Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
half sister
About Pepin Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux
Pepin III, Count of Vermandois (also known as Pepin II, Count of Senlis; French: Pépin) (c. 846 – 893) was a Frankish noble; the Count of Senlis and Count of Vermandois (850 – 893); Lord of Valois (877 – 886),[1] and later Count of Valois (886 – 893). He was a son of Pepin, Count of Vermandois and Valois and thus a grandson of Bernard of Italy, who was himself a grandson of Charlemagne. The brothers of Pepin III were Herbert I, Count of Vermandois and Bernard II, Count of Laon.
Pepin III of Vermandois's wife's name and origin are unknown; their son was:
- Pepin III of Senlis (876 – 922), Count of Senlis.
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). .. ...
- 2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[681]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[682], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[683]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[684].
These guys are brother from a different mother, or maybe same mother
Berenger de Bayeux, Comte de Bayeux MP French: Bérenger de Bayeux, Comte de Bayeux Gender: Male Birth: circa 847 Lower Normandy, Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France Death: December 13, 892 (40-49) Viking Bayeaux, Normandy, , France Immediate Family: Husband of daughter of Pépin
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
- Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560].
- Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561].
- Comte near Paris after 834.
- He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562].
- The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
- Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
- Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567].
- "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
- Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574].
- Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575].
- Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896.
- Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].]
5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
- The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.]
- m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]:
- [560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
- [561] Rösch, p. 86.
- [562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214.
- [563] Annales Bertiniani I 834.
- [564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215.
- [565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
- [566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215.
- [567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177.
- [568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23.
- [569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
- [570] Settipani (1993), p. 215.
- [571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation.
- [572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605.
- [573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
- [574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633.
- [575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605.
- [576] Settipani (1993), p. 217.
- [577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329.
From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
- Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France
- Death: aft 28 Jan 893
- Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892)
- Mother: Rothaide
Misc. Notes
- Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.]
- From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
- 1. Pepin II (~876->922)
- 2. Poppa (~872-932)
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
- + 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
- + 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
- + 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne.
- Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.]
From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA]
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands]
Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda
Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872.
Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages:
Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois
They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy
F ii Sprote de Bourgogne
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin. Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. 4. [CUNEGUNDIS.
Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].] 5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.] m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]: References:
[560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [561] Rösch, p. 86. [562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214. [563] Annales Bertiniani I 834. [564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215. [565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215. [567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177. [568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23. [569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [570] Settipani (1993), p. 215. [571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation. [572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633. [575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [576] Settipani (1993), p. 217. [577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329.
From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: aft 28 Jan 893 Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892) Mother: Rothaide Misc. Notes
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.] References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
1. Pepin II (~876->922) 2. Poppa (~872-932)
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
+ 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne. --------------------
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA] -------------------- PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands] -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_of_Vermandois
Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengar_II_of_Neustria -------------------- Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872.
[Notes] Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages: Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois [Notes] They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy F ii Sprote de Bourgogne read more
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin. Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. 4. [CUNEGUNDIS.
Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].] 5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.] m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]: References:
[560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [561] Rösch, p. 86. [562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214. [563] Annales Bertiniani I 834. [564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215. [565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215. [567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177. [568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23. [569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [570] Settipani (1993), p. 215. [571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation. [572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633. [575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [576] Settipani (1993), p. 217. [577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329. From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: aft 28 Jan 893 Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892) Mother: Rothaide Misc. Notes
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.] References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
1. Pepin II (~876->922) 2. Poppa (~872-932)
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
+ 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne.
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA]
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_of_Vermandois Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengar_II_of_Neustria Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872. [Notes] Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages: Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois [Notes] They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy F ii Sprote de Bourgogne From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin. Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568]. ---
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. 4. [CUNEGUNDIS.
Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].] 5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.] m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]: References:
[560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [561] Rösch, p. 86. [562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214. [563] Annales Bertiniani I 834. [564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215. [565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215. [567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177. [568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23. [569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [570] Settipani (1993), p. 215. [571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation. [572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633. [575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [576] Settipani (1993), p. 217. [577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329.
From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: aft 28 Jan 893 Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892) Mother: Rothaide Misc. Notes
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.] References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
1. Pepin II (~876->922) 2. Poppa (~872-932) ---
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
+ 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne.
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA]
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands]
Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda
Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872.
[Notes] Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages: Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois [Notes] They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy F ii Sprote de Bourgogne read more
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560].
Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561].
Comte near Paris after 834.
He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562].
The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567].
"Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575].
Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896.
Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].]
5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.]
m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]:
[560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
[561] Rösch, p. 86.
[562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214.
[563] Annales Bertiniani I 834.
[564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215.
[565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
[566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215.
[567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177.
[568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23.
[569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
[570] Settipani (1993), p. 215.
[571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation.
[572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605.
[573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
[574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633.
[575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605.
[576] Settipani (1993), p. 217.
[577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329.
