essex, England. He died 1712 in Norwalk Fairfield, Connecticut. He married about 1650, probably in Hartford, Connecticut, Mary Brush, born about 1628 and died about 1709 or 1712 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. He came to New England with his father in 1635 and followed him to both Hartford and Norwalk, Connecticut. He was one of the original proprietors of Norwalk. He had six children, including a son Matthew who married Rhoda St. John and died without leaving children. He also had Sarah who married Thomas Betts in Jan 1680; Samuel; Hannah, who married Epenetus Platt; Elizabeth, who married Joseph Platt, 6 Nov 1700; John, born 2 Sep 1678.

3. Mary Marvin: christened 16 Dec 1628 in Great Bentley, Essex, England. She died 26 Mar 1712/13 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. (She married first John Olmstead.)? She married second, 11 Oct 1648, Richard Bushnell. He was born 20 Apr 1623 in Horsham, Suffolk, England, and died 1660 in Saybrook, Connecticut. She married (third) in 1680, Thomas Adgate of Saybrook, Connecticut (She was his 2nd wife). Thomas Adgate died in 1707 at an advanced age.

4. Sarah Marvin: christened 27 Dec 1631 in Great Bentley, Essex, England and died 16 Jan 1702 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut. She married (first) William Ensign. He was born about 1630. She married (second) 4 Oct 1648, William Goodrich (The Younger). He was born before 13 Feb 1621/22, in or near Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. He was christened 14 Nov 1623 at St. Mary’s, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. He died before 4 Nov 1676 in Wethersfield, Connecticut. She married (third) William Curtis, who was born about 1630.

5. Hannah Marvin: born Oct 1634 in Great Bentley, Essex, England. She died 1668 (or after Nov 1680) in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. She married 5 Jan 1653/54, Thomas Seymour of Norwalk. He was born before 15 Jul 1632 in Sawbridgeworth, England and died 22 Sep 1712 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut.

6. Abigail Marvin: born 1637/38 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. She died after Dec 1680 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. She married 1 Jan 1656/57, John Bouton (Bowton) of Norwalk, Connecticut. He was born Oct 1636 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. He died 3 Jan 1703 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. John Bouton was the son of Matthew Marvin Senior’s second wife.

7. Rebecca Marvin: born about 1639 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut and died 22 or 23 Nov 1711/12 (or 23 Jan 1712) in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut. She married John Clark, about 1662 at Hartford, Connecticut. He was born about 1630 in New Haven, Connecticut, and died 22 Nov 1712 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut. Rebecca is believed to be the youngest child of Elizabeth Marvin as she is named in her father’s will, but not in that of his second wife who only mentioned her own living children.

Children of Matthew and Alice:
8. Samuel Marvin: born 6 Feb 1646/47 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. He was baptized 16 Feb 1648 in Hartford, Connecticut. He died young.

9. Lydia Marvin: born about 1647 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. She is seldom mentioned, and probably died young.

10. Rachel Marvin: baptized 30 Dec 1649 at Hartford, Connecticut. She married Samuel Smith, of Norwalk, 1670. She died about 1687.


It is widely reported that the wife of Matthew Marvin was Elizabeth Gregory, the daughter of Henry Gregory of Nottingham, England and Abigail Goody. This Elizabeth Gregory was born, however, about 1623, and married, in 1639, after her arrival in America, Richard Webb of Cambridge, MA. Richard Webb arrived in New England in 1630, a passenger on Winthrop’s fleet. He died 15 Mar 1675 in Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut. Elizabeth died 24 Jan 1680/81 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. After living in Hartford, he moved to Norwalk, Connecticut. Elizabeth was administrator of his estate. If Matthew Marvin did marry an Elizabeth Gregory, it would have to be a different and older person, one probably born around 1603. There is no documentation that she was actually a Gregory, so this remains unproven. Many family trees, however, continue to try to squeeze her early birth date into a list of the much later births of Henry Gregory’s children.]



[3] Hyde genealogy: or, The descendants, in the female as well as in the male ... By Reuben Hyde Walworth

[4] WorldConnect Database: "Sanford-Shulsen Family", by Evelyn Beran:

[5] The Connecticut Colony public Record

[6] Norwalk Land Records, folio 61


@R-1330786848@ Essex, England, Select Church of England Parish Registers, 1518-1960 Operations, Inc. 1,9850::0 1,9850::1678941

@R-1330786848@ North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 Operations, Inc. 1,61157::0

Book Title: Autobiography of William Seymour Tyler, D D , LL D and related papers : with a genealogy of the anc 1,61157::590767

Book Title: The Goodrich family memorial 1,61157::1622156


Puritan Great Migration Category: Increase, sailed April 1635 Category: Founders of Hartford Category: Founders of Norwalk Category's President Direct Ancestor Category: Marvin Name Study Note: The U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 records indicate marriage between Mathew Marvin born 1600 and Alice Bouton.

Additional information== (add above if missing)

Matthew Marvin: christened 26 Mar 1600/01 in St. Mary’s Great Bentley, Essex, England. He died 20 Dec 1678 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut. He may have married about 1622, Elizabeth _______. She was born about 1604, probably in Essex, England, and died May 1640 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. He married (second) about 1647, Mrs. Alice Bouton. She was born about 1610 in England and died between 17 Dec 1680 (the date of her will) and 9 Jan 1680/81 (the date of her inventory) at Hartford, Connecticut, the widow of John Bouton of Hartford, Connecticut. She had come to America with her first husband in 1635 on the ship “Assurance.”

Immigrant Matthew Marvin, son of Edward and Margaret Marvin, was baptized March 26, 1600 at Great Bentley, Essex, England. He married his first wife Elizabeth before 1622, and they had 1 son and 4 daughters in England before coming to America on the "Increase" in 1635 and being one of the first settlers of Hartford, Connecticut. While there, Matthew and Elizabeth had 2 more daughters before Elizabeth died about 1640. He then married as his second wife the widow Alice Bouton, and they had 1 son and 2 daughters. Matthew died at Norwalk, Connecticut before the inventory of his estate was taken on July 13, 1680. He was buried at the East Norwalk Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in Norwalk, Connecticut, but no burial marker remains.

Matthew Marvin, aged 35, with his wife Elizabeth, aged 31, and five children, left London in April 1635 on the "Increase", arriving in New England in early June. Savage records the custom house record calls Marvin a husbandman, and gives the children as Elizabeth called age 31 in the record [probably an error for 11], Matthew 8, Mary 6, Sarah 3 and Hannah 6 months.

Matthew Marvin appears to have been one of the very earliest settlers of Hartford CT, who arrived there in November 1635. He was in the company known as Adventurers, to whom "Venturers Field" belonged. Matthew was surveyor of highways 1639-1647. In 1648/9 he was voted 10s for killing a wolf. He owned land at Farmington CT and may have lived there a short time.

Matthew was one of the original grantees of Norwalk, and went there in 1650/1651. His home lot in Norwalk was next to the meeting house, and he was frequently called "Mr," the prefix of respect. He was a wheelwright. Matthew served as Deputy for Norwalk to the Connecticut General Court May 1654. He was freed from watching and training 19 May 1659.

The will of Matthew Marvin, age about 80, is dated 20 December 1678. Inventory was taken 12 July 1680. The will bequeaths: "unto my dearly beloved wife Alice Marvin, the sum of twenty pounds as her own true and proper estate: for her to will and order as she pleased" It names son Matthew of Norwalk, grandchild Matthew son of Matthew Marvin, son Samuel Smith, son John Bowton and my daughter Abigail his wife, grandchild Richard Bushnell, Francis Bushnell; four daughters: Mary Adgate of Norwich, Hannah Semer, Abigail Bouton, and Rebecca Clark of Farmington.

