THIETMAR [IV] (-10 Jan 1030, bur Kloster Helmershausen). The Annalista Saxo names "Thietmarus marchio" as son of "Geronis marchionis ex Athelheidhe marchionissa", when recording his death and place of burial[78]. "Henricus…rex" donated property of "in comitatu Dietmari comitis et in pago Volcfelt" to the church of Bamberg by charter dated 6 May 1007[79]. Graf im Schwaben- und Nordthüringgau 1010. Markgraf [der Ostmark] 1015. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "10 Jan" of "Thiadmarus marchio"[80]. m ---. The name of Thietmar's wife is not known. Markgraf Thietmar [IV] & his wife had two children:
(a) ODO (-after 10 Jan 1030). The Annalista Saxo names "Odo marchio" as son of "Thietmarus marchio", specifying that he died without issue[81]. He succeeded his father in 1030 as Markgraf [der Ostmark].
(b) ODA (-before 1068). The Annalista Saxo names Oda as wife of "Willehelmus comes de Wimmare" and records her second marriage to "Dedoni marchioni", but does not give her origin[82]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Odam matrem Othonis marchionis de Orlamunde" as wife of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo"[83]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m firstly as his second wife, WILHELM [III] Graf von Weimar, son of WILHELM [II] "der Große" Graf von Weimar & his wife --- (-16 Apr 1039). m secondly as his first wife, DEDO [II], son of DIETRICH [II] Graf in Eilenburg [Wettin] & his wife Mathilde von Meissen (-Oct 1075). Markgraf der sächsischen Ostmark 1046.
Graf Wilhelm [III] & his second wife had four children:i) WILHELM [IV] (-murdered Liège[1178] 1062). The Annalista Saxo names "Willehelmus marchiam" and his father "Willehelmus comes de Wimmare", when recording the former's appointment as Markgraf von Meissen[1179]. Graf von Weimar. [Pfalzgraf von Sachsen 1042]. He succeeded in 1047 as WILHELM Markgraf von Meissen. Graf von Merseburg 1062.
ii) POPPO (-[1046/56]). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Willehelmus marchio, Otto et Poppo" as the three sons of "Willehelmus comes de Wimmare", when recording the former's appointment as Markgraf von Meissen[1180]. Poppo had presumably died before 1056 as he is not mentioned in a later passage of that date with his two brothers[1181]. 1046.
iii) OTTO (-early 1067). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Willehelmus marchio, Otto et Poppo" as the three sons of "Willehelmus comes de Wimmare", when recording the former's appointment as Markgraf von Meissen[1182]. The Annalista Saxo says in one passage that Otto was "matrimonio inpari, matre scilicet Slavica, natus" but elsewhere that Oda (mother of "Dedo iunior") was "mater Ottonis de Orlagemunde"[1183]. Graf von Weimar. He succeeded his brother in 1062 as OTTO Markgraf von Meissen. Vogt of Merseburg cathedral 1066. Graf von Orlamünde. m (before 1060) as her first husband, ADELA de Louvain, daughter of LAMBERT II Comte de Louvain & his wife Uda of Lotharingia (-1083). The Annalista Saxo records "Adhelam de Brabantia, ex castello quod Lovene dicitur" as wife of Markgraf Otto, and later her second marriage to Otto's stepfather[1184]. She married secondly (1069) as his second wife, Dedo II Markgraf der Ostmark [Wettin].
iv) ARIBO (-murdered 1070). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Deacon.Graf Dedo [II] & his first wife had [three] children:
v) DEDO [III] (-murdered 1069, before 26 Oct, bur Meissen). The Annalista Saxo names him "Dedo iunior" and his mother "Oda mater Ottonis de Orlagemunde" when recording his murder while relieving himself at night[312]. Markgraf der Niederlausitz.
vi) ADELHEID (after 1039-[26 Jan] 1071, bur [Melk]). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Adelhidis…[et] Agnes" as the two daughters of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo" and his wife Oda, naming "Hernesto marchioni de Bavaria" as husband of Adelheid and "Luppoldum marchionem" as their son[313]. The Annales Gotwicenses record the death in 1071 of "Adalheit marchionissa"[314]. The necrology of Melk records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "Adalheida marchionissa ux Adalberti marchionis Austrie"[315]. At first sight, "Adalberti" has assumed to be an error for "Ernesti" as the latter's wife is the only known "marchionissa" of that name. However, the entry may alternatively refer to the otherwise unknown first wife of Markgraf Adalbert. The necrology of Kloster Neuburg also records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "Adelheidis marchionissa"[316] but does not name her husband. m as his first wife, ERNST Markgraf of Austria, son of ADALBERT Markgraf der Ostmark [Austria] & his first wife --- (-killed in battle near Homburg/Unstrut 9 Jun 1075, bur Melk).
vii) [AGNES . According to the Annalista Saxo, the wife of "Fridericus comes" (=Friedrich [I] Graf von Goseck, Pfalzgraf von Sachsen, from the context) was "filiam Dedonis marchionis, sororem iunioris Dedonis et ex matre Ottonis marchionis de Orlagemunde"[317]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Adelhidis…[et] Agnes" as the two daughters of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo" and his wife Oda, naming "Friderico comiti" as husband of Agnes and "Adelbertum archiepiscopum, Dedonem et Fridericum palatinos comites, et filiam nomine Odam quam Adelbertus quidam nobilis cognominatus Seveke de Sumerschenburc accepit uxorem" as their children[318], presumably based on the same source. This is impossible chronologically as the children of Markgraf Dedo must have been born after 1039, the earliest date of his marriage, while Friedrich von Goseck died in [1042]. The Chronicon Gozecense apparently identifies the correct origin of Agnes, wife of Friedrich von Goseck, when it names "Oudam" as daughter of "comes Fridericus [et] Agnam…de Wimare"[319], the latter being the sister of Oda der Ostmark's first husband Wilhelm [III] Graf von Weimar (see THURINGIAN NOBILITY). The question remains whether these sources should be interpreted broadly as meaning that Markgraf Dedo [II] did have a second daughter named Agnes by his first marriage and that she was married to another individual named Friedrich. m FRIEDRICH "Graf in Sachsen".]
Grevinne. Levde 1039.
Biografi - Biography Oda var grevinne av Lausitz.
Possibly a twin.
990 |
Weimar, Germany
1025 |
Niederlausitz, Germany
1031 |
Wettin, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1032 |
Meissen, Dresden, Saxony
1035 |
Weimar, Ostergau, Thüringen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
1046 |
1068 |
Mark Lausitz (Lusatia), Heiliges Römisches Reich
???? |
Meissen, Mark Meissen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
???? |