From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France
Death: aft 28 Jan 893
Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892)
Mother: Rothaide
Misc. Notes
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.]
From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
1. Pepin II (~876->922)
2. Poppa (~872-932)
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
+ 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
+ 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
+ 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne.
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.]
From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA] PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_of_Vermandois
Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengar_II_of_Neustria Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872.
Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages:
Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois
They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy
F ii Sprote de Bourgogne
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin. Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568]. ---
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. 4. [CUNEGUNDIS.
Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].] 5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.] m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]: References:
[560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [561] Rösch, p. 86. [562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214. [563] Annales Bertiniani I 834. [564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215. [565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215. [567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177. [568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23. [569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [570] Settipani (1993), p. 215. [571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation. [572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633. [575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [576] Settipani (1993), p. 217. [577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329.
From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: aft 28 Jan 893 Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892) Mother: Rothaide Misc. Notes
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.] References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
1. Pepin II (~876->922) 2. Poppa (~872-932) ---
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
+ 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes)
He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne.
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA]
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580].
m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands]
Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda
Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872.
[Notes] Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages: Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois [Notes] They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy F ii Sprote de Bourgogne read more From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin. Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[568]. ---
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[569].
At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[570], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris.
Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[571].
Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[572].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[573]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[574]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[575]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. 4. [CUNEGUNDIS.
Cunegundis was cited in a list of relations of comte Odo, son-in-law of Héribert I Comte de Vermandois, without any indication of how she may have been related to the family[576].] 5. [daughter . [m firstly BERENGER Comte [de Bayeux], son of --- (-13 Dec [892 or after]).
The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "Beringerius comes"[577]. One way of reconciling the apparently contradictory sources which recount the origin of Poppa, wife of Rollo of Normandy, is that her mother married firstly Berengar Comte de Bayeux and secondly Guy Comte de Senlis. There is no proof that this is correct.] m [secondly] WIDO [Guy] Comte de Senlis , son of ---. [One possible child] [of second marriage]: References:
[560] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [561] Rösch, p. 86. [562] Nithard, Historiarum libri IV, ed. P. Lauer (Paris, 1926), cited in Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 214. [563] Annales Bertiniani I 834. [564] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 215. [565] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [566] Pocchetino, G. (1922), 'I Pipinidi in Italia (sec. VIII-XII)', Archivio storico Lombardo, 54 (1927), pp. 1-43, and Violante, C. (1974) 'Quelques caractéristiques des structures familiales en Lombardie, Emilie et Toscane aux XI et XII siècles', Famille et parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Rome), pp. 87-147, 128, both cited in Settipani (1993), p. 215. [567] Settipani (1993), p. 215 footnote 177. [568] Bourgeois, E. (1885) Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise (Paris), p. 23. [569] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [570] Settipani (1993), p. 215. [571] D Karl 108, p. 172, headed "verunechtet" in the compilation. [572] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [573] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [574] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 633. [575] Reginonis Chronicon 892, MGH SS I, p. 605. [576] Settipani (1993), p. 217. [577] Nécrologe du Mans, p. 329. From Mark H. Holmes' research on his family tree:
Name: Pepin I de Senlis
Birth: abt 842, Vermandois, Normandy, France Death: aft 28 Jan 893 Father: Count Pepin de Vermandois (817-892) Mother: Rothaide Misc. Notes
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.] References: [WallopFH],[RoyalAAF],[RFC]
Spouses: (blank)
1. Pepin II (~876->922) 2. Poppa (~872-932) ---
(Ben M. Angel notes: Holmes' research appears to be based on secondary sources alone. The Medlands project speculates that his sister as being the mother of Poppa. The primary and secondary sources that are cited by FMG indicate that Pepin II, himself, was never married nor had children. The Valois reference probably comes from references to his father as being the Comte du Vexin as a result of marriage. The two counties appear to be frequently confused. The Vexin originated as a county that governed the Gaulic Véliocasses tribe. The Valois was a county based at Vez. The two were united in 1077 under the Capetians. The confusion between the Vexin and the Valois appears to be perpetuated in part by English Wikipedia entries that, although list sources, are not particularly well-cited.)
Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois 2, 3, 4 (847 - 931)
He is also knowned under the name of Bérenger, comte de Bayeux 1.
He is the son of Pépin II, comte de Péronne 2, 3 and Rothaïde de Bobbio 2, 3.
He is maybe the son of Judicaël, comte de Rennes.
He is born circa 847 in Bayeux, 14, Normandie, France 3, 6. He marries Adalind de Bretagne 2. He marries Dame Gerberge de Rennes daughter of Gurvant de Rennes, duc de Bretagne and de Bretagne circa 875 4. Pépin III Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux et Valois est cité in 889 1. He dies in 931 3, 4, 7.