Birth 26 Mar 1600 Great Bentley, Essex, England
Christened 26 Mar 1600 Great Bentley, Essex, England Gender Male AFN FZQ5-J5
Died 20 Dec 1678 Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut
Buried 13 Jul 1680 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut

Father Edward Marvin, b. 1545-1550, Ramsey, Essex, England , d. 15 Nov 1615, Great Bentley, Essex, England Mother Margaret, b. 1550-1560, of, Ramsey, Essex, England , d. 28 May 1633, Ramsey, Essex, England Married Abt 1580 Ramsey, Essex, England

Family 1 Alice Bouton, d. Yes, date unknown

Family 2 Elizabeth (Elizaphatt) Gregory, b. 1603-1604, Great Bentley, Essex, England , d. 24 Jan 1681, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Married Jan 1622 Great Bentley, Essex, England Children:

   1. Elizabeth Marvin,   b. 15 Sep 1622, Great Bentley, Essex, England ,   d. 15 Oct 1689, Norwich, New London, Connecticut  
   2. Matthew Marvin,   b. 15 Sep 1622, Great Bentley, Essex, England ,   d. 1712, Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut  
   3. Marie (Mary) Marvin,   b. 15 Dec 1628, Great Bentley, Essex, England ,   d. 26 Mar 1713, Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut  
   4. Sarah Marvin,   b. 27 Dec 1631, Great Bentley, Essex, England ,   d. 16 Jan 1702, Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut  
   5. Hannah Marvin,   b. 1 Oct 1634, Great Bentley, Essex, England ,   d. 1681-1695, Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut  
   6. Abigail Marvin,   b. 1637-1638, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut ,   d. 1680-1681, Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut  
   7. Rebecca Marvin,   b. 1639, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut ,   d. 23 Jan 1712, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut  
   8. Lydia Marvin,   b. 1640-1641, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut ,   d. 1641-1642, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut  
   9. Samuel Marvin,   b. 6 Feb 1648, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut ,   d. 1647, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut  
<nowiki>-----------------------</nowiki> Birth:  Mar., 1600 Great Bromley Essex, England  Death:  unknown Norwalk Fairfield County Connecticut, USA 

Baptised in Great Bromley, Essex, 26 Mar 1600, son of Edward Marvin. Husbandman, yeoman, & wheelwright from Great Bromley, Essex, who came to Massachusetts Bay in 1635 on the "Increase." (On 15 Apr 1635, "husbandman Matthew Marvyn," aged 35, "uxor Elizabeth Marvinn," aged 31 [sic] "Mathew Marvynn," aged 8, "Marie Marvynn," aged 6, "Sara Marvynn," aged 3, "Hannah Marvynn," aged 1/2, with "Jo[hn] Warner," aged 20, & Isack More," aged 13, also in the family, were enrolled at London as passengers for New England on the Increase. First settled in Hartford CT; moved to Norwalk CT in 1651. Died between 22 Jan 1678[/9?] (date of deed) & 13 Jul 1680 (date of inventory). Married (1) by 1622, Elizabeth ____. (2) by 1647, Alice (____) Bouton, widow of John Boulton. Matthew Marvin was brother of REINOLD MARVIN {1638, Hartford}. Source: Anderson's Great Migration 1634-1635, vol. 5.

Matthew Marvin migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640).

Birth: Mar 26 1600 - Great Bentley, Essex, England Death: Dec 20 1678 - Norwalk, Fairfield, Ct Parents: Edward M Marvin, Margaret UNKNOWN Wife: Elizabeth (Elizaphatt) Gregory, Alice Kellogg Bouton, Alice Alice Kellogg Children: ...Marvin, Matthew Marvin, Jr., Marie (Mary) Marvin, Hannah Merrill, Hannah Marvin, Rebecca Marvin, Abigail Marvin, Lydia Marvin, Samuel Mar... Siblings: ...rvin, Robert Marvin, Margaret Or Merwyn Marvin, Mary (Marie) Marvin, John Marvin, Reinhold Marvin, Margaret Marvin, Elizabeth Marvin, Han...

