Not the son of Aaron Stark, {fictional}
Aaron Stark was born in England about 1608, the husband of Sarah and father of William, Aaron, John and Sarah. Aaron Stark settled on Mystic Hill, where the Indian fort had stood. Here his son William was born in 1664. He was a member of the Church of England, and meetings were held at his house. He died at New London, Connecticut, in 1685, at the age of 77 years. We do know that he served under Captain Mason in the war with the Pequot Indians in 1637.
The first settlement in Connecticut was made by the Dutch in 1633 at Hartford. In 1636 English settlers from Massachusetts made permanent settlements at Hartford, Windsor and Weathersfield. The next year the three towns organized themselves into an independent government for protection against the Pequots. The battle with the Indians was fought in May, 1637, on Mystic Hill, near the present Groton. The Indian fort or stockade was surprised and entered early in the morning and set on fire, and several hundred men, women and children perished. The tribe was nearly annihilated in the short campaign. Sassacus, their chief, fled to the Mohawks and was killed by them. Many Pequots were sold as slaves.
1608 Aaron Stark was born in Scotland or England around 1608. Source: LDS Microfilm Film #5593 Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664-1714; Book 2, page 280; June 11, 1673 deposition states, "The Testimony of Aron Starke Aged Sixtie five yeares or there Abouts." (Transcribed by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman)
1627-36 Aaron Stark Arrived in New England. His date of arrival is not know with any certainty. Some have speculated arrival dates, but no documents have been found. Source: 1) Ackley, Hattie Stark, 1937 Stark Family Reunion Publication, Historian's Report, page 31. Quote: "In a historical sketch of the late Hon. Benjamin Stark, published in the "Ships and Engine Magazine", the statement is made that his ancestor, Aaron, landed at Salem, Mass., in 1627, and that he joined up with the Rev. Joseph Hooker and journeyed to Wethersfield, Conn." 2) "The Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly", Volume XII, No. 4, dated October, 1909, page 195, Article Titled, "Stark Descendant Family Lines"; published by The "Old Northwest " Genealogical Society, Memorial Hall, East Broad Street, 1909. Reports Aaron arrived in 1629.
May 1637, Aaron joined Captain John Mason's forces to wage war on the Pequot Indians. He was probably residing at Windsor and was among the contingent from this settlement. Source: LDS Microfilm Film #5593 Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664-1714; Book 2, page 280; June 11, 1673 deposition. Quote: "testifieth and sayth that we being souldiers under Capt: John Mason with many more when wee went Agaynst the Pequitts Indeans wee being Landed in the Naragansett Country where many of the Naragansetts Came Armed and tendred themselves to goe with us in that Cervise Agaynst the Pequitts wherein they was Redily Accepted And marched with us through part of the Naragansett Country until they Came within four or five miles of Pawcatuck River where wee made A halt: where Nenecraft And Miantinomye with many others did declare unto our Commanders that wee were come into the Pequitt Country And therefore did Advise them to bee verie Carefull of themselves Least they Should be destroyed." (Transcribed by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman)
1639 Appeared before the Particular Court of Connecticut April 11, 1639. He was charged with unclean practices with Mary Holt. He was whipped in Hartford and again one week later in Windsor, where he was probably living. The letter "R" was branded on his cheek for this offense which may have stood for "Ravisher" of women. He was ordered to marry Mary Holt, but it is believed this did not happen. Source: Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663; Published by The Connecticut Historical Society And The Society of Colonial Wars In The State of Connecticut, Hartford, 1928. pages 3,4,13,19,20; Quote: "Jn. Edmunds, Aaron Stark, and Jn. Williams were censured for vncleane practises as foll. (Note: Apparently sentenced as follows, CLL); Jn. [Edmunds] Williams to be whipt att a Carts arse vppon a lecture day att Hartford. (Note: From the quoted text, a footnote says "Edmunds" crossed out and "Williams" written above it. CLL); Jn. Williams to stand vppon the pillory from the ringing of the first bell to the end of the lecture then to be whipt att a Carts arse and to be whipt in like maner att Windsore within 8 dayes following; Aaron Starke to Stand vppon the pillory and be whipt as Williams and to haue the letter R burnt vppon his cheeke and in regard of the wrong done to Mary Holt to pay her parents 10?? and in defect of such to the Common Wealth and when both are fit for that Condition to marry her; It is the mind of the Court that Mr. Ludlow and Mr. Phelps see some publique punishment inflicted vppon the girle for Concealing it soe long."