List of known children:
+ 1. Bernard Ier de Senlis, comte de Valois (875 - 927) 2 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 2. Poppa de Valois, duchesse de Normandie (880 - 912) 2, 3, 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) + 3. Juhel Bérenger de Rennes, duc de Bretagne (885 - 970) 5 (of Dame Gerberge de Rennes) He was deprived of the throne of Italy by Emperor Louis, the Debonaire, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seigneuries of St. Quentin and Peronne.
Americans of Royal Descent* by Charles Browning, 7th edition, 1986. has, p. 2 (and elsewhere, with minor differences): " PEPIN DE SENLIS DE VALOIS, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, father of: LADY POPPA DE VALOIS, who m. (his first wife) Rollo the Dane." [If the above is true, then Pepin was the father of POPPE OF BAYEUX and was the same person as BERENGER, COUNT OF BAYEUX.] From K.Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in volume IV, Karl der Grosee, ed W.Braunfels, 1965: Count in 877, he was present at Reims in 893 with [his brother] HERIBERT when CHARLES THE SIMPLE was crowned by Abp Fulk. [ed. comment by the poster of this information: Sometimes secondary sources call him Ct of Valois, I don't know why.]
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_233.htm
[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.]
References: [RoyalAAF],[PlantagenetA]PlantagenetA]
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[577]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[578]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks[579]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[580]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known. Settipani suggests[581] that she was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin.
Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[582]. According to Italian authors[583], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[584]. "Adelelm et Bernard comtes de la region du Laonnais" donated property to Sainte-Marie de Laon as executors of the testament of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks[585].
2. PEPIN [II] ([845]-after 28 Jan 893]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[586]. At the court of Emperor Charles “le Chauve” in 877[587], thereafter Comte to the north of Paris. Emperor Karl III confirmed a grant of property including "villamque in Pipenensi comitatatu quæ Nogenlis dicitur" to the church of Grandval by charter dated 20 Sep 884[588]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[589].
3. HERIBERT ([850]-killed [900/6 Nov 907]). Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum", specifying that Heribert killed "Rodulfum comitem filium Balduini comitis"[590]. "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" is named in the Vita Hludowicis Imperatoris[591]. Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 892 in opposition to King Eudes, but does not specify the relationship between Heribert and Pepin[592]. Heribert became Comte de Vermandois in 896. [Medlands]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_of_Vermandois Pepin (818 - Unknown) was the first count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, Péronne, and Saint Quentin. He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in 840. In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, she has been spuriously called "Rothaide de Bobbio". His heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesized a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard (c. 844 – after 893), count of Laon Gerberge (born c. 854) Pepin (c. 846–893), count of Senlis and lord of Valois (877–893) Herbert I of Vermandois (c. 850–907) Beatrix (born c. 854) Mathilde (born c. 857) Adelaide (born c. 858) Cunigunda
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengar_II_of_Neustria Count Berenguer de Bayeux 1 was born 2 in 848 in Bayeux, Bretagne, France. He died 3 before 930 in France. He married 4 Lady Cunégonde de Rennes before 872. [Notes] Lady Cunégonde de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 860 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. She married 4 Count Berenguer de Bayeux before 872. Cunégonde was born in France.
Other marriages: Caroling, Pepin III Count of Senlis de Valois [Notes] They had the following children:
F i Poppa de Bayeux Countess of Normandy F ii Sprote de Bourgogne From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility (covering his birth family - he apparently never had wife or children):
PEPIN [I], son of BERNARD I King of Italy [Carolingian] & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).
Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[560]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin[561]. Comte near Paris after 834. He supported Emperor Lothaire after the death of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux", despite having sworn allegiance to Charles II "le Chauve"[562]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Ratholdus…episcopus, Bonifacius comes, Pippinus consanguineus imperatoris" as supporters of Emperor Louis I in 834[563]. m ---. The name of Pépin's wife is not known.
Settipani suggests[564] that the wife of Comte Pépin was --- [du Vexin], daughter of THEODERIC, son of NIBELUNG Comte du Vexin, bearing in mind that Pépin's descendants inherited estates in the Vexin. Comte Pépin & his wife had five children:
1. BERNARD [I] ([845]-[before 893]).
Regino names (in order) "Bernardum, Pippinum et Heribertum" as the three children of "Pippinum"[565]. According to Italian authors[566], Bernard went to Italy and was the ancestor of the Bernardhengi. Settipani is sceptical about this, particularly as the names Pepin and Heribert are not found among the alleged descendants. He suggests that comte Bernard may be the same Bernard recorded as one of the executors of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks in 877[567]. "Adelelm e
Pepin Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux's Timeline
845 |
Senlis, Oise, Picardie, France
870 |
876 |
893 |
January 28, 893
Age 48
Senlis, Oise, Picardie, France
1992 |
February 13, 1992
Age 1147
September 10, 1992
Age 1147
1993 |
March 3, 1993
Age 1148
???? |
Senlis, Oise, Hauts-de-France, France