Oline Grimsdatter Kroppan

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Oline Grimsdatter Kroppan (Kroppan)

Birthplace: Kroppan, Tiller
Death: August 23, 1868 (2 weeks)
Kroppan, Tiller
Place of Burial: Tiller kirkegσrd, Tiller
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Grim Arntsen Kroppan and Berit Olsdatter Kroppan
Sister of Anne Elisabeth Grimsdatter Kroppan; Fredrikke Blakli and Eskild Grimsen Kroppan
Half sister of Thomas Pedersen Stafne; Trond Stafne; Lars Grimsen Kroppan; Arnt Grimsen Kroppan; Eskild Grimsen Kroppan and 5 others

Managed by: Reidar Lyslo
Last Updated:
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Oline Grimsdatter Kroppan's Timeline

August 7, 1868
Kroppan, Tiller
August 21, 1868
Kroppan, Tiller
August 23, 1868
Kroppan, Tiller
August 30, 1868
Tiller kirkegσrd, Tiller