Muhammad Ibn Abd ar Rahma, Emir de Córdova

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Muhammad Ibn Abd ar Rahma, Emir de Córdova (826 - 886)

Arabic: محمد بن عبد الرحمن, أمير قرطبة, Spanish: de Córdoba, Emir de Córdova, Portuguese: Muhammad I bin Abd ar-Rahman II (محمد بن عبد الرحمن الأوسط), Emir
Birthplace: Cordoba, Spain
Death: August 04, 886 (55-64)
Cordoba, Spain
Immediate Family:

Son of Abd ibn al-Hakam ar-Rahman, II,, 4th Emir de Córdova and al-Shifa Al-rabi I, of Cordoba
Husband of Ishar
Father of alMunzir Al Amawi and Emir Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi, 3º califa de Córdoba
Half brother of Ubaydallah ibn Abd ar Rahman; Ya'far ibn Abd ar Rahman and Yahya ibn Abd ar Rahman

Occupation: V Emir de Córdoba, "Da dinastia dos Omíadas do Emirado de Córdoba. Foi emir independente do Al-Andalus (852 - 886), filho e sucessor de Abderramão II." (Wikipedia), Emir independiente de Al-Ándalus (852 - 886), 1º califa de Córdoba
Managed by: Private User
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About Muhammad Ibn Abd ar Rahma, Emir de Córdova

Muhammad I ibn 'Abd al-Rahman, amir al-Qurtubi1

b. circa 826, d. 886

Father 'Abd al-Rahmân II al-Mutawassit ibn al-Hakam, amir al-Qurtubi1 b. 792, d. 22 September 852

Of the Umayyad. Muhammad I ibn 'Abd al-Rahman, amir al-Qurtubi was born circa 826. He was the son of 'Abd al-Rahmân II al-Mutawassit ibn al-Hakam, amir al-Qurtubi.1 Muhammad I ibn 'Abd al-Rahman, amir al-Qurtubi succeeded his father to an emirate only troubled with an outbreak of voluntary martyrdoms among the Christians (Mozarabs) of Córdoba in 852.2 Emir of Córdoba at Al-Andalus, Spain, between 22 September 852 and 886.3,2 He was a witness where Ordoño Iº, rey de Asturias lent Asturian assistance to Toledo rebels against Muhammad I of Córdoba in 854.2 Muhammad I ibn 'Abd al-Rahman, amir al-Qurtubi put down the perpetually rebellious Toledans, who were aided by an Asturian force sent by Ordoño I, in 854.2 He married Ishar (?) before 856.1 Muhammad I ibn 'Abd al-Rahman, amir al-Qurtubi died in 886.1

  • Family

Ishar (?) b. circa 836

  • Children
  1. al-Mundhir ibn Muhammad, amir al-Qurtubi b. c 842, d. 888
  2. 'Abd Allâh ibn Muhammad, amir al-Qurtubi+ b. 848, d. Dec 9121,4


[S187] Royal Genealogy Database, online

[S515] Thomas F. Glick, Islamic and Christian Spain, pg. 40.

[S653] PoH, online

[S1316] Reyes y Reinos Genealogias, online, España - 08.A.

Mohammed De Córdoba (b. 823, d. 04 Aug 886)

Mohammed De Córdoba (son of Abd Al Rahman II De Córdoba and Al Shifa) was born 823, and died 04 Aug 886. He married Ushar N..

Notes for Mohammed De Córdoba: BIOGRAPHY: Muito culto e excelente poeta. Gostava de matemáticas.Era baixo e barbudo.

Children of Mohammed De Córdoba and Ushar N. are: +Abd Allah I De Córdoba, b. 11 Jan 844, d. 15 Oct 912.

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Muhammad Ibn Abd ar Rahma, Emir de Córdova's Timeline

Cordoba, Spain
December 843
Cordoba Al Andalus, Córdoba, Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
August 4, 886
Age 60
Cordoba, Spain