Immediate Family
About Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
MUNIO Núñez "él de Brañosera" . Pérez de Urbel that Munio Núñez may have been the same person as Nuño Núñez “Rasura”[144], although the names "Nuño" and "Munio" were different. “Monnio Nunnez et uxor mea Argilo” granted rights to Brañosera by charter dated 13 Oct 824, confirmed by “Gundisalvo Fernandiz comite” who names them as “avi mei”, further confirmed by “Fernando Gundisalviz comite et uxor mea Urraca”, and further confirmed by “Sancio Garcianez comes” who names “meos avos Gundisalvo Fernandiz et Fernando Gundisalvez”[145]. Brañosera is within the jurisdiction of Aguilar de Campoo, west of the source of the river Ebro in the lower mountains of Burgos[146]. m ARGILO, daughter of --- . “Monnio Nunnez et uxor mea Argilo” granted rights to Brañosera by charter dated 13 Oct 824, the same document including a charter dated 912 under which “Gundisalvo Fernandiz comite” confirmed these rights granted by “avii mei Monnio Nunniz et Argilo”, as well as a charter dated 1 Apr “Era TVI” under which “Fernando Gundisalviz comite et uxor mea Urracha” confirmed the rights granted by “avi mei Monnio Nunniz et de Argilo”[147]. Munio & his wife had [one child]
El tronco del linage de Caftro (como efcrive el Arçobifpo don Rodrigo, y fe lee en la chronica general del rey don Alonfo) fue Nuño Belchides, Cavallero Aleman de la ciudad de Colonia, que paffò a Caftilla cerca de los años del Señor de 884 y cafô con doña Sula hija del Conde don Diego Porcelos, que poblo a Burgos, y tuvo hijo a Nuño Nuñez Rafura, que fue padre de doña Terefa Nuñez Vella, que cafô con Layn Calvo, que feugro y yerno fueron los dos famofos Iuezes de Caftilla. NOBLEZA DEL ANDALVZIA Por Gonçalo Argote de Molina, Sevilla 1588. De Don Alvar Perez de Caftro Capitan mayor de la frontera, y de fu linage y Armas. Cap. C.. Págs. 102
is he?
mix-up with his descendants!? + bad dates!?
translation (from spanish) The trunk of the lineage of Caftro (as efcrive the Arçobifpo Don Rodrigo, and faith reads in general chronica Alonfo Don King) was Nuno Belchides, Cavallero German city of Cologne, near Caftilla paffò to the years of the Lord of 884 CAFOs with Dona Sula and daughter of Count Don Diego Porcelos, who settled at Burgos, and had Nuño Nuñez Rafura child was the father of Mrs. Nuñez Terefa Vella, that CAFOs with Layn Calvo, feugro and son were the two famofos Iuezes of Caftilla. NOBILITY OF ANDALVZIA For Gonçalo Argote de Molina, Sevilla 1588. Don Alvar Perez de Caftro Capitan most of the border, and fu linage and Weapons. Chap. C.. Pp. 102
Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya's Timeline
760 |
Cologne, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
780 |
830 |
Age 70
Castilla-Leon, Spain
935 |
???? |