On July 2, 1640, Aaron is again before the Court accused of "buggery with a heifer." In all of our research, this appearance has not been revealed for reasons which will be understandable. This court record revealed the following: "Nicholas Senthion for not appearing to witnesse agaynst Aron Starke is ffyned to pay ffyne pownd to the Country. John Porter one of the Constables of Wyndsor is to keepe the said Aron Starke with locke and Chaine and hold him to hard labour & course dyet vntil he be cauled to bring him forth vppon the next somons. The said Aron being accused of buggery with a heifer, confesseth that he leaned crosse over the heifers fflanke, though at the first he denyed that he came neere her, lastly he acknowledgeth that he had twice comitted the acte with the heifer but that shee was to narrowe." Source: Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663; Published by The Connecticut Historical Society And The Society of Colonial Wars In The State of Connecticut, Hartford, 1928. pages 3,4,13,19,20
April 6, 1643, Aaron is back before the Court again. This court record states, "Aron Starke is aiudged to be whiped at Winsor tomorrow, & then to serve Captaine Mason during ye pleasure of ye Court." Although the reason is not given, Aaron was apparently whipped again, and ordered into the service of John Mason for an indefinite period of time. By now, Aaron was close to being banished. John Mason, a military leader probably loyal to the members of his command, most likely intervened in Aaron's behalf, suggesting his redeeming talents could be put to better use if he was released to serve Mason.11 On the same day of this entry in the court records, will be found the name "Captaine Mason", who is listed as present in the Court on that day, further suggesting this is the case. Although Mason was probably present that day as a part of his duties as a leader of the community, he would have recognized the community could not afford to be without fighting men like Aaron. Hence, continued what is believed to have been a military relationship between the Connecticut Chief Military Officer and Aaron. Source: Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663; Published by The Connecticut Historical Society And The Society of Colonial Wars In The State of Connecticut, Hartford, 1928. pages 3,4,13,19,20
1643-1646 Aaron probably lived in Windsor because he was now serving Mason at the pleasure of the court. Source: Clovis La Fleur Speculation.
1646 Mason becomes commander of Saybrook Fort and moves to this location where he will live for the next 12 years. Aaron probably also moved to Saybrook. Source 1: Caulkins, Frances Manwaring (1795-1869); History of New London, Connecticut. From the First Survey of the Coast in 1612 to 1860 . (Published in 1895, 696 pp., 2 vols.); page 145. Source 2: Clovis La Fleur speculation on Aaron moving to Saybrook with the Mason Family.
1651 John Mason receives two land grants for his service in the Pequot War. Source: GRANTS & DEEDS II; PG 28 CAPTAIN MASON OF SEABROOKE; 1651; March 16, 1650/51; 100 A upland unto the 100 A of upland at Misticke: bounds...... by the side of the sd creek or river to the sea buting upon Chippachog Iland...... ; Mar 16, 1651.... He hath given him the remainder of land called a neck of land lying betwixt his land at Misticke and a creeke yt is the bounds of the neck of land that was given to Cary Latham upon the Eastward side of Misticke river also he hath given him a small woody Iland lying neere his Iland at Misticke (Iland = Island); NEW LONDON TOWN RECORD 1651 - 1660; pg. 7; Nov. 15, 1651 Captin Mason hath a 100 acres of upland...... (Collected by Carolyn Smith, Extracted from the original by Eva Butler)
In or about 1653, Aaron Stark married Sarah, probably in Saybrook. They moved to the Mason Land Grant received by John Mason above in 1651, probably in November of 1653. On Dec. 14 1653, a Thomas Minor entry in his dairy reports, "Captain Mason's man came for one yoke of oxen." In the next month, Captain Mason's man is revealed to be Aaron Stark. Ther are many other entried about Aaron that will be reported later. The Thomas Miner property was next door to the Mason Grant making Thomas and Aaron neighbor. Minor was the Magistrate for Stonington and many of his dairy entries were related to decisions he would make in the political ro;e in Stonington. Children of Aaron and Sarah born at this location was Aaron Stark, Jr. (1653-1657), John Stark (1656-1659), Sarah Stark (1660) and William Stark, (1664). Source 1: Miner, John A., The Minor Diaries, Stonington, CT: Thomas Minor 1653 to 1684, Manasseh Minor 1696 to 1720 (1976); Original publishers of the Diaries: Sidney H. Miner and George D. Stanton, publishers of Thomas' Diary in 1899; and Frank Denison Miner and Hannah Miner, publishers of Manasseh's Diary in 1915; Page 6, 1653; "The tenth month december .31. days Thursday the first, Thursday the .8. and wensday the .14. Captin masons man Came for one yoke of oxen and Thursday the .15. & Thursday the .22. I had plowed two days crose the (la)nd and this same day I begun to (torn) timber at the mill broocke." (Collected by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman) [Note 1: One will ask why Minor refers to December as the Tenth month. At that time, the English New Year started March 25th. The rest of Europe started the New Year on January 1st. Many records recorded in New England refer to both years where January through March 25 overlab. Note 2: A yoke of oxen would have been two oxen harnessed for work. Two yokes of oxen would be four animals harnessed for work, etc. Clovis LaFleur, July 2001] Source 2: LDS Microfilm Film #5593, Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664-1714, Book 1, page 123; September 26, 1670; [Note: This Deed transaction by Aaron sold his Pequot Land Grant received in 1664. His spouse, Sarah Stark is a witness along with John Fish. It speculated the Sarah Stark who was a witness was the spouse of Aaron. Purchase of this property will be under the text for the year 1664. Clovis LaFleur, July 2001]
Jan. 2, 1653/54; Aaron Stark is referred to as Aaron Stark in this entry made one month after the Dec. 1653 entry. It would appear Thomas Minor took his oxen to Aron Stark, living on the Mason property, on the 2nd day of January. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 6; "1653 (The) Eleventh month Januarie .31 (days saba)th day the first (mo)nday (torn) (deliver)ed .2. oxen to Aron Starke for the yuse of major mason satterday the (torn) theare was a great snow."
Mar. 15, 1654/55; Aaron Stark by this date had oxen of his own, for Thomas Minor Borrowed them. Source: Minor Dainry, Page 13 1654/5; "The first month is march and hath .31. days being the yeare 1655. Thursday the first and Thursday the eight I went to mill and Thursday the .15. that weeke I had Arons oxen to plow and Thursday .22. I was at mill."
June 5, 1655; either Aaron paid with a Calf part of what was due to Thomas for a hat with 9 shillings still due, or Thomas bought the hat from Aaron. The entry is not clear enough to make a determination either way. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 14; 1655; " The fourth month is June and hath .30. days Friday the first and satterday the .2. we had the wooll from goodwife shaw and tusday the .5., had a calfe of Aron Starke in parte of pay for my hat and 9 shillings still is due and Friday the .8. the Indeans begun to play ."
Jan. 22, 1656/57; Thomas Minor appears to building a house for he seems to have received rafters on the 15th and then worked with Aaron on the 22nd to install them. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 27; 1657; "The Leventh month is Januarie, Friday the .15, had got ribs for the house and Friday the .22 , wroght wt Aron Stark, agreed with herman ggarek about my canoow the .29."
Mar. 11, 1659/60; Thomas Minor requested Aaron Stark assist in renewing bounds between their properties. Aaron sent word to Thomas he could renew bounds until the Major (Major John Mason) came. This entry clearly reveals Aaron is a tenant on the Mason property and does not the authority to comply with the Thomas Minor Request. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 43, 1660; "The second of march, sent to Aron Start to com the .11. of march and renew the bounds between us and he sent me word he would not till the major did com."
