Historical records matching Miroslav Cerar
Immediate Family
About Miroslav Cerar
Po Leonu Štuklju najuspešnejši slovenski telovadec in eden najuspešnejših slovenskih športnikov vseh časov, saj je osvojil tri medalje na olimpijskih igrah, od tega dva naslova olimpijskega prvaka, sedem medalj na svetovnih prvenstvih, od tega pet naslovov svetovnega prvaka, in petnajst medalj na evropskih prvenstvih, od tega devet naslovov evropskega prvaka.
Yugoslav former gymnast and lawyer of Slovene ethnicity who won the pommel horse event at the 1964 and 1968 Summer Olympics. He also won three world and nine European championships. Domestically, Cerar won 13 national titles and was chosen eight times as Yugoslavia's Athlete of the Year. He was awarded the Olympic Order in Silver by the International Olympic Committee. He was member of the Slovenian Olympic Academy, the Fair Play Commission of the Slovenian Olympic Committee, and the executive committee of the European Fair Play Movement. (Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Miroslav Cerar's Timeline
1939 |
October 28, 1939
Turjak, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1963 |
August 25, 1963
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia