From Zutphen in Gelderland. The progenitor is shown in the baptismal and marriage registers as Pieter Christiaens. His wife, Hermina Karels is of unknown heritage and has no connection with the Carelse family(the progenitor of the Carelse family only arrived at the Cape by about 1740)
Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ahlersvle...
According to the First Fifty Years Project website, his first wife was Willemina van Mauritius (although the spelling was 'Ermina Karels' in the documentation about her marriage, it was 'Willemina van Mauritius' in the documentation about her baptism), daughter of Iba van Timor. His second wife was Adriana Gerritsdogter.
Source: http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g10/p10657.htm and http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g10/p10001.htm
Inventaaris der goederen naergelaaten en met er doot ontruijmt bij wijlen Pieter Christiaansse de Jaager, ten voordeele van desselfs naargelaatene huijsvrouw, Ariaantie Jansse ter eenre, en
desselfs vijf minderjaarige hier ondertenoemene kinderen, als
Aldus g'inventarizeert aen Cabo de Goede Hoop den 6:en Maart 1715.
- Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/3.34 on http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/
Pieter Christiaan de Jager married Hermina Carelse on the 19th February 1696. He was about 17 years her senior. Hermina is recorded under a number of different names (Hermina, Ermina, Willemina, Tremena). Spelling of names is also not consistent and surnames changed at times to indicate the individual’s birth place or sometimes the father’s surname. Hermina is also called Willemina van Mauritius indicating her place of birth. Hermina was the daughter of Iba van Timor, and I suspect, an unknown VOC employee in Mauritius with the surname ‘Carelse’, hence her taking on the name ‘Hermina Carelse’. Her mother, Iba was the daughter in a Timorese family that was exiled from Timor and sent to Mauritius from Jakarta in 1676. Family consisted of Amsubu [also known as Amsoeboe], his wife Inabe, and their two daughters Iba and Baauw. Hermina was born in 1677 in Mauritius to daughter Iba and later baptised in the Cape of Good Hope on the 8th February 1693. The family was accused of inciting a mutiny and sent from Mauritius to the Cape, South Africa in 1679. Iba was to become the stamoeder (progenitor) of the De Jagers and sister Baauw the stamoeder of the van Wyk line. (Robertson) The story of the Timorese family is found in the book ”Pai Timor” by Mansell Upham.
1671 |
Zutphen, Gelderland, Nederland (Netherlands)
1696 |
September 30, 1696
Cape Town, Cape
1698 |
Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa
1699 |
May 24, 1699
Drankenstein, Western Cape, South Africa
1701 |
Cape Town, Cape
1703 |
Cape Town, Cape
1706 |
Cape Town, Cape
1709 |
Stellenbosch, Cape Colony, South Africa
1711 |
November 15, 1711
Drakenstein, Cape Colony