Immediate Family
About Nocher I de la Ferté-sir-Aube, count of Bar-sur Aube
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chambarsein.htm#NocherIBarAubedieda... (3 Nov 2017)
NOCHER [I] de la Ferté-sur-Aube, son of ACHARD de la Ferté-sur-Aube & his wife [Achardia ---] (-after 1011). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, records that "Rodulpho (Simonis genitori)" married three wives, firstly "Adela, Nocheri Barrensis ad Albam comitis filia, Notheri comitis Suessionum neptis, Achardi proneptis" who had previously married "Rainaldum de Sinemuro, Rainardum comitem de Jooniaco, Rotgerium de Wangionis ripa"[9]. Comte de Bar-sur-Aube. "Fulchone Suessionis episcopo ac comite Notcherio fratribus" supported a donation by "Vualterius Eduorum…episcopus" of property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 1011, subscribed by " Fulco episcopus Sessionis civitatis, Beraldi nepotis eius, Notcherii comitis, Notcherii filii eius, Adelise comitisse"[10].
m ([992]%29 [as her second husband,] ADELISA, [widow of GUY Comte de Soissons,] daughter of [GILBERT/GISELBERT Comte & his wife ---]. "…Notcherii comitis, Notcherii filii eius, Adelise comitisse" subscribed the charter dated 1011 under which "Fulchone Suessionis episcopo ac comite Notcherio fratribus" supported a donation by "Vualterius Eduorum…episcopus" of property to the abbey of Flavigny[11]. The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, records that "Nocherius seu Nocherus, Achardi filius" married in 992 "Alaidem comitissam Suessionensem, filiam comitis Gilberti, viduam Guidonis Viromanduensis, et matrem Rainaudi comitis Suessionensem"[12]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[13], she was Adelisa Ctss de Soissons, daughter of Guy Comte de Soissons & his wife ---. It is uncertain which version is correct, but as noted below under Renaud Comte de Soissons there are indications that the Acta Sanctorum version provides a more credible explanation of events.
Nocher [I] & his wife had [three] children:
1. NOCHER [II] (-[1019/40]). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, names "alius Nocherius, Wido…clericus, frater eius" as the two sons of "Nocherius comes Suessionem"[14]. Comte de Bar-sur-Aube.
2. GUY . The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, names "alius Nocherius, Wido…clericus, frater eius" as the two sons of "Nocherius comes Suessionem"[15].
[NOTE from curator: I am positioning Renaud, below, as stepson of Nocher and as son of Adelaide from her first marriage to Guy de Soissons]
3. [RENAUD [I] (-1057). Comte de Soissons. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[16], Renaud was the possible son of Nocher Comte de Bar-sur-Aube & his wife Adelisa Ctss de Soissons. This is consistent with the same source stating that Nocher’s wife was the daughter, not the widow, of Guy Comte de Soissons, but the primary source (if any) on which the information is based has not been identified. On the other hand, the Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, records that "Nocherius seu Nocherus, Achardi filius" married in 992 "Alaidem comitissam Suessionensem, filiam comitis Gilberti, viduam Guidonis Viromanduensis, et matrem Rainaudi comitis Suessionensem"[17]. As Renaud named his son Guy, it appears more likely that the Acta Sanctorum version is correct.]
=--------------------------------------= He was Count of Bar-sur-Aube. He occurs 970. He might have been a grandson, rather than son, of Archard de La Ferté. Also, it might have been Nocher rather than Archard who married the heir of Bar-sur-Aube.
Nocher I de la Ferté-sir-Aube, count of Bar-sur Aube's Timeline
922 |
La Ferte-sur-Aube, Aube, Champagne, France
971 |
Bar-sur-Aube, Aube, Champagne, France
1003 |
Age 81
???? |
???? |