Immediate Family
About Orm, Lord of Seton
Orm, son of Ketel, is found on the pedigree drawn from the 1615 and 1666 Visitations of Cumberland and Westmorland Counties. He is shown as the son of Ketel and the husband of Gunhilda, sister of Waltheof and daughter of Cospatric (in Latin, Gurwelda soror Waldevii filii Cospatrici). It goes on to say that they were from Dunbar, Scotland (comitis Dunbar in Scotii).
As with Orm's father Ketel and grandfather Elftred, controversy swirls around the exact parentage of Orm. Why did his younger brother Gilbert inherit the better title (Baron of Kendal), and not Orm? Was his mother Christina? Was she a de Talboise? The answers may never be known.
Richard Borthwick cites a reconstruction of this area by G. Washington in "The Parentage of William de Lancaster, Lord of Kendal" in 'Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archeological Society', LXII (1962), 95-100, incorporating as Part II, a section written by G. Andrews Moriarty. In this reconstruction Christina is daughter of Ivo de Taillebois by Lucy of Mercia and marries Chetell, d. aft. 1120, son of Eldred of Workington. They are parents of Orm who married Gunhilda/Gunnilda. However, this version has been cast into doubt by Keats-Rohan, who places Ketel as the son of Eldred and a daughter (Beatrix?) of Ivo de Taillebois, Lord of Kendal.
However Orm cannot be born too much after 1075, because he marries Gunnilda de Dunbar, whose father died in 1074.
Gunhilda of Dunbar, wife of Orm, was the daughter of Cospatric FitzMaldred, 1st Lord of Dunbar, and his wife Aethelreda of Wessex. She was born c.1075 in Dunbar Castle, East Lothian, Scotland.
Orm became Lord of Seton after his marriage.
Child of Orm, Lord of Seton, and wife, Gunhilda of Dunbar:
- Gospatric of Workington, who married Egeline Engaine, born c.1114 (dau. of Raoul d´Engaine and Ibria De Estriviers)
Links to addtional material:
- http://washington.ancestryregister.com/FITZ_KETEL00006.htm
- http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/CURWEN.htm#Gilbert De LANCASTER1
- http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Soc/soc.genealogy.medieval/...
Christina wife of Ketel of Kendal is NOT his mother.
Orm Ketilsson
5. GUNHILDA . The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Waldevus filius comitis Cospatricii” enfeoffed “Ormo Ketelli” with property and “Gurwelda sorore sua”[422].
m ORM, son of KETIL & his wife ---.
Orm & his wife had one child:
a) GOSPATRICK . The 1157 Pipe Roll records "Gospat´z fil Ormi" in Carlisle[423].
Kendel or Kendal? Kendal is a town in Cumbria, Lake District: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendal
Alternate names: Orm MacKetil DE KENDAL Lord of Seton Born: Abt 1075, Seaton, Cockermouth, Cumberland, England
Parents: Ketel of Kendal (c. 1055-aft.1120) and UNKNOWN first wife (c. 1057-before 1103) (NOT Christina)
married Gunhild de Dunbar
children: 1. Gospatric DE WORKINGTON of High Ireby, Lord of Workington
Orme of Kendal Father: Ketel De TAILBOIS
Mother: Christiana De TAILLEBOIS Married: Gunnilda of Northumbria (dau. of Gofpatrick, Earl of Northumbria, and Aetheldreda, Princess of England)
Children: 1. Gospatric of Workington (E. Dunbar)
Orm, Lord of Seton's Timeline
1075 |
Seaton, Cockermouth, Cumberland, England
1097 |
High Ireby, Cumberland, England
1115 |
Age 40
Lancashire, England
1150 |
January 1, 1150
Workington, UK
???? | |||
???? |