Immediate Family
About Milia of Wessex, {Fictional}
A clear explanation of why this person could not have existed can be found here —
"Matrimonio e descendencia
Ecgberht casou con Redburga, unha princesa franca (posibelmente unha irmá ou cuñada do emperador Carlomagno) e tiveron dous fillos e unha filla, Milia de Wessex que casou con Rogrigo Romaes, neto de Froila I e sobriño de Afonso II."
"Milia de Wessex facía parte dunha das dinastías reais máis poderosas da Europa do século VIII e IX. O Reino de Wessex, tamén coñecido como reino dos saxóns do oeste, fundouse no século VI nos actuais condados de Berkshire, Witshire e Hampshire, situando a súa capital en Winchester, ocupando ao tempo toda a área sur de Inglaterra até poñer fin a heptarquía anglosaxona, convención utilizada para referirse á división da illa após a invasión dos anglos, dos xutos e dos saxóns. O pai de Milia, Edgberto de Wessex, popularizado nos últimos anos pola representación que fan da súa figura na serie Vikings, naceu arredor de 771, exiliándose durante máis dunha década na corte de Carlomagno, polo que algunha documentación emparenta a nai de Milia, Redburga, co propio emperador dos francos. O reinado de Edgberto significará a consolidación do dominio de Wessex no espazo británico, derrotando os mercios primeiramente na batalla de Ellendum de 825 e posteriormente invadindo Mercia en 829, até o punto de que a actual casa real inglesa o sitúa como orixe da súa dinastía.
Rodrigo Romaes estaba emparentado coa casa real galega. Fillo de Ramón Romaes, conde Monterroso e señor de Santa Marta de Ortigueira, e de Teresa Arias, da estirpe dos Nuñez e dos Osorio, era neto por vía paterna do rei Froila I e sobriño de Afonso II. Malia ser designados pola historiografía españolista como monarcas asturianos, un e outro actuaron como galegos e así eran coñecidos polos seus homólogos europeos, até o punto de que as crónicas francas refírense a el como “o moi grande rei dos galegos Afonso”. O propio Froila, que tería a Ramón da nobre galega Hermesenda Romaes, residirá boa parte da súa vida na vila de Santa Marta de Ortigueira, acontecendo outro tanto con Afonso II, educado no país pola familia dos Osorio e resultando o primeiro impulsor do mito xacobeo, correspondéndose co seu reinado as primeiras novas do achádeo do sepulcro do apóstolo.
O matrimonio de Milia de Wessex e Rodrigo Romaes explícase no marco das tradicionais relacións de Galiza no espazo atlántico e os intensos contactos diplomáticos desenvoltos polos reis galegos diante doutras monarquías europeas. Precisamente, Emilio González López, un dos historiadores que se ten ocupado deste casoiro, pono como exemplo das relacións de Galiza coa illas Británicas ao longo do século VIII ou IX, significando a permanencia das mesmas ao longo do período antigo e medieval. A comunicación marítima entre o noso país e os reinos europeos da fachada atlántica é unha constante histórica perfectamente documentada ao longo de toda a Idade Media, da que son exemplos recorrentes para a etapa sueva a viaxe de Idacio da Limia ás Galias no 431, a instalación dos bretóns no norte galego a comezos do século V ou a partir da construción do mito xacobeo o camiño marítimo inglés a Compostela, seguindo as rotas xa usadas con anterioridade."
Garmonsway, G.N., ed. (1955). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (en inglés). J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. pp. pp. XXXII, 2 e4.
Milia de Wessex=
Milia of England
- She married Rodrigo Romanez de Monterroso, 2nd Conde de Monterroso, Conde de Sta. Marta de Ortigueira, son of Roman Fruelaz de Monterroso, 1st Conde de Monterroso, Conde de Sta. Marta de Ortigueira and Teresa Arias de Sirgal, circa 1090.