Life Matthew was born at Great Bentley, Essex, England, the youngest son of Edward and Margaret Marvin. His mother's maiden name is UNKNOWN and assignment of her last name (LNAB) of "Gillyat" is highly speculative at best.[2] He was baptized at St Mary's Church, Great Bentley, Essex, England on March 25 or 26, 1600.[3] By the will of his father, who died in 1615, Matthew received the "mentchon house called Edons alles (alias) Dreybrockes, and in Croftes of land called Hartles and Brocken Heddes", on the condition that he pay to his mother yearly during her life "the fulle sume of Sexe Poundes", in default of which it was to pass to his brother Reinold with a like condition. He was then about fifteen years old. He probably resided there with his mother until her death in May 1633. He married Elizabeth in Jan 1622 at St Mary's Church in Great Bentley.t[4][5][6] (There is quite a lot of doubt that this was Elizabeth Gregory, daughter of Henry Gregory.) Elizabeth and Matthew had seven children. He served as "sydeman" at St. Mary's in 1621; "overseer" in 1627; senior warden in 1628. Matthew embarked for New England after the death of his mother in 1633. We know he was made a Freeman before departing England as Robert Lea, Master of the Increase proved that his party had taken the oath of Allegiance and Supremacy prior to sailing. Matthew sailed from London on the Increase for Boston, in April 1635, with his wife Elizabeth (aged 32), his five oldest children[7] and two men servants (Jo Warner, 20 yr and Isaac More 13 yr old). In 1638, Reinold, Matthew's older brother, also moved to New England. The western movement of colonists to the Connecticut River region had already begun and from the vicinity of Boston, in the early autumn of 1635, a group of pioneers made their way along Indian paths to the Great River and thence down toward the Dutch fort or trading post which had been built on the southern side of the Little River which flows into the Connecticut and which became a bisecting line through the later city of Hartford. The newcomers laid out their home lots and built their dugouts upon the ridge above the meadow and back from the Little River, on its north side. How many remained all through the bitter winter is not clear. The greater, and better-known, migration came the next summer, when the Rev. Thomas Hooker with the larger part of his congregation left Newtown, Mass. the 31st of May for the new plantation, where most of the families settled south of the Little River. Known as Suckiaug to the first comers, the name Hartford was given, February 21, 1636/7, to the town. Matthew Marvin was one of the original settlers of Hartford (about November 1635) and resided for some years on the corner of Village and Front Streets. Surveyor of Highways in 1639 and 1647. On 9 November 1640, Matthew and a neighbor were fined five shillings "for putting over of their hoges over the great [Connecticut] river." In March 1641, in an agreement about fencing land to the corner of John Clark's lot in the Soldier's Field, Matthew agreed to maintain a common gate with the caveat that "if any children shal be taken [found] swinging [on the gate] by the said matthew mervill [sic], he shall complayn to their parents or masters and if they doe not restraine them the second time it shall be lawful for him to prevent them, and if they brake the gate ther parents or masters shall make it good." The family attended the Hartford First Church. The Founders' monument in the city carries the names of both groups and the names of others who arrived individually and helped in establishing the settlement.[8] In the Adventurers' Green on Hartford's main street, has been set up in recent years a stone bearing the names of the Adventurers, those who arrived in the autumn of 1635, the North-siders. Matthew Marvin's name appears on the Founders' monument and on the Adventurers' stone. Elizabeth died around 1642, probably in Hartford. About 1647 at Hartford, Connecticut, he married Alice, the widow of his daughter-in-law's father John Bouton. Matthew and Alice had three children, and Alice brought three Bouton children from her first marriage. There is question as to Alice's maiden name. Some say it was Alice Kellogg, b. March 26, 1600 in Essex, England. In 1648/9, he received a bounty of ten shillings from the town for killing a wolf. On 22 April 1649, he sued Matthew Beckwith for defamation of character and recovered damages in the amount of £50. The Court remitted the fine on condition that Beckwith make a public retraction of his slander. Matthew apparently contemplated moving to Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut, where his brother Reinold had settled; he owned both lands and dwelling houses there. He decided against the move, and before 1653, the date the transfer was recorded, he sold his Farmington holdings to Nathaniel Kellogg. Instead, on 19 June 1650, he was one of those who signed an agreement for the founding of Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, where he was one of the original grantees. His name also appears third on a deed dated 15 February 1651 from the sachem Runckiriheage. He is remembered as a First Settler.[9] He was a settler on the original Ludlow Agreement lands. His four acre homelot in Norwalk -- No. 10 -- was in a place of honor next to the meeting house. On May 19, 1654, he was "freed from watching and training". In 1664, when the meeting house was enlarged, he and Thomas Fitch were appointed "to call out as many men as they think fitt . . . to fell and cutt the timber and allso to summon each to draw saied timber," and to "provide a luncheon and a barrel of good beans for the help." Towards the close of his life he made a series of land transfers to his daughters, and the appraisal list of 9 February 1671/2 showed that the value of his estate had shrunk to £169. He still owned land in adjacent villages. Records show that on 11 July 1672 he sold a farm at Saukatuck of about forty acres to Peter Clayton. He died at Norwalk, Connecticut, between December 20, 1678, the date he signed his Will, and July 12, 1680, the date the inventory of his estate wake taken. [10] Matthew's wife Alice died December 17, 1680.[11][12] Will Matthew's will is dated 20 Dec 1678 and the inventory, July 12, 1680 in Norwalk, Connecticut. "To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come greeting -- I Mathew Marvin Senr of Norwalk in the County of fairfield in the Colleney of Connecticot being aged fourscore years or ther aboute though weake and feeble in body yet through the mercy of God of perfect mind and Memory disallowing disowning cancelling and making void all former wills and writings of this kind hitherto made by me doe make ordayne and appoint this present wrighting to be my last Will and Testament. "First I doe bequeath and resigne up my soul unto God who gave it and doe commit my body to the duste from whence it came to be Interred by desent and comely buriall hoping and Trusting in the Lord of a happy Resurrection at the Last day: and as for the Temporal effects wherewith the Lord hath blessed me I doe will and dispose thereof as followeth. Im pms I doe will and bequeath unto my dearly belove wife Alice Marvin the sum of Twenty pounds as her owne true and proper estate for her to will order and dispose as shee pleaseth and alsoe I doe give will and bequeath unto my sd dearly beloved wife the use of all other my estate whatsoever during her natural Life. "Item I doe give and bequeath unto my son Mathew Marvin of Norwock aforesaid all my right of the Devission of Lands on the east side of Sagatuck River to have hold possess and enjoy to him and his heirs forever. "Item I doe will and bequeath unto my gran childe Mathew Marvin sonn to my sonn Mathew Marvin aforesaid my now dwelling house with half my orchyard and home Lot the same to Lye Lengthwise as it now Lyeth next to his fathers dwelling lot partly and partly to the Town Land to have hold possess and enjoy to him and his heirs forever after my decease and the decease of my beloved wife aforesaid provided always my will is that my said Grand childe and his heirs Successively doe at all times allowe and aknowledg free egress and regress unto my sonn Samuel Smith and his heirs to and from the barn (which is in the Lot aforesaid) with Carts or any other way without any hinderence Let or Molestation. But yf my said Grand child or his heairs at any time shall refuse or deny the aforesaid liberty unto Samll Smith or his heirs then my Will is that the said Samll Smith shall have the whole barn yard to him and his heirs forever. More over I doe Will and bequeath unto my said Grand child Mathew Marvin one peace of Meadowe Lying and being between his fathers Meadowe and the Meadowe of Samll Campfield at a place or near a place comonly called fruitful Spring; and further I doe give will and bequeath unto my said Grand child Mathew Marvin my Stony Hill Lot of upland as it now Lyeth and is bounded all which the premises to the said mathew Marvin my Grand son my will is it shall be to him and his heirs forever. "Item I doe give will and bequeath unto my sonn John Bowton and to my daughter Abigal his wife one parcel of Meadowe of mine which is adjoyning to the meadowe of the said John Bowton Lying at Sagatuck brooke. Item I do give and bequeath unto my Grand childe Richard Bushnell the sum of Ten pounds. "Item I doe give and bequeath unto Francis Bushnell of Norwalk aforesaid four Acres of Land which is granted me for a house Lot near Standford path together with Ten pounds Comonage to him and his heirs forever. Item I doe give and bequeath unto the Reverent Mr Thomas Handford Pastor of the Church of Norwock the sum of five pounds. Moreover my will is that after my due debts and Legasies together together with funeral rights be discharged what estate Lands Chattels goods whatsoever shall remaine after mine and my wives deceas (to whom as aforesaid I give and bequeath the use of my whole estate during her Natural Life) I say it is my will that all such estate (which is not disposed off by will or deed of gift under my hand and seal:) shall be equally devided amongst my four daughters (viz) Mary Adgate of Norwich Hanna Semer (abating her Twelve pound for a pair of oxen already payd) Abigal Bowton of Norwocke and Rebecca Clarke of farmington this distrebution my will is shall be made by the discreation of my Executors and Overseers: By whom my Will and desire is all Controversies amongst my Children (yf any shall arise) about this my Will shall be decided. And farther it is my Will and desire that my Children rest satisfyed in their decssion. Furthermore my Will and desire is and I doe hereby make appoint and ordayne after mine and my wives deceas my sonn John Bowton and John Platt the executors of this my Last Will and Testament. I also doe request and desire the Reverend Mr Thos Handford and Lieut Richard Olmsteed to be overseers of this my said Last Will and Tetstament; And my will and desire is that the said executors of this my Last Will and Testament be payd out of my estate to each man Three pounds (that is to say) the sum of Twelve pounds in all for their care and pains they shall be at in ye behalf of the servises. And that this is my true intent and meaning in my last Will and Testament: for the True and full Confirmation of this my Last Will and Testament as my own Act and deed I have hereunto set my hand and seale this six and Twentyeth day of decembr Anno Domenii 1678. Signed and sealed in the presence of us— MATHEW (X) MARVIN Senier The Marks of Thomas Handford. James Cornish Christo: Cumstocke" His estate was inventoried on 13 July 1680: "Wearing clothes, In housing and Land £212, Neat Cattle Sheep and Lambs, 1 Carpit and 1 Curtain, Linsie Woolsy 28 pound of yearn, 17 Napkins 4 Towels and three Table clothes, 6 pillow beers 9 pr of Sheets 1 Single Sheet, one bed and Silk rugg, one boulster and 5 pillowes, one bed and Curtains vallens, one boulster and Ruggs 2 blankets, one bed and 1 rugg 2 bed steeds, Pewter and Tin vessels, brass Kettles and one Lanthorn, Iron pot and Pothookes and Iron Kettles, frying pan Tonges fire shovel and Cob Iron, old And iron and Spit and grid Iron, old Iron armes and Ammunition, Axes wedg-tings hooks and other things, peass hook one fan 1 forke Corn Sacks, wheat peass and Indian Corn, wool and flax Nayles and stocklock, Porke and bacon Malt and brann, wool Card Measures Skales wayets, Candle Mould other necessaries to make candles, Tallow and Candles and hogs fat, a pair of bellowes, book Spice and endecoe, Alkemy Spoons and earthen ware, one Smoathing iron and Sheep sheers money, Cheast Boxes Chayer and Cushings, Trayes and bowles, a Table forme Trenchers and brush, Payles and musterd bowl sives and Meat Troff, Spinning wheels one Trammer, Cask and other things wheat upon the ground, Cheespress and other things, Sawes and other things horses, debts due to the estate £71.10.00."[13] The total value of the estate was £398.12.08; subtracting the value of the debts due from the estate -- £42.10.00 -- a net total of £356.02.08. The widow Alice died within a year after Matthew Marvin's death, inventory of her estate being taken the last day of January 1680/1. Her will, which was dated the first of December 1680, dealt with her family by her first husband and with her daughter Rachel Marvin, wife of Samuel Smith. Children Matthew had 7 children with his first wife, Elizabeth. Hannah was 6mo old when the family embarked on the Increase in 1635. He had three more with his second wife, Alice, the widow of John Bowton. Alice had three children from her first marriage.[14] Elizabeth Marvin bp. September 15, 1622 in Great Bentley, England, d. 1708, m. by 1650 to Dr John Olmstead,[15] no known children.[16] Matthew Marvin bp. November 8, 1626 in Great Bentley, England, d. 1712 in Norwalk, Connecticut, m. Mary UNKNOWN about 1650,[17] 8 children[18] Marie Marvin bp. December 16, 1628 in Great Bentley, England d. March 29, 1713 in Norwich, Connecticut m. 1) Richard Bushnell, October 11, 1648,[19] 5 children m. 2) Deacon Thomas Adgate in 1659,[20] 4 children[21] Sarah Marvin bp. December 27, 1631 in Great Bentley, England d. 1701 in Stratford, Connecticut, m. 1) October 4, 1648 to Ens. William Goodrich[22], 9 children; m. 2) Capt. William Curtis about 1680[23][24] Hannah Marvin b. about October 1634 in Great Bentley, England d. after 1680 m. Thomas Seymour January 5, 1654[25] in Norwalk, Connecticut, 11 children[26] Abigail Marvin b. about 1637 in Hartford, Connecticut d. after December 1680, m. John Bowton (son of Alice Marvin, Abigail's step-mother) January 1657[27] in Norwalk, Connecticut, 7 children[28] Rebecca Marvin b. about 1639 in Hartford, Connecticut d. unknown m. to a John Clark of Farmington, about 1662[29], exact identity unknown 12 children[30] Lydia Marvin b. about 1647 in Hartford[31] Samuel Marvin bp. Feb 6, 1648 in Hartford, Connecticut, Probably died young[32] Rachel Marvin bp. December 30, 1649 in Hartford, Connecticut d. about 1687 m. Samuel Smith about 1670-1[33] in Norwalk, Connecticut, 5 children[34] Step children by Alice:[35] John Bowton Richard Bowton Bridget Bowton Death may have been December 20, 1679 Sources ↑ * Roberts, Gary Boyd; Ancestors of American Presidents ↑ #S4 The English Ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S3 The Washington ancestry... ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 493, ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S1 Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 493, ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 544, ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 493, ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 126 ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 6 ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 311 ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 199, ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 663 ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 85 ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 156 ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 688 ↑ #S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin ↑ #S3 The Washington ancestry... Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume V, M-P (2007), 63-71, "Matthew Marvin"; digital images, (accessed 2014). Among other information, reports baptism at Great Bentley, "26 March 1600," citing "TAG 18:12." "England, Essex Parish Registers, 1503-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2014), Mathew Marvin, 26 Mar 1600, Christening; citing Essex, England, Record Office, Chelmsford; FHL microfilm 571175. John Insley Coddington, "Notes on the Ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin," The American Genealogist 18 (1941):1-13; digital images, (accessed 2014). Gay, Julius. A record of the descendants of John Clark of Farmington, Conn. : the male branches brought down to 1882 : the female branches one generation after the Clark name is lost in marriage. Hartford, Conn.: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1882. p. 8. The Goodrich Family in America. A Genealogy of the Descendants of John and William Goodrich of Wethersfield, Connecticut, et al. 1889. Roberts, Gary Boyd; Ancestors of American Presidents. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.