Jan. 13, 1660/61; On this date, Thomas in his roll as Magistrate, probably resolved the owner ship of a Heifer which had wondered onto the Mason property. Apparently, Aaron believed the heifer was belonged to him but Minor ruled in favor of "Sam and Hannah". Source: Minor Dairy, Page 48; 1661; "The eleventh month is Januarie .31. days, the .13. day being Monday we fetched sam & hanah ther heighfar from Arons & wensday the 22. mr Brigden was at poquatucke."
Mar. 8 1661/62; On this date Thomas refers to Aaron as "Goodman Starts", a phrase Thomas usually reserved for those who were members of the Congregational Church. The author believes this is an indication Aaron and Sarah have joined the church and is when Aaron's service to Mason is about to end. The second entry in this month may reveal Aaron's task from John Mason when he sent Aaron to Stoninton to live on his. He was probably to report Indian activities to Mason and Minor. The Mar. 8th entry indicates, "Goodman Starts Indian came to him Saturday." On March 11th, Thomas apparently helped Aaron complete the framing of a house he was building on the Mason property. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 49; 1661/2; "The first month march & hath 31 days … tusday Thomas was at new London Friday the 7th Goodman starts Indean came to him saterday the .8 tusday the 11th we made an end of framing at starts our white calvfe died saterday the 15, was ill in my head the 16. day I took phisicke."
July 6, 1663; This appears to be another indication of Aaron's role in Stonington. Thomas arrives from a trip to find "Captaine Morrice was a prisoner at Aaron's." On the 8th, Samuel Cheesebrough apparently delivers papers related to why Morrice is being held captive. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 58 ; 1663; "The fifte month is July & hath .31. days wensday the first Monday the 6th I came whome from Coneticut Captaine morrice was a prisonor at Arons wensday the .8. Samuell Cheesbrough brought The Execution."
Aug. 21, 1663; This entry in the dairy seems to be related to the July entry, although this cannot be said with certainty. The remark Aaron told them "5 weeks before" seems to indicate this is about the Captain Morrice affair. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 189-190; "The 21. of Agust 1663 Aron start tould us that about yt day .5. weeks before the Captayne Denison said it was no matter though I did build I might do what I would at tagwouncke I should never enjoy it for it was the Coledges land it was about the 15 or 16. of July this was spoken Jo fish Aron stark at Morgans
October 15, 1663; Apparently, an infant born to Sarah died just beofre this date. It is speculated the child was an infant and had not been named, for Thomas did not reveal the sex or name of this child that died. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 60; 1663; "The eight moneth is October & have .31. days Thursday the first Thursday the .8. I was at the generall Court Thursday the 15 I came whome The same day Aron starts Childe died & Thursday .22. Clement was heare."
Mar. 22, 1664/65; New London County grants Aaron 150 acres for his participation in the Pequot War. Source: LDS Microfilm Film #5593 Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664-1714; Book 1, page 58:.....on the 22 of March 1664, by the order of the town was Layed out one hundred and fiftie Acres of Land unto Aaron Stark of Southertown, as followeth The Length of it east & be South: The cross line south & be west: with a freshit running through it, with the medow belonging thereunto this sayd Land lieth neer the head of Thomas Parkes Land...... (Transcribed by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman)
May 13, 1665; Thomas Miner writes in his diary that a beech tree which was a boundary mark between the Minor and Mason property was destroyed by fire. Source: Minor Dairy; "Page 192-193 ; The 13. of May 1664. the originall Bound Tree marked in a litell swamp on the west side of the Creek between the major mason and Carie latham being a great Beech tree marked by Thomas minor and Robert hempsteed being appointed thereunto and Captaine Denison a witness with us was burned downe and Aron stark senior and John gallop senior did both goe with me and see ti did say in my hearing that washam did it the 6 day of the week."