This house comes from the infanta Millia, from the royal house of England, and from Don Rodrigo Romaez, count of Monterroso, lord of the house and castle of Bahamonde, in the kingdom of Galicia, son of King Don Ramiro II de Leon , founders of the famous site of Santa María de Ortigueira, parents of seven children, from whom the marquises of Parga came, with the surname Bahamonde; those of Velez and Molina, with that of Fajardo; the counts of Fuensaldaña, with that of Vivero, etc. Juan de la Millia, descendant of one of the seven children of the Infanta and Count Don Rodrigo: That by taking the name of her name, was given by geroglifico an M crowned in azure field, on an eagle in red field, with three bands of gold that gird and surround the chest, and a castle also in a field of gold, and the princess with the sword defending the fortress when the Moors were attacked. To whose encouragement the aforementioned Juan de la Millia left the peace and the house of his parents and left the kingdoms of Galicia, the year of 1391, to serve King Don Juan I and was his squire. Don Martin R. de la Millia y Velazquez, descendant of this illustrious house, was perpetual ruler of the city of Carmona and first lord of the town of Saltillo, at the mercy of King Felipe IV, year 1626, his date in San Lorenzo on Real. And Don Martin R. de la Millia Tamariz y Góngora, fourth lord of the town of Saltillo and perpetual alderman of Carmona, was created first marques of that title by King Don Felipe V. They are his weapons: Party; the first one of gules and an eagle of sable esplayada, superimposed three bands of gold; the second of this metal and a castle of its color, from whose tribute stands the infanta Doña Millia armed with a sword; on the whole escusón of azur and the initial M of gold crowned of the same; General bordura of this metal and eight gules lions. The study of the family heraldic shield "speaks" of those who formed the origin of the R. family, because that was its function, that of manifesting to others its differential elements, because the inclusion of the eagle element, which is the noblest of the figures used in heraldry, is the symbol of the king of the sky, emperor of the birds, custody of the ray and its meaning is that of earthly power and power by the Grace of God. The enamels of the weapon of the R. proclaim the following values: the Gules is the symbol of strength, power, fervent love for God and neighbor, such is the meaning of this enamel, to which we should add the eagerness of dominion, courage, audacity, strength and magnanimity, a high percentage of this type of family shields were given for acts of war. "
Rivarola and Pineda is one of the few, though not the only, that records the relationship between the Infanta Milia and Juan de la Milia. We must also take into consideration that we can not verify what Juan de la Milia says, that is, he is a descendant of the Infanta Milia. The Infanta Milia of Wessex was, according to some records, the daughter of King Egbert of England. He was born around 815, probably in Wessex, England. The Infanta Milia married Rodrigo Romaes (or Romaez). Don Rodrigo was born around 790 and died in 818 in Ortigueira, La Coruña, Galicia. Between the year 815 and the year 1391, when Juan de la Milia claims to be his descendant, more than 500 years go by and there are no specific data of those times. In any case, as explained above, both the Infanta and Don Rodrigo lived and died in Ortigueira, the same place where Juan de la Milia was born and lived. The genealogists consulted agree in saying that the relationship exists especially when the place is taken into consideration (Ortigueira) and that it is a very unusual surname (Milia). Therefore, we can conclude that the surname MILIA was created by Juan de la Milia in the year 1391 and it is he who creates the coat of arms of the family (Figure 2). We also do not have data on people with the surname Milia between 1391 and 1605, this time when we already have documents from the Milia family in Ortigueira. In the city of Santa Marta de Ortigueira, today known simply as Ortigueira, lived the oldest ancestor that appears in the records of Spain. That ancestor was Antonio DE MILIA who was born circa 1605. From him we do not have a Faith of Baptism. The year of birth has been estimated from the documents of the marriage of his son, Antonio DE MILIA DE VILAR (Fig. 3)
The data of Antonio DE MILIA DE VILAR were obtained in the Parish of Santa María - San Claudio de Ortigueira, in the city of the same name. They are in Volume 1 of that parish, that is, there are no previous records in that place. It is possible that there are previous records in another parish but they have not been found until today. Later, part of the family was migrating to the south of Galicia, especially our direct ancestors, passing through San Juan de Filgueira to end up in Ferrol. The Asturian part, of which we are also very proud, belongs to the PRIETO PASARÓN branch where Ludovina Eduviges comes from. PRIETO PASARÓN, wife of Zenón Pedro MILIA Y RICO. The Prieto Pasarón are from the area of El Franco, Asturias. Many of them lived in Viavelez, near La Caridad. Maybe in the future some of our descendants will be interested and can investigate that branch of family history. As a starting point you can use the Baptism Feast of Ludivina (Ludovina, Luz).
Milia - http://www.milia.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Historia-de-los-MIL...
- Our Royal Titled Noble and Commoner Ancestors - https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p5269.htm
Milia of Wessex, {Fictional}'s Timeline
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Wessex, England (United Kingdom)
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Lugo, Galicia
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Santa Marta de Ortigueira , La Coruña, Galicia, Spain