  1. S1 Barbour, Lucius Barnes, 1982, Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut, Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore, Maryland and Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc., Glastonbury, Connecticut pp.387
  2. S3 Hoppin, C. Arthur, 1932, The Washington ancestry, and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other colonial American families. Volume III, Greenfield, Ohio, Private printing
  3. S4 Marvin, William T. R., 1900, The English Ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Privately published, Boston, Massachusetts.
  4. S5 Marvin, George Franklin and William T. R. Marvin, 1904, Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin, T R Marvin & Sons, Boston, Massachusetts
  5. S6 Torry, Clarence A., 2004, New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore, Maryland
  6. S7 Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
  7. S8 Find A Grave Acknowledgements Thanks to GeneJ X and Daniel Thompson for the sources. See the Changes page for the details of edits. Thank you to Bob Silver for creating WikiTree profile Marvin-285 through the import of Dec2000.GED on Jun 5, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Bob and others. Marvin-370 was created by Terence Conklin through the import of Gridley, john.ged on May 26, 2014. Thank you to Kevin Nelson for creating WikiTree profile Marvin-293 through the import of Nelson_White Tree.ged on Jul 29, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Kevin and others.

Biography==He is an ancestor of King-1042|President Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr.<ref>Roberts, Gary Boyd; Ancestors of American Presidents</ref>

Disputed Maiden Name of Wife Alice ===There appears to be no solid evidence for the identity of Matthew Martin's second wife, Alice. There are theories that she was Kellogg-77|Alice Kellogg. Due to the lack of proof, Matthew's wife Alice is shown here as Alice Unknown. Please read the discussion that follows to the see the research into the dispute.

Among family historians, the notion that Matthew Marvin's second wife,Alice, had been previously married to John Bouton wasn't known until 1897. The earlier Kellogg association likely springs from a reference in her will to a daughter, Bridget Kellogg. In hindsight, others suppose an early author and/or his correspondents thought Alice might have been the widow or mother of Daniel Kellogg, thus Alice (____) Kellogg or, "Mrs. Alice Kellogg." Some years later, updated family associations connected Alice as the first wife of John Bouton and, thus, the mother of Bridgett (Bouton) Kellogg. For those interested only in the published correction, see the work below, others may want to read on. William T. R. Marvin, "Matthew Marvin and his second wife, widow AliceBouton," __New England Historical and Genealogical Register_ 51 (1897):330-334. At p. 330 he writes of the "Mrs. Alice Kellogg" identification saying, "I have recently found that this was an inference made byone of his [T. R. Marvin's] correspondents--whether based on inspection of the will of Alice Marvin, or from some other source, cannot now be determined." Marvin As early as 1845 and 1848, T. R. Marvin printed and distributed small books about the Marvin family. The author's son later described the early material as "one of the first family-histories ever published in this country."[1] In 1862, T. R. Marvin authored “Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin, who came to New England in 1635,” published and distributed in_New England Historical and Genealogical Register_ 16.[2] The later article cited globally, "authentic sources," and it identified Matthew Marvin's second wife as "Mrs. Alice Kellogg." [2] Upon request thirty years later, William T. R. Marvin recompiled his father's notes and correspondence. Again the notion of "Mrs. Alice Kellogg" became published distributed, this time by Edward E. and Evelyn (McCurdy) Salisbury as "Marvin-Marvyn-Mervyn," in the third volume of _Family histories and genealogies. A series of genealogical and biographical monographs on the families of ...…_ (1892).[3] By the time the oversight about Alice was discovered (1897), information confused about John Bouton in Savage (1860)[4] had advanced to an all but fictional account of the immigrant in James Bouton's _Bouton--Boughton family …_ [5] Of this work, one author later wrote "The account of the origin of the Bouton family and its founder in New England given in James Bouton’s _Bouton-Bouhton Family_ (1890) contains so many mistakes that it has to be disregarded.”[6] Sometimes a good genealogical mistake, once documented and outdated, takes on a life/notion of its own. That seems to be the case with Alice's identity. Ala, "if she was not 'Mrs. Alice Kellogg,' let us cling to the notion she was 'Alice Kellogg' and thus seek a daddy!" For dear Alice, this might explain the apparent oversight by Charles Arthur Hoppin, who set out to correct James Bouton's record. In 1932, Hoppin wrote, "One cannot but be amazed at such unintelligent interpretations of history and such unscientific misapplications of records as appear in the book by James Boughton [_Bouton-Bouhton Family_, 1890] and elsewhere."[7] In want of correcting the earlier 1890 tale of John Bouton's three wives, Hoppin unfortunately continued his criticism with the statement, "It entirely omits his only known wife, Alice Kellogg…" Attempting to weave pre-1897 references with later dated materials, some of which he mis-quotes or mis-cites; adding his own supposition, Hoppin advances a discussion of about the possible parentage of "Alice Kellogg." In his otherwise oft-cited work Hoppins wrote,:"Doubtless, [Alice Kellogg] came to New England 1635/36 with Nathaniel Kellogg; but it is not clear whether she was his sister, niece, cousin, or granddaughter of William and Alice Kellogg of Saffron Walden, Essex England. Nathaniel Kellogg was born about 1600, evidently at Braintree, Essex, England, where his parents resided after leaving the adjacent Great Leighs, where their earlier children were baptized. The Braintree vital records are lost prior to 1660, and the births and baptisms of some of Nathaniel's known brothers and sisters are not recorded. The vital records of Debden, Great Leighs, and Saffron Walden revealthe Kellogg connections there. Alice (Kellogg) Bowton-Marvin, from the American viewpoint, seems to have been a granddaughter of William and Alice, or a sister of Nathaniel, or a daughter of Thomas and Annis (Hare) Kellogg, daughter of Nathaniel's elder brother Robert of Braintree … [chart appears]."[8] In the years since the correction about "Mrs. Alice Kellogg" was published (1897), countless authors have made attempts to correct the record. I hope the WikiTree community helps broadcast that corrected recordand thank Vic Watt for providing the opportunity. It seems highly doubtful there was an Alice Kellogg born "March 26, 1600 in Essex, England." Essex, England is the location given for Matthew Marvin's birth, the date of which is at times written "March 26, 1599/1600." T. R. Marvin's early 1848 work, the contents of which mostly pertain to the family of Matthew's brother, Reinold, does not mention the name Kellogg.

Marvin/Bouton/Kellogg References:[1] Edward Elbridge Salisbury and Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury, _Family histories and genealogies. A series of genealogical and biographical monographs on the families of …_ 3 vols. (1892), 3:77-78; digital images, _Hathi Trust_ (accessed 2014). [2] T. R. Marvin, “Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin, who came to New England in 1635,” _New England Historical and GenealogicalRegister_ 16:235-254, in particular, p. 250; digital images, _Internet Archive_ (accessed 2014). [3] Edward Elbridge Salisbury and Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury, _Family histories and genealogies. A series of genealogical and biographical monographs on the families of …_ 3 vols. (1892), 3:77-214, in particular, 89, 91; digital images, _Hathi Trust_ (accessed 2014). At page 91, Marvin writes, "Mrs. Alice Kellogg, whom my father thought to have been the widow of Daniel Kellogg." [4] James Savage, _A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before May, 1692, on the basis of Farmer's Register_ 4 vols. (1860-1862), 1:220, entries for "Bouton"; digital images, _Hathi Trust_ (accessed 2014). [5] James Bouton, _Bouton--Boughton family; descendants of John Bouton, a native of France, who embarked from Gravesend, Eng., and landed atBoston in December, 1635, and settled at Norwalk, Ct._ (1890), 7-9. [6] Nathan Grier Parke, _The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley and His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth_, Donald Lines Jacobus, ed. (Woodstock, Vt., 1960), 214. Access available to many via Heritage Quest. [7] Charles Arthur Hoppin, _The Washington ancestry, and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other colonial American families : prepared for Edward Lee McClain_ (1932); digital images, _Hathi Trust_ (accessed 2014), pp. 489-513 for "Bowton, Bouton of Connecticut"; in particular, p. 495. [8] Charles Arthur Hoppin, _The Washington ancestry, and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other colonial American families : prepared for Edward Lee McClain_ (1932); digital images, _Hathi Trust_ (accessed 2014), pp. 489-513 for "Bowton, Bouton of Connecticut"; in particular, p. 496-497.

Additional Boughton-Bouton references: Nathan Grier Parke, _The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley and His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth_, Donald Lines Jacobus, ed. (Woodstock, Vt., 1960), 214-215. Access available to many via Heritage Quest. Willis A. Boughton, Bouton, Boughton and Farnam Families (n.p., 1949),1. Gary Alan Boughton and Mary J. Bigelow, "A line of Matthew Boughtons of Danbury Conn (1661-1821)," _The American Genealogist_ 65 (1990):97-106 Gary A. Boughton and Frederick C. Hart, Jr., "Sorting out some Boutons: A new look at the family of John^4 and Mercy (Hickok) Bouton of New Canaan, Connecticut," _The American Genealogist_ 73 (1998):33-43, 146-55 William Jones and Donald Lines Jacobus, "Bouton Family of Norwalk, Conn.," _The American Genealogist_ 11 (1934):114-118 (page 118 for line of descent from John^1 Bouton m. Alice ____).

A few Marvin references:Robert Charles Anderson, _The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume V, M-P_ (2007), 63-71. Donald Lines Jacobus, _The Granberry Family and Allied Families_ (Hartford: E. F. Waterman, 1945), 145, 276. Access available to many via Heritage Quest. Donald Lines Jacobus, et al., _Hale, House and Related Families, Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley_ (Hartford: Connecticut Historical Society, 1952), 555, 713. Access available to many via Heritage Quest. Mary Walton Ferris, _Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines: A Memorial Volume_, 2 vols. (Milwaukee: privately printed, 1931–43). 2:575-578. Access available to many via Heritage Quest. George Franklin Marvin and William T. R. Margin, _Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct., 1638 and 1635_ (Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1904 [reprinted c199?]), 287; digital images, _Hathi Trust_ (accessed 2014).;view=1up;seq=341 Martin Hollick, _New Englanders in the 1600s_ (2006), reports modern information about Matthew Marvin was also published as William MarshallBollenback, Jr., _The New England Ancestry of Alice Everett Johnson, 1899-1986, Memoirs and Bollenbach Genealogy_ (Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press., 2003).

Some Kellogg references: Myrtle Stevens Hyde, FASG, "The Ancestry of Prudence Bird, wife of Martin Kellogg of Braintree, Essex, England (who had descendants in New England," _The American Genealogist_ 71 (1995):87-92. Timothy Hopkins, _The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New_, 3 vols. (1903). Kelloggs Sketch of Phillippe Kellogg begins p. 11 Nathaniel Kellogg (immigrant), therein son of Phillippe Kellogg, begins p. 23 Sketch of Martin Kellogg, therein son of Phillippe Kellogg, begins p. 13 Sketch of Daniel Kellogg (immigrant), therein son of Martin and Prudence (Bird) Kellogg, begins p. 31 Martin Hollick, _New Englanders in the 1600s_ (2006), reports modern work about Daniel Kellogg was also published in Clara Pierce Olson Overbo, _Ancestors and Descendants of Clark Proctor Nichols …_ (2002), 100-101.