Also in 1665, date unknown, Miner makes a strange statement which would seem to translate as follows "The choice was made before Goodman Cheesebrough challeged Mr. Stanton to make good his promise to go with him ?while? another showed it afterward and Aaron foretold it 7 days earlier." This seems to be something related to Miner's position as Magistrate involving an agreement between Cheesebrough and Stanton which Aaron probably witnessed seven days before the matter was brought to Miner's attention. Another possibility is Aaron witnessed this "promise" and told Miner seven days before it came to the Magistrates attention for a decision. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 201, 1664.
June 24th, Aaron with several others was appointed to warn Indians off of town land.22 This seems to have been consistent with what Aaron was already doing in the community. Source: Stark, Helen. Article prepared in 1937 titled, "Known Facts & Authorities". Her source was the Stonington Town Records.
November 5, 1664, Aaron Stark purchased property from Rev. William Thompson, located in New London at the head of the Mystic River on the west side. Approximately 500 acres may have been purchased by Aaron in this transaction. Source: New London Town Records 1647 - 1666 (Extracted by Eva Butler, Historian ); pg. 123.
March 15, 1665/66; Before Aaron had taken the oath, he was in a brawl with Thomas Parke and John Gallop. Miner reports he was informed of this fight when he returned from a town meeting in New London on March 8th of 1665/66. A hearing on the matter was scheduled for the 15th of March. Source: Minor Dairy, Page 67; 1665; "The first moneth is march … I was warned to a towne meeting the 2 day to chuse officers I was at London for malasses and paid Richard dart I was informed by edward Fanings of the broyle between Aron & Tho parke and John gallop wensday The 8. heare should have been a courte and wensday 15."
May 10, 1666; Aaron takes theFreeman's oath in Stonington. "Source 1: Parkhurst, Charles Dyer, New London, Connecticut and Vicinity Early Families, 1938, (Thirty-six volumes in Connecticut State Library, Hartford, and in New London Public Library Ref. 929.25); Vo. 25, page 1a, Quotes the work of, "Caulkins History of New London", p. 313; Quote "Arron Stark Died in 1685. This name is found at Mystic as early as 1653. In May 1666 Aaron Stark was among those who came to take the freeman's oath in Stonington, and in October 1669 was accepted as freeman of New London." Source 2: Trumbull, J. Hammond, A. N., "The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, From 1665 to 1678, Transcribed and Edited in Accordance with a Resolution of the General Assembly", page 32, published in Hartford, F. A. Brown, 1852. Quote "And to these of Stonington;--Nehe Palmer, The Shaw, Thomas Stanton, Jun., John Stanton, Moses Palmer, Benjamin Palmer, Gershom Palmer, Ephraim Minor, Joseph Minor, Aaron Start, James York, Sen.., Mr. Noice, Nath Chesborough, Elisha Chesborough. Mr. Thomas Stanton is to administer the freeman oath to those, and ye oath of Fidelity to each in Stonington as have not taken it." Source 3: Stark, Helen. Article prepared in 1937 titled, "Known Facts & Authorities". Her source was the Stonington Town Records. [Note: Helen's statement is the source of the date May 10, 1666. Clovis LaFleur, July, 2001]
October of 1669 he is excepted as a freeman in New London. The records show Aaron was not on the New London Minister's tax list in 1664, suggesting he moved to New London from Stonington between 1664 and 1667, but not until after May 10, 1666, the month he took the Freeman's oath in Stonington. Source: Stark, Helen. Article prepared in 1937 titled, "Known Facts & Authorities". Her source for Ministers list was the New London Town Records.
Mar. 1 1669/70; At the time Aaron and Sarah moved to New London, they still owned the land grant in Stonington. However, Aaron had not recorded his boundaries as originally laid out and on this date, Thomas Stanton and John Gallop, Stonington Town Surveyors, entered the property description into the town records which was recorded by Miner. Source: LDS Microfilm Film #5593 Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664-1714, Book 1, p. 118.
Sep. 26, 1670; The above was probably done in preparation for the sale of the property ,for on this date, Aaron sold the property to Robert Fleming of Stonington. This deed transaction was witnessed by John Fish and Sarah Stark, believed as stated above, to be the wife of Aaron. The deed was delivered to Fleming November 21, 1670 by Thomas Miner. Source: LDS Microfilm Film #5593 Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664-1714, Book 1, p. 123.
