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About Michael Shalom Fagan
Family Circles Diagram
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Genealogy Bio
- started in 2010
- primary family tree service: Geni.com
- primary DNA analysis service: MyHeritage
If I have added you or your relatives to Geni, that does not mean I know them, it just means that they are connected to me. I am happy to have you take over management of those profiles.
If you have any questions, send me a message through Geni.
My genealogy goals include
- including as many relatives of my daughter as possible (blood+adopted relatives and their spouses; ancestors, descendants, aunts/uncles, cousins)
- adding as much detail to each person's profile as possible (records, memories, photos, etc.)
- connecting everyone who marries into my family to their relatives on Geni, i.e., helping to build the "world family tree"
- documenting and archiving the lives of select people close to me or whom I have access to special records of
- visualizations and other methods for storytelling and other purposes
- helping others get into and do genealogy, and Geni in particular
- reuniting lost family
Genealogy mysteries
There are several families that I know to be related to mine but not specifically enough to put the connections into Geni:
- Zeit -> Zajd family which moved from Poland to Boston - see Tobias/Isaac Zeit
- Botknecht -> Botnick/etc family which moved from then-Poland to Toronto
- Zilberschmidt/Silberschmidt -> Ginsburg family which moved from now-Ukraine to Huntsville/Toronto - see Max Ginsburg
- A Rappaport family in New York and possibly Toronto
The most interesting/mysterious story in my ancestry is for Brocha Solomonovna Lvova
My other profiles
- WIkiTree: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Fagan-401
- FamilySearch: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LYNT-JJP