Life ===Matthew was born at Great Bentley, Essex, England, the youngest son of Edward and Margaret Marvin. His mother's maiden name is UNKNOWN and assignment of her last name (LNAB) of "Gillyat" is highly speculative at best.<ref>#S4 The English Ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford</ref> He was baptized at St Mary's Church, Great Bentley, Essex, England on March 25 or 26, 1600.<ref name=Marvin>#Marvin|Marvin</ref>

By the will of his father, who died in 1615, Matthew received the "mentchon house called Edons alles (alias) Dreybrockes, and in Croftes of land called Hartles and Brocken Heddes", on the condition that he pay to his mother yearly during her life "the fulle sume of Sexe Poundes",in default of which it was to pass to his brother Reinold with a like condition. He was then about fifteen years old. He probably resided there with his mother until her death in May 1633. He married Elizabeth _____ by 1622. Her maiden name is unknown.<ref>#S3 The Washington ancestry... p. 524</ref><ref>#S5 Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin p. 287</ref><ref>Great Migration 1634-1635, M-P. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010.) Originally published as: The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume V, M-P, by Robert Charles Anderson. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007.</ref><ref>Jacobus, Donald Lines, MA (compiler, editor.) History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield. (Fairfield, Conn.: The Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, 1930.) [p. 402]</ref> Torrey's New England Marriages to 1700 gives her surname as [?Gregory], which is certainly not very confident,<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 493, Text="MARVIN, Matthew (1600-1680) & 1/wf Elizabeth [?GREGORY]; by 1623; Hartford/Norwalk {Granberry 143, 276; Hale (1952) 555, 713; Reg. 16:250, 71:111; Dawes-Gates 2:577; Knapp Anc. 103, 125; Blakeney-Sabin 136, 175; Williams (,16) 129; Brownell Anc. 140; Coxe Anc 36; TAG 18:12; and 12 more if someone wants to check them. </ref> supposedly Gregory-149|Elizabeth Gregory, daughter of Henry Gregory. See G2G

Elizabeth and Matthew had seven children. He served as "sydeman" at St. Mary's in 1621; "overseer" in 1627; senior warden in 1628. Matthew embarked for New England after the death of his mother in 1633. We know he was made a Freeman before departing England as Robert Lea, Master of the Increase proved that his party had taken the oathof Allegiance and Supremacy prior to sailing. Matthew sailed from London on the Increase for Boston, in April 1635, with his wife Elizabeth (aged 32), his five oldest children<ref name=Marvin/> and two men servants (Jo Warner, 20 yr and Isaac More 13 yr old). In 1638, Reinold, Matthew's older brother, also moved to New England. The western movement of colonists to the Connecticut River region had already begun and from the vicinity of Boston, in the early autumn of 1635, a group of pioneers made their way along Indian paths to the Great River and thence down toward the Dutch fort or trading post which had been built on the southern side of the Little River which flows into the Connecticut and which became a bisecting line through the later city of Hartford. The newcomers laid out their home lots and built their dugouts upon the ridge above the meadow and back from the Little River, on its north side. How many remained all through the bitter winter is not clear. The greater, and better-known, migration came the nextsummer, when the Rev. Thomas Hooker with the larger part of his congregation left Newtown, Mass. the 31st of May for the new plantation, where most of the families settled south of the Little River. Known as Suckiaug to the first comers, the name Hartford was given, February 21,1636/7, to the town. Matthew Marvin was one of the original settlers of Hartford (about November 1635) and resided for some years on the corner of Village and Front Streets. Surveyor of Highways in 1639 and 1647. On 9 November 1640, Matthew and a neighbor were fined five shillings "for putting over of their hoges over the great [Connecticut] river." In March 1641, in an agreement about fencing land to the corner of John Clark's lot in the Soldier's Field, Matthew agreed to maintain a common gate with the caveat that "if any children shal be taken [found] swinging [on the gate] by the said matthew mervill [sic], he shall complayn to their parents or masters and if they doe not restraine them the second time it shall be lawful for him to prevent them, and if they brake the gate therparents or masters shall make it good." The family attended the Hartford First Church. The Founders' monument in the city carries the names of both groups and the names of others who arrived individually and helped in establishing the settlement.<ref>#S1 Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut</ref> In the Adventurers' Green on Hartford's main street, has been set up in recent years a stone bearing the names of the Adventurers, those who arrived in the autumn of 1635, the North-siders. Matthew Marvin's name appears on the Founders' monument and on the Adventurers' stone. Elizabeth died around 1642, probably in Hartford. About 1647 at Hartford, Connecticut, he married Alice, the widow of his daughter-in-law's father John Bouton. Matthew and Alice had three children, and Alice brought three Bouton children from her first marriage. There is question as to Alice's maiden name. Some say it was Kellogg-77|Alice Kellogg, b. March 26, 1600 in Essex, England. In 1648/9, he received a bounty of ten shillings from the town for killing a wolf. On 22 April 1649, he sued Matthew Beckwith for defamation of character and recovered damages in the amount of £50. The Court remitted the fine on condition that Beckwith make a public retraction of his slander. Matthew apparently contemplated moving to Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut, where his brother Reinold had settled; he owned both lands and dwelling houses there. He decided against the move, and before 1653, the date the transfer was recorded, he sold his Farmington holdings to Nathaniel Kellogg. Instead, on 19 June 1650, he was one of those who signed an agreement for the founding of Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, where he was one of the original grantees. His name also appears third on a deed dated 15 February 1651 from the sachem Runckiriheage. He is remembered as a First Settler.<ref name=Marvin/> He was a settler on the original Ludlow Agreement lands. His four acrehomelot in Norwalk -- No. 10 -- was in a place of honor next to the meeting house. On May 19, 1654, he was "freed from watching and training". In 1664, when the meeting house was enlarged, he and Thomas Fitchwere appointed "to call out as many men as they think fitt . . . to fell and cutt the timber and allso to summon each to draw saied timber," and to "provide a luncheon and a barrel of good beans for the help." Towards the close of his life he made a series of land transfers to his daughters, and the appraisal list of 9 February 1671/2 showed that the value of his estate had shrunk to £169. He still owned land in adjacent villages. Records show that on 11 July 1672 he sold a farm at Saukatuck of about forty acres to Peter Clayton. He died at Norwalk, Connecticut, between December 20, 1678, the date he signed his Will, and July 12, 1680, the date the inventory of his estate wake taken. <ref name=Marvin/> Matthew's wife Alice died December 17, 1680.<ref name=Marvin/><ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 493,</ref>

Last Will & Testement

Matthew's will is dated 26 Dec 1678 and the inventory, July 12, 1680 in Norwalk, Connecticut.
"To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come greeting --I Mathew Marvin Senr of Norwalk in the County of fairfield in the Colleney of Connecticot being aged fourscore years or ther aboute though weake and feeble in body yet through the mercy of God of perfect mind and Memory disallowing disowning cancelling and making void all formerwills and writings of this kind hitherto made by me doe make ordayne and appoint this present wrighting to be my last Will and Testament.

"First I doe bequeath and resigne up my soul unto God who gave it and doe commit my body to the duste from whence it came to be Interred by desent and comely buriall hoping and Trusting in the Lord of a happy Resurrection at the Last day: and as for the Temporal effects wherewiththe Lord hath blessed me I doe will and dispose thereof as followeth.Im pms I doe will and bequeath unto my dearly belove wife Alice Marvin the sum of Twenty pounds as her owne true and proper estate for her to will order and dispose as shee pleaseth and alsoe I doe give will and bequeath unto my sd dearly beloved wife the use of all other my estate whatsoever during her natural Life. "Item I doe give and bequeath unto my son Mathew Marvin of Norwock aforesaid all my right of the Devission of Lands on the east side of Sagatuck River to have hold possess and enjoy to him and his heirs forever.

