someone has merged
Mary Ruble
Gender: Female
Birth: 1756 Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States
Death: 1804 (47-48) Kentucky, United States
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Peter R. Ruble and Anna Catherina Rubel (Müller)
Peter R. Ruble
Gender: Male
Birth: 1714
Staudach Egerndach, Upper Bavaria, BY, Germany
Death: March 15, 1773 (58-59)
Township of Codorus, York County, Pennsylvania, United States
Place of Burial: Farmland Plot, York County, Pennsylvania, United States
Immediate Family:
Son of Hans Peter Ruble (Rubel); Christen Rubeli and Elisabeth Steiner
Thiis seems to come from MyHertiage match via FamiluSrearh wi[[hich does not lis a hiusband only children by the name of "Todd"
In FamilySearch Family Tree
Mary Ruble
Adds: sibling(s) and child(ren)
Birth names: Ruble
Mary Ruble
Gender: Female
Birth: 1756 Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
Marriage: 1775 Pennsylvania, USA
Parents: Peter Ruble Anna Barbara Ruble (born Mueller)
Mary Jane McKee (born Todd)
Samuel D Todd
Joseph Todd
David Todd
Samuel Todd
Johnston Todd
Andrew Todd
Sally Todd
Siblings: Abraham Ruble
Barbara Acker (born Ruble)
Peter Ruble, II
Mathias H Ruble
Christian Ruble
Mary Todd (born Ruble)
Esther Ruble
as to being the wife of John Todd there is no documentation as to who his wife is!.
1756 |
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States
1771 |
February 26, 1771
Augusta County, Virginia, United States
1804 |
Age 48
Kentucky, United States