1685 From the New London County Court Records, Volume 5, page 109, June 3, 1685, "The inventory of the Estate of Aaron Stark, deceased, being exhibited in Court was proved and ordered to be recorded. The last will and testament of Aaron Stark, being exhibited in Court, was proved, approved and ordered to be recorded. Aron Stark, John Stark, and William Stark, sons to Aron Stark, Sr., deceased, appearing in Court and did declare and desire Capt. Samuel Mason might divide the lands left there by their father, and bound the same between them." We can surmise Aaron Stark, Sr. died sometime before June 2, 1685 and his lands were divided between his three sons named Aaron, John and William. Capt. Samuel Mason, the son of John Mason who had so much influence over Aaron's life, was requested to assist in the division of the estate. Aaron's son William would later sale a portion of his inheritance to the First Baptist Church of Groton, New London County, Connecticut, setting aside one and a half acres for a family burying ground, probably already in use at the time, where William would later be buried along with many other members of the Stark family. There are many unmarked grave sites in this cemetery of which one would probably be Aaron's and another, Sarah's.
Sarah 1620–1685 m. 1644/45
Children born in Mystic, New London, CT
Aaron Stark 1650–
Elizabeth Stark Haynes unknown–1739
John Stark 1652–1703
Aaron Stark 1657–1721
Margaret Stark Fish 1658–1705
Sarah Stark Fish 1660–1722
William Stark 1664–1730
[1] https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/90267246/aaron-stark
[2] https://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en&n=stark&oc=2&p=aaron
[3] http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~clovis/genealogy/index.htm
[4] http://www.starkeffect.com/users/stark/family_history/stark_family/...
[5] https://www.ourfamtree.org/browse.php/Aaron-Stark/p204512
[6] https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/4:1:LVLB-7VB FamilySearch Family Tree] - SmartCopy: Feb 27 2019, 12:32:01 UTC
[7] Tax List 02 DEC 1667 New London, New London, Ct. He does not appear to have been a follower of any religion and appears to have been unable to write his name.
[8] http://www.ktc.com/~clovis jr/aaronstarkbio.htm Biography of Aaron Stark, Sr. by Clovis LaFleur, May, 200 1 Full biography can be found at
[9] LDS Microfilm Film #5, 593 Stonington, New London Co, CT Deeds 1664 -1714; Book 2, page 280; June 11, 1673 deposition states, " The Testimony of Aron Starke Aged Sixtie five yeares or there Abouts." (Transcribed by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman) 1627-36
[10] Ackley, Hattie Stark, 1937 Stark Family Reunion Publication, Historian's Report, page 31. Quote: "In a historical sketch of the late Hon. Benjamin Stark, published in the "Ships and Engine Magazine", the statement is made that hisancestor, Aaron, landed at Salem, Essex Co., Ma, in 1627, and that he joined up with the Rev. Joseph Hooker and journeyed to Wethersfield, Conn
[11] "The Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly", Volume XII, No. 4, dated October, 1909, page 195, Article Titled, "Stark Descendant Family Lines; published by The "Old Northwest " Genealogical Society, Memorial Hall, East Broad Street, 1909. Reports Aaron arrived in 1629.
[12] Ancestral File Number FS8H-PL.1 He was born circa 1607/8 at England ~, United Kingdom.1 He married Mary Sarah (?) circa 1638/39 at Windsor/Mystic, New London, Connecticut, U.S.A..1 Aaron Stark died in 1684/85 at New London, New London, Connecticut, U.S.A..1 He was buried in 1684/85.1
1608 |
June 18, 1608
probably England
1652 |
Stonington, New London, Connecticut
1654 |
Coventry Settlement, Connecticut Colony, Connecticut, United States
1658 |
October 2, 1658
Groton, Connecticut Colony
1660 |
Mystic, Connecticut
Massachusetts Bay Colony
1664 |
Stonington, New London, Connecticut
1685 |
March 6, 1685
Age 76
Groton, New London County, Connecticut
Age 76
Groton, New London County, Connecticut, United States