"Item I doe will and bequeath unto my gran childe Mathew Marvin sonn to my sonn Mathew Marvin aforesaid my now dwelling house with half my orchyard and home Lot the same to Lye Lengthwise as it now Lyeth next to his fathers dwelling lot partly and partly to the Town Land to have hold possess and enjoy to him and his heirs forever after my decease and the decease of my beloved wife aforesaid provided always my will isthat my said Grand childe and his heirs Successively doe at all timesallowe and aknowledg free egress and regress unto my sonn Samuel Smith and his heirs to and from the barn (which is in the Lot aforesaid) with Carts or any other way without any hinderence Let or Molestation.

But yf my said Grand child or his heairs at any time shall refuse or deny the aforesaid liberty unto Samll Smith or his heirs then my Will is that the said Samll Smith shall have the whole barn yard to him and his heirs forever. More over I doe Will and bequeath unto my said Grand child Mathew Marvin one peace of Meadowe Lying and being between hisfathers Meadowe and the Meadowe of Samll Campfield at a place or neara place comonly called fruitful Spring; and further I doe give will and bequeath unto my said Grand child Mathew Marvin my Stony Hill Lot of upland as it now Lyeth and is bounded all which the premises to the said mathew Marvin my Grand son my will is it shall be to him and his heirs forever.

"Item I doe give will and bequeath unto my sonn John Bowton and to my daughter Abigal his wife one parcel of Meadowe of mine which is adjoyning to the meadowe of the said John Bowton Lying at Sagatuck brooke. Item I do give and bequeath unto my Grand childe Richard Bushnell the sum of Ten pounds. "Item I doe give and bequeath unto Francis Bushnell of Norwalk aforesaid four Acres of Land which is granted me for a house Lot near Standford path together with Ten pounds Comonage to him and his heirs forever. Item I doe give and bequeath unto the Reverent Mr Thomas Handford Pastor of the Church of Norwock the sum of five pounds. Moreover my will is that after my due debts and Legasies together together with funeral rights be discharged what estate Lands Chattels goods whatsoever shallremaine after mine and my wives deceas (to whom as aforesaid I give and bequeath the use of my whole estate during her Natural Life)

I say it is my will that all such estate (which is not disposed off by will or deed of gift under my hand and seal:) shall be equally devided amongst my four daughters (viz) Mary Adgate of Norwich Hanna Semer (abating her Twelve pound for a pair of oxen already payd) Abigal Bowton of Norwocke and Rebecca Clarke of farmington this distrebution my will is shall be made by the discreation of my Executors and Overseers: By whom my Will and desire is all Controversies amongst my Children (yf any shall arise) about this my Will shall be decided. And farther it is myWill and desire that my Children rest satisfyed in their decssion. Furthermore my Will and desire is and I doe hereby make appoint and ordayne after mine and my wives deceas my sonn John Bowton and John Platt the executors of this my Last Will and Testament.

I also doe request and desire the Reverend Mr Thos Handford and Lieut Richard Olmsteed to be overseers of this my said Last Will and Tetstament; And my will anddesire is that the said executors of this my Last Will and Testament be payd out of my estate to each man Three pounds (that is to say) thesum of Twelve pounds in all for their care and pains they shall be atin ye behalf of the servises. And that this is my true intent and meaning in my last Will and Testament: for the True and full Confirmationof this my Last Will and Testament as my own Act and deed I have hereunto set my hand and seale this six and Twentyeth day of decembr Anno Domenii 1678.

:Signed and sealed in the presence of us— ::::::::MATHEW (X) MARVIN Senier :The Marks of ::Thomas Handford. ::James Cornish ::Christo: Cumstocke" His estate was inventoried on 13 July 1680: "Wearing clothes, In housing and Land £212, Neat Cattle Sheep and Lambs, 1 Carpit and 1 Curtain, Linsie Woolsy 28 pound of yearn, 17 Napkins 4 Towels and three Tableclothes, 6 pillow beers 9 pr of Sheets 1 Single Sheet, one bed and Silk rugg, one boulster and 5 pillowes, one bed and Curtains vallens, one boulster and Ruggs 2 blankets, one bed and 1 rugg 2 bed steeds, Pewter and Tin vessels, brass Kettles and one Lanthorn, Iron pot and Pothookes and Iron Kettles, frying pan Tonges fire shovel and Cob Iron, oldAnd iron and Spit and grid Iron, old Iron armes and Ammunition, Axes wedg-tings hooks and other things, peass hook one fan 1 forke Corn Sacks, wheat peass and Indian Corn, wool and flax Nayles and stocklock, Porke and bacon Malt and brann, wool Card Measures Skales wayets, Candle Mould other necessaries to make candles, Tallow and Candles and hogsfat, a pair of bellowes, book Spice and endecoe, Alkemy Spoons and earthen ware, one Smoathing iron and Sheep sheers money, Cheast Boxes Chayer and Cushings, Trayes and bowles, a Table forme Trenchers and brush, Payles and musterd bowl sives and Meat Troff, Spinning wheels one Trammer, Cask and other things wheat upon the ground, Cheespress and other things, Sawes and other things horses, debts due to the estate £71.10.00."<ref name=Marvin/> The total value of the estate was £398.12.08; subtracting the value of the debts due from the estate -- £42.10.00 -- a net total of £356.02.08. The widow Alice died within a year after Matthew Marvin's death, inventory of her estate being taken the last day of January 1680/1. Her will, which was dated the first of December 1680, dealt with her family by her first husband and with her daughter Rachel Marvin, wife of Samuel Smith.

Children===Matthew had 7 children with his first wife, Elizabeth. Hannah was 6moold when the family embarked on the Increase in 1635. He had three more with his second wife, Alice, the widow of John Bowton. Alicehad three children from her first marriage.<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-10 | Elizabeth Marvin bp. September 15, 1622 in Great Bentley, England, d. 1708, m. by 1650 to Olmstead-16 | Dr John Olmstead,<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 544,</ref> no known children.<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-49 | Matthew Marvin bp. November 8, 1626 in Great Bentley,England, d. 1712 in Norwalk, Connecticut, m. UNKNOWN-33592 | Mary UNKNOWN about 1650,<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 493,</ref> 8 children<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-18 | Marie Marvin bp. December 16, 1628 in Great Bentley, England d. March 29, 1713 in Norwich, Connecticut m. 1) Bushnell-13 | Richard Bushnell, October 11, 1648,<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 126</ref> 5 children m. 2) Adgate-16 | Deacon Thomas Adgate in 1659,<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 6</ref> 4 children<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-15 | Sarah Marvin bp. December 27, 1631 in Great Bentley, England d. 1701 in Stratford, Connecticut, m. 1) October 4, 1648 to Goodrich-59 | Ens. William Goodrich<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 311</ref>, 9 children; m. 2) Curtis-515 | Capt. William Curtis about 1680<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 199,</ref><ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-36 | Hannah Marvin b. about October 1634 in Great Bentley,England d. after 1680 m. Seymour-186 | Thomas Seymour January 5, 1654<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 663</ref> in Norwalk, Connecticut, 11 children<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-34 | Abigail Marvin b. about 1637 in Hartford, Connecticutd. after December 1680, m. Boughton-17 | John Bowton (son of Alice Marvin, Abigail's step-mother) January 1657<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 85</ref> in Norwalk, Connecticut, 7 children<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-53 | Rebecca Marvin b. about 1639 in Hartford, Connecticutd. unknown m. to a John Clark of Farmington, about 1662<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 156</ref>, exact identityunknown 12 children<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-258 | Lydia Marvin b. about 1647 in Hartford<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-265 | Samuel Marvin bp. Feb 6, 1648 in Hartford, Connecticut, Probably died young<ref name=Marvin/>#Marvin-22 | Rachel Marvin bp. December 30, 1649 in Hartford, Connecticut d. about 1687 m. Smith-7476 | Samuel Smith about 1670-1<ref>#S6 New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Page 688</ref> in Norwalk, Connecticut, 5 children<ref name=Marvin/>

