public profile
RORICO [Rorgo [I]] (-16 Jun [839/40]
x (after 800) BILICHILDIS
a) RORICO [II] (-866).
b) GEOFFROY [Gauzfrid] (-[878]).
c) BILICHILDIS. The origin of the wife of Comte Bernard is deduced from the Historia Inventionis Sanctii Baudelli which names "Gothorum princeps Bernardus cum avunculo suo Gauzleno tunc inclito Abbate, futuro autem episcopo"[50]. Flodoard's Historia Remensis Ecclesiæ also names "Gozlino…Bernardo nepote ipsius", referring to Bernard Marquis of Septimania and his rebellion dated to [877][51]. She is named in the record of the excommunication by Pope John VIII of "Bernardum filium Bernardi et Belihildis" in 879[52]. m BERNARD Comte, son of --- (-killed in battle [844/45]).
d) NN [daughter . Abbo's De Bellis Parisiacæ names "Ebolus…Abba" as nepos of "Gauzlinus…pontificis"[53], the latter being reported in other sources as the son of Comte Rorico [I] (see below). It is possible that the wife of Comte Rainulf was the same person as the daughter named [Bilichildis] (see above), who would have been recently widowed at the time of Rainulf's marriage. m ([845]%29 as his second wife, RAINULF I Comte de Poitou, son of GERARD I Comte d'Auvergne & his first wife --- ([815]-near Brissarthe Jul 866).]
e) GAUSLIN (-16 Apr 886[54]).x Mistress (1): ([800]%29 HROTHRUDIS [Rotrud], daughter of Emperor CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard [Udalrichinger] ([775]-6 Jun 810[34]).
f) LOUIS ([800]-9 Jan 867).
a) RAMNULF [Rainulf] ([815]-killed in battle near Brissarthe Oct 866). He was installed as RAINULF I Comte de Poitou in [839]. The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records that "Ramnulfum filium Girardi comitis Arvernis, nepotem Willelmi fratris Girardi" was installed as Comte de Poitou after "Emeno…comes Pictavinus" was expelled by Emperor Louis for supporting the accession of Pepin II King of Aquitaine after the death of the latter's father [in 838][274]. He was installed as Duke of Aquitaine in 852. The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records that "Rannulfus…comes Pictavensis et Raino comes Arbatilicensis consanguineus eius" fled after being defeated by the Vikings at "Briliaco villa", the event being dated from the context to the early 850s[275]. The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence records that "Ramnulfus comes…Pictavensis et Raino comes Arbaticensis, consanguineus eius" fled from the Vikings who attacked "Briliaco villa" in 852[276]. He was a supporter of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ramnulfus" among those wounded in the Viking attack in 866, and later dying from his wounds[277]. The Adonis Continuatio records that "Robertus quoque atque Ramnulfus…inter primos ipsi priores" were killed by the Vikings in 866[278].
m ([845]%29 [NN du Maine] --- du Maine, daughter of RORICO [I] Comte du Maine & his wife Bilechildis. Her origin is indicated by Abbo's De Bellis Parisiacæ which names "Ebolus…Abba" as nepos of "Gauzlinus…pontificis"[279], the latter being reported in other sources as the son of Rorico [I] Comte du Maine. It is possible that the wife of Comte Rainulf was Comte Rorico's daughter named [Bilichildis], whose [first] husband Bernard Comte en Poitou was killed in battle in 844. Comte Rainulf I & his wife had three children:i) RAINULF ([845/50]-after Jul 892). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes specifies that "Ramnulfus…comes Pictaviensis" was "consanguineus…Willelmi…comitis Arvernis"[280]. The Chronico Richardi Pictavensis also states that "Ramnulfus consanguineus erat Willelmi Pii Aquitanorum Ducis et Arveniæ Comitis"[281]. The relationship between Rainulf and Duke Guillaume has not yet been traced. After the death of Rainulf's father in 866, he and his brothers were deprived of their inheritance. It appears that no-one was at that time installed as Comte de Poitou, the county being administered by Louis King of Aquitaine, son of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[282]. He appears to have been finally installed as RAINULF II Comte de Poitou in [878], judging by his heading the list of confirmants of his brother's Apr 878 donation to the church of Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers[283]. After the death of Louis II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks, Comte Rainulf had custody of the late king's youngest son Charles, who later succeeded as Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks[284]. After the deposition of Emperor Karl III in Nov 887, Comte Rainulf claimed the succession to the kingdom of Aquitaine and supported the candidature of Guy of Spoleto as King of the Franks[285]. He was appointed Duke of Aquitaine in 888. Regino names "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" when recording their battle against "Waltgerius comes" in Jul 892[286]. The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence records the death in 890 of "Ramnulfus comes Pictavinus"[287], but the year is incorrect if Regino correctly names Rainulf in Jul 892. m [ERMENGARDE, daughter of ---] (-1 Jul after 890). The name of the wife of Comte Rainulf II is not known with certainty. "Gauzberto comite, Ramnulfus comes, Ermengarde…" subscribed the charter dated Apr 878 under which "Gauzbertus comes" donated property "in pago Santonico…in villa…Dorodonno" to the church of Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers[288]. Richard suggests that Ermengarde must have been the wife of one of the named counts because of the order of the signatures[289]. Richard rejects the hypothesis that Adda "coniunx Ramnulf", whose tomb was discovered at Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers, was the wife of Comte Rainulf II[290]. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Comte Rainulf's mistress is not known.
ii) GAUZBERT [Josbert] (-killed in battle late 892). Regino names "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" when recording their battle against "Waltgerius comes" in Jul 892[295]. "Gauzbertus comes" donated property "in pago Santonico…in villa…Dorodonno" to the church of Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers by charter dated Apr 878, subscribed by "Ramnulfus comes…"[296]. Regino names "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" when recording their battle against "Waltgerius comes" in Jul 892[297]. He was killed during the siege of one of his castles by Eudes King of France[298]. The death of "frater quoque eius [Ebulus] Gotbertus" is recorded in late 892 in the Annales Vedastini[299].
iii) EBALUS [Eble] (857-killed in battle 2 Oct 892). Abbo's De Bellis Parisiacæ names "Ebolus…Abba" as nepos of "Gauzlinus…pontificis"[300], the latter being reported in other sources as the son of Rorico [I] Comte du Maine. Regino names "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" when recording their battle against "Waltgerius comes" in Jul 892[301]. Abbé de Saint-Germain, Paris 881. Abbé de Saint-Denis 886. He was appointed Chancellor of France by King Eudes [Capet] after the latter's accession in 888[302]. Abbé de Saint-Hilaire-de-Poitiers 889. Eudes King of France confirmed the properties of "abbas Ebolus…Hilarii" by charter dated 30 Dec 889[303]. King Eudes deprived him of the chancellorship in 892 after Eble refused to abandon the cause of his nephew Comte Eble[304]. He was killed at the siege of the castle either of Brillac en Poitou or of Loudun[305].
Adeltrude du MAINE Married:
Marriage Information:
Adeltrude married Gérard, Comte d' AUVERGNE. (Gérard, Comte d' AUVERGNE was born about 795 in Auvergne, France and died on 25 Jun 1841 in Fontenoy, Yonne, Bourgogne, France.) http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/AQUITAINE.htm#RainulfIPoitoudied866
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Poitiers, Vienne, Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, France
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