Nathan de-Zuzita bar Hanan (Ukvan), 11th Exilarch

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Exhilarch Nathan de-Zuzita bar Hanan (Ukvan)

Dutch: Nathan de-Ẓuẓita ben Nathan, 11th Exilarch 'Ukban', Hebrew: נתן בן הונא, Arabic: رأس الجالوت نحميا الأول بن رأس الجالوت ناثان الأول, Portuguese: Nathan de Zuzita bar Hanan, 11º Exilarca
Also Known As: "Nathan de-Ẓuẓita", "ben Hanan"
Birthplace: Baghdad, Baghdād, Iraq
Death: circa 270 (31-48)
Baghdad, Baghdād, Iraq
Immediate Family:

Son of Anani (Huna II) bar Nathan, 8th Exilarch and Wife #1 Anani bar Nathan
Husband of Peninah bat Huna
Father of Nechemya 1 ben Nathan, 14th Exilarch and 'Ukba ber Nathan, 15th Exilarch Mar 'Ukba II
Brother of P'nina bat Huna

Occupation: 11th Exilarch at Babylon (259-270), أمير يهود بابل
Managed by: Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמו...
Last Updated:

About Nathan de-Zuzita bar Hanan (Ukvan), 11th Exilarch'Ukban_(exilarch)

Nathan I Ukba,

occupation: Exilarch 259-270, 

son of Huna II and N.N. to: nn


1) Nechemiah I, birth 270, died 313 Executed, occupation: Exilarch in Bavel to: nn

2) Mar Ukba

Exilarch Nathan I ben Huna beni David was Exilarch (Exilarch [Hebrew: ראש גלות Rosh Galut, Aramaic: ריש גלותא Reish Galuta lit. "head of the exile", Greek: Æchmalotarcha], referring to the leaders of the Diaspora Jewish community following the deportation of the population of Judah into Babylonian exile after the destruction of the kingdom of Judah) in Babylonia between 260 and 270.

See "My Lines"

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from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

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In the early fourth century, the rabbis rebel against the exiled Davidic king once again, this time refusing to pay Exilarch 'Uqba II the fund he is entitled to collect as king for the purpose of guarding and preserving God's everlasting covenant with the House of David

source: Nathan de-Zuzita bar Hanan (Ukvan), 11th Exilarch'Ukban_(exilarch) -------------------- Nathan I Ukba,

occupation: Exilarch 259-270,

son of Huna II and N.N. to: nn


1) Nechemiah I, birth 270, died 313 Executed, occupation: Exilarch in Bavel to: nn

2) Mar Ukba

Exilarch Nathan I ben Huna beni David was Exilarch (Exilarch [Hebrew: ראש גלות Rosh Galut, Aramaic: ריש גלותא Reish Galuta lit. "head of the exile", Greek: Æchmalotarcha], referring to the leaders of the Diaspora Jewish community following the deportation of the population of Judah into Babylonian exile after the destruction of the kingdom of Judah) in Babylonia between 260 and 270.

See "My Lines"

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from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

( ) -------------------- In the early fourth century, the rabbis rebel against the exiled Davidic king once again, this time refusing to pay Exilarch 'Uqba II the fund he is entitled to collect as king for the purpose of guarding and preserving God's everlasting covenant with the House of David

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