:Step children by Alice:<ref>#S3 The Washington ancestry...</ref>

  1. Boughton-17 | John Bowton
  2. Bouton-10 | Richard Bowton
  3. Bouton-8 | Bridget Bowton

In his will dated 20 Dec 1678, Matthew Marvin calls himself aged 80 or thereabouts. He provides for his wife Alice, giving her 20 pounds and use of all of his estate during her lifetime. He gave his son Matthew of Norwalk all of his right to the division of lands on the east side of the Sagatuck River. The latter’s son Matthew (the original Matthew Marvin’s grandson) received, after Alice’s death, his grandfather’s dwelling house with half the orchard and home lot that lay next to his fathers dwelling lot. The grandson Matthew Marvin also received one piece of meadow that lay between his father’s meadow and the meadow of Samuel Campfield near Fruitful Spring. He also received upland lots at Stony Hill. Matthew Marvin, in turn had to guarantee “my sonn” Samuel Smith, access to the barn on the dwelling house lot. Matthew Marvin Sr.’s son Samuel Smith would receive the entire barnyard if ever denied access to the barn.

   The will of Mathew Marvin Sr. also provides his  “son John Bowton” and daughter Abigail his wife a parcel of meadow adjoining that of the said John Bowton at Sagatuck Brook.  His grandson Richard Bushnell received 10 pounds.  Francis Bushnell of Norwalk received four acres of a house lot land near Standford Path along with ten pounds of money.  
   The will also bequeathed to Rev. Mr. Thomas Handford, Pastor of the church of Norwalk 5 pounds.  Matthew’s four daughters, Mary Adgate of Norwich; Hannah Semer, Abigail Bouton, and Rebecca Clark of Farmington were to receive an equal division of any remainder of the estate.  John Bowton (Matthew’s son-in-law) and John Platt (brother-in-law of Lieutenant Reinold Marvin) were appointed executors and Rev. Thomas Handford and Lieutenant Richard Olmstead were to be the overseers. The witnesses were Thomas Handford, James Cornish and Christo Cumstocke. 

The inventory of Matthew Marvin’s estate was taken 13 July 1680 and after a minor disagreement was settled between some of the heirs it was presented and approved 25 Jan 1680/81. His estate was valued at 398 pounds, 12 shillings and 8 pence, including 212 pounds in the value of his lands. The household items listed were not unusual for that period. The inventory did not include a parcel of land in Fairfield because it had not yet been valued. This land had formerly belonged to the estate of Richard Bowton. A few items that belonged to the widow Alice were also not included.

The widow Alice Marvin did not long survive her husband. Her will is dated 1 Dec 1680 and the Inventory of her estate was taken “this last of January”, 1680/81. Matthew had given much of his land to his children prior to his death, but the remaining estate of Alice Marvin was still valued at 393 pounds, 12 shillings, 8 pence. In her will she calls herself “aged about seventy.” She left twenty pounds to be equally divided between her son John Bowton and her daughter Bridget Kellogg (she spells it Kellock). Bridget also received her mother’s scarf, her best cloth waistcoat and her best serge coat and her best green apron, along with the best of her two under cotton coats and her spectacles.

Her daughter Abigail Bowton received her mother’s best hat and best cloak and her serge waistcoat, her under cotton waistcoat, a pair of cotton gloves, a pair of leather gloves, and 2 brass small weights. Her daughter Rachel Smith received her mother’s “pennistone coat”, and her flannel waistcoat. Her granddaughter Rachel Bowton received her Bible and her granddaughter Sarah Brinsmead received her chest. Her granddaughter Ruth Bowton received a brass kettle, 3 old pewter dishes and a brass “chafendish” and a “gilpot”. Alice Marvin signed with her mark and the will was witnessed by Richard Olmstead and Christo Cumstocke.

Death may have been December 20, 1679


  • Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume V, M-P (2007), 63-71, "Matthew Marvin"; digital images, (accessed 2014). Among other information, reports baptism at Great Bentley, "26 March 1600," citing "TAG 18:12."
  • "England, Essex Parish Registers, 1503-1997," index, FamilySearch( : accessed 2014), Mathew Marvin, 26 Mar 1600, Christening; citing Essex, England, Record Office, Chelmsford; FHL microfilm 571175.
  • John Insley Coddington, "Notes on the Ancestry of Reinold and MatthewMarvin," The American Genealogist 18 (1941):1-13; digital images, (accessed 2014).
  • Gay, Julius. A record of the descendants of John Clark of Farmington,Conn. : the male branches brought down to 1882 : the female branches one generation after the Clark name is lost in marriage. Hartford, Conn.: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1882. p. 8.
  • The Goodrich Family in America. A Genealogy of the Descendants of John and William Goodrich of Wethersfield, Connecticut, et al. 1889.
  • Roberts, Gary Boyd; Ancestors of American Presidents. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.
  • #S1 Barbour, Lucius Barnes, 1982, Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut, Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc.,Baltimore, Maryland and Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc., Glastonbury, Connecticut pp.387
  • #S3 Hoppin, C. Arthur, 1932, The Washington ancestry, and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty othercolonial American families. Volume III, Greenfield, Ohio, Private printing
  • #S4 Marvin, William T. R., 1900, The English Ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Privately published, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Marvin, George Franklin and William T. R. Marvin, 1904, Descendants of Reinhold and Matthew Marvin, T R Marvin & Sons, Boston, Massachusetts
  • #S6 Torry, Clarence A., 2004, New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore, Maryland
  • #S7 Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
  • FindAGravesameas=no, List of early settlers in Norwalk, Connecticut
  • Hall, Edwin. Space:The Ancient HistoricalRecords of Norwalk, Connecticut|The Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, Connecticut (James Mallory & Co., Norwalk, 1847) Page 181
  • Crane, Angeline Smith Pickering. Space: The Genealogy and History of the John Keysar Smith Family of Valley Rest, Florence, Nebraska The Genealogy and History of the John Keysar Smith Family of Valley Rest, Florence, Nebraska (Angeline Crane, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1922) Page 23-4


"Matthew Marvin
BIRTH: 26 Mar 1600 Great Bentley, Tendring District, Essex, England
DEATH: Dec 1680 (aged 80) Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
BURIAL::East Norwalk Historical Cemetery Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA .
MEMORIAL ID: 127000373.

Family Members
Edward Marvin 1546–1615,
Margaret Marvin 1559–1633.

Elizabeth Marvin 1604–1647 (m. 1621),
Alice Bouton Marvin 1610–1680 (m. 1647)

Edward Marvin 1581–1621,
John Marvin 1593–1593,
Reinold Marvin 1594–1662,

Elizabeth Marvin Olmstead 1622–1689,
Matthew Marvin 1627–1712,
Mary Marvin Adgate 1628–1713,
Sarah Marvin Goodrich-Curtis 1631–1701,
Hannah Marvin Seymour 1634 – unknown,
Abigail Marvin Bouton 1636–1681,
Rebecca Marvin Clarke 1639–1712,
Rachel Marvin Smith 1649–1690."

migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1621-1640).

view all 34

Matthew Marvin, Sr.'s Timeline

March 26, 1600
Great Bentley, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
September 15, 1622
Great Bentley, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
September 15, 1626
Great Bentley, Ramsey, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
December 15, 1628
Great Bentley, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
December 27, 1631
Great Bentley, Essex, England
October 1, 1633
Great Bentley, Essex, England
April 15, 1635
Age 35
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America
Age 34
Hartford, Conn. (among first